ISSN 1976-9997 2008 ೠҴޙߣਗࢎসোх LTI KOREA ANNUAL REPORT 2008 ӝദౠ ӝࠄߑೱীࢲ ಝࠄ ֙ ࢎসѾ 2008 Annual Report : Three Main Directions ೱز ನழझ ]Ҵղ ӂ ೧৻ࣻ оٜsಕझ౭ߥ അܰನ ]rࢲ Ԙ ޛ ޙӂী ೠҴۉࣁ҅৬ ೣԋ ] ই Sharing Korean Literature With The World Korea Literature Translation Institute ޙೠҴ חࣁ҅৬ ೣԋೞ ݾର Contents 04 06 दझమ ҳ୷u 02 A Message from Dr. Joo Youn Kim, the New Director of LTI Korea ܨਬӝ Ү חߊрࢎ ]tࣁ҅৬ ҕਬೞ 14 ӝࠄߑೱীࢲ ಝࠄ ֙ ࢎসѾ 04 2008 Annual Report : Three Main Directions [ ӝദౠ ೱ 08 Domestic Copyright Exports Trendز ನழझ ]Ҵղ ӂ ೧৻ࣻ Ԙ 12 Spreading Korean Literature to the Arabic World, a Jump Startޛ ޙӂী ೠҴۉࣁ҅৬ ೣԋ ]ই оٜs 16 2008 Seoul Young Writers' Festival അܰನ ]rࢲ 16 ೠҴޙߣਗ ࣗѐ 20 Introduction to LTI Korea ࢎস ࣗѐ ] ߣ߂౸ਗ 24 Translation & Publication Grants ֙ International Exchange Programs 46 ܨ ೧৻Үޙࢎস ࣗѐ ]ೠҴ ֙ 48 ਭࢿࢎস 66 Fostering Professional Translators ۱ੋޙࢎস ࣗѐ ] ֙ ഘࠁ 78 Promoting Korean Literatureޙࢎস ࣗѐ ]ೠҴ ֙ नр উղ 82 New Books 2008 72 Director’s Column | ߊрࢎ 02 חtࣁ҅৬ ҕਬೞ ਬӝ Үܨ दझమ ҳ୷u ೠҴޙߣਗࢎসোх 2008 ߊрࢎ פߣਗ ӣোੑޙө ೠҴפউ֞ೞभ פߣਗ ֙ ೠ ೧ ࣁ҅৬ ഐ൚ೞӝ ਤೠ ৈ۞ о ࢎসਸ ӝദೞҊ पୌী ҂णޙೠҴ פਸ ղ ֬णߣਗ ࢎসোхޙ֙ ೠҴ ઁ Ӓ Ѿपਸ ೠ ӂ ଼ী ݽই ই ߣਗ ߧ റޙೠҴפࢿҗٜ ঋण ܘ݅ ӘԈ ૣ ח ೧৻Үࢼ ࢎޙܻ ࣁ҅౸द ۽ઁ ࠄѺਵ ࣗѐରਗ ߣ౸ࢎসীࢲ द೧ޙୡӝ ೠҴ بۄࠁ؊ ݅ ചࣿ బஎ ߣਸ ਤೠrӝޙ חܖ೧ ӝୡܳ ޙ ਸ ೱೠr౸ӂ ࣻഝࢿച ࢎসs ߣޙ؊ աইо ೠҴ ಕझ౭ߥ ѐ୭ޙ ߂ Ҵઁ ܨࣁ҅ оٜҗ Ү ୡࣿߣਗࢎসs ࢎস নҗ ী য Ӓ և৬ Өо ؊೧оҊ ١ ۔Ӓ۽झ ؍о নࢿ ߂ ӝߣоٜ ۨ פण ۽ӒܻҊ ߄פ അप ࣁ҅о ೞաਸ ࠁ ؊ ӓݺೞѱ ࠁৈҊ णטয় חә߸ೞҊ ೠ ೧ Ѧ ӝ ೧ੑ ী۽ࢲפӘ ࢚ഐ ࣗాҗ ೧ ਃࢿ ؊ ழҊ ण ۧ٠פয ࣻ হणܖ ۽ઁ חೞ ঋҊࢲా ܳܨఋੋҗ Ү חೞ݅ ӝ ೧פ פѪ ਗജ ࢿѺਸ ыण חചܳ ܲ ٜҗ ҕਬೠޙ ߂ޙܻ ই ۽ ߊਵ۽ োх ࢎসٜਸ द ೠߣ ԝԝ ಝ ࢜ޘ դ ೠ ೧ ࢿҗܳ ח൞ ਬӝ חࣁ҅৬ ҕਬೞ ਸ ֫Ҋ ཫฯ ߥ ҃੬۱ ъചܳ ా೧ ҴѺ۽ࢲ Ӗب ߂ޙೠҴ بೠ ೧ ৢ ೧৻ࣗѐ ঌ য়ݫоੋrࣻೠ ߣоsܳ নࢿೞҊ ޙೠҴ दझమਸ ҳ୷ೞݴ ܨ Ү פؘ ֢۱ೞѷणחਗೞ פҊणפ౸ࢎ ৈ۞࠙ ࢿਗҗ ҙबਸ ࠗఌ٘݀ ߣо ੋ оޙೠҴ ਘ ֙ ೠҴޙߣਗ ӣো 03 A Message from Dr. Joo Youn Kim, the New Director of LTI Korea Annual Report Director of LTI Korea Joo Youn Kim 2008 LTI KOREA DIRECTOR’S COLUMN Greetings! Last year, LTI Korea planned and completed many projects to encourage literary exchange between Korea and the world. Here, we have proudly listed our achievements from last year in the 2008 LTI Korea Annual Report. Although Korea has a short history of promoting its literature to the world, the outcome so far has not been small. Established in 2001, LTI Korea has today developed into an independent, government-sponsored foundation. Following our first project - translation grants to introduce Korean literature to the world - LTI Korea has been offering translation and publication grants to enhance the quality of translation and promote the overseas publication of Korean literature. LTI Korea also offers cross-cultural exchange programs as well as a variety of programs to train professional translators. With all of these works, both the quality and quantity of LTI Koreass projects are increasing every year. Today’s rapid changes reflect how the world is coming togerher as one, and the importance of intercommunication and comprehension is indispensable. The first step toward mutual understanding is understanding of oness self, but this cannot be achieved without interaction with others. As such, the sharing of our literature and culture has a cyclical effect. Upon reviewing last yearss achievements listed in this annual report, LTI Korea intends to mark a new starting point to continue polishing our national image by strengthening the global competitiveness of Korean literature and publications, building a systematic interchange with the rest of the world, and fostering and supporting excellent translators who are the heart and soul behind the overseas introduction of Korean literature. We ask the writers, translators, and publishers for their continuous interest and support, as they are the life of Korean literature. Thank you, Joo Youn Kim Director of LTI Korea February 2009 Featured Project | ӝദౠ ӝࠄߑೱীࢲ ಝࠄ ֙ ࢎসѾ 04 ചীޙ җޙೠҴ ӝ೯ਸ ా೧ о ಿࣁ҅ޙ חೞ ೠ ೧ܳ ֫ੌ ࣻ ܖಕ ۄ࠳ நա Ҵ חഥীഥ ࣁ҅ߣоઁ ߬թীࢲ ৡ ߣо৬ оٜ Ҏކ ੌࠄ Ҵ ࠺ই܁ ೧ ߑೱীޙ ߣҗ ೠҴޙ ଵࢳ೧ ೠҴ ֙ ח ߣनੋ࢚ীݏ ೠ ഥ૩ܳژਸ ߥۿೠ ష ۞दইযӂ ݽ ࠺ডਵ Ҵয ߣਗࢎসোх ী ࠺೧ ੌࠄযޙೠҴ ૐо೮ ۽ 2008 ӝദౠ ࢿఀ ۽ࣁ҅ оޙೠҴ ӂ ࣻ ਗ ъച ӂ ࣻ ഝࢿചܳ ਤ೧ ֙ࠁ ޛࢲ ҃ ࠄਗ ֙ ౸بࢲҴઁ ೠ ীޛ ؊ ӓੋ ೯ࠁܳ ࠁࢶ ೠҴ ౸ MJTU@#PPLT ࠁܳ ઁҕೞӝ ਤೠ ҅р חߣਗ ࢎস୶ ߑೱ ҕन۱ ޙೠҴ ֙ ೞӝ ਤೠ׳ࠁܳ नࣘ ޛ৬ ೠҴ ౸ ਸ ࠁೡ GSPN,PSFBޙѱ о૩ ೠҴ ܳ ହр೮,PSFBO#PPLT-FUUFS झۨఠ ੋۄҗ о ݶੋ Ѻр ৡޙೠҴ ૩ل ߣੋ۱ ਭࢿ חࣻ ೠҴ ۽ݒ ହрਵ ޙী Ѧ ੋۄৡ ੋۄೠ ҅ੋ য় ചੌ߈ ߣীޙ ࣇ૩ ೠҴ ࣁ҅द ೠ ࠄਗژԘܳ నޛ ۽Үਭোҳ ӂ ࣻ ഝࢿച ࢎসী ࢜ ഈ۱ܨҮ ౸ਗ ਗࠄਗ ߣਗ ೱਸ ೧৻ ౸҅ ߂ ҅ী ࣗѐز ୭नޙҗ ೠҴ അޙ ೧ ೠҴ ࢶఖ ۽١ ӝઓ ࢎসਸ о ࠙ঠ /FX 8SJUJOH োрޙ౸ ೠҴഅޙࢲ ੑܳ ೞӝ ਤ೧ ۽बӝҙਵ חചܳ ࣁ҅ী ೞޙ ହр೮೧৻ नӏ౸ द ѐୋਸ ਤೠ بGSPN,PSFB ۽ࢲੋrࠅبزই ࠙೮ࠄਗ ࣁ҅ ୭ ب҅ੋ ߣੋ۱ ਭࢿ ߊѦ ইद ࢲsب؍о ഝߊೠr۠ېӂ Ѣ ࢲsبز ջ ই ۽ѐ җਵ ߣইؘ ೠژࢲsী ଵо೮ب҃زߣоҗs ࢿҕ ਸ ߊ ই ਤ ౸दੋ ੌࠄrޙࠄਗ ֙rೠҴ ࢲীب࠘҃ ࢲبrߣইؘ Ҵযӂ ౸द ҕۚਸ ਤ೧ ഘ rߣইؘ ౠ߹җsחী֙ ۽౸ਵ rߣইؘ ӏҗs١ѐҗਸ ࢲ ӂ ࣻࢎসਸ ഘࠁ೮ ӝҗsױ ѐࢸ೮पण ਤ ழܻ௺ۢҗ Ҵղ ୭Ҋ ࣻળ ъࢎ ъച ۔Ӓ۽झ ؍ܻݒӣ ೠҴо ೧৻ ۨ ۽ਵۈߣо নࢿ ਃ ޙ ޙਸ ా೧ ೠҴ ਸ ֫Ҋ Ҵղ о ହ۔Ӓ۽झ ؍ࢶߊ ೧৻ ۨ ۽೮ౠ ӏҗ ҃ ৻Ҵੋ ݺਸ ࢤਵ ഝࢿചೞӝ ਤೠ ࢎসࠄਗ ܳܨਗয ৻Ҵ оٜҗ Ү ॄ۽١ਸ ਗೣਵ ೧ ٜ ৴ࠂ೦ҕӂҗ ࠺ ೧ ഛ ࢚ਸਸ नࢸೞݴ ਗ۔Ӓ۽ಣоܳ ֙ ਬ חߣо নࢿ ӝܳ ݃۲೮ ޙ ݺ ೠҴоܳ ਗ೮ Ҵ ইয়৬ दੋ ח۽࢚ ۔Ӓ۽ ৃܻ ߣо ਗ ޙೠҴ ۽ޙ߬ܳܽ ࣗࢸо ߓࣻই 81* ۔Ӓ۽ѐ Ҵઁହ חsী۔Ӓ۽झ ؍ ߣোҳ ۨޙrೠҴ֙ ؍ ۨইܰ౭ա ై݅ ࣗࢸо ӣੋࣼ -$# ߣоٜ ਘࠗఠ ఃغযӂ ݺ ߣоо ୡ ݈ܻ ߄݃ ࢿӝ৮ Ҵ ೠਬغ ࢶ ٜҗ ഝߊೠ झੋޙ ݴޛѐਘр ೠҴী ݠ ਘө ୭ झಕ ӣোࣻ झਝؚ झసഓܴ ӣഄ ب ੌࠄ ച ӝഥܳ оౠ о৬ ೣԋ ಞഌޙ ৬ নೠܨҮ 2008 Annual Report : Three Main Directions 05 LTI Koreass central projects in 2008 can be summarized Peru, Columbia, China, Japan, Mongolia, and Vietnam into three main directions. First was the development of participated in serious discussions about the direction of translators who can guarantee the quality of Korean Korean literature and its translation. Also, the number of literature. Second was Korean writerssand literaturess applicants for the 7th Korean Literature Translation overall entry into the international market. Third was Contest for New Translators, from Japan, China, and systemized support for translations of Korean culture in Russia increased dramatically. general. LTI Korea’s goal is to spread Korean studies and Korean literature to the rest of the world through support Korean Literature & Writers, Annual Report 2008 for translation and publication, international exchange, Stepping Out into the World and education and research, among many other things. Grants for Copyright Export Intensified For 2008, the focus was narrowed down to the following LTI KOREA FEATURED PROJECT three fields. LTI Korea took much more active steps this year to promote publication copyright export. The biggest step in this Systemized Development of Translators direction was the founding of the quarterly magazine list, Translation Academy Expanded to Three Courses which provides information related to Korean publications, With the success of the 2007 Korean Literature and Korean Books Letter, a biweekly online news letter that Translator Course, three more programs were established provides up-to-the-minute news on Korean publications. : the Translation Academy Special Course, Translation These new publications, both on and offline, will help to Academy Summer Intensive Course, and Translation spark the Korean copyright export business. LTI Korea also Academy Intensive Course. With its practice-oriented began publishing the annual literary magazine, New Writing curriculum and top instructors, the Translation Academy from Korea, to introduce the latest in modern Korean developed into a nurturing ground for professional literature and trends to overseas publishers and scholastic translators of Korean literature. Nine students from circles. Further steps were taken to cultivate new publication abroad were selected for scholarships and were provided markets. LTI Korea participated in the Bologna Childrenss with round-trip airfare and a basic stipend. LTI Korea has Book Fair, the largest childrenss book fair in the world, as also been applauded for its contribution to fostering well as the London Book Fair, one of the most active professional native translators.
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