0210 Safety Guidance 2 STROKE PETROL v:032017 Redistributed under licence from HAE by Power Tool Rentals Ltd. Licence expires on 30/06/2017 Using the Cut-off Saw Cut-off (Abrasive) Saw The rules and procedures in force where people are at work 1. Wear protective equipment including goggles and dust mask. may require the person responsible for this equipment to 2. Check that the cutting wheel is fitted securely, and that the guard is properly adjusted. carry out a specific risk assessment. 3. Always hold the machine securely with, both hands: left hand on the front handle, right hand on the rear. It is important to read all of this leaflet 4. Be prepared for the reactive force when the wheel contacts the surface to be cut: the BEFORE you use the Cut-off Saw machine will pull away from you, or pull up a vertical surface. 1. Plan your work and think ahead to make sure you will always 5. Use full throttle: make sure the wheel is running at full speed before lowering it carefully be working safely. onto the surface. 2. Petrol mixture is highly flammable. Take care not to cause a fire or explosion. 6. If the machine starts to labour and slow down do not force it so hard. Do not overload the machine. Long shallows cuts keeping the wheel speed up are more effective than 3. This cut-off saw is designed to cut concrete, masonry, asphalt, aggressive pressure. steel, cast iron and similar materials using the appropriate abrasive or diamond wheel. Do not use it for anything else. 7. When you come towards the end of the cut, release some of the pressure on the machine Carelessness or misuse could cause a serious or fatal accident. and be prepared for it to come free from the material. 4. This machine will damage property if it is not used carefully. Practice on some scrap 8. The machine can only cut in straight lines. Do not try to go round corners. material if you have not used it before. 9. Only use the machine up to shoulder height. Arrange a suitable working platform if you 5. Make sure that there are no hidden electricity cables, gas or water pipes where the cut is to need to cut higher than this. be made. Consider using a cable and/or pipe detector, ask the hire company for suitable types available. Ask the hire company for HAE leaflet no.1415 – cable location and 10. Watch out for signs that vibration from the work may be affecting your hands. If fingers start signal generator. to tingle or feel numb, take a short break from cutting work. Exercise fingers to encourage 6. The following items of personal protective equipment must be worn: goggles; dust mask- a blood circulation. Find out more about vibration. Ask the hire company for a copy of the minimum of FFP3 protection; ear muffs or plugs giving protection to reduce exposure to HAE leaflet no. 2150 – Hand-arm vibration or visit www.hse.gov.uk/vibration 87dB(A) at the ear; Safety boots; industrial gloves. 11. To help prevent vibration affecting hands, operate the machine for shorter periods. Keep 7. A personal first-aid kit should be available. hands warm – wearing gloves may help do this. 8. This machine must not be used by young persons, or by anyone under the influence of drugs 12. Stop the engine if leaving the machine unattended. or alcohol. 13. If the cut-off saw does not work properly do not attempt to repair it. Contact the hire 9. This machine is designed for operation by an able bodied adult. Anyone with either temporary company. or permanent disability must seek expert advice before using it. 14. You may want to read this leaflet again. Please keep it safely until you have finished work. 10.Although most cut-off saws are designed for one person operation you should always be careful not to lift beyond your own capabilities. 7 1 0 2 3 0 : v HHire Association Europe Telephone: 44 (0) 121 380 4600 Every effort has been made by HAE/EHA to ensure that the information given in this document and supporting material 2450 Regents Court Fax: 44 (0) 121 333 4109 is accurate and not misleading. HAE/EHA cannot accept responsibility for any loss or liability perceived The Crescent Email: [email protected] to have arisen from the use of any such document/material. Only Acts of Parliament and Statutory Instruments Birmingham Business Park website: www.hae.org.uk have the force of law and only the courts can authoritatively interpret the law. Solihull B37 7YE Solihull B37 7YE B37 Solihull website: www.hae.org.uk website: Birmingham Business Park Business Birmingham ©Copyright Hire Association Europe April 2011 April Europe Association Hire ©Copyright © Email: [email protected] Email: The Crescent The ax: 44 (0) 121 333 4109 333 121 (0) 44 ax: F 2450 Regents Court Regents 2450 n nuhrsdrpouto aulyo eetoial sSRCL prohibited STRICTLY is – electronically or manually – reproduction unauthorised Any lcrncly–i TITYprohibited STRICTLY is – electronically elephone: 44 (0) 121 380 4600 380 121 (0) 44 elephone: T Hire Association Europe Europe Association Hire onwards, given in the section starting from cold. from starting section the in given onwards, the controls before trying to start it. start to trying before controls the not use the cut-off saw. Contact the hire company. hire the Contact saw. cut-off the use not can to a cool, safe place. safe cool, a to can and guards. If anything is found to be damaged, do damaged, be to found is anything If guards. and 11. Put all fuel caps back on properly, and move the fuel the move and properly, on back caps fuel all Put found on most cut-off saws. Check the saw to find to saw the Check saws. cut-off most on found 4. Follow the rest of the instructions from instruction 5 instruction from instructions the of rest the Follow 1. Check your machine, including the engine, fuel tank fuel engine, the including machine, your Check 1. This section describes the controls and symbols and controls the describes section This straight away. straight 3. Set the choke lever to the off position. off the to lever choke the Set CUT-OFF SAW CUT-OFF CONTROLS 10. If any fuel is spilt on your clothes, change them change clothes, your on spilt is fuel any If the throttle is now in position ready to start. to ready position in now is throttle the it up or cover it with soil. with it cover or up it wear identical personal protective equipment. protective personal identical wear 2. 2. Now release the throttle, control lever and interlock: and lever control throttle, the release Now Before starting the machine, know how to stop it. stop to how know machine, the starting Before 9. If small amounts of fuel are spilt on the ground, wipe ground, the on spilt are fuel of amounts small If 6. Anybody who is working close by will also need to need also will by close working is who Anybody lever back to the starting position. starting the to back lever 11. Make sure that you understand all of the controls. the of all understand you that sure Make soaked cloth carefully. cloth soaked vibration or visit www.hse.gov.uk/vibration visit or vibration Whilst keeping these pressed in, pull the control the pull in, pressed these keeping Whilst containing asbestos. containing 8. Wipe any fuel off the machine. Dispose of fuel of Dispose machine. the off fuel any Wipe copy of the HAE leaflet no. 2150 – Hand-arm – 2150 no. leaflet HAE the of copy 1. Press the interlock and the throttle at the same time. same the at throttle the and interlock the Press 10. Do not use this machine to cut asbestos or materials or asbestos cut to machine this use not Do Ask the hire company for a for company hire the Ask effects of vibration - - vibration of effects yourself or the machine. the or yourself STARTING WHEN WARM WHEN STARTING and signal generator. signal and hands warm while working. Find out more about the about more out Find working. while warm hands 7. Use a funnel when refuelling. Do not spill any fuel on fuel any spill not Do refuelling. when funnel a Use starting work. starting company for HAE leaflet no.1415 – cable location cable – no.1415 leaflet HAE for company work, and wear industrial quality gloves to keep to gloves quality industrial wear and work, 6. Shake the fuel can to mix the petrol and oil. and petrol the mix to can fuel the Shake warm up by gently opening the throttle, before throttle, the opening gently by up warm company for suitable types available. Ask the hire the Ask available. types suitable for company hazardous. Warm hands up before commencing before up hands Warm hazardous. dirt falling into the fuel tank. fuel the into falling dirt 12. 12. In cold weather, you may need to let the engine the let to need may you weather, cold In using a cable and/or pipe detector, ask the hire the ask detector, pipe and/or cable a using 5. Vibration from using this machine can be can machine this using from Vibration 5. Clean the filter cap and the area around it to prevent to it around area the and cap filter the Clean or water pipes where the cut is to be made.
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