IntegratingIntegrating biodiversitybiodiversity conservationconservation intointo spatialspatial planningplanning inin MalaysiaMalaysia :: DrDr GG BalamuruganBalamurugan EREERE ConsultingConsulting GroupGroup www.ere.com.my ContentsContents SpatialSpatial planningplanning inin MalaysiaMalaysia IncorporationIncorporation ofof biodiversitybiodiversity conservationconservation inin thethe NationalNational PhysicalPhysical PlanPlan LessonsLessons learntlearnt www.ere.com.my NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING FRAMEWORK - MALAYSIA VISION 2020 LEVEL 1 : NATIONAL PLANNING 5 YEAR NATIONAL SECTORAL MALAYSIA PLAN PHYSICAL PLAN POLICIES/ PLANS LEVEL 2 : REGIONAL/STATE PLANNING STATE REGIONAL/ SECTORAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN STRCTURE PLAN POLICIES/ PLANS LEVEL 3 : LOCAL PLANNING LOCAL SPECIAL AREA PLAN PLAN www.ere.com.my NationalNational PhysicalPhysical PlanPlan Provided for by the Town & Country Planning Act 1976 Aims to strengthen national planning by providing a spatial dimension to national economic policies Provides general direction of physical development To be reviewed once in every 5 years in tandem with the 5 -year national economic plans www.ere.com.my www.ere.com.my NationalNational PhysicalPhysical PlanPlan Because biodiversity conservation is so closely related to land use planning, the “environment team ” had to be very proactive in guiding the rest of the spatial planning team. The main aim was to protect all the key “environmentally sensitive areas ” (ESA) and to guide the direction of development growth. It was also important to portray the hierarchy of the ESA to enable the other sectors make informed decisions. www.ere.com.my www.ere.com.my Areas important for the protection of biodiversity Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 www.ere.com.my Areas important for the protection of life support Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 www.ere.com.my Areas important for the protection against hazards Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 www.ere.com.my Composite – Environmentally Sensitive Areas Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 www.ere.com.my EffectEffect onon lowerlower --levellevel plansplans NPPNPP setssets thethe minimumminimum requirementsrequirements –– thatthat thethe lowerlower levellevel spatialspatial plansplans havehave toto adhereadhere MostMost ofof thethe lowerlower levellevel plansplans havehave sincesince identifiedidentified moremore environmentallyenvironmentally sensitivesensitive areasareas –– thosethose thatthat areare importantimportant atat thethe locallocal levellevel www.ere.com.my FollowFollow upup projectsprojects EstablishmentEstablishment ofof thethe CentralCentral ForestForest SpineSpine (focus(focus onon establishmentestablishment forestforest connectivityconnectivity // biologicalbiological corridors)corridors) www.ere.com.my Objective • Re-establish forest connectivity • Overcome problems associated with forest fragmentation www.ere.com.my LessonsLessons learntlearnt Traditional agencies (environment, etc) are weak in finance, manpower and jurisdiction. Therefore, when a “mainstream ” agency stresses on biodiversity conservation, it has a greater impact than if emphasis is by conventional environmental agencies. Before NPP, low level of awareness amongst governmental agencies about the NBSAP. Many key agencies (town planning, agriculture, finance) unfamiliar with Protected areas, CBD, etc www.ere.com.my LessonsLessons learntlearnt ModestModest levellevel ofof NGONGO participationparticipation butbut highhigh levellevel ofof buybuy --inin andand support.support. ThisThis ledled toto greatergreater disseminationdissemination ofof informationinformation aboutabout thethe NPPNPP toto thethe generalgeneral public.public. StakeholderStakeholder consultationconsultation doesdoes notnot necessarilynecessarily leadlead toto stakeholderstakeholder ownershipownership .. InIn thethe casecase ofof consultationconsultation withwith otherother governmentgovernment agencies,agencies, ifif consultationconsultation notnot donedone properly,properly, couldcould leadlead toto turfturf war.war. www.ere.com.my LessonsLessons learntlearnt TheThe rolerole ofof traditionaltraditional environmentalenvironmental agenciesagencies shouldshould bebe toto facilitatefacilitate andand toto provideprovide appropriateappropriate information.information. IdentifyIdentify andand nurturenurture championschampions inin keykey agenciesagencies www.ere.com.my A g r To ic wn u P lt la u n re n Biodiversity ing A A g g e e n Conservation nc c y y Ministry of Environment y c www.ere.com.my n e g A s d a o R Conventional Model Biodiversity Conservation Roads T gency ow A Pl n ann ing Age ncy O re t tu h l y a s e u c t g r r ic n e r e e m n a g g a c m A A i ie n s Ministry of Environment Facilitator / Coach www.ere.com.my LessonsLessons learntlearnt PeoplePeople shouldshould bebe trainedtrained onon howhow toto planplan andand conductconduct stakeholderstakeholder workshops.workshops. ThisThis isis nownow takentaken forfor granted.granted. NoNo workshopworkshop maymay bebe betterbetter thanthan aa poorlypoorly organizedorganized one.one. PreachPreach toto thethe ““infidelsinfidels ”” –– toto overcomeovercome lacklack ofof bioDbioD awarenessawareness outsideoutside thethe traditionaltraditional sectorssectors www.ere.com.my LessonsLessons learntlearnt MainstreamingMainstreaming isis competitivecompetitive .. AllAll otherother sectorssectors areare alsoalso tryingtrying toto mainstream;mainstream; e.g.e.g. tourism,tourism, health,health, safety,safety, etc.etc. www.ere.com.my ThankThank youyou www.ere.com.my r a n c a n g a n t e m p a t a n DAERAH 1 : 300,000 KOTA TINGGI Tambahan HSK Ulu Sedili 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 2 0 Cadangan HSK Ulu Sedili Tambahan pp ee tt uu nn jj uu kk : : HSK Kuala Sedili HSK Ulu Sedili Cadangan HSK Kluang Hutan Simpan Kekal Cadangan HSK Ulu Sedili Tambahan Sedia ada Cadangan HSK Panti Cadangan HSK Sedili Kecil HSK Pantai Cadangan HSK Seluyut Cadangan HSK Pantai Timur HSK Sungai Johor Bandar / Pekan Jalanraya HSK Sungai Lebam Jalan Negeri Jalan Persekutuan HSK Sungai Belungkor Lebuhraya Cadangan HSK Pungai Sungai HSK Sungai Santi t a j u k HUTAN SIMPAN KEKAL DI DAERAH KOTA TINGGI s u m b e r i) KAJIAN RANCANGAN TEMPATAN DAERAH KOTA TINGGI 2007-2020, 2007 r a n c a n g a n t e m p a t a n DAERAH 1 : 300,000 KOTA TINGGI 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 2 0 Tambahan HSK Ulu Sedili Cadangan HSK Ulu Sedili Tambahan pp ee tt uu nn jj uu kk : : HSK Kuala Sedili HSK Ulu Sedili Cadangan HSK Kluang Fungsi Hutan Cadangan HSK Ulu Sedili Tambahan Hutan Pengeluaran Hutan Penyelidikan Hutan Perlindungan Hidupan HSK Panti Liar Hutan Perlindungan Tanah Cadangan HSK Hutan Simpanan Dara Sedili Kecil HSK Pantai Cadangan Hutan Tadahan Air Cadangan HSK Seluyut Cadangan Hutan Simpan Kekal Cadangan HSK Pantai Timur HSK Sungai Johor Bandar / Pekan Jalanraya HSK Sungai Lebam Jalan Negeri Jalan Persekutuan HSK Sungai Belungkor Lebuhraya Cadangan HSK Pungai Sungai HSK Sungai Santi t a j u k FUNGSI HUTAN DI DAERAH KOTA TINGGI s u m b e r i) KAJIAN RANCANGAN TEMPATAN DAERAH KOTA TINGGI 2007-2020, 2007 1 : 300,000 Tahap KSAS Tahap 1 Tahap 2 Tahap 3 Stesen Takat Pengambilan Air Bandar / Pekan Jalanraya Jalan Negeri Jalan Persekutuan Lebuhraya Sungai PETA KAWASAN SENSITIF ALAM SEKITAR (KSAS) www.ere.com.my.
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