E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 142 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1996 No. 124 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was lic for which it stands, one nation under God, The Assistant to the Sergeant at called to order by the Speaker pro tem- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Arms, Donald T. Kellaher, announced pore [Mr. HEFLEY]. f the President pro tempore and Mem- bers of the U.S. Senate, who entered f ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER the Hall of the House of Representa- PRO TEMPORE DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER tives, the President pro tempore taking PRO TEMPORE The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the chair at the right of the Speaker, The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Chair desires to make an announce- and the Members of the Senate the fore the House the following commu- ment. seats reserved for them. nication from the Speaker: After consultation with the majority The SPEAKER. On the part of the WASHINGTON, DC, and minority leaders, and with their House, the Chair appoints as members September 11, 1996. consent and approval, the Chair an- of the committee to escort the Prime I hereby designate the Honorable JOEL nounces that during the joint meeting Minister of Ireland into the Chamber: HEFLEY to act as Speaker pro tempore on to hear an address by His Excellency the gentleman from Texas [Mr. this day. John Bruton, only the doors imme- ARMEY]; the gentleman from Texas NEWT GINGRICH, [Mr. DELAY]; the gentleman from Ohio Speaker of the House of Representatives. diately opposite the Speaker and those on his right and left will be open. [Mr. BOEHNER]; the gentleman from f No one will be allowed on the floor of California [Mr. COX]; the gentleman PRAYER the House who does not have the privi- from New York [Mr. GILMAN]; the gen- The Chaplain, Rev. James David lege of the floor of the House. tleman from Massachusetts [Mr. Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- Due to the large attendance which is BLUTE]; the gentleman from New Jer- er: anticipated, the Chair feels that the sey [Mr. FRANKS]; the gentleman from New York [Mr. KING]; the gentleman Bless this day and bless this land, rule regarding the privilege of the floor from New York [Mr. LAZIO]; the gen- Keep us safe with Your strong hand. must be strictly adhered to. May Your spirit, O God, forgive, Children of Members will not be per- tleman from New York [Mr. QUINN]; the All our lives so we might live. mitted on the floor, and the coopera- gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. May Your benediction, O gracious tion of all Members is requested. ENGLISH]; the gentleman from Illinois God, that is new every morning and f [Mr. FLANAGAN]; the gentlewoman from with us until the last light of day, sur- New York [Mrs. KELLY]; the gentleman round us and keep us in Your peace, RECESS from New Jersey [Mr. MARTINI]; the now and forevermore. Amen. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- gentleman from Michigan [Mr. f ant to the order of the House of Thurs- BONIOR]; the gentlewoman from Con- day, September 5, 1996, the House will necticut [Mrs. KENNELLY]; the gen- THE JOURNAL stand in recess subject to the call of tleman from Maryland [Mr. HOYER]; The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the Chair. the gentleman from Mississippi [Mr. Chair has examined the Journal of the Accordingly (at 9 o'clock and 2 min- MONTGOMERY]; the gentleman from last day's proceedings and announces utes a.m.), the House stood in recess Massachusetts [Mr. MARKEY]; the gen- to the House his approval thereof. subject to the call of the Chair. tleman from Michigan [Mr. KILDEE]; Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- During the recess, beginning at about the gentleman from Montana [Mr. WIL- nal stands approved. 10 a.m., the following proceedings were LIAMS]; the gentleman from Pennsylva- f had: nia [Mr. BORSKI]; the gentleman from New York [Mr. MANTON]; the gen- f PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE tleman from Washington [Mr. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the b 0955 MCDERMOTT]; the gentleman from Mas- gentleman from Mississippi [Mr. MONT- sachusetts [Mr. NEAL]; the gentleman JOINT MEETING OF THE HOUSE GOMERY] come forward and lead the from Virginia [Mr. MORAN]; the gentle- House in the Pledge of Allegiance. AND SENATE TO HEAR AN AD- woman from New York [Mrs. DRESS BY HIS EXCELLENCY, Mr. MONTGOMERY led the Pledge of MALONEY]; and the gentleman from JOHN BRUTON, PRIME MINISTER Allegiance as follows: Rhode Island [Mr. KENNEDY]. OF IRELAND I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The United States of America, and to the Repub- The Speaker of the House presided. President pro tempore of the Senate, at b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H10175 H10176 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE September 11, 1996 the direction of that body, appoints the Heaven has favoured with an oppor- about who was going to pay taxes and following Senators as a committee on tunity of deliberating upon, and choos- how they were going to be collected, the part of the Senate to escort His Ex- ing, the form of government under how they would get their goods to mar- cellency, John Bruton, the Prime Min- which they shall live,'' making Amer- ket, and how their frontiers would be ister of Ireland into the Chamber: the ica the pioneer of that most powerful protected, very practical problems. Senator from Wyoming [Mr. SIMPSON]; of all political ideas: democracy under Americans in 1786 knew at Annapolis the Senator from Mississippi [Mr. the rule of law. that they could not agree on commer- COCHRAN]; the Senator from Alaska Two hundred and ten years later cial reforms to protect trade without [Mr. STEVENS]; the Senator from Flor- Americans can look back with pride at making political reforms as well. That ida [Mr. MACK]; the Senator from what they have given to the world. is why the men at Annapolis 210 years South Dakota [Mr. DASCHLE]; the Sen- Never before in that long period have ago decided to call a constitutional ator from Massachusetts [Mr. KEN- more of humanity lived under a system conference in Philadelphia the follow- NEDY]; the Senator from Vermont [Mr. based on democracy and the rule of law ing May. By working together to find LEAHY]; and the Senator from Rhode than do so today. the means of solving the practical Island [Mr. PELL]. Even in the case of countries as af- problems of life for their citizens, the flicted as Burma, people are standing Framers of the U.S. Constitution b 1000 up for democracy and the rule of law. forged the most durable and perhaps The Assistant to the Sergeant at For the first time in their history, the the fairest system of government the Arms announced the Acting Dean of Russian people have freely elected world has ever seen. They came to- the Diplomatic Corps, Dr. Joseph Edsel their own President. The American gether as people who were each loyal, Edmunds, Ambassador of Saint Lucia. model, constitutional democracy, has first and foremost, to their own States. The Acting Dean of the Diplomatic succeeded and spread because it is built But they knew that that loyalty and Corps entered the Hall of the House of on a realistic view of human nature. allegiance could find its best expres- Representatives and took the seat re- Checks and balances are needed. sion as part of a wider American con- served for him. As James Madison said: ``You must tinental loyalty. The Assistant to the Sergeant at first enable the Government to control Mr. Speaker, it was necessity that brought Europe together too, the ne- Arms announced the Cabinet of the the governed, and in the next place, cessity of reconstruction after World President of the United States. oblige it to control itself.'' The members of the Cabinet of the American democracy has worked be- War II, the necessity of resisting com- munism, and the necessity to resolve President of the United States entered cause it has controlled itself through national conflicts that had caused 3 the Hall of the House of Representa- the separation of powers in a written wars in just 80 years. That dynamic, tives and took the seats reserved for Constitution, and through a strong and that necessity, continues in Europe them in front of the Speaker's rostrum. independent Supreme Court that inter- At 10 o'clock and 5 minutes a.m., the today. prets that Constitution. It is often said that politicians and Assistant to the Sergeant at Arms an- As President Andrew Jackson, a man politics are made to serve commercial nounced His Excellency, John Bruton, of Irish ancestry, said in 1821: ``The needs. The European Union has done the Prime Minister of Ireland. great can protect themselves, but the the reverse. It has made commerce the The Prime Minister of Ireland, es- poor and humble require the arm and servant of a great political objective. corted by the committee of Senators the shield of the law.'' By creating a single coal and steel in- I speak today as President in office of and Representatives, entered the Hall dustry, a single agricultural market, a the European Council, a body that is of the House of Representatives, and single commercial market, the Euro- stood at the Clerk's desk.
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