MusicalStructure Music Structure andJohnIo BailyHuman Movement* andPETER CognitionEdited HOWELL by The study of music and cognitionINTRODUCTION usually treatsmusic as though it were a UniversityDepartmentIAN LondonCollege CROSSof PsychologyLondon perceptionpurelymusicstructure isacoustical only through of musicone orwhichaspect and sonic theperceptionof phenomenon: musicalcognitive cognition;is representationsmediated. The ofcentralthe equalBut special theof issuesinterest the auditory cases parameters are and ofseen perceptionimportance singing to of bemusic andthe ofis ROBERTDepartmentThe CityLondon University of WEST Music gardlessationvocalthemovement cognition music,of synthesisedof whetherin mechanical ofrelationship performance. the music, instrumentmusic, to the the Leavingand activity active isthe blown, possibilities aside ofsurface music bowed, of now makinga plucked,musicalavailable involves concussed,instrument, for thepatterned gener- per re- - InstituteDe CrespignyLondon of Psychiatry Park First,action.throughcussed, there Looking orwhich made is a musicalneed toat soundthings to studypatterns inin some thisthe are wayway other produced: thatopens way. musical up Human Musictwo patternspossiblemovement is the may sonic lines beis therepresentedproductof inquiry.process of havethosesound.cognitively certainof Second, conscious by intrinsic the since performercontrol), the modes motor which asof apparatuspatterns operation, together of and movementweconstitute itsneedcontrolby tothesensorimotorrather mechanismsconsider sensorimotor than asthe factors. patterns(including extent system, ofto 1985 whichethnocentricglected18It chapters is, the perhaps,in creationthe isintellectual onstudy hardlythe of of performancemusical the endeavour.surprising psychology structures of Inthat music, Deutsch ofmattersis shapedmusic, that (1982), ofbywhichperformanceSloboda.for is,example, after And have all,it only is beena also highly one ne-not of London(HarcourtOrlandoACADEMIC Brace ovanovich,San PRESS DiegoPublishers)New York Belfast.BlackingLaboratoryThis research The and of present theExperimental was author, supported paper at Psychology,wasthe by Department writtena research whileUniversity grant of the Social from author of Sussex, theAnthropology, wasSocial ina Science1983Visiting The-1984. ResearchResearch Queen's I wish Council toFellowUniversity thank to at John the of TorontoMontrealSydneyTokyo BlackingMUSICAL STRUCTUREand Paul Berliner AND COGNMON for their comments on237 an earlyCopyright draft CC of 1985,this by paper.Academic Press Inc. (Domdon) Ltd. havenomenawithout238 not significanceonlyis called tended Music tothat use Perception.a fornew their journalJohn researches Practitioners Bailyaddressed those to ofkinds the the studyofpsychology music of musicalthat ofare music mostphe- conceptualaresearch prominent on Africanlinkfeature between 10.inmusic. theMusic performancemusic There Structure andcan bedance andof little many Human is doubt verykinds Movement thatclose. of overtmusic According body in Africa, movement to andKubik 239the is teachersaboutproceedhighly the valued ofin nature music,the in absence ofWestern for music it must of putsociety some be forward said setbut that ofhave by assumptions researchwestern also implicitly onmusicians. musicabout adopted andthe musicologists, cognitionnature certain of cannot musicviews and whichinAfricanbecause(1979), the Igboare languages,therethe thought languageelement is an ofthe oldof theas samedancelike viewinseparable term word that "egwu" movement is"African usedcomponents embraces for inmusicboth performance music, ofmusic is a performancenot andsong, sound isdance; sodance alone"strong.offor and "music." example, (p.In drama, some227) soundsultimatelystudyitself.It is A ofto -from common theethnomusicology irrelevant motor single Western control sine to the waves view thatof central musical theregards to extendedtask issue, performance musicof inquirywhich musical as primarily is into the maystructures. the perception bea nature sonic interesting phenomenon;of of music musical but has is theaswhich Inthe nature 1928, relationshiphe discussed of von African Hornbostel[ between what vocal were polyphony.speech publishedto become tone and and amajor seminal the melodic organizationissues know.paper contourin the hadon laterof in Africannopolyrhythm. tonal literature,opportunity languages, music suchVon into closernomusicologistsneededfallen, theyfor to onlydistinguish come ethnomusicology whoto specifying havebetween pursued universals thehas cultureaccessthis line in to -specific music, ofthe inquiry necessary the and morehave the cross- theyrealiseduniversal. culturalare dealingthat Eth-data the aries,wasobserveHornbostelinsights, th' or directlyphonogram, explorers.and never one the of visited Despite performancethem usually Africaconcerned these recorded of and,limitations, African the as in musicfar the music.as vonfield -movementwe HornbostelTheby anthropologists,sourceissue. hadof hisIn some discussinginformation mission- inspired a forseveralnomusicologybeingwith the phenomena (Harwood, studyareas ofwhere andmusic that 1976; theirthe are and psychology rootedKolinski,interests cognition in overlap.the isof1967; psychophysiologicalnot music simplyThe Meyer. are importance that different, 1960). it brings ofnature Thebut ethnomusicology into thisgoals of the theis research ofonehuman eth- of motility,tions,therecording beaters and regarding of concludes:is xylophone controlled its audible "[Themusic,by spatial player]quality he suggestsrelationships ratherrealizes that as aratherparallelmelodyside -issue,than motion above by although musical of all the as hands aconsidera- an desirable act with of thestudyprinciplesarena architects ofa wealthmusic unknown of -making ofthe seemingly anthropologicalor unused as a process exotic in Western insteadapproach data frommusic, of injust musicalethnomusicology but music also systemsas that a product. it emphasises organizedhas Asput oneit: the"At onof one"work,madeOne (p. in Blackingof its49). the performance first made analyses what was of heacarried piece called ofout musicalAfrican byBlackingmusic andthephysical in (1955).Congo). terms Inofanalyses Through thisthe movementspioneering of experi- eight relevantandbiological.some it levelis to the ofanpsychological, taskanalysis, explanation of the all ethnomusicologist musical sociological,of musical behaviour sound" cultural, is to (Blacking, structured, identify or purely all 1973,whether musical processes p. in17). processes; relation that are to recordedpatternsplaying(1955)mentation was of thetunes with fingering ablemusic. playeda fourto reconstruct Hewhich,-holed on found the flutecoupled Butembo thatthe similar fingeringsthewith flute tomusicvarying that (from usedandwas degrees blowingforconstructed the of recordings, overblowingtechniques from Blackingrepeated used on the in fieldnexttionshipethnomusicologistsGiven sectionresearch thisbetween ofemphasis that this movementinvolved chapter. should on the aThehave processesandcomparison section music.had someof followingSome musicof twointeresting ofmaking, types this that workof discusses itinsights plucked is isto reviewedbe into theexpectedkite results thefound in rela- thatthe ofin theinstrumentspatialBlacking tunes, properties and to (1961) obtain he suggestedof produced upperthe instrument. partials, thata fuller the seemed analysisshape kalimba,toof andgenerate thediscussion music a formthe was melodic of influenced thelamellaphone, music sequences -move-by the of a aspectsAfghanistan. of musical In the cognition final section, are briefly certain discussed. relationships between sonic and motor commonment'Erich issue von type with Hornbostel of referenceAfrican was instrument oneto the of the Nsenga majorconsisting figures offorin a comparative setpsychologists of flexible musicology, to keysreflect (usually that as conyeth- sonicThe patterns insightsMOVEMENT of that music ethnomusicologists and human PATTERNS movement have IN had AFRICANhave about come the MUSICabout relationship mainly betweenthrough distinguishedindirectorshipparativenomusicology the Phonogram musicology of colleagues Carlwas Archive. knownStumpf. was worked first up Researchestablished establishedto therethe 19505. on until atmusic at thethe Itthe is institutewas1930s. Institute interesting basedin foron 1902. thePsychology analysisVon Hornbostel inof Berlin,field recordings andthen a under group placed the of 242 10. Music Structure and HumanMovement 243 I. Theresoundconvertingused isfor pattern a recognitionplaying movement (its an microstructure) ofinstrument. patterns the importanceJohn into ABaily sounddepends musical of studyingpatterns. oninstrument the theThe characteristics movement exact isa nature transducer, patterns of of thethe termsTheofintrinsic the relationship musicof structurea third played factor, betweenand on modes it.the anIt human isof instrument tooperation. this sensorimotor problem andIn particular, its that music system, we now ithas is which necessarytoaddress be examinedhas ourselves. to its look own inat alevelWhenmovement motor of a movement,corpusgrammar. pattern. of instrumental suggesting thatpieces performance is analysed, is unity in some may sense emerge based at theon newinstrument.thefoundThe interaction musical inresearch, Afghanistan. instrument, between carried Thethe theout structuresmusic14- in 1973stringed culture -1974,of Heratithe of human investigatedAfghanistandutár, bodya
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