Central Frontenac Regular Council March 26, 2019 – 4:00 PM 1107 Garrett Street, Sharbot Lake On AGENDA Page 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Agenda a) Approval of Agenda THAT the agenda for the Council Meeting dated March 26, 2019 be approved as presented[amended]. 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 4. Approval of Minutes 6 - 13 a) Approval of Minutes THAT the minutes of the regular council meeting dated March 12, 2019 and the special budget meeting dated March 22, 2019 be approved as presented[amended] 5. Mayor's Remarks 6. Deferred Items 7. Staff Reports/Departmental Updates 14 - 28 a) FINANCE/TREASURY 38-2019 A/P Report THAT Council approve the Cheque Distribution reports totalling $540,072.98 as prepared by the Treasurer. 29 - 35 b) FINANCE/TREASURY 39-2019 Apportionment of Taxes THAT Council approve the following apportionments of assessment as recommended by MPAC for 2018 & 2019 as applicable for the following roll numbers: 10-39-040-050-05302-0000, 10-39-040-050-05310-0000, 10-39-060- Page 1 of 115 Page 020-12500-0000, 10-39-060-020-14300-0000, 10-39-060-020-12502- 0000, 10-39-060-020-12503-0000, 10-39-060-020-12504-0000, & 10- 39-080-060-020-12505-0000. 36 - 37 c) ADMINISTRATION 40-2019 MFIPPA Seminar THAT Council receive the report entitled “MFIPPA Seminar” for information purposes. AND FURTHER that Council instruct staff to review the designation of Head /delegation bylaw and file retention policy to determine if they provide the optimal framework for processing requests under MFIPPA. 38 - 40 d) ADMINISTRATION 41-2019 VideoRecording of Council Meetings THAT Council receive the report entitled “Video Recording of Council Meetings” for information purposes. AND FURTHER that Council not pursue the option of providing video feed for council meetings at this time. OR AND FURTHER that Council request staff to include in the 2019 capital and operating budgets funds to implement a live streaming option, to develop a policy/protocol for live streaming, and to amend its procedural by-law to accommodate live streaming of council meetings. 41 - 58 e) ADMINISTRATION 42-2019 Review of Fees and Charges WHEREAS the Township is authorized under Section 391 of the Municipal Act to impose fees and charges for services it provides; AND WHEREAS the existing fees and charges in many cases have not been updated in several years; AND WHEREAS the Township has become more reliant on revenue from fees and services in recent years as a result of less transfer funding from other levels of government; AND WHEREAS where possible and appropriate, costs to deliver certain services should be borne by the requester of the service rather than funding from general tax revenue; Page 2 of 115 Page NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council review the existing fees and instruct staff to consolidate fees and charges into one by-law where possible and bring forth a draft bylaw at a later meeting incorporating new fee schedules; AND THAT public notice be given of the intention to pass the draft by- law incorporating new fees and charges and a public meeting be held before said By-Law is brought to council for final approval 59 - 80 f) ADMINISTRATION 43-2019 Strategic Plan process WHEREAS Council adopted the first Strategic Plan on February 14, 2017 with the assistance of Sharman Municipal Consulting; AND WHEREAS members of Council along with senior staff participated in a strategic planning exercise facilitated by Penny Sharman of Sharman Municipal Consulting to develop a wish list of strategic actions; AND WHEREAS the plan is to be reviewed at the beginning of the new term of Council in 2019; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council appoint a couple members to work with the Managers to review the Strategic plan and bring back a report to Council 81 - 83 g) ADMINISTRATION 44-2019 Projects Update THAT Council receive for information the Clerk-Administrator's Business Summary Report for information. 84 h) ADMINISTRATION 45-2019 Special County Council Meeting -joint meeting of lower tier Councils and County Council 8. Committee/Other Reports/Minutes 85 - 86 a) Eastern Ontario Trails Alliance THAT Council receive the minutes of the Eastern Ontario Trails Alliance board meeting held on February 14, 2019 for information. 9. Delegations/Presentations 87 - 92 a) Kennebec Rec Committee - Wanda Harrison and Jeff Matson THAT Council accept the presentation of the Kennebec Rec Committee regarding support for the Arden outdoor ice rink; Page 3 of 115 Page AND FURTHER that Council consider the funding request in the 2019 operating budget 10. Communications/Correspondence 93 - 110 a) THAT Council receive for information the following correspondence: 1) email dated March 20, from VIA rail; 2) Email dated March 8, regarding Limestone Foundation 21st annual Sandra Davison Golf Tournament; 3) Township of Larder Lake Resolution dated February 26, regarding voter's list provided by MPAC; 4) Letter dated March 8, from City of Quinte West -Resolution re bottled water; 5) Email dated March 14, and newsletter from EOTA. 11. Public Meetings 12. By-laws/Agreements 111 - 112 a) BY-LAW 2019-16 -Road closing and conveyance By-Law (Chappell) WHEREAS Council instructed staff to bring forth a by-law for approval pursuant to Resolution 173-2018 once the reference plan is completed; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-Law 2019-16, being a By-Law to permanently close and convey a part of an unopened road allowance be read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 26th day of March, 2019. 113 - 114 b) BY-LAW 2019-17 Road Closure and Conveyance By-Law (MacKenzie/Short) WHEREAS Council instructed staff to bring forth a by-law for approval pursuant to Resolution 174-2018 once the reference plan is completed and the adjoining owners have agreed to accept the appraised value; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT By-Law 2019-17, being a By-Law to permanently close and convey a part of an unopened road allowance be read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 26th day of March, 2019 13. Notice of Motions 14. Giving Notice of Motion Page 4 of 115 Page 15. New/Other Business a) Budget discussions - Continued discussion with operating budget 16. Closed Session a) Closed Session THAT Council move into closed session to discuss matters about: a) Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees pursuant to s. 239(2) (b); b) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board pursuant to s. 239(2)(e) b) b) Rise from Closed Session THAT Council rise from Closed Session and provide instruction to staff regarding: a) Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees pursuant to s. 239(2) (b); b) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board pursuant to s. 239(2)(e) 17. Adjournment 115 a) Adjournment THAT By-Law 2019-18, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council on March 26, 2019 be read a first, second, and third time, and finally passed this 26th day of March, 2019. AND FURTHER that this meeting be adjourned until 4:00 p.m. on April 9, 2019 at the Soldiers' Memorial Hall, 1107 Garrett St. Sharbot Lake ON. Page 5 of 115 AGENDA ITEM #a) MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL March 12, 2019 A regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Central Frontenac was held at the Soldiers Memorial Hall, 1107 Garrett St., Sharbot Lake ON on Tuesday, March 12, 2019 at 4:00 PM Present: Mayor Frances Smith, Deputy Mayor Victor Heese, Councillors Tom Dewey, Sherry Whan, Bill MacDonald, Elwin Burke, Nicki Gowdy Regrets: Brent Cameron, Cindy Kelsey Staff in Cathy MacMunn, Cindy Deachman, Michael McGovern, Alan Revill, Attendance: Andy Dillon, David Armstrong, Steve Gould 1. Call to Order a) Mayor Smith called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. 2. Approval of Agenda Motion #: 85-2019 Moved By: Victor Heese Seconded By: Elwin Burke Clerk Administrator indicated an addition item under #15 (New Business). THAT the agenda for the Council Meeting dated March 12, 2019 be approved as amended. Carried 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof a) None declared 4. Approval of Minutes a) Approval of Minutes Motion #: 86-2019 Moved By: Elwin Burke Seconded By: Victor Heese THAT the minutes of the regular council meeting dated February 26, 2019 be approved as presented. Carried Regular Meeting of Council Minutes March 12, 2019 -4:00 PM Approval of Minutes Page 6 of 115 AGENDA ITEM #a) 5. Mayor's Remarks a) None. 6. Deferred Items a) None 7. Staff Reports/Departmental Updates a) DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 31-2019 Construction Details - February 2019 Motion #: 87-2019 Moved By: Victor Heese Seconded By: Elwin Burke THAT Council receive the Report “Construction Details – February 2019” as prepared by the Acting Manager of Development Services for information. Carried b) DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 32-2019 - Facilities Update Motion #: 88-2019 Moved By: Elwin Burke Seconded By: Victor Heese THAT Council receive the “Facilities Update” as prepared by the Acting Manager of Development Services information. Carried c) PUBLIC WORKS 33-2019 Calcium Chloride Joint Tender Motion #: 89-2019 Moved By: Victor Heese Seconded By: Nicki Gowdy WHEREAS the Township of Frontenac Islands and the Township of Central Frontenac prepared a joint tender for Calcium Chloride which was advertised on Biddingo.com and the Townships’ websites
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