No. 1 January 7, 1980 BEIJING *, a.A.rL A CHINESE WEEKLY OF REVIEW NEWS AND VIEWS New Yeor Messoge o Chino Condemns'Soviet lnvosion of Afghoniston ,$: *,+i -!u o s.' .,: ' -,u' A Report on Chinese ,k Educotion ,.# filorch Kampuchean Gouernmenrt HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK Reorganized A new political Iine has been lnlo the 80s With HoW pared by our correspondent, formulated in Democratic Kam- with interviews as well as facts puchea and its government re- Renrnin Ribao's (ieople's and figures, tries to shed light organized in an effort to Daily, the Party organ) New on these qriestions. (Page 17) broaden the forces of resistance Year editqrial takes stock. It to Vietnamese aggrcssion. This Iooks back at China's domestic Soviet Mailed Fist in is a significant development and international achievements both for the corrntry's national in 1979 and lists the nation's Atghanlstan Candemned cause and for peacr in Sorrtheast tasks in 1980. The 80s, it pre- Asia. (Page 9) dicts, will be bright and full of A Chinese government state- Premier Hua has sent a mes- hope as well as rigorous and de- ment condemns the latest mani- sage of greetings to the new manding. (Page 14) festation of Soviet hegemonism 'Sam- in Afghanistan and calls for the Prime Minister, Khieu withdrawal of its troops from phan, reiterating China's firm Cftina's Educatlon Frcm support. (Page 4) Kndergarten to University that couirtry. (Page 3) gs the old year rang out, the What type of men and women roars of Soviet tanks and gunfire does China aim to bring up? . rocked Kabul and'reverberated Will the educated young, throughout the world. Here's endowed with knowledge and yet another case of Moscow's technical skill needed to mod- ambitions and readiness to ernize the country, servg the tranrple underfoot the sovpreign people? Or will they become rights of other nations. (Page a=-- an elite class? A report pre- 10) ln' Commemorotion of Stolin's Focts ond Figures 18 l00th Birthdoy BEIJING REVIEW All-Round Developmeni in Poce-Setters in the Modernizo- Primory School t9 tion Morch ' tL 4. [^.* Middle Schools: Lobourers With Sociolist Conscious- INTERNATIONAT 9 ness ond Culture 21 Vol.23, No. I Jonuory 7, 1980 Democrotic Kompucheon Gov- A Closs in o College: Both ernment Reorgonized Red ond Expert 24 Kobul: Mossive Soviet ln- CONTENTS vosion IHE LAND IT PEOPTE 28 Rhodesion Peoce Accord EVENTS II TRENDS 3 Chino' Supports the Zimbob- weon People CULTURE & SCIENCE 30 Chino Condemns Soviet Mili- tory lnvosion of Afghoniston Where ls Nicoroguo Heoding? BOOKS 31 Chinese Vice-Foreign Minister - Xinhuo Correspondents Summons Soviet Ambossodor ARTICLES AND DOCUMENTS COVER: Chen Dengming, o notionol model worker ond deputi leoder Support for Broodest United Usher Period of Front in Kompucheo in o. New of the Tiger Tunnelling Teom of Greot Achievements - "Ren- the Huoibei Cool Centre in Anhui Diplomotic Relotions With min Riboo" 1980 New Yeor's Province, is doing his best to hblp Ecuodor Doy editoriol 14 increose cool output os his con- tribution to the four modernizotions; Moo Zedong Thought: Product SPECIAL FEATURE of . Collective Wisdom Chino's Educotion: The Type Publlshcd every Mondoy by New Yeor Greetings to Our of People lt Brings Up Reoders Our Correspondent He Zuo- BEUING RA/lnA/, Beliins (37), Chino Holf o Million Letters From "Five Loves" in Kindergor- Post Office Rogistrotion No. 2-922, Reoders tens 17 Printed in the People's Republic of Chino CHINA EVENTS & TRENDS FOREIGN at the request of the Afghan REI.ATIONS Government. This sophistry can fool no one. But this aggressor's logic warrants close attention. China Condemns Soviet Military By its actions the Soviet Union shows that it is prepared to fol- lnvasion of Afghanistan low this logic and invade and occupy any country it wishes to The Government of the Peo- Islamic country of the third invade and occupy. The Soviet ple's Republic of China issued a wor1d." Union itself acted according to statement on December 30, 1979, this logic, and Viet Nam, under The statement continued: strongly condemning Soviet Soviet instigation, used the same remember how the military invasion of Afghani- "People pretext for its armed invasion Soviet Union pretentiously pro- stan. and occupation of Kampuchea. posed inadmissibility of the How could the people of the The statement said: hegemonism at this very session "Re- world fail to be.alerted by what cently, the Soviet Union brazen- of the U.N. General Assembly. is hidden behind the' Soviet ly made a massive military However, sclrcely did the Gen- . eagerness to srgn of invasion of Afghanistan, gross- eral Assembly adopt resolu- 'treaties a friendship and co-operation'?" Iy interfering in its intetnal tion against hegemonism when affairs. This armed interven- the Soviet Union, shedding all The statement said in conclu- tion wantonly violates all norms disguise, launched a naked mili- sion: "The current Soviet of international relations. It not tary aggression wantonly chal- armed aggression in Afghani- only encroaches upon the sov- lenging and flouting the United stan is a big show of Soviet ereignty and independence of Nations Charter and principles hegemonism. People have come Afghanistan but poses a grave of international law. to see more clearly the source threat to peaee and security in of the main threat to world Asia and the whole world. The "?he Soviet Union claims that peace and the true nature Chinese Government vigorously its armed intervention in Af- of this so-called 'natural ally' condemns this hegemonistic ac- ghanistan was undertaken in of the third' world. They tion of the Soviet Union and fulfilment of treaty obligations have also come to see more firmly demands the cessation of this aggression and intervention in Afghanistan and the with- drawal of all Soviet armed forces." Ghinese liceForeign ilinister $ummons Souiet lmhssador The statement' added: "The Soviet authorities have never had scruples in trying to realize Vice-Minister of Foreign mands that the Soviet au- their hegemonist ambitions, Affairs Zhang Halfeng sum- thorities immediately stop but this time they have moned the Soviet Aynbas- their aggression and interven- and acted most outrageously. From sador to China, J.S. Shcher- tion in Afghanistan withdraw all their armed pulling the strings and using bakov, on'December 31. forces from that country." surrogates, their method has At the meeting, the Vice- escalated to direct involvement "Afghanistan is China's Minister said: "The Chinese with their own troops, neighbour," Zhang Haifeng armed Government has issued a oecupation of a sovereign coun- stressed, "and therefore the statement on the Soviet in- of try and of its govern- Soviet armed invasion "h"rrg" vasion of Afghanistan and its that country poses a threat to ment by violent means. They intervention in the internal China's security. This caq- have extended the use of the affairs of that country. The not but arouse the grave con- 'theory of limited sovereignty' Chinese Government de- cern of the Chinese people." from their 'community of na- tions' to a non-aligned and January 7, 7980 clearly that the Soviet hege- "In order to save the nation the invading Vietnamese forces monists are most truculent and and safeguard the countrY's in- on the battlefields in Kampu- adventuristic, that the Soviet dependence and sovereignty, chea will the aggressor troops aggressive ambitions are un- the Government. of Democratic be forced to pull out of that limited, and that Soviet actq of Kampuchea has over the last country, thereby paving the aggression must be stopped ef- year led all civilians and army- way for a just settlement Of the fectively. The perverse Soviet men in waging sustained guer- Kampuchean question. action has already aroused the rilla warfare in extremely dif- Afghan people to resistance and ficult conditions. They have caused the grave concern of all hit hard at the Vietnamese ag- Didomati,o l&thns countries and met with their gressor troops and checked the Uith Ecuador strong condemnation. The Chi- big and small hegemonists' ex- nese Government and people pansion in Southeast Asia, thus The Chinese and Ecuadorean will work tirelessiy with all making a major contribution in Governments have decided to countries and people who love safeguarding the peace and sta- esJablish diplomatic relations at peace and uphold justice to lility of this region. The Kam- the ambassadorial level from Irustrate Soviet acts of aggres- puchean people's just resistance January 2, 1980. This is the sion and expansion." to Vietnamese aggression serves first major event in the annals the common interestS of the of Sino-Latin American rela- people of all countries in op- tions in the 1980s. posing hegemonism and safe- $upport lor Broadest United Ecuador has now become one guarding world peace and'is Fronl in l[ampuchea of the fast developing countries understanding, winning the in Latin America. Since it be- sympathy and support of an Hua Guofeng sent a gan oil extraction on a large Premier increasing number of couritries SamPhan on scale 60s, economy message to Khieu and people." in tlre its December 28, warmly congrat- has developed quickly, the ulating him on his assumPtion .Rerwnin Riboo published an average annual rate of increase of the office of Prime Minister editorial on December 29 point- being 10.5 per cent from 1972 of the Government of Demo- ing out that the new political to 19?8. firus Ecuador has be- cratic Kampuchea. Premier Hua line of strategic importance and come a country with the high- reiterated firm support for the reshuffle made by the Gov- . est increasing rate in Latin the Government of Dem- ernment of Democratic Kam- America. Kampuchea and all puchea constitute a.
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