(375 Aa) Was Cloned Into the Pym-IRES-Neo Vector and Various Mutations and Deletions of LDB1 Were Created (By Site Directed Mutagenesis) in This Background

(375 Aa) Was Cloned Into the Pym-IRES-Neo Vector and Various Mutations and Deletions of LDB1 Were Created (By Site Directed Mutagenesis) in This Background

Supplementary Material Supplementary Materials and Methods Plasmid construction The HA tagged full length LDB1 cDNA (375 aa) was cloned into the pYM-IRES-Neo vector and various mutations and deletions of LDB1 were created (by site directed mutagenesis) in this background. The shRNA target sequence located in the LID coding sequence of Ldb1 cDNA was altered without changing the amino acid coding sequence of LDB1 protein. The shRNA target sequence is underlined and mutated nucleotides are bolded and underlined: Wild type: cgacgaggacagctttaacaa Mutant: tgatgaagattcattcaataa The dimerization domain of LDB1 (amino acids 1-200) was deleted and the K365R (AAA to CGA) mutation at 3’ end of Ldb1 cDNA was introduced to stabilize the protein thus created. Deletions in the LDB1 DD included sequences encoding amino acids 31 to 43 (Δ1), 58-62 (Δ2), 86 to 97 (Δ3) or 173 to 192 (Δ4/5). DD-only proteins were created by deletion of LDB1 C- terminal sequences encoding amino acids 201-375. Further details of cloning are available upon request. For the LMO2 fusion (2xLMO2), LMO2 cDNAs were tethered in the sense orientation through a flexible linker (22-aa polypeptide [GT(GGGS)4GGGT]) (Wang et al., 2008). Co-immunoprecipitation Protein complexes were precipitated with anti-HA agarose (Sigma, A2095) overnight at 4oC. Agarose was washed 3 times with IP100 buffer (Brand et al., 2004). Bound proteins were eluted with HA peptides (Sigma) and analyzed by western blot. For LDB1/FOG1 experiments, the protein complexes were precipitated overnight at 4oC by antibodies against LDB1 or FOG1 and Dynabeads® Protein G (Life Technologies, 10004D), then washed once with IP500 and two times with IP100 and eluted as described (Brand et al., 2004). 1 RNA-seq library construction, sequencing and computational analysis RNA-seq libraries were constructed for induced MEL WT cells, LDB1 KD cells and LDB1 KD cells expressing either LDB1 FL or LDB1Δ4/5 using TruSeq RNA Sample Prep Kit V2 (Illumina) according to the manufacturers protocol. Three biological replicates of each cell type were sequenced on a HiSeq 2000. Illumina TruSeq adapters from the 51-bp single-end reads were clipped using cutadapt v.1.1 with default parameters (Martin, 2011). Clipped reads were then mapped to the UCSC mm9 assembly with TopHat v1.4.1 (Trapnell et al., 2009) using default parameters with the additional parameter--butterfly-search. The number of uniquely mapped reads for each library ranged from 13 to 55M, with a median of 24M. Reads mapping to repetitive regions defined by the UCSC RepeatMasker track were removed from further analysis. Reads were counted in exons of the Ensembl release 67 GTF for mm9, using HTSeq 0.5.3p9. Differential expression of genes for all pairwise comparisons was assessed with DESeq v1.10.1 (Anders and Huber, 2010). We defined genes repressed by LDB1 KD as those that, in the DESeq analysis, had an adjusted P value < 0.05 and a log2 fold change < -1 in gene expression between LDB1 KD cells and WT. To define rescued genes, we first used the variance-stabilized transformation (VST) in the DESeq package to obtain comparable scaled counts for all experiments. VST-scaled counts for replicates were averaged to obtain per-treatment values. Then, rescued genes were defined as those LDB1 KD repressed genes with equal or greater expression in LDB1 KD cells expressing LDB1 FL than WT, or, if genes have lower expression in LDB1 KD cells expressing LDB1 FL than WT, whose expression difference between WT and LDB1 FL expressing cells was less than half the expression difference between WT and LDB1 KD cells. More precisely, a gene was defined as rescued if it was an LDB1 KD repressed gene and satisfied the condition: ((WT - LDB1 FL) < 0) OR ((WT - LDB1 FL) < (0.5 * (WT - LDB1 KD)) AND ((WT - LDB1 FL) > 0)), where "WT", "LDB1 FL", and "LDB1 KD" are the averaged, VST- scaled counts for each treatment. Next, of the genes that were rescued by LDB1 FL, we defined a gene to be 4/5-dependent if it was repressed in LDB1 KD cells expressing LDB1Δ4/5 compared to LDB1 KD cells expressing 2 LDB1 FL (that is, log2 fold change < -1 and adjusted P value < 0.05). Otherwise, it was defined as 4/5-independent. Since the transcribed sequence for LDB1 differs between LDB1 delta 4/5 and LDB1 FL, we removed LDB1 from consideration in the downstream RNA-seq rescue and 4/5-dependence analysis. Finally, genes were defined to be LDB1 bound if there was an LDB1 peak in induced MEL cells within 1kb of the start position of the gene, inside gene body or within 1 kb of the end position of the gene ((Soler et al., 2010); BED file downloaded from the PSU genome browser, http://main.genome-browser.bx.psu.edu). The OMIM database was downloaded from a URL provided by omim.org (September 2013). A combination of Ensembl's BioMart (mapping human HGNC to orthologous mouse Ensembl IDs) and the "mousecorr" field in the OMIM database were used to identify human homologs of mouse genes. An OMIM entry was considered orthologous in mouse if one of these methods successfully mapped the HGNC human gene symbol to a mouse Ensembl gene. Primers ChIP primers Alas2 + 2kb Fw AGGGCAGGACTTTGCCTCTAATCT Alas2 + 2kb Rev AGATGTCCCAGTTCCTGCAGGTTT GypA Fw GTCCTCGCAGTTATGCAGAC GypA Rev GGCCTCTATCCGTTGACACA α-globin HS26 Fw TGACCATAGTCAACAGCAGGT α-globin HS26 Rev GCTCGTTCAAGCATCTCCAT A730036l17Rik Fw TCAAAACTCTGCCTCCTCCC A730036l17Rik Rev GATAGGTGAAAAGGCGCCAG Kctd14 Fw CTTAGAGTTCCTCAGGGGCG Kctd14 Rev GGGTACACAACGCTGTCTTG Ubash3a Fw TTTTCTTCACAGCCTCAGCC Ubash3a Rev CCATGTCTTCCTGCTTGCTG CD24a Fw AACAAAGGAAACTTGGGCCG CD24a Rev CTCTGGCACAGCTAGGGTTT Treml1 Fw TGTCAGCCTCGATGGATAGC Treml1 Rev GCTGGGCAGTAGTAGGTTCT Ypel3 Fw CAGCCCTTTCTCTCCTTCCA Ypel3 Rev TCCCAGCCGTTGTCTTTGAT qRT-PCR primers α-globin Fw GCTGAAGCCCTGGAAAGGAT α-globin Rev GGCTTACATCAAAGTGAGGAAAGT Alas2 Fw CCATCTTAAGGCAACCAAGGC 3 Alas2 Rev ACAGCATGAAAGGACAATGGC GypA Fw ATTCATGTCTCAACTTATCACA GypA Rev CCAATGTGTGGTGAGACAGGCT A730036l17Rik Fw GCATTCAGGACTTGCTCTGG A730036l17Rik Rev GTCCTCACACTTGGCTTGTG Kctd14 Fw ATGCCACAGATCTTCGGTGA Kctd14 Rev AGGACCTCCAGGTTTTCTCTG Ubash3a Fw GCCAGTAAAGACGCTGACAC Ubash3a Rev ACCTCTTCCTGGAAAGCTCG CD24a Fw AGTAACGCTACCACCAGAGG CD24a Rev GTTTCCTGGCCTGAGTCTCT Treml1 Fw GATCCACCATCAAGCGAACC Treml1 Rev TCCTGGGAAGACAACTGTGG Ypel3 Fw CATGTGGCTTCAGCCTGG Ypel3 Rev GTACAGGAGCTGGGTCCTTC Neo Fw TCGACGTTGTCACTGAAGCG Neo Rev GGATACTTTCTCGGCAGGAGC Ldb1’UTR Fw GGGGTACTCATGTGGATGCCTGT Ldb1 3’UTR Rev ACCCAGAACCTGGGGTAAGAACG Hprt Fw TGACACTGGTAAAACAATGCAAACT Hprt Rev AACAAAGTCTGGCCTGTATCCAA All other primers have been described (Song et al., 2007; Handoko et al., 2011). Antibodies Antibodies used for western blots were against HA (Roche, 11867423001), Tubulin (Sigma, T5168), LDB1 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, sc-11198), TAL1 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, sc- 12984), FOG1 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, sc-9361), ETO2 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, sc- 9739), GATA1 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, sc-265), LMO2 (R&D, AF2726) and appropriate HRP-fused secondary antibodies from Santa Cruz Biotechnology or Goat TrueBlot®: Anti-Goat IgG HRP (Rockland Immunochemicals, 18-8814-33). Antibodies from Santa Cruz Biotechnology were used in ChIP for GATA1 (sc-1233), BRG1 (sc- 10768), Pol II (sc-899), FOG1 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology,sc-9361), MTA2 (sc-9474), HDAC1 (sc-7872), CBP (sc-369) and LAMB1 (sc-6217). Other antibodies were against AcH3 (Millipore, 06-599), H3 (Abcam, ab1791), and HA (Millipore, 05-904). 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(B) Western blot of protein extracts from three induced LDB1 FL-expressing LDB1 KD MEL cell lines with LDB1 or HA antibodies. α-tubulin served as loading control. (C) β-globin and 5 endogenous LDB1 gene expression in three induced LDB1 FL-expressing LDB1 KD MEL cell lines. Induced cells containing an empty vector (Empty) served as a control. Expression in induced WT MEL cells was set to 1. Error bars indicate SEM, N=3 biological replicates. Figure S2. K365R mutation stabilizes LDB1ΔDD. (A) Western blotting of protein extracts from LDB1 KD MEL cells expressing LDB1 FL and LDB1ΔDD with antibodies against HA. α- tubulin served as loading control. (B) Expression level of transgenic RNA measured by real-time PCR with primers to neo-resistant gene. Expression level in LDB1 FL was set to 1. Error bars indicate SEM, N=3. (C) Western blotting of protein extracts from LDB1 KD MEL cells expressing LDB1ΔDD incubated at 30o C overnight or treated with 26S proteasome inhibitor MG132 with antibodies against HA.

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