cichlidcichlidthe monthly Volume 29, #2 PREMIUM FLAKE FOOD March 2000 Victorian Cichlid Wardley Total Tropical is the ultimate Society freshwater flake food, created to pro- vide an extraordinary diet that consid- Incorporated ers not only your fishes health of today, Certificate of Incorporation but their nutritional needs for tomorrow. # A12794D Better metabolic responses, faster attraction to the food, brilliant color and improved overall health and vitality are only a few of the benefits of feeding Total Tropical as your everyday staple food. Total Tropical begins where all other staple foods leave off. GLENN LACEY QUALITY PRODUCTS FOR THE AUSTRALIAN FISHKEEPER $1 AUSTRALIA’S PREMIER BRAND R E G I S T E R E D B Y A U S T R A L I A Cover picture: P O S T P P 3 4 2 7 8 0 / 0 0 2 4 ^ ^ BBAAAA NameName ChangChangeses ^ cichlidcichlidWeWe havehave aa fewfewscenescene friendsfriends thatthat ApistogrammaA borelli â Apistogramma reitzigi THE NEXT MEETING will be held on the second Friday of the month at 8 pm sharp (Trading Cichlasoma meeki â Thorichthys meeki Table opensyouyou earlier) inmightmight the Courtyard Roomlikelike at the Nunawadingtoto meetmeet Civic Centre, ...... Whitehorse Haplochromis mloto â Copadichromis azureus Road, Mitcham. Visitors are encouraged to come along. Haplochromis venustus â Nimbochromis venustus Protomelas similis (Red Empress) â Protomelas taeniolatus MINI TALK: `Rams’, Graham Rowe. Protomelas taeniolatus (Steveneye Tiger) â Protomelas sp Steveneye Tiger MAIN TALK:EASTERN`Have Fish, Will DISTRICTS Travel’, Ben and Helen AQUARIUM Carbone. SOCIETY Pseudotropheus lombardoi â Metriaclima lombardoi DOOR PRIZES:MeetsAqualife. on the 4th Friday of month at the Nunawading Pseudotropheus macrophthalmus â Tropheops sp Red Cheek Pseudotropheus sp Albino â Metriaclima zebra DRAW PRIZES:Civic Centre, Whitehorse Rd, Nunawading. Pseudotropheus sp Tangerine Zebra â Metriaclima estherae 1. 1kgCall OSI Flake9802 Food. 3968 or write to PO Box 502, Ringwood 3134. Sciaenochromis ahli (Electric Blue) â Sciaenochromis fryeri 2. Wetlands frozen food. These changes have been made to the names of fishes registered in the 3. Plant. BAA system. Some of these are duplicated in the list published in March TABLEAUSTRALIAN SHOWS & NEW GUINEA FISHES ASSOC 1999, at least one is a reversal of the name change in that list. The latter Do your own thing. (See page 24.) begs the question: Why did no-one point the change out if it was in error? Meets bi-monthly at Melbourne Zoo, starting January. That is a major reason why it was published in the first place. Contact Glenn Briggs on 9725 3665 (AH) Check our If you disagree with any of the above, or you know of other recent name Web page: wwwfor. moreblla information.ze.net.au/~daryllh changes that have not been listed, then let the BAA chairperson (Lynda Haymes) in on what you know. t COMMITTEE MEMBERS: PRESIDENT JohnAQUARIUM McCormick . .5944-3502 SOCIETY LIBRARIAN OF VICTORIAAnthony Caiolfa . .9886-5775 VICE-PRES Peter Robinson . 9807-8196 TRADING TBL Glenn Lacey . .9512-6706 SECRETARY GrahamMeets Rowe on . .the . 9560-7472last Thursday of the month TREASURER Keith Patfordat .29 . .Grant . .9716-2425 Street, COMMITTEE Clifton-AT-LARGE Hill.: EDITOR CallDaryl 9478 Hutchins 6028 . .or . .write . 9872-3225 to PO Box 140,Lee Clifton Ashton Hill. .3068 . .9561-5131 WardleyWardley TableTable ShowShow CalendarCalendar 20002000 Facsimile . .9872-3225 Granville Lawrence . .9564-7247 Kevin Archibald Show Keith Patford Show SOCIAL SEC Position vacant . Lynda Haymes . .9704-2046 SHOW SEC Sebastian Zwalf . 9885-8651 Jason Taylor . .9569-3772 February Angels, Uarus and Discus Lake Malawians March South Americans Lake Tanganyikans Sub-CommitteeNATIONAL Chairpersons: AUSTRALIANSpecies Maintenance: KILLIFISH Graham Rowe. Mailing:ASSOC Peter April Central Americans African Riverines and Lake Victorians Robinson. Constitution:Meets Daryl BI-monthly Hutchins. BAA: inLynda members’ Haymes. Handbook: homes. Daryl Hutchins. May South Americans Lake Malawians LIFE MEMBERS: GrahamContact: Rowe, Heinz David Staude, Skop Kevin Archibald,9563 7231. Keith Patford, June Dwarf Americans Dwarf Africans Danny Genovese and Daryl Hutchins. July Central Americans Lake Tanganyikans HONORARY MEMBER: FELLOW OF THE SOCIETY: August Pairs (American) Pairs (African) Max Davenport. Graham Rowe. THIS SPACE FOR RENT THIS SPACE Victorian Cichlid Society September TheSouth rules Americans are still suspended. Lake Malawians October Central Americans African Riverine and Lake Victorians MEMBERSHIP© Copyright, Victorian APPLICATIONSCichlid Society Inc 2000. November Angels, Uarus and Discus Lake Tanganyikans Bring whatever species you like ... orAnyone other wishing enquiries to reprint material may from `The be Cichlid directed Monthly’ for to:non-commercial December American of Your Choice African of Your Choice all the specimens you can manage. purposes,The may Secretary, do so (unless the Grahamitem is copyright Rowe by the author) provided due NOTE: Asian Cichlids may be entered in any show, but must meet the special requirements credit is given to the author and `TCM’ and one copy of the relevant publication is forwarded to the author, care of the Secretary. Enquiries re the use of material in June (dwarfs) and August (pairs). 23 Mangana Drive, Mulgrave Vic 3170 Ph/faxin other9560 publications 7472 may -- bee-mail directed [email protected] [email protected]. 24 VICTORIAN CICHLID SOCIETY INC ^ THE CICHLID MONTHLY 1 | | | | | | | | | C O N T E N T S HILE typing the minutes into this edition, I couldn’t editorial help but notice the sugges- editorial Cichlid Scene . .1 Fish Only Auction (map) . .12-13 W tion that we do away with corre- dhutchins@ spondence and the Treasurer’s theage.fairfax.com.au Editorial . .3 Rowemin Round . .14 Report at the beginning of the meetingOPENO – in theP nameE Nof saving NIGHTNIGHT AATT Fax: 9872-3225 time I believe. Minutes of Previous Meeting . .4-5 My Experience With Cyrtocara moorii . .16-18 (In a way it’s good that I miss How to be a Successful some little things occasionally when This causes me to reflect on the The Elaine Turner Memorial number of times that various Fish Breeder ... and Make a on my littleRAYONNER trips forA everyone’sY for-ONNE Jawlockings . .20-21 gotten or missing items. If I shot all Treasurers (myself included) have Fortune . .6-7 my bolts at meetings I wouldn’t been called to task for not giving a Art & Photographic have anything left for editorials report to another committee mem- Cyrtocara moorii Revisited . .8-11 BAA Name Changes . .24 except boring old extra plugs for ber when they could not attend a upcomingAQUARIUMA eventsQ and theU like. Non-ARgeneralI meeting.U InM my case it was Competition attending members would be less “not enough detail” in my report. So VCS Trading Post . .11 Wardley Table Show Calendar . .24 informed too. But I digress ... back the reports went into quite some will be judged at the November meeting to gagging the front table.) detail (they still didn’t take long). Correspondence1818 wasAPRIL,A effectivelyPRILOnly, 2 2000two people00 have0 held the The Victorian Cichlid Society was formed by cichlidophiles in March 1972 thus becoming the first done away with 20 years ago. Most position of Secretary. I don’t specialist aquarist group in the State of Victoria. Its main aims are: items are only mentioned, the remember if Glenn was ever criti- 1. To promote the keeping of cichlids; SecretaryAABOUT BonlyO UgoingT 77.45 into.4 5items SSHOULD HofOULcisedD DOD forO not THET HgivingE TRICKT someRIC itemK of correspondence its rightful place in 2. To gain and disseminate knowledge of cichlids, their habits and attributes through the use of particular interest. Even then it’s slides, films, books, lectures, practical demonstrations, local and overseas magazines, articles usually at someone else’s request the spotlight – Graham certainly by members and discussions with fellow members or experts in the field; (as Graham finds anything fishy has. It seems there’s diff’rent AUTHORS strokes for diff’rent folks. 3. To assist, in any way possible, the establishment and/or maintenance of approved public interesting). This whole process normally takes less than five min- aquaria; I am running out of room here so I utes (sans interruptions). Shut up, For all your signwriting will cut to the chase. The reason 4. To be involved in the education of the general public with regard to the benefits of fishkeeping listen and time it if you disagree. WANTED(particularly cichlids), and the potentially harmful effects of animal mismanagement; that we constantly run late at meet- requirements Sorry, you can’t can you, we have a ings is not because we observe 5. To promote fellowship between members; three-month cone of silence. NO EXPERIENCE minimal proper procedures for a 6. To further the conservation of species and theirCOMPUTER-CUT natural habitats; SIGNS NECESSARY Blabber-mouth, the Treasurer, he meeting where everyone is entitled 7. To further the identification, distribution, breeding,CAR, maintenance TRUCK, and enjoyment BOAT of species and in the usually takes about 30 seconds. to be informed of how the society is Aims of the Society Aims of the Society FamilyREWARDS Cichlidae. Any extra time being the result of being run as well as learn about fish FACTORY SIGNS questions.RRAA IY YmightOO addNN thatNN at thisEE AAandQQ socialiseUUAA a bit.RR No,II IU Uput MitM to Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are those FactoryAll correspondence 1, 11 Swift to: Way, very same meeting the Treasurer you ladies and gentlemen of the of the authors,BOUNDLESS and are not necessarily those of THE SECRETARY was beingMELBOURNES asked to bag his head, LARGESTjury – the reason RANGE we finish OF late is the Editor of TCM or the committee VICTORIANDandenong CICHLID SOCIETYSouth INC (See the Editor) questionsTROPICAL were asked as to AND the cost COLDbecause WATER we never startFISH on bloody of the Victorian Cichlid Society Inc. You are c/- 23 Mangana Drive, Mulgrave, Victoria, of printing this magazine and the time! Try having your backside in a encouraged to write to, or e-mail the Editor on any Australia 3170 9706 5916 712`Cichlid Plenty Register’.
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