Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10627-7 - International Communism and the Spanish Civil War: Solidarity and Suspicion Lisa A. Kirschenbaum Index More information Index Aalto, Bill, 173, 195 Antonov-Ovseenko, Vladimir, 144 Abortion, 1, 2, 127 Archer, Amos, 144 Abraham Lincoln battalion, 5, 86. See also Arguelles,¨ Laureano, 50 Fifteenth Brigade Arvola, Ranse Edward, 95 anniversary celebrations, 187, 240, 241, 245 as translator, 91 Abraham Lincoln Brigade. See Abraham on cigarettes, 100 Lincoln battalion on languages, 83, 95 Abramson, Adelina, 131, 132 on solidarity, 110 Abramson, Paulina, 132 Ashleigh, Charles, 59, 65 Afinogenov, Aleksandr, 129 Axelbaum, Jacob, 34 Agnew, Jeremy, 17, 231 Aho, Oscar, 144 Barber, John, 40 Albacete, 84 Bart, Phil, 161 Albania, 221 Beal, Fred, 70 Alberti, Rafael, 130, 228 Bebel, August, 153 Alcohol Becker, Klaus, 92 communist attitudes toward, 43, 163, 165 Beimler, Hans, 155, 165 in Spain, 166–167, 168 Belknap, Michal, 227 Alien Registration Act of 1940. See Smith Act Bender, Edward, 174 American Mercury (magazine), 62, 63, 192 Bennett, Milly, 187, 220 Amery, Alfred, 168 and American press, 62, 63, 77 Amlie, Hans, 179, 187 and Communist Party, 174–175, 177, 179 FBI investigation of, 192, 218 and Evgenii Konstantinov’s arrest, 73–75 fundraising tour, 187–188 and George Kennan, 56, 62 Amlie, Thomas, 179 and Hans Amlie, 179 Anticommunism, 220, 221 and Hermann Muller, 175–177 trial of U.S. communists, 226–228 and Lindsay Parrott, 76 Antisemitism and Nazi-Soviet Pact, 192 and anticommunism, 220, 221 and Tom Wintringham, 192 and postwar purges, 223, 224 and Wallace Burton, 177–178 at International Lenin School, 43, 45 at Moscow News, 55, 56, 57, 61 in International Brigades, 104, 169 decision to go to Spain, 77–78, 79 Anton,´ Francisco, 151 FBI file, 193, 220 269 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10627-7 - International Communism and the Spanish Civil War: Solidarity and Suspicion Lisa A. Kirschenbaum Index More information 270 Index Bennett, Milly (cont.) Carrillo, Santiago, 199, 238 FBI investigation of, 217–220 Carroll, Peter, 8, 154, 189, 234, 240 in China, 56 Cecil-Smith, Edward, 169 on radiant Soviet future, 64–65, 69 Chaintron, Jean, 91 on Soviet queues and shortages, 60 Chapaev (film) on Walter Duranty, 61 and masculinity, 124 Bentley, Elizabeth, 90, 215, 216 at International Lenin School, 44 Berzin, Yan, 144 in Spain, 122, 123, 159 Besig, Ernest, 219 Chapaev, Vasilii, 122 Bessie, Alvah, 143 Chen, Eugene, 57 on Chapaev, 123 Chen, Jack, 57 on cigarettes, 98, 100 Chen, Percy, 57 on comradeship, 83 China, 27 on prostitution, 166 CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 221 on sabotage, 104, 108 Cigarettes, 99, 98–100 on shortages, 101 and World War I, 99 on smell of war, 98 Cimorra, Clemente, 123 Bethune, Norman, 136 Circus (film), 122 Biddle, Francis, 218 City College of New York, 169 Birch, Lorrimer, 165, 174 Coad, Mack, 23, 50, 145 Bjoze, Jack, 193, 194 at International Lenin School, 41 Bloor, Ella Reeve, 232 in Spain, 145 Bodas de sangre (play), 126 Col, Antonio, 123–124 Bogardus, Ethel, 61 Cold war, 213, 227, 235 Bolshevization, 17, 18 and Spain, 210–211, 214 Borodin, Mikhail, 54, 219 Cole, Cecil, 94, 110, 114 and Moscow News, 55, 56, 66–67 Colow, Maury, 240 arrest, 222 Communist Academy, 134 FBI file, 59 Communist International (Comintern), 3 in Chicago, 57 and Nazi-Soviet Pact, 184 in China, 57 and Spanish Socialst Party (PSOE), 121 Bourne, Jim, 148 Conditions for Admission, 17 Boves, Pilar, 152 dissolution, 211, 230 Bowler, Kitty, 191 Fifth Congress, 15 Boym, Svetlana, 164 question of Soviet control, 3, 4, 7, 17, 19, Brailovskii, Grigorii, 130 231 Bremler, Mildred. See Bennett, Milly Seventh Congress, 18, 28 Browder, Earl, 37, 54, 148, 231 Sixth Congress, 18, 28 Brown Book of the Hitler Terror and the Thirteenth Plenum, 52 Burning of the Reichstag (book), 75 Communist norms of behavior, 43–44, 49. See Brown, Hillary, 59 also International communism Brown, Richard deWitt, 117 abstinence, 165, 166 Buchanan, Tom, 121 and race, 152–153 Bukharin, Nikolai, 27 discipline, 165 Bulgaria, 239 femininity, 127, 151, 152 Bullitt, William, 78 masculinity, 49, 124, 161–165, 169–170, Burton, Wallace, 177–178 172–174 Burton, Wilbur, 178, 219 putting the party ahead of private life, 155–158 Cahiers du Communisme (journal), 231 toughness, 48 Canto,´ Lupe, 204 Communist Party of Catalonia (PSUC), 197 Cardona, Gabriel, 107 Communist Party of China (CPC), 27 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10627-7 - International Communism and the Spanish Civil War: Solidarity and Suspicion Lisa A. Kirschenbaum Index More information Index 271 Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSC),ˇ Dıaz,´ Jose,´ 7, 28, 50 27 in Soviet exile, 197, 203 Communist Party of France (PCF), 46, on Nazi-Soviet Pact, 198 183–184 Dimitrov, Georgi, 183, 195, 202, 205, 231 Communist Party of Germany (KPD), 27 Dobson, Miriam, 239 Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB), Doran, Dave, 120 27 Dreiser, Theodore, 53 and International Lenin School, 4, 22, 24 Duclos, Jacques, 231 and Nazi-Soviet Pact, 183–184 Dunham, Vera, 164 Communist Party of Poland (KPP), 27 Duranty, Walter, 60, 73 Communist Party of Spain (PCE), 1 and International Lenin School, 22–23, Edmonds, Lloyd, 141 25–26, 27–28, 46 Ehrenburg, Il’ia, 125, 129, 239 and memory of Spanish civil war, 185 Eisler, Gerhart, 225 and Nazi-Soviet Pact, 198–200 Eleventh Brigade, 85, 93, 164 in Soviet Union, 196 Engels, Friedrich, 76, 112 Communist Party of the Soviet Union England, 27 (Bolshevik), 45, 54 Epstein, Catherine, 229 Communist Party of the United States Espionage (CPUSA), 27 in Spain, 139 African American members, 23 Soviet, 215–216 and International Lenin School, 23–51 Soviet fears of, 222 and Nazi-Soviet Pact, 185, 189 U.S., 215, 221 and Spanish civil war, 50, 87, 102, 148, 187 U.S. fears of, 212, 217 and white chauvinism, 37, 38, 42 Evaluations (kharakteristiki), 44 immigrant members, 24, 33 at International Lenin School, 47–49 in Third Period, 18–19 in Spain, 144–145 reactions to secret speech, 238, 241 trial of party leaders, 217, 226, 227–228 Fadeev, Aleksander, 79 Communist University of National Minorities Falcon,´ Irene, 151, 225, 232 of the West (KUMNZ), 16 Falkowski, Ed, 58, 61 Communist University of Toilers of the East Fasanella, Ralph, 142 (KUTV), 16 FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 192, Condoms, 166 215, 217, 225 Copi´ c,´ Vladimir, 119, 132 Felipe, Pedro, 204 and Great Purges, 144 Femininity. See Communist norms of behavior and Harry Haywood, 146 Field, Noel, 223–224, 225 Cordero Bazaga, Francisco, 26 Fifteenth Brigade, 86, 93. See also Abraham Cornford, John, 165 Lincoln battalion Crome, Len, 114 languages, 91 Cuban revolution, 240 “nationality” groups in, 103 Czechoslovakia, 26, 224, 226, 232 problems with alcohol, 165–166 volunteers’ reasons for fighting in Spain, Dahlem Franz, 225 110, 156, 157 Daly, Francis, 165 Finland, 189 David-Fox, Michael, 53 Firsov, Fridrikh Igorevich, 118 De Vries, Lini, 90, 216 Fischer, Louis, 60, 133 on languages, 89–90, 93 and Robert Merriman, 134 on Spanish people, 115 decision to go to Spain, 78 Delicado, Manuel, 233 on Mikhail Borodin, 57 Demery, Pearl, 39 on Nazi-Soviet Pact, 69 Di Vittorio, Giuseppe, 95 on radiant Soviet future, 68 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10627-7 - International Communism and the Spanish Civil War: Solidarity and Suspicion Lisa A. Kirschenbaum Index More information 272 Index Fishman, Moe, 240 on homosexuality, 161, 172 Fishnelson, Nelson, 117 on kul’turnost’ (culturedness), 164 Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley, 232 on singing, 96 For Whom the Bell Tolls (book), 148 on Spanish people, 115 Fortis, Pavlos, 123 SACB testimony, 235 Fourteenth Brigade, 93 Gladstein, Richard, 227 France, 210 Glukhov, P., 205 Francis, Hywel, 155 God that Failed (book), 68, 78 Franco, Francisco, 6, 188, 210 Goff, Irving, 173, 194 Frankson, Canute, 115 Gordon, Dave, 155 Friedman, Jack, 141, 142 Gordon, Joe, 96 Friends of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, 187, Gordon, Leo, 157, 159 188 decision to fight in Spain, 156 Friends of the Soviet Union, 121 on masculinity, 170 Frunze Military Academy, 197, 199 Gorev, Vladimir, 144 Fuente Ovejuna (play), 126 Gottwald, Klement, 225 Fuhr, Lee Moerkirk. See De Vries, Lini Graffy, Julian, 123 Fussell, Paul, 90, 98, 165, 166 Graham, Helen, 8, 89, 101 Great Purges. See Purges Garcıa´ Lorca, Frederico, 126 Great Retreat, 131 Garcıa,´ Cristino, 210 Great Terror. See Purges Gardner, Ben, 157 Green, Gilbert, 228 decision to fight in Spain, 110, 156 Grieg, Nordahl, 78 during World War II, 194 Gruzenberg, Michael. See Borodin, Mikhail in Barcelona, 116 Guernica, 6 letters to Alice Gardner, 112, 113, 154, 159, 160 Habeck, Mary R., 7 on 7 November holiday, 112 Halff, Max, 58 on camaraderie of soldiers, 171 Harris, Abe, 98 on cigarettes, 99 Haumann, Heiko, 4 on languages, 94 Hayes, Carleton, 210 on Steve Nelson, 170 Haynes, John Earl, 118 on We’re from Kronstadt, 122 Haywood, Harry, 50 Gates, John, 145, 147 at International Lenin School, 35 at Smith Act trial, 227 Comintern file, 146 during World War II, 193, 194 in Spain, 147 Gayman, Vital, 84 memoir, 35 on cigarettes, 102 Healey, Dan, 75 on national tensions, 104 Hellman, Lillian, 187 on sabotage, 106, 107 Hemingway, Ernest, 148, 194 on shortages, 101 Herker-Beimler, Centa, 155 Geminder, Bedrich,ˇ 225 Hernandez,´ Jesus,´ 25, 28, 50, 207 Germany, 26 and Pilar Boves, 151 East, 225, 229 Herrick, William, 141, 234 Gheorghiu-Dej, Gheorghe, 232 and Veterans of the International Brigades, Giron,´ Domingo, 152 Anti-Totalitarian, 191 Gladnick, Robert, 234 as Third Period communist, 140 and Veterans of the International Brigades, on prostitution, 166 Anti-Totalitarian, 191 on sex, 169 as Third Period communist, 140 SACB testimony, 235 languages, 91 Hirschfeld, Magnus, 76 on alcohol, 161, 167, 168 Hiss, Alger, 215, 223 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10627-7 - International Communism and the Spanish Civil War: Solidarity and Suspicion Lisa A.
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