Balkan Popular Culture and the Ottoman Ecumene Music, Image, and Regional Political Discourse Edited by Donna A. Buchanan Europea: Ethnomusicologies and Modernities, No. 6 The Scarecrow Press, Inc. Lanham, Maryland • Toronto • Plymouth, UK 2007 Contents Illustrations Figures ix Tables xi Contents of CD-ROM Plates xi Sound Recordings xiii Video Recordings xiv Series Foreword xv Preface and Acknowledgments xvii Prelude 1. "Oh, Those Turks!" Music, Politics, and Interculturaliry in the Balkans and Beyond 3 Donna A. Buchanan Part I Post-1989 Culture Industries and Their Nationalist Icons 2. Bosnian and Serbian Popular Music in the 1990s: Divergent Paths, Conflicting Meanings, and Shared Sentiments 57 Ljerka VidicRasmussen 3. Muzica Orientals. Identity and Popular Culture in Postcommunist Romania 95 Margaret H. Beissinger viii Contents 4. Bulgarian Chalga on Video: Oriental Stereotypes, Mafia Exoticism, and Politics 143 Vesa Kurkela 5. Regional Voices in a National SoundScape: Balkan Music and Dance in Greece 175 Kevin Dawe Part II Beyond Nation: Regionalisms in a Cosmopolitan Frame 6. Ottoman Echoes, Byzantine Frescoes, and Musical Instruments in the Balkans 193 Gabriel a Unite hi I. Bulgarian Ethnopop along the Old Via Militaris: Ottomanism, Orientalism, or Balkan Cosmopolitanism? 225 Donna A. Buchanan 8. "The Criminals of Albanian Music": Albanian Commercial Folk Music and Issues of Identity since 1990 269 Jane C. Sugarman 9. Shedding Light on the Balkans: Sezen Aksu's Anatolian Pop 309 Martin Stokes 10. Trafficking in the Exotic with "Gypsy" Music: Balkan Roma, Cosmopolitanism, and "World Music" Festivals 335 Carol Silverman Postlude I1. Balkan Boundaries and How to Cross Them: A Postlude 365 Svanibor Pettan Contents ix References 385 Discography 417 Filmography and Videography 423 Index 425 About the Editor and Contributors 439 Illustrations Figures 1.1 Uskudara gider iken 5-6 1.2 Sharky Negavend: Lyubovnaya 7 1.3 Apo kseno topo ki ap alaryino. Dragoumis 1991:392, No. 33 12-13 1.4 De mas tes danizis. Dragoumis 1991:282, No. 34 13 1.5 Apo kseno topo ki apo alaryino. Baud-Bovy 1935:114-15, No. 45 14 1.6 Ehasa mantili. Archives musicales de folklore, Athens, Aivali 14-15 1.7 Ehasa mantili. Songs and Dances of Smyrna and Erythraea, 1994 15-16 1.8 Ehasa mantili. As sung by Stratis Rallis 16-17 1.9 Apo tin AthinaJAzizie, as perfomed by Sophia Bilides 18-19 1.10 Mia kali kontoula. Rigas 1958 20-21 1.11 Terk in Amerika 23 1.12 Fel sharah canet betet masha 25 1.13 An Arab rendition of the Uskudara tune 27 1.14 Mu ne bashten 28 1.15 Albanian school song 29 1.16 Ruse kose, euro, imas 30-31 1.17 Ala, tsuro, kose imash 32 1.18 Cherni ochi imash, libe 33 1.19 Ah, Mar ike, pilentse 34 1.20 Mirjano, oj, Mirjano. As published in Borisav Stankovic's Kostana 35 .21 Mirjano, oj Mirjano (excerpt). Stevan Mokranjac version 36 x Contents 1.22 Eartha Kitt's spoken narrative between verses of her UskaDara, ca. 1953 37 1.23 Raspici-opici. Performed by Vatrogasci 39-40 1.24 Bosnian sevdalinka text in Adela Peeva's Whose Song is This? 44 1.25 Yasen mesets vech izgryava. As sung in Peeva's Whose Song is This? 46 2.1 • "Only unity saves the Serbs," by Bora Dordevic 65 2.2 Putnici, Dino Merlin 80-81 2.3 Sredinom, by Dino Merlin 82 3.1 Invafa, nevasta, sa ma prefuie$ti, mm. 1—5, as- sung by §tefan de la Barbules, ti 110 3.2 Nu §tiu dacam-ai iubit, mm. 1-9, as sung by MihaitaNamol 112 3.3 Cefatafrumoasa am intilnit, mm. 13-20, as sung by Adrian Copilul Minune 113 3.4 Cefatafrumoasa am intilnit, mm. 1-12 114 3.5 Sexi, sexi, as sung by Marian Zaharia 118 3.6 Pe la spate, as sung by Bobi 119 3.7 Prinfesa mea, as performed by Adrian Copilul Minune 119 3.8 Mi-am cumparat un celular, performed by NeluPetrache 120 3.9 Of, via(a mea, performed by Adrian Copilul Minune 121 4.1 Danutsi, performed by Petra 150 4.2 Levovete v marki, rhythmic accompaniment 152 4.3 Levovete v marki, by Sashka Vaseva 153 4.4 Zhega, by Valentin Valdes 155 4.5 The kyuchek rhythm in 4/4 time 158 4.6 Levovete v marki, by Sashka Vaseva. Melody and harmonic accompaniment 159 4.7 Menteta, menteta, by Kiril Lambov 160-61 7.1 The ayyub rhythmic mode 241 7.2 The ciftetelli rhythmic mode 242 7.3 Akh, badzhanak, badzhanak, by Ivo Barev 242-43 7.4 5am li si, performed by Mustafa Chaushev 244 7.5 Az sum vesela ipeya, performed by Orkestur Kristal 248-49 7.6 Sofiiski barovets (excerpt), performed by Ts. Nikolich 253 Contents xi 7.7 Main Title, composed by Joseph LoDuca, from Fox TV's Xena, Warrior Princess 257 8.1 Mashalla-Mashalla, by Zyberi. Performed by the Aliu Brothers and AVI Rinia 272 8.2 Kenaqu sonte. Performed by Ramadan Krasniqi and Corona 282 8.3 Degjo zemren tende, performed by Zyber Avdiu 284 8.4 Mobili, performed by Zyber Avdiu 285 Tables 4.1 Oriental Myths and Stereotypes in Chalga 162 4.2 Sanitized Oriental (Ottoman) Images 163 6.1 Iconographic Representations of the Davul and Zurna in Balkan Frescoes, 14th—17th Century 198-99 7.1 Selected Joint Southeast European Initiatives since 1989 226-27 7.2 The Bulgarian Commercial Music Scene, 1990-2000 230-311 7.3 Pop-folk Idioms 234 7.4 Politico-Economic Factors Driving Orientalized Productions of Bulgarian Music 254 Contents of CD-ROM Plates 2.1 "Free B-92" Yugoslav rock music concert poster 2.2 Sculpture of "Multicultural Man" 2.3 Political cartoon of "Multicultural Man" 3.1 MuzicS orientals at a Romani wedding in Pite§ti 3.2 Seven village lautari at a Romanian wedding in Cartojani 3.3 Cassette cover, Vara manelelor 3.4 Cassette cover, Stefan de la Barbulesti: Mi-e Dor de Tine 3.5 Manea dancing at a Bucharest wedding 3.6 A Romanian bride dances the manea 3.7 The Copiii Orientului ensemble at a Bucharest wedding 3.8 Musicians at a Romani wedding in Bucharest xii Contents 3.9 Romanian synthesizer player at a Romanian wedding in Targovi§te 3.10 Romanian men dance the ISutar hora performed by a village ensemble 5.1 Balkania Festival poster 5.2 Balkania Festival: Musicians and Macedonian dancers 5.3 Balkania Festival: Thanasis Serkos's ensemble 6.1 Psalm 14 8: The Church of the Nativity of Christ, Arbanas i, Bulgaria 6.2 The Mocking of Christ: Bogoroditsa Peribleptos, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia 6.2 Detailed view 6.3 The Mocking of Christ: Staro Nagoricano, near Kumanovo, Republic of Macedonia 6.3 Detailed view 6.4 The Mocking of Christ: St. Nicholaos Orphanos, Thessaloniki, Greece 6.5 Psalm 150: Hreljio Tower, Rila, Bulgaria 6.6 Psalm 150: Monastery of St. Gavril Lesnovski, Lesnovo (Kratovo), Republic of Macedonia 6.6 Detailed view 6.7 The Mocking of Christ: St. Nikita Monastery, Cucer, Republic of Macedonia 6.7 Detailed view 6.8 The Mocking of Christ: Baline§ti, Romania 6.9 The Mocking of Christ: Dobrova^, Romania 6.10 The Mocking of Christ: Zurna detail, Dobrova{, Romania 6.11 The Mocking of Christ: Humor Monastery, Romania 6.12 The Last Judgment: VoroneJ, Romania 6.13 Psalm 150: Dekoulou, Greece 7.1 Romani bear trainer 7.2 Mustafa Chaushev 7.3 Sashka Vaseva 7.4 Marin Dzhambazov and Orkestur "Knezha": "The dream of the sheik" 7.5 Orkestur Kozari: "Yana Bibiyana" 7.6 Ibro Lolov: "Gypsy varieties" 7.7 "First Romani Festival: Stara Zagora '93" 7.8 Ivo Barev: "With the name of God" 7.9 Belite Shisharki: "Forgive me" Contents 7.10 Valentin Valdes: "Thought of a woman" 7.11 Valentin Valdes: "Bad company" 8.1 The Aliu Brothers at "Diagonal" 8.2 Selling Albanian recordings at a Struga mall 8.3 A collage of Albanian popular music cassette wrappers 8.4 . Corona and Nysret Muciqi at a Prishtina circumcision 8.5 "Diagonal" and its owner 10.1 The Gypsy Caravan at Ft. Worth's Bass Concert Hall 10.2 Taraf de Haidouks: Band of Gypsies 10.3 Fanfare Ciocarlia: lag Bari 10.4 Yuri Yunakov and Ivo Papazov 10.5 Esma Redzepova and Ansambl Teodosievski 11.1 A shawm and drum ensemble in Prizren 11.2 A chalgiya ensemble in Prizren 11.3 Svetlana Raznatovic-Ceca performs a concert in Ljubljana Sound Recordings Track # in Text Description 1 CD 1.1 Uskudara gider iken, performed by Ulugbek Nurmukhamedov 2 CD 1.2 Ehasa mantili, performed by a group of Erythraean women 3 CD 1.3 Ehasa mantili, sung by Stratis Rallis, Mytilene 4 CD 1.4 Apo tin Athina/Azizie, sung by Sophia Bilides 5 CD 1.5 Yodukha rayonai, performed by Divahn 6 CD 1.6 Eftahpi berrina, recorded by Leo Levi, Djerba, Tunisia, 1968 CD 1.7 Felsharah canet betet masha, performed by Gloria Levy CD 1.8 Arab rendition of Uskudara, performed by Balkanalia 9 CD 1.9 Istanbul turkusu, performed by Erol Parlak 10 CD 1.10 Ala, tsuro, kose imash, performed by Zorka Drempetic and the M. Karnevac ensemble 11 CD 1.11 Raspidi-opici, performed by Vatrogasci 12 CD 2.1 Putnici, performed by Dino Merlin 13 CD 2.2 Sredinom, performed by Dino Merlin xiv Contents 14 CD 3.1 InvafS, nevastS, sSmSprefuie$ti, performed by §tefan de la Barbule§ti 15 CD 3.2 Nu §tiu dacSm-ai iubit, performed by Mihai^a Namol 16 CD 3.3 CefatSfrumoasSam intilnit, performed by Adrian Copilul Minune 17 CD 4.1 Menteta, menteta, performed by Georgi Sergiev & Orchestra Diamant 18 CD 7.1 Zhivot sledsmurtta, performed by Atlas 19 CD 7.2 Mitana, performed by Nona Iotova and Ivan Lechev 20 CD 7.3 Kardarashki kyuchek, performed by Orkestur Melodiya 21 CD 7.4 Naslada, Orkestur Pautaliya 22 CD 7.5 Chshae shukarie, performed by Dzhipsi Aver 23 CD 7.6 Sam li si, performed by Mustafa Chaushev 24 CD 7.7 Az sumvesela i peya, performed by Orkestur Kristal 25 CD 8.1 Mashalla-Mashalla, performed by Vellezerit Aliu with AVI Rinia 26 CD 8.2 Kenaqu sonte, performed by Ramadan Krasniqi and Corona 27 CD 8.3 Degjo zemren tende, performed by Zyber Avdiu Video Recordings 4.1 Danutsi, performed by Petra 4.2 Levovete v marki, performed by Sashka Vaseva 4.3 Zhega, performed by Valentin Valdes.
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