o o~ ~ • ~ o ~~o~0 l'· 0 • -tc 0 .l'--,-~. 0 ~.0.a.A o • • I EfY SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 1996 6:00 pm. - 8:00 pm. with your host and Patti Le Plae Safe CHEER DALLAS and special guests Mr. Antonio Edwards Mr.-----_._._---_._-------_._._.Texas All-American 1994 Beer Bust Hosted by Cheer Dallas to raise money•for their trip to perform at The Gay 8[Lesbian Expo in NewYork City Cheer Dallas Raffle for Round Trip for Two to Puerto Vallerta via American Airlines plus ... RSVPTravel Productions is adding One Week ALL-INCLUSIVEvacation in Puerto Vallerta November 11-18 (drawing to be held during the Mr. Round-Up Contest) For Contest information see Mark Jiminez 3912 Cedar Spring•• Dallas. Texas 75219 • (214) 522-9611 VOLUME 21, NUMBER 7 APRIL 21 - APRIL 27,1995 14 THEATRE Age-Old Tale Gets Modern Musical Dressin Faustus at Austin's Planet Theatre Reviewed by Bruce Williams 18 SPECIAL REPORT Houston's MCCR Marks Its 20th Anniversary by Susan McDonald 26 FRESH BEATS What's Hot, What's Not in Dance Music by Jimmy SmIth 37 SCHEDULE OF FIESTA EVENTS 40 COVER FEATURE Joey Sanchez of San Antonio Photos by Exposure Prlnts(Tlo 45 INTERVIEW Comic Paul Williams,"Best Little Homo in Texas" byBruce Williams 55 CURRENT EVENTS 63 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 67 BACKSTAGE Rice Media Center in Houston Screens 2007 and A Clockwork Orange 73 STARSCOPE The Sun Enters Sensual Taurus as Venus Advances Into Pioneering Aries 83 SPORTS Houston Bowling Leagues Kick off Summer Season 84 TEXAS NEWS Dallas Gay & Lesbian Film & Video Festival Slated for April 27-30 88 TEXAS TEA Adult Video Star Daryl Brock ToursTexas 95 CLASSIFIED 107 OBITUARIES 108 GUIDE TWT (This Week In Texas) Ispublished by Taxes Weekly Times Newsocper Co, at 3300 Reagan Street in Dallas. Texas 75219 and 811West helmer in Houston. Texas n006. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff. PubllcaHonof the name Of photograph of any person or organization in artlctes or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: $69 per year, $40 per haft year. Back issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1995 by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. Portial or complete reproduction of any advertisement. news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute. THIS ""EEK IN TEXAS MAGAZINE Texas' Leading Gay &. Lesbian Publication Since 1975' Weekly Circulation: 20,000 PUBliSHER i DALLAS OFFICE ALAN GELLMAN HOUSTON OFFICE 3300 Reagan Street EDITOR 811Westhelmer, Suite III Dallas. Texas 75219 RICHARD HEBERT Houston. Texas 77006 Dallas Fax (214)520- TWIT COMPTROLLER Houston Fax (7l3)527-TWIT (214) 521·0622 STMMILES (713) 527·9111 ARTDIRECTORRichard Bang • GRAPHIC ARTISTSSteve Pardue, B.J.Smith • TYPESEmNGTuong Huy Nguyen CONTRIBUTINGWRITERSHugh Callaway, Chris Gray, PhilJohnson, C. lichtenstein. Susan McDanald, David Parnell,Brent Shackley, Jimmy Smith, Bruce Williams STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERSJames Franklin,Chris Garrett, Chris Gray, David Parnell, Richard Scudder, Tla NATIONAL SALESDIRECTOR. Steve Miles. (214) 521·0622 • FAX 52C).TWIT Advertising rates are available on request from the salesperson in your nearest city. Austin - Robert Jackson (512) 339·0590 • Dallas I Fort Worth - Steve Miles (214) 521·0622 Houston I Galveston - Steve Nally (713) 527·9111 • San Antonio I Corpus Christi - Jeff Linthicum (210) 655-4413 CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING. Dallas Chris Gray • Houston Brian Keever TWT© 1995 Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company SHANERUFFPRESIDENT, / CEO / DIRECTOR ROYKLAUS/ CO-DIRECTOR Represented Nationally by Rlvendell Marketing, Inc. SATURDAY GAY BOWLERS CAR WASH lOAM TO qPM $S EXTERIDR - $2 INTERIDR WEDNESDAY SUNDAY DYAN MICHAELS 6PM - BPM FINAL NIGHT MSl PARTY HOSTING OUR MALE STRIP SPONSORED BY THE MONTROSE COUNSELING CENTER SOFTBALL CONTEST TEAM WITH A SURPRISE THIRTY JOIN DYAN FOR HER ONE MINUTE SHOW AT 7:30PM WO'JlAN REBA SHOW AT 1D:30PM NO COVER 10PM SHARP FOLLOWED BY THE THE IMPERIAL COURT PRESENTS CONTESTAT II PM DOWN THE TUBES A NIGHT OF BURLESQUE AND BAD TASTE BENEFITING COLT LIS's STONE SOUP FUND Leather Knights' COMING APRIL 30TH • IDPM SHARP Boot Auction SUNDAY FRENZY April 29th MALE STRIP CDNTESTS $75 FIRST - $50 SECOND - $25 THIRD WINNERS OF THE WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY CONTESTS WILL ADVANCE TO OUR SIX WEEK FINALS I, ••••• o •• ••••• -•• -•• "... Your COmpanyhandled my case in a very professio1!almanner and Iappreciate '0::>:·:·:·······:·::::·: ······:::·:·::·:·· that. Thanks to you Michael for Your til:::":::::::::::::::/::J: concern. and outreach to me in my time 0 of need. - PaulCooley-Ifo ,/oo u • "...1sourced With five viatical C{Jmpanies I::::::::::·:o·:·:·:·:·:·:·::·:·::::::::::}] and you Were the o111yone that listened to • my requests. You were truly helpful to me • and my friends."_ G""Ke Watso"-Ifo ,/oo @ u ~ • "... You shOWed me Options no one else ~ explamed, So I could get money from my msurance C{Jmpany.Even though you did not Purchase my POlicy,IhighJy ~ • re",?mmend you to friends who Want straIght talk." - Eddie BI""ek -Ifo ,/oo ••• u o '0 -0 CD Makingfriends in Texas since 1989. ••••• o ~ CALL MICHAEL AT American Life C C'I 1·800·750·3383 .&::. e- IN HOUSTON CALL (713) 781·1900 OR COME BY TO DISCUSS YOUR OPTIONS. ~@ ~ 3: A V1ATICAL SE1TI.EMENf COMPANY AT AUSTIN'S PLANET REVIEWED BY BRUCE WILLIAMS THEATRE FAUSTUS t'san old story: Good vs. Evil. The quest Ifor knowledge. When is enough too much? Faustus, a postmodern musical by Kirk Smith adapted from the 16th-century trag- edy by Christopher Marlowe, brings a new light to a dark old tale. With an excellent cast and the solid direction of Bonnie Cul- lum, Faustus made its world public pre- miere on April 6 at Planet Theatre. One couldn't help but wonder if this wasn't how Jesus Christ, Superstar got its start; Faustus has the dynamics and appeal to stay around for a long time. Smith and musical director Sergio R. Samayoa weave 17 songs with a new-rock beat into the tale of Dr. Faustus, his loyal assistant Wagner, Lucifer and the Devil's legmen Mephistopheles and Beelzebub. One of those songs may someday bloom into an "I don't Know How to Love Him" or a "Memories"; for now, their modernness fleshes out and balances the Olde English dialogue Smith adapts from Marlowe's book The Tragica/ History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus. Up from Hell, Lucifer[Kir/c Smith], Mephistopheles [Jason A. Allison Roy dominates the stage with Phillips] and devils [Anna Browns/ed, Laura Walberg] in her powerful performance as the power- Vortex Repertory Company's musical production of Faustus hungry, magic-mesmerized doctor. Seeing at Planet Theatre in Austin through April 29. TWT APRIL 21 - APRIL 27 1995 PAGE 14 II il a female continually referred to as "he" of Gluttony, the Talking Head and the Old ,.I immediately puts the audience into a Man, who tries in vain to help Faustus frame of mind where it must suspend its regain his soul. He fails there, as the doc- beliefs and prejudices. It works perfectly, tor opts for the pleasures of a menage a just as when the title role in Peter Pan was trois with the tempting Mephistopheles portrayed by a Mary Martin, a Mitzi Gaynor and Helen of Troy (Torres); but the Old Man or a Cathy Rigby. Roy, a veteran member has enough strength to ward off Lucifer of Austin's Vortex Repertory Company and his minions when the Temptress Devil who earlier this year co-starred as Blue in (Walberg) entices him with "Dig." Beirut, runs the gamut from haughty Problems with the performance this power-seeker and power-wielder to fearful reviewer saw were few, though there were repentant, and brings the audience right some opening-night glitches, mostly with along beside her on the emotional ride. the sound system. The lighting design by Jason A. Phillips as the tempting Me- Jason Amato (mostly dark and shadows, phistopheles and Lisa Hargus as the loyal with fog often rolling in) and the costume Wagner complement Roy well. According design by Dianne Talley (basically, black to Cullum, the cast has been working on T-shirts, tights and body stockings to the show since January, and the cohesive- facilitate everyone's movement and ex· ness they've developed was evident in the tend the mood, with some dark period out- way they interacted. fits that were fittingly elaborate) were both Faustus is hungry to know everything, excellent. An overture and longer songs and to wield the power and magic that would be nice, but those will have to wait can only come from the rulers of hell. He forthe move to a larger venue where a live must sign a contract of blood with Lucifer, orchestra can be used; here they had to with Mephistopheles serving as their go- make do with taped music, plus bridging between and answering the doctor's ques- radio broadcasts, which didn't always work tions. When Faustus ponders hell as he and were sometimes confusing. The ln- signs his soul away in blood, Mephistoph· timacy of the small Planet Theatre stage eles tells him, "Wherever we are is hell." restricted the actors somewhat, while at "If this is hell, then let me well be damned," the same time keeping them closely con- Faustus replies in his lust to learn it all. nected with the audience. Those words come back to haunt the doc- Those are things to be handled and tor, over whom Mephistopheles later gloats, adapted as the play grows to larger ven- "Fools that laugh on earth must weep in ues; for now, it's a perfect masterpiece for hell." its environment.
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