International Journal of Medical Informatics 62 (2001) 113–119 www.elsevier.com/locate/ijmedinf Medical informatics—the state of the art in the Hospital Authority N.T. Cheung a,*, K.W. Fung a, K.C. Wong b, A. Cheung c, J. Cheung c, W. Ho c, C. Cheung c, E. Shung a, V. Fung a, H. Fung a a Hospital Planning and De6elopment Di6ision, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong, China b Department of Medicine, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong, China c Information Technology/Information Ser6ices, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong, China Abstract Since its inception in 1990, the Hospital Authority (HA) has strongly supported the development and implementa- tion of information systems both to improve the delivery of care and to make better information available to managers. This paper summarizes the progress to date and discusses current and future developments. Following the first two phases of the HA information technology strategy the basic infrastructural elements were laid in place. These included the foundation administrative and financial systems and databases; establishment of a wide area network linking all hospitals and clinics together; laboratory, radiology and pharmacy systems with access to results in the ward. A major push into clinical systems began in 1994 with the clinical management system (CMS), which established a clinical workstation for use in both ward and ambulatory settings. The CMS is now running at all major hospitals, and provides single logon access to almost all the electronically collected clinical data in the HA. The next phase of development is focussed on further support for clinical activities in the CMS. Key elements include the longitudinal electronic patient record (ePR), clinical order entry, generic support for clinical reports, broadening the scope to include allied health and the rehabilitative phase, clinical decision support, an improved clinical documenta- tion framework, sharing of clinical information with other health care providers and a comprehensive data repository for analysis and reporting purposes. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Hospital information systems; Clinical information systems; Hong Kong 1. Introduction care systems. The traditional paper medical record is no longer adequate for today’s We enter the new millennium faced with health care environment, with its multidisci- rapidly changing, increasingly complex health plinary, cross-setting care, requirements for quantitative indicators of quality and effec- tiveness and increasing demands on informa- * Corresponding author. Present address: Hospital Author- ity Buildings, 147B Argyle St., Kowloon, Hong Kong. tion from patients, purchasers and other E-mail address: cheungnt@ha.org.hk (N.T. Cheung). third parties. The problem is well recognized; 1386-5056/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S1386-5056(01)00155-1 114 N.T. Cheung et al. / International Journal of Medical Informatics 62 (2001) 113–119 the Institute of Medicine has called for a clinical workstation, giving single logon ac- concerted effort to develop computer-based cess to all the available clinical information record systems to meet these new demands [1] from either the ward or clinic setting. The and countries have developed national initia- original functionality included discharge sum- tives on health information [2,3]. mary generation with ICD9-CM coding, dis- In Hong Kong, the Hospital Authority charge and outpatient prescription ordering (HA) has devoted considerable resources to with electronic transfer to pharmacy, clinical develop its clinical information systems. This notes and appointment booking. The CMS article describes the history of this develop- provided demonstrable operational benefits ment, the current state, and future plans. [5], and over the next few years the system was gradually extended and implemented in all 14 major acute hospitals and their associ- 2. Background ated clinics. Today there are some 2000 CMS workstations being used by around 19,000 2.1. History of IT/IS in HA staff to enter or retrieve clinical information. In 1999, with the rollout of CMS phase I When HA was established in 1991, there nearly complete, our attention turned to de- was very low information system penetration, veloping the next phase of CMS. with only isolated pockets of computeriza- tion. A three-stage IT/IS strategy was formu- lated [4]. 3. CMS phase II Stage I. Establishment of the key corpo- rate databases of patients, staff, finance Although the use of clinical data has ex- and assets and the wide area network. panded far beyond the realm of direct patient Stage II. Clinical systems at the front line care, the clinical care processes still lie at the and at the clinical departments. heart of clinical information collection and Stage III. Integrated Healthcare Informa- usage [6]. The key focus of CMS phase II is tion Systems: informational databases in- to provide better support for the clinical care tegrating clinical, financial, costing and processes, while ensuring that good clinical management areas and information data is available for quality initiatives, man- sharing with third parties. agement, planning and research. We em- The early phases of the strategy put the barked upon a lengthy consultative process, basic infrastructural elements into place. soliciting extensive input from clinicians, in- These included the patient master index, ad- formaticians, managers and technologists, ministrative and financial systems and data- and eight key areas were identified for CMS bases, establishment of a wide area network phase II development. linking all hospitals and clinics together; and laboratory, radiology and pharmacy systems 3.1. Electronic patient record (ePR) with access to results in the ward. With computerization some benefits, such 2.2. The clinical management system as legibility and accessibility, are easy to achieve. However, the more advanced The clinical management system (CMS) benefits of health information systems, in- began in 1994. CMS provided an integrated cluding efficient data presentation and clini- N.T. Cheung et al. / International Journal of Medical Informatics 62 (2001) 113–119 115 cal decision support, are predicated on a The initial development of the ePR will properly designed electronic record [7]. The consolidate the information which is cur- Institute of Medicine, in its landmark study, rently being captured. These include labora- The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Es- tory, pharmacy, radiology, diagnoses and sential Technology for Health Care, empha- procedures. The ePR will then be extended to sizes this point by defining the computer- include images and multimedia, as well as the based patient record (CPR) as ‘an electronic other clinical data being developed in CMS patient record that resides in a system specifi- phase II. cally designed to support users by providing accessibility to complete and accurate data, 3.2. Generic order entry alerts, reminders, clinical decision support systems, links to medical knowledge and To fully realize the benefits of clinical in- other aides’ [1]. formation systems, they must be integrated In CMS phase I, patient data is distributed with and directly support the care processes widely across multiple systems and locations, [6,8]. Entry of orders by physicians is one of and although the clinical workstation can the most direct ways of integrating the infor- access any appropriate information through mation system into the care process, and the intranet it is difficult to provide efficiently physician order entry has demonstrated a complete overview of the patient for view- benefits in ‘process improvement, cost-con- ing by clinicians, let alone provide clinical scious decision making, clinical decision sup- port, and optimal use of physician time’ [9]. data to drive decision support systems. It has been shown that if the care-giver di- There are two parts to the ePR. From the rectly enters requests and orders then alerts clinician point of view the key feature is the and reminders are of greatest value [10] and provision of an integrated view of all the that clinical guidelines are much more effec- important clinical data for a patient. This tive when coupled with physician order entry view will span both functions or disciplines [11]. A study of the CMS found improve- and settings. The second part of the ePR is ments in the process, time savings and a the clinical repository. This repository will reduction in errors resulting from the online contain all the clinical information at a sum- entry of prescriptions [5]. mary level, and the ePR will enable clinicians From its inception, CMS included direct to ‘drill-through’ to the complete details con- physician entry of prescriptions for discharge tained within the source system. and outpatients. In CMS phase II, we aim to The ePR lies at the center of CMS phase dramatically increase the order entry func- II. It moves CMS from function-centered to tionality by developing a generic order entry patient centered, making the CMS a window engine, which will be capable of handling any onto the patient record, rather than a series clinical orders, including referrals and consul- of functional modules which can act upon tations. The system will be developed with patient data. Since the ePR repository con- protocols, guidelines and care plans in mind solidates all the important clinical informa- and will interface with departmental systems tion, it will serve as the information source as required. against which patient-specific clinical decision A laboratory order entry prototype is al- support functions can work and will also ready in operation in two hospitals and this form the basis for information sharing with year the prototype will be extended to include other health care providers. radiology orders. 116 N.T. Cheung et al. / International Journal of Medical Informatics 62 (2001) 113–119 3.3. Generic results reporting will leverage the technology of the clinical data framework (CDF, see below), and the CMS phase I supports laboratory and radi- outcomes will be an important part of the ology results.
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