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Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http://www.simpopdf.com A Adenocarcinoma, minor salivary glands Aiming cylinder A-V aneurysm, 449 and, 675 central ray and, 164 A-V defect, 449 Adenoid cystic carcinoma horizontal bitewing films and, 148, 149 A-V malformation, 449 nerve sheath metastasisand, 675 Air, subject density and, 78 A-V shunt, 449 ultrasonography of, 675f Air kerma, exposure and, 21 ABC. SeeAneurysmal bone cysts (ABC) Adenoma, primary hyperparathyroidism Airway, lateral cephalometric projection Abrasion and,517 and, 2l9f, 220 overview of, 355 Adenomatoid odontogenic tumors Ala-tragus line, lateral mandibular occlusal secondary dentin and, 360 calcification in, 433f projection and, 159 Abscessformation, periodontitis and, 314 calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumors ALARA, radiation and, 52, 61 Abscesses.See also Acute dentoalveolar vo,423 Alcohol, maternal, prenatal irradiation vs., abscess calcifying odontogenic cyst Vo,400 39, 40t CT and, 664 cementoossifying fibroma vo,501 Alcoholism Absorbed dose, rad and, 21 clinical features of, 431 parotid area V., 658 Acentric fragment, chromosome differential diagnosis and, 433 sialadenosisand, 670 aberrations and, 28f overviewof,431 Alkali compounds, developers and, 97 Acetone, diabetes mellitus and, 523 radiographic features of, 431-432 Alkaline pH values, developers and, 97 Acid, erosion and, 356 synonyms for, 431 Alkaline phosphatase,hypophosphatasia Acidifiers, fixing solution and, 98 treatment of, 433 and, 526 Acidophilic cells, hyperpituitarism and, Adhesions, overview of, 557 Allergen, sinusitis and, 578 521 Administrative radiographs, overview of, 272 Allergic reaction, arthrography v., 548, Acinic cell carcinoma, minor salivary Adolescents 549f glands and, 675 . carious lesions in, 301 Allergic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis and, 579 Acquired concrescence,337 central giant cell granuloma and; 502 Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, Acquired cysts,671 TMJ dysfunction and, 538 leukemia and, 482 Acromegalic prognathism, inherited Adrenal adenoma, Cushing's syndrome Alpha goblin genes, thalassemiaand, 533 prognathism v., 521 and,523 Alpha particles, 5 Acromegaly,520 Adrenal carcinoma, Cushing's syndrome Aluminum filtration, patient exposure excessivegrowth of mandible in, 522f and, 523 and, 60 hypercementosis and, 362 Adrenal glands, Cushing's syndrome and, Aluminum step wedge, 78f hyperpituitarism v., 521 523 x-ray beam and, 79, 80f paranasal sinus and, 576 Adrenal hyperplasia, Cushing's syndrome Alveolar bone Activator, overview of, 97 and, 523 eosinophilic granuloma and, 509 Acute apical periodontitis, 367 Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) , hemifacial hyperplasia and, 650 Acute dentoalveolar abscess,nasopalatine basophilic adenoma and, 523 lateral cephalometric projection and, duct cystsv., 403 Adults, cortical borders in, 539 2l9f, 220 Acute inflammatory processes,CT and, African jaw lymphoma, children and, 478 loss of height in, 282-283 663 Agenesis, basal cell nevus syndrome and, malignancy and, 459 Acute leukemias, 481 397 periodontal diseasesand, 267, 315, Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, 481
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