2nd International Conference on Contribution of RAHBAR -I-AZAM DEENBANDHU SIR CHHOTURAM Venue : South Hall, London, England; Date : 27 th August, 2016 युगपु0ष राय रछपाल The land, he primarily happened for! Tribute By: Phool Kumar Malik ([email protected] ) The organizer of farmers/laborers as a self-conscious community induced self-realization and self-respect in them! RESEARCH INDEX Profile - Family, Education, Career Understanding & FIGHTING The Feudalism - SIR Chhoturam way भीतर तक झकझोर के रख देने वाली अिभQY व् सोच ! Protecting Laws Protection of Farmers & Labourers Tall, rustic, Altruistic, affirmed determined and stubborn Chhoturam Campaigns with and without Dr. B.R. Ambedkar for untochables and deprived गरीबों-लाचारों-वंिचतों के मसीहा दीनबLु सर छोटूराम Determinedly Against Two Nation Theory Founding Father of Green Revolution A revolutionary Thinker, Intellectual, Journalist Education revolution with the help and blessings of Seth Chhajuram A visionary provider of livelhood of valor Notorious Chhoturqm as if most wanted by britishers to be nailed but couldn’t Demise & Trance Legacy Quotes and Speeches Pain of Eternal bonding for farmer Haryana Desh – Some global standard Cultural and Ethnical Traits to stay proud of! References/Bibliography PROFILE -FAMILY , EDUCATION , CAREER Incarnation - 24 November 1881 Garhi Sampla Rohtak, India 1912 Advocate, Agra 1916-20 Congress President, Rohtak Left Congress due to differences with Gandhi Ji over incorporation movement 1923 - Co-founded Unionist Party (Zamindara League) with Sir Fazle Hussain 1923 - became Legislative Council Member With Sir Fazle Hussain With Sir Fazle Hussain Revenue Minister from 22 Sept1924 to 26 december 1926 1927 to 1937 – MLC, 1936 - again in council 1937 - Development Minister, lifetime revenue minister 1937 – Knighted as Sir (Rao Bahadur) due to his popularity, mass appeal, principality, secularism and boldness Demise - 09 Jan 1945 - Lahore, Pakistan Commoration - Jat School, Rohtak Lahore Assembly 1939-42 UNDERSTANDING & FIGHTING THE FEUDALISM - SIR CHHOTURAM WAY Objected on his father’s fanning to seth (पूत के पाँव पालने म$ िदख गए थे) Vanished feudalism Made farmer/peasant the ultimate owner of the land Enacted what Lenin acted in Russia during Russian Revolution in1917 by bringing clauses for wishful/pleasant selling of crops at deserving prices by farmers themselves Shook the farmers to recognize their worth, self-respect thus self-realization Land ownership belongs to that, who ploughs/sows it! Proved by enacting that if efforts are made in right direction despite of lack of resources, it yields wonders! Jat Gazette, 15 Oct, 1927 Blend of Karl Marx, Lenin, Che Gvera, Mao Left side – Happy Moneylender Family together just of 10000 capacity Right Side - Troubled farmer family in In 1932 Punjab farmer was heavily under debt pitiable situation (120 crores, 23 times to annual revenue) even after having 40 beeghas In 1934 under 3 crores of land tax 40000 moneylenders 30 crores annual interest on farmers Arbitrary Unctrolled lawless cruel inhuman recovery approach भीतर तक झकझोर के रख देने वाली अिभQY व् सोच ! HOW HE ADOPTED UNIONIST WAY ! Stepping back from Gandhi’s Non-Cooperation (civil disobedience) movement: Questioned Gandhi Ji on why only farmers and dalits participate in itm why not the business and religious bodies too? Leaving Gandhi Ji mum on it put him on Unionist Way Gandhi Ji replied on one question like this: ‘’You talk of study for farmers and your peoplem this all is of second prioritym we shall see it later, wait until then and let’s first get your people work on my civil disobedience. Chhoturam replied to Gandhi Ji, ‘’ मतलब इधर हमको साँप ने काट िलया है और आप कह रहे हो िक इराक से जब दवाई आएगी तो आपको दी जाएगी ?” It is said that he approached urban arya-samajis also on same matters but denied any suo-motto. And it all made him to step forward on Unionist way He then concluded: ‘Non-cooperation movements propound on all but of very specific vested interests are violent experiments’ यूिनयिन पाट" खड़ी करने के पीछे की सोच : कोई भी वतमान राजनैितक दल िकसान का भला नहीं करता , कोई धम िकसान बारे नहीं सोचतां, कोई सामािजक -6ांित का पF िकसान की हालत से सरोकार नहीं रखता !‘ वो कहते थे: जंजीर$ लोहे (गुलामी ) की हों या सोने (धम-पF ) की ; दोनों का हािसल तेरी गुलामी है| खुदा को ना देख , खुद को देख ; खुद को संवार , खुद िनखार ; तू खुदा बनने ही आया है जमीन पर , गुलाम ना बन | PROTECTING LAWS PROTECTION OF FARMERS & LABOURERS - I HUMANITARIAN ACTS FORMATION EARNED HIM THE TITLE OF ‘CHHOTA RAM ’ Moneylender Registration Act (सा5कार पंजीकरण एW) - 02/09/1938 : No money landing without registration, no suing of farmer in court, Foul Balance Writing Banned, Fake signature (especially thumb impression on blank paper) made illegal. Free Return of Mortaged Land Act (िगरवी जमीन वापसी एW) - 09/09/1938 : If interest or debt paid double to principal amount, all such lands under Attachment (कुक" ) or Mortage (िगरवी ) after 08/06/1901 were returned free of cost by just simply submitting a simple application. Loot on crop produced under this threat ended Agricultural Produce Market Act ( कृिष उाद मंडी एW) - 05/05/193 9: Lawless Jungle rule of Mandi - 60 paisa booty on 1 rupee due to deductions such as commission, brokerage, weighing, needs, loading, accountancy, guard, cook trade balance (आढ़त , दलाली , तुलाई , 0लाई , चढ़ाई , मुनीमी , पGेदारी , चौकीदारी , रसोईया व् पलड़ा ), 1 kg = 1020 grms, 1 mann = 41 kgs; Notified Mandi Zones Nothing will be deducted from MSP declared Professional Labor Act (Qवसाय Iिमक अिधिनयम ) – 11/06/1940: Bonded Labor banned, Child labor below 14 years banned, 61 hours a week, 11 hours a day working, 14 leaves per year, shops & corporates off on Sundays No salary deduction on every dollish mistake, fined amount to be used for labour welfare Auditors & Auditing for all these things was introduced first time PROTECTING LAWS PROTECTION OF FARMERS & LABOURERS - II HUMANITARIAN ACTS FORMATION EARNED HIM THE TITLE OF ‘CHHOTA RAM ’ Loan/Debt Exemption Act (कज माफ़ी एW) – 08/04/1935: To get farmers relaxed from trap of moneylenders, if amount double to principal is paid, farmer will be considered cleared Debt Relaxation Board No auction of Daam-Dupatta i.e. yielding/domestic animal, carts, agri-equipments, house, cowsheds etc A related Legend (दंतकथा ) - Encounter with Sir Shadilal – in dec 1934 लाहौर हाईकोट म$ मु Vायाधीश सर शादीलाल से एक अपीलकता ने कहा िक म' ब4त गरीब आदमी 5ं, मेरा घर और बैल कुक" से माफ िकया जाए। तब Vायाधीश सर शादीलाल ने Qं&ाक लहजे म$ कहा िक एक छोटूराम नाम का आदमी है, वही ऐसे कानून बनाता है, उसके पास जाओ और कानून बनवा कर लाओ। अपीलकता चौ . छोटूराम के पास आया और यह िट`णी सुनाई। चौ . छोटूराम ने कानून म$ ऐसा संशोधन करवाया िक उस अदालत की सुनवाई पर ही Bितबंध लगा िदया और इस तरह चौधरी साहब ने इस Qं& का इस तरह जबरद उर िदया । Punjab Waiters and Mayers Act (पंजाब वेटस एंड मेयर एW) Punjab Gram Panchayat Act (पंजाब 8ाम पंचायत एW) Punjab Regulation & Account Act (पंजाब रेगुलेशन व् अकाउंट एW) Property Transfer Act (स$ि थाBरण एW) TALL , RUSTIC , ALTRUISTIC , AFFIRMED DETERMINED AND STUBBORN CHHOTURAM – I FAMOUS LEGENDS WITH LEGENDARIES AND SITUATIONS ! Fearless Negotiator: Counter with Lord Wavel in Delhi rally of 02/06/1942, snatched a hefty applauding negotiation from Lord for wheat MSP of Rs. 11 per mann over self demanded Rs. 10 and Weval’s proposed of Rs. 6 Shrewed Politician: Getting Jinnah fazed (1943 incident) - िजPाह साहब , "यह बता दो िक जाट पहले आया या मुसलमान ? 1943 Zenith of Self-realization and confidence: Encounter with J.K. Bidla (1931): Keenly denied offer of J.K. Bidla In 1931 replied to Bidla - "हमने इस संथा को िकसानों के दान के मा;म से थािपत िकया है। हमारे हाथों मे िकसान -कौम की धरोहर है। यह संथा कठोर परIमी िकसानों के दान के बल पर अ ! मे आई है। Bेक िकसान को इस संथा पर गव है। Bेक िकसान को इस संथा से सBान की तरह cार है। एक लाख 0पये का दान लेकर यह संथा िबङला की हो जाएगी , िजसको म' िस,ांत से पसंद नही ँ करता। हम अ पनी िकसान कौम के हर र के आदमी की मदद से जाट हाई ूल संथा को चलाना चाहते ह', िबङला की सहायता से नहीं। ” Secularist of Extreme Boldness: धािमक कUरवादी ताकत$ चाहे िहदू रही या मु$म सर छोटूराम ने दोनों से दूरी बराबर बनाये रखी | TALL , RUSTIC , ALTRUISTIC , AFFIRMED DETERMINED AND STUBBORN CHHOTURAM - II FAMOUS LEGENDS WITH LEGENDARIES AND SITUATIONS ! Farmer Welfare Fund for NRIs or Global Students of peasant/rural acumen: Brother of Pakistani Nobel Winner Sir Abbdus Salam Mr.
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