{ Meeting d Distr'ct Levet Expert Approisol Commitlee -Thone held on 15m october 201& The 9th Meetine of District Level Expert Anpraisal Committee-l Hetd on 16th October 2018 At Samiti Sabagruha,2nd Floor, Niyojan Bhavan Building, Collector Office Thane Campus, Thane (W) The following members were present for the committee Meeting. Sr. Nominated Member Oflice and Post Name Role in DEAC Present/Absent No I Shri. U.L. Pawar Executive Engineer, Irrigation Chairman Present Department, Thane 2. Smt. Girja Desai Asst. Conservator of Forest, Member Present Thane 3. Mr. H.M. Sangnor Geologist, GSDA, Thane Member Present 4. Dr. Santoshi Shinde District Health Officer, Thane Member Present Representative 5. Shri. Sukhdeve Executive Engineer, Member Present Zila Parishad, Thane 6. Mr. Lad Regional Officer, Maharashtra Member Absent Pollution Control Board, Thane 7_ Dr. Pramod Salaskar Env ronmeut Expert Member Absent 8. Prof. Vinod Naravane Environment Expert Member Absent Prof. Birla College. Kalyan 9. Prof. Sudesh D. Rathod Environment Expert Member Present Prof. Thana collese 10. Smt. Subhangi Mane Assistant Engineer-I, Public Member Absent Works Department, Thane ll Shri. Manoj N Meshram District Mining Officer, Thane Member Present Secretary 12. Shri. TanajiYadav Regional Officer, Maharashtra Invitee Present Pollution Control Board, Member Navi Mumbai At the outset, the Chairman welcomed all the Members present for the meeting. Thereafter the items were taken up for discussion. o The following cases were placed before the committee for appraisal. Sr, FiIe Name of Proposal Taluka Village Suruey. No Area in Type of No No Ha. Land I 87 Shd. G.H. Ajwani Thane Adivali 94/A (Part) 1.42 FOREST Bhtavali 2 88 Mukesh & Company Thane Adivali 94lA (Part) 1.00 FOREST Bhtavali J 90 Shd. N.G. Ajwani Thane Adivali 94lA (Part) 1.42.0 FOREST Bhtavali 4 9l Raghuvansh Stone Mines Thane Adivali 94lA (Part) 1. r 9.0 FOREST Bhtavali t L-,--- Member Secretary DEAC, Thane f Meeting ol District Levet Expeft Apprdisdl Committee - fhdne hetd on 16m odober 2ot& Sr. File Name of Proposal Taluka Village Survey. No Area in Type of No No Ha. Land 5 92 Mahaveer Stone and Metal Supplier Thane Bhandarli 104 (part) 121.0 FOREST 6 93 UMA Stone Company Thane Adivali 94lA (Part) 1.52.0 FOREST Bhtavali 7 94 Harasiddh Stone Industries Thane Adivali 94/A (Part) 1.47.0 FOREST Bhtavali 8 95 Mukesh Stone Crushing Company Thane shil 218/B (Part) I . 17.0 FOREST 9 96 Mumbra Stone Industries Thane Kausa- 16 I (Part) I .13.0 FOREST Mumbra l0 97 Manoj Stone Crushing Company Thane Bhandarli 104 (part) 1.20.0 FOREST ll 98 Prabhat Quarry Thane Bhandarli 104 (part) 1.32.8 FOREST t2 99 Ram Stone Quarries Thane IlthanPada 78/A 0.61.0 FOREST l3 100 Patel Stone Company Thane shil 2181A I . 16.0 FOREST t4 101 Mangalsing & Company Thane IlthanPada 78lA 1.00.0 FOREST l5 102 B.M. Yadav Thane Shilgaon 2t8tA 1.04.0 FOREST t6 103 IWs. Patel Quarries W.P. Forest Thane Chinchwali 102 (Part) I . 16.5 FOREST t7 104 M/s. Sanjay Stones Mines R.F. Thane Digha 2030 (Part) 1.00.0 FOREST l8 105 Shri. Ram Daji kasbe R.F. Thane Adivali- 94lA 1.00.0 FOREST Bhutavali t9 106 M/s. Bombay Quarries Thane Chinchwali 102 (Part) 1.29.0 FOREST 20 83 M/s. Abhishek Stone Crusher Bhiwandi Amne Gut No-I1/2, PVT. ShriVasant D. Taware Part l2l113, 2.16 tznl4.t2lU5 2l 108 Shyam Sunder Stone Industries Ambernath Chikhloli 177 part 1.00 Forest 22 109 Sou. Jayshree Dinesh Patil Kalvan Kunde 7713 Ae\ 1.00 PVT. 23 ll0 Ek Tu Hi Nirankar EnterDrises Kalyan Kamba 5812 3.20ha PVT. 24 l06F M/s. Sainath Stone Crusher Kalvan Kamba 9ll3c,3D,3E 1.41.5 PVT. & 3F (Part) 25 85 M/s. Prabhat Stone Shri. Amrutlal Bhiwandi Vashere 1013,1015, & 2.00 PVT. Narsibhai Patel ll14 (Part\ 26 86 M/s. Rutvi Enterprises Bhiwandi Paye 137,139 Part l.93 PVT. Shri Bhimsinsh C. Chatriava 27 ln7 M Elhiurenrli Pave I3]JJB-_ -404+ -I\ZI'X 28 go lWs. Mahesh Stone Crusher Bhiwandi Paye 159t6 & 170 2.67 PVT. Comoanv Pafi 29 Paye Stone Shri. Himmatlal Bhiwandi Paye l 50/5 PVT. gL Quarry 2.80 Ganeshlal Kachhara 30 IWs Ashtavinayak Stone Bhiwandi Khandwal Ktrasara No. 3.85 PVT. '++ Crusher 3/9l11ll, 3/8/5 + Company 91811, 3l7K + 81311, 3l7K+ 812/1,3/ 7B + 8/1fi.3/6K+7/3/t 2 \-N--- Member Secretary DEAC, Thane { Meeting o! District Level Expei Apptoisal Commitlee -Thane held on 15s october 201& Sr. File Name of Proposal Taluka Village Survey. No Area in Type of No No Ha. Land 3l ill Yogesh Ramesh Patil Bhiwandi Lonad 8t/yc &S1UD 1.88.0 PVT. 32 112 M/s. Saket lnfraporiects Ltd. Bhiwandi Pise 81 (Part) 1.07 PVT. JJ ll3 Vishwajeet Ramdas Kene Bhiwandi Amne 216/3lAand 1.62 PVT. 201613/B 34 l14 IWs. D.G. Enterprises Shri. Clive Bhiwandi Vape t35lt, 3.30 PVT. F. Gonsalves 135I2IA,B,C,D, 13513, and 13514 35 I t5 M/s. K.T.N Infra Bhiwandi Paye t59, t59lt & 2.95 PVT. t6Ut 36 l16 Shri. Ganesh Kripa Stone Bhiwandi Talavali tr8l4 & 1.76 PVT. Supplies 87|9(oaft\ 37 117 IWs. Shree Sai Dhara Stone Kalyan Kamba 8213 1.50 PVT. Quarry Shri. Chandra Bahadur Jaikaran Sineh 38 I l8 Dashmesha Stone Crusher Kalyan Kamba 8012 2.00 PVT. 39 l19 Maharal Stone Shri. Kalyan Mahral 35fit, 351t2, 4.95 PVT. Quarry 35159, 37/4, 3719, Kanheyalal M. Chandanani 3713A\3718 40 120 M/s. Deepak Stone Supplies Kalyan Kamba 9U2lC 1.74 PVT. 4t t2t Shri. Mahesh Sadashiv Banote Ambernath shil 11512 (Part\ 2.00 PVT. 42 122 Tanish Stone Crushers Pvt. Ltd Ambernath Usatne 130,133/7 A\ t33lB, 4.07 PVT. l33l8A\ l34llL t34ltB & 13412 43 123 Shri. Mohan Sanjiv Shetty Murbad Bramhan 445,45611, 3.26 PVT. gaon 4s612 Sr. No. 1 to 19 - File No. 87 to 88 and 90 to 106. Stone Quarries Situated in Forest Land at Thane and Navi Mumbai. Adivali-Bhutavali, Shil, Kausa-Mumbra, Bhandarli, I Shilsaon. Chinchwali All proposal in serial no I to 19 are fatling under forest land which already have obtained Forest NOC with validity period of 20 years. During site visit dated 03'd October 2018, it is noted that all the quarries are located adjoining to some other quarries on the single or different hillock. Committee felt that during operation phase of these quarries, the environment will be adversely affected. As per S.O. 141@) Dated 15th January,2016,, a cluster shall be formed when the distance between the peripheries of one lease is less than 500 meters from the periphery of other lease in a homogenous mineral area. While as per Appendix -XI of S.O. 14f (E) Dated 15"' January, 2016 pubtished by MoEF, the quarrying activity with cluster of mine leases of area >25 ha with individual leases size < 50 Ha are to be considered as Category B-1. As per tf,-e directive given by DEAC in the 2nd meeting Dated l't June 2017rand communication dated 06.10.2017 received from SEAC-I regarding previous similar cases, the exclusion Ministry of Environment, Forest and 'Cli-ut"provided in the Notification dated OllOTl2OlT issued by the Change for the leases or quarry licenses granted before 9th September, 2013 for being not treated as cluster and the appraisal of the Environment Impact to be considered by the DEAC i, ! rvr"ru"k"t.rv DEAC, Thane { M..ahry of ol/add L.v.l fflp.ra Apprulsot com,/.tncc - TrE e ,t?H o, 15$ ocrot r 2o1G and DEIAA, Thane. Therefore, DEAC thane is considering the aforesaid proposals for recommendations over Environmental clearance of Mining leases. During the DEAC site visit dated 03/10/2018, Range officer of forest department was directed by committee members to provide details of Sr.No. I to t9 in respect of distance from high tension line, nearest habitation, tunnel, Pipeline, Water reservoir, Dam etc. DEAC committee sent letter to forest department vide dated 06.10.2018 for the safe distance for protection of environment and the people living at nearest habitat and their safety. Also, for the sustainable mining in homogenous hill, particularly in Digha region forest department must verifo the same, before imitating the quarry operation. It is observed that, the concemed officers ofForest Department shall ensure the protection of the forest and green belts situated in the Forest land and expeditiously report damage, if any to DEAC and DEIAA. The leamed During the DEAC 9th meeting Asst. Conservator of Forest, Thane has informed that as per their records, there is balance area for mining activity in each proposal. As per Agenda Sr. no. I to 19 & and 2l written communication will be forwarded to the committee shortly in respect of balance area for mining. The said statement of learned Asst. Conservator of Forest, Thane is accepted. Considering the above factors, following action plans are recommended. a) Comprehensive Environment Management Plan shall be prepared considering all the environmentally affecting factors, including Industries, Quarrying/Crushers, Vehicular and or any other factors, in consultation with MPCB, Forest and Mining Department. b) Action plan on implementation of EMP shall be prepared. c) Monitoring Mechanism shall be put in place involving concemed authorities of MPCB and Forest. d) Independent third party periodic monitoring on implementation of action plan on implementation of EMP. e) The proposal of quarry sr. no. 17 Sanjay stone Quarry as per Asst.
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