Publisher / Editor: Instituto Politécnico do Càvado e do Ave Address / Morada: Vila Frescaínha, S. Martinho, 4750-810 Barcelos, Portugal July / Julho 2017 ISBN: 978-989-99861-3-8 5th International Conference on Illustrationand Animation 5 ed. Conferência Internacional em Ilustração e Animação Editorial Design / Design editorial · Cláudio Ferreira Pagination / Paginação . Manuel Albino Cover Design / Design da Capa: Jorge Marques ORGANIZING COMMITTEE General chair Paula Tavares - IPCA Organization chair Manuela Cunha - IPCA Pedro Mota Teixeira - IPCA Program chair Alan Male - Univ. College Falmouth Organization Paula Tavares, Pedro Mota Teixeira, Marta Madureira, Jorge T. Marques, Manuel Albino, Isabel Xavier Scientific Committee Alan Male - Univ. College Falmouth (UK) Alan Young - Auckland Univ. of Technology (NZ) Alfonso Ruiz Rallo - Univers. de La Laguna (ES) Ana Lúcia Pinto - IPCA (PT) Ana Leonor Madeira Rodrigues - U. Lisboa (PT) António Costa Valente - Univ. Aveiro (PT) António Quadros Ferreira - Univ. Porto (PT) Antonio Horno - Univ. Jaén (ES) Birgitta Hosea - Royal College of Arts (UK) Carlos Hollanda - IED Rio de Janeiro (BR) Carlos Nogueira - Univ. Nova Lisbon (PT) Chelo Matesanz - Univ. Vigo (ES) Debora Harty - Loughborough Univ. (UK) Eduardo Corte Real - IADE Lisbon (PT) Edwin Carels - Univ. College of Ghent (BE) Fernando Galrito - Inst. Polit. Leiria (PT) Francisco Laranjo - Univ. Porto (PT) Hannes Rall - Nanyang Techno. University (SG) Helena Barbosa - Univ. Aveiro (PT) Joana Quental - Univ. Aveiro (PT) Jorge Teixeira Marques - IPCA (PT) José Andrés Iglesias - Univ. Vigo (ES) José Chavete Rodriguez - Univ. Vigo (ES) José Antonio Castro - Univ. Vigo (ES) José Santiago Iglesias - Univ. Vigo (ES) Juan Carlos Róman - Univ. Vigo (ES) Júlio Dolbeth - Univ. Porto (PT) Luís Lima - IPCA (PT) Luís Mendonça - Univ. Porto (PT) Magnus Moar - Middlesex University (UK) Manuel Albino - IPCA (PT) Marcos Rizolli - Univ. Presbit. Mckenzie (BR) Maria Lorenzo Hernández - Polytechnic University of Valencia (ES) Marta Madureira - IPCA (PT) Martin Salisbury - Anglia Ruskin Univ. (UK) Nelson Zagalo - University of Minho (PT) Nilton Gamba Júnior - PUC Rio de Janeiro (BR) Paula Tavares - IPCA (PT) Pedro Bessa - Univ. Aveiro (PT) Pedro Mota Teixeira - IPCA (PT) Pedro Vieira Moura - (PT) Roderick Mills - Univ. of Brighton (UK) Rui Vitorino Santos - Univ. of Porto (PT) Sandra Beckett - Brock University (CA) Sara Pereira - Univ. Minho (PT) Sara Reis da Silva - Univ. Minho (PT) Sophie Van der Linden - (FR) Susan Hagan - Carnegie Mellon Qatar (QA) Susana Jorge - IPCA (PT) Suzanne Buchan - Middlesex University (UK) PREFACE This year, the 5th edition of CONFIA, the International Conference on Illustration and Animation, will make place in Guimarães, the city considered to be the “birthplace” of Portugal. Guimarães is one of Portugal’s most important historical cities. Its historical center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which has with- out a doubt made it one of the main tourist destinations in northern Portugal. Its narrow streets and medieval monuments breathe his- tory, enchant tourists, and represent an exceptionally well preserved portrait of the evolution of a medieval town to a modern city. This is thanks in large part to modern Guimarães’ recognition of the impor- tance of carefully complementing history and the city’s heritage with the dynamism, creativity, and boldness characteristic of modern cit - ies. With this strategy, Guimarães earned the 2012 title of European Capital of Culture, an event that permanently transformed the city. It has also recently been highlighted as one of 41 places to visit by the New York Times, which described it as one of the up-and-coming Iberian cities in terms of culture. With all this in mind, we’re proud to present this edition in the mag - ni¥icent Vila Flor Cultural Center of Guimarães, a large complex that combines a restored 19th-century Baroque palace and gardens with a contemporary building that houses an impressive performance space. In this privileged location for art and culture in the city, we’re bring - ing together about a hundred conference participants from various countries, connected to the areas of illustration and animation, with articles that stand out for their great quality. Once more, we’ll ¥ill an auditorium and a conference room with academic debate, knowledge, and practical creative experience. This year, we’re welcoming very prestigious keynote speakers—direc- tor and artist Joan Ashworth and art director Jorge Silva—and a panel that includes Pedro Serrazina, Peter Chanthanakone, and Rose Bond. Every year, we embrace this challenge hoping to do better than the year before. We’re quite certain that it’ll be dif¥icult to beat this edi- tion, though, in terms of not just quality but also the critical mass that has gathered as well as the location and setting. Paula Tavares General Chair Pedro Mota Teixeira Organization Chair Índice / Contents 15 S¨©ªª«¬® T«¯° ±²³ T±´°©¨« D¬±µ©²¶· N¸°«· ¸² W¬©°©²¶ ¹¸¬ A²©º±°©¸² Joan Ashworth 22 [Animation Panel] A° ± L¸·· ¹¸¬ W¸¬³·: S«²·±°©¸² ±²³ P«¬´«ª°©¸² ©² A²©º±°«³ P¬¸¼«´°©¸²· Rose Bond 25 VJ ©² VJ ±²©º±°©¸² Peter Chanthanakone 27 A²©º±°©¸² ©· ± ª«¬·¸²±¨ ª¨±´« Pedro Serrazina 29 [Desenho / Drawing] H©·°½¬©±· ¾· ª«¿±·: ´¸²°¬©ÀÁ°¸· ª±¬± Áº± ´±¬±°«¬©Â±¿Ã¸ ³¸ ¨©Ä¬¸-ªÁ¨« « ³« «²´±©¯« Diana Martins and Sara Reis da Silva 39 A ©¨Á·°¬±¿Ã¸ ³« ¹¸¨Å«°¸· ²¸ N¸¬³«·°« ³¸ B¬±·©¨: «²°¬« ¸ ª¬©º©°©Ä©·º¸ « ¸ ²±°Á¬±¨©·º¸ Raoni Xavier 49 D©Æ¨¸¶¸· «²°¬« ´¸¬ª¸ ÅÁº±²¸ « ª¸··ÇÄ«©· «¯°«²·È«· Marcelo Kammer F. Carmo, Regina L. Silveira Mello, and Marcos Rizolli 56 V©·Á±¨©Â±¿Ã¸ ³« ³±³¸· ´¸º¸ ±¬°«: ± ©²°«²´©¸²±¨©³±³« ³± ±ª¬«·«²°±¿Ã¸/ ¬«ª¬«·«²°±¿Ã¸ ´¸º¸ ª¸©«·©· Marcos Rizolli e Carolina Vigna Prado 62 O· ´±¨©¶¬±º±· ³« A¨º±³± N«¶¬«©¬¸· Giorgia Casara 72 A «Ä©³Í²´©± ³¸ ¬±´©¸²±¨©·º¸ ±¹«°Á¸·¸ ³¸ D«·«²Å¸ ± ª±¬°©¬ ³¸· ³«·«²Å¸· ³« T«¬«·± G¸²¿±¨Ä«· L¸À¸ Luís Filipe S.Pereira Rodrigues 80 C S – A ¶¬±ÄÁ¬± ± °¸ª¸ « ± ©¨Á·°¬±¿Ã¸ ²¸ ´¸²°«¯°¸ ³« ¬«·¶±°« ³¸ ª±°¬©º½²©¸ ¨¸´±¨ Graciela Machado, Rui Vitorino Santos [Ilustração / Illustration] 92 A A··©²±°Á¬± G¬Æ¹©´± I²³«¨ÏÄ«¨ ³« Z©¬±¨³¸ ²¸· L©Ä¬¸· I²¹±²°©· Luiz Claudio Gonçalves Gomes 100 O Iº±¶©²Æ¬©¸ G¬Æ¹©´¸ ³« RÁ© ³« O¨©Ä«©¬± ± S«¬Ä©¿¸ ³± L©°«¬±°Á¬± I²¹±²°©¨ Luiz Claudio Gonçalves Gomes 108 T±¯¸²¸º©± ³¸· P«¬·¸²±¶«²· I¨Á·°¬±³¸· Luiz Claudio Gonçalves Gomes 116 C¬¸··©²¶ TÅ« L©²«· - A D©·´¸Á¬·« ¸² A³Á¨° C¸¨¸Á¬©²¶ B¸¸Ð· Irene Fuga 124 QÁÍ? L©Ä¬¸ ³¸ S±À«¬ P¸ªÁ¨±¬ « T¬±³©´©¸²±¨ P¸¬°Á¶ÁÍ· Daniela Vieira 134 H¸° R±°·! 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