Folia Cryptog. Estonica, Fasc. 47: 27–36 (2010) Checklist of the species of the genus Tricholoma (Agaricales, Agaricomycetes) in Estonia Kuulo Kalamees Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu, 40 Lai St. 51005, Tartu, Estonia. Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Estonian University of Life Sciences, 181 Riia St., 51014 Tartu, Estonia E-mail: [email protected] Abstract: 42 species of genus Tricholoma (Agaricales, Agaricomycetes) have been recorded in Estonia. A checklist of these species with ecological, phenological and distribution data is presented. Kokkukvõte: Perekonna Tricholoma (Agaricales, Agaricomycetes) liigid Eestis Esitatakse kriitiline nimestik koos ökoloogiliste, fenoloogiliste ja levikuliste andmetega heiniku perekonna (Tricholoma) 42 liigi (Agaricales, Agaricomycetes) kohta Eestis. INTRODUCTION The present checklist contains 42 Tricholoma This checklist also provides data on the ecol- species recorded in Estonia. All the species in- ogy, phenology and occurrence of the species cluded (except T. gausapatum) correspond to the in Estonia (see also Kalamees, 1980a, 1980b, species conceptions established by Christensen 1982, 2000, 2001b, Kalamees & Liiv, 2005, and Heilmann-Clausen (2008) and have been 2008). The following data are presented on each proved by relevant exsiccates in the mycothecas taxon: (1) the Latin name with a reference to the TAAM of the Institute of Agricultural and Envi- initial source; (2) most important synonyms; (3) ronmental Sciences of the Estonian University reference to most important and representative of Life Sciences or TU of the Natural History pictures (iconography) in the mycological litera- Museum of the Tartu University. In this paper ture used in identifying Estonian species; (4) T. gausapatum is understand in accordance with data on the ecology, phenology and distribution; Huijsman, 1968 and Bon, 1991. The following (5) references to mycothecas specimens available taxa recorded in earlier mycological literature in Estonia, using the internationally accepted of Estonia (cf Kalamees, U.,1962; Urbonas et abbreviations of the fungal collections TAAM or al, 1986; Kalamees, 1978, 2000; Järva & Par- TU; (6) comments. masto, 1980; Järva, Parmasto & Vaasma, 1998), The checklist principally follows the Index Tricholoma acerbum (Bull.: Fr.) Vent. 1872, T. Fungorum (1 June 2010). In the characteriza- robustum (Alb. & Schwein.: Fr.) Ricken 1915, T. tion of fungal habitats, the publication of Paal bufonium (Pers.: Fr.) Gillet 1874, T. sejunctum (1997) is used. The frequency of the occurrence (Sowerby: Fr.) Quél. 1872, T. ustale (Fr.: Fr.) P. of taxa is estimated according to a 6-point scale: Kumm. 1871, T. caligatum (Viv.) Ricken 1915, very rare – 1–2 localities, rare – 3–5 localities, T. coryphaeum (Fr.) Gillet 1874, T. elytroides rather rare – 6–10 localities, rather frequent – (Scop.) Fr. 1887 (=Porpoloma elytroides (Scop.) 11–20 localities, frequent – 21–50 localities, very Singer 1973), T. guttatum (Schaeff.) Sacc. 1887, frequent – 51 and more localities. T. inodermeum (Fr.) Gillet 1874, T. orirubens Quél. 1873, T. pardinum Quél. 1873, T. sciodes Abbreviations of iconography are following: (Pers.) C. Martin 1919, T. subsejunctum Peck BK - Breitenbach & Kränzlin, 1991 1912, T. tridentinum Singer 1943, are omitted Bres27 –Bresadola, 1927 in the checklist as no reliable specimens of the Bres28 – Bresadola, 1928 taxa supporting their presence in Estonia are Chr&Noordel - Christensen & Noordeloos, 1999 found in our mycothecas. CD – Courtecuisse & Duhem, 2000 CettoEnz – Cetto, 1987 28 Folia Cryptog. Estonica D – Dähncke, 2001-2004 TRICHOLOMA ALBOCONICUM (J.E. Lange) Clémençon, Galli – Galli, 1999 Mycol. helv. 1 (1): 26. 1983 Korh&Kytöv, Korhonen & Kytövuori, 1998 T. myomyces var. alboconicum J.E. Lange, Fl. KL – Kalamees & Liiv,2005, 2008 Agaric. Danic. 1: 55. 1935. KM – Konrad & Maublanc, 1927 Icon.: Chr.&Noordel. p.331, as T. argyraceum Kriegl – Krieglsteiner, 2001 var. inocybeoides; Lge 23B, as T. myomyces var. Kytöv – Kytövuori, 1988 alboconicum. Lge – Lange, 1935 Ecol. & Distr.: In deciduous and mixed forests, March – Marchand, 1986 typically in disturbed habitats, roadsides, parks, Nyl – Nylén, 2001 gardens, grassy forest edges and groves, under Phil – Phillips, 1988 deciduous and coniferous trees, May to Novem- RH – Ryman & Holmåsen, 1984 ber, very frequent, at places abundantly, one of Riva88 – Riva, 1988 the most common agarics in Estonia. Riva03 – Riva, 2003 Voucher specimens studied: TAAM075931, SNS - Salo, Niemelä & Salo, 2006 121538, 121571, 123591,197366. TRICHOLOMA ALBUM (Schaeff.: Fr.) P. Kumm., Führ. LIST OF SPECIES Pilzk. (Zwickau): 131. 1871 Agaricus albus Schaeff., Fung. Bavar. Palat 4: TRICHOLOMA (Fr.) Staude, Schwämme Mit- 68. 1774; A. albus Schaeff.: Fr., Syst. mycol. teldeutschl.: XXVIII, 125. 1857. (Lundae) 1: 53. 1821; T. album f. gracilis Bres., TRICHOLOMA AESTUANS (Fr.: Fr.) Gillet, Iconogr. Mycol. 3, tab. 108, 1928; T. album var. Les Hyménomycètes ou description de tous les thalliophilum Bon, Bull. trimest. Soc. mycol. champignons (fungi) qui croissent en France Fr. 85 (4): 486. 1970 [1969]; T. lascivum ss. (Alençon): 102. 1874 auct. p.p. Agaricus aestuans Fr.: Fr., Syst. mycol. (Lundae) Icon.: Bres28, 108, as T. album f. gracilis; 1: 47. 1821. Chr.&Noordel. p.323; March 840, as resplen- Icon.: CD 390; D p.241; Galli p.137; Korh&Kytöv dens, 841, 843, as T. album var. thalliophilum. 3; KL 187; Kriegl p.558; Riva03, 40; SNS p.136. Ecol. & Distr.: In oak and oak-mixed forests, Ecol. & Distr.: In Vaccinium vitis-idaea and V. under Quercus robur, in North and West Estonia myrtillus oligo-mesotrophic boreal pine and and Saaremaa and Muhu Islands, August to spruce-pine forest site types, under Pinus syl- October, rather frequent. vestris and Picea abies, August and September, Voucher specimens studied: TAAM143551, rather frequent. 177374, 197347; TU106372. Voucher specimens studied: TAAM121669, Comments: real distribution poorly known be- 144795, 182873. cause of the former taxonomic confusion with T. lascivum. TRICHOLOMA ALBOBRUNNEUM (Pers.: Fr.) P.Kumm., Führ. Pilzk. (Zwickau): 130. 1871 TRICHOLOMA APIUM Jul. Schäff., Z. Pilzk. 4: 65. Agaricus albobrunneus Pers., Syn. meth. fung. 1925 (Göttingen) 2: 293. 1801; A. albobrunneus Pers.: T. helviodor Pilát et Svrček, Stud. Bot. Čechoslav. Fr., Syst. Mycol. (Lundae) 1: 37. 1821; T. stria- 7: 2. 1946. tum ss. auct. mult.; T. stans ss. auct . p.p. Icon.: D p.250; Galli pp.188–189; Kriegl p.570, Icon.: BK 434, as T. stans; KL 182; Lge 16A, as as T. luteovirens; March 879; Nyl p.244; RH T. striatum; Nyl p.237; RH p.284. p.290; Riva88, 52; Riva03, 62. Ecol. & Distr.: In coniferous forests, especially Ecol. & Distr.: In sandy and calcareous pine and oligotrophic boreal heath, oligo-mesotrophic bo- pine-mixed forests, especially in Arctostaphylos real and coastal dune pine forests, under conif- alvar, Vaccinium myrtillus oligo-mesotrophic erous trees, August to November, very frequent. boreal and Cladina oligotrophic boreal heath Voucher specimens studied: TAAM146713, forests, under Pinus sylvestris, mainly in North 123374, 124540; TU106242. Estland and Saaremaa Island, also in Liiva-Putla Woodland Key Habitat in Saaremaa, August and September, rather rare. 29 Voucher specimens studied: TAAM 171993, Comments: According to Estonian mycological 185677, 189600. literature, all the finds from coniferous forests Comments: T. apium is protected by law (cat- published under the name T. sejunctum belong egory II) and belongs to the Estonian Red List to the species T. arvernense. The species T. se- of threatened species (EN) (cf Järva et al., 1999; junctum, growing under deciduous trees, has not I ja II kaitsekategooriana ….., 2004; Estonian been recorded in Estonia until the present day. Red List…, 2009). TRICHOLOMA ATROSQUAMOSUM (Chevall.) Sacc., Syll. TRICHOLOMA ARGYRACEUM (Bull.) Gillet, Les Hymé- fung. (Abellini) 5: 104. 1887 Agaricus atros- nomycètes ou description de tous les champi- quamosus Chevall., Strauch- und Laubflechten gnons (fungi) qui croissent en France (Alençon): Mitteleur. 1: 45. 1837; T. nigromarginatum Bres., 103. 1874 Stud. Trent. 7 (1): 52. 1926. Agaricus argyraceus Bull., Herb. Fr.: tab. 423. Icon.: D p. 264; Galli p.133 (top); March 851; 1779; T. argyraceum f. inocybeoides (A. Pearson) RH p.294. Mort. Chr. & Noordel., Persoonia 17 (2): 309. Ecol. & Distr.: In pine forests, under Pinus 1999; T. inocybeoides A. Pearson, Trans. Br. sylvestris, October, very rare; only one locality: mycol. Soc. 22 (1-2): 29. 1938; T. myomyces var. Saare Co., Muhu Island, Koguva, in young pine argyraceum (Bull.) J.E. Lange, Dansk bot. Ark. forest, 13 Oct 1983, K. Kalamees & M. Vaasma. 8 (3): 22. 1933; T. scalpturatum var. argyraceum Voucher specimens studied: TAAM123389. (Bull.) Kühner & Romagn., Fl. Analyt. Champ. TRICHOLOMA AURANTIUM (Schaeff.: Fr.) Ricken, Die Supér. (Paris): 154. 1953; Blätterpilze: 332. 1915 T. terreum var. argyraceum (Bull.) P. Kumm., Agaricus aurantia Schaeff., Fung. Bavar. Palat. Führ. Pilzk. (Zwickau): 134. 1871. 4: 68. 1774; A. aurantius Schaeff.: Fr., Syst. Icon.: D p.266, as T. inocybeoides; Galli p.120, Mycol. 1: 39. 1821. as T. inocybeoides; Riva88, 27, as T. inocy- Icon.: BK 412; CD 414; D p.228; Galli p.215; KL beoides; Riva03, 30, as T. inocybeoides. 184; KM 242; Kriegl p.526; Lge 18D; Nyl p.235; Ecol. & Distr.: In herb-rich coniferous, decidu- RH p.286; Riva88, 66; Riva03, 78; March 900. ous and mixed forests and groves and bushes, Ecol. & Distr.: In
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