This article was downloaded by: [University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign] On: 29 January 2015, At: 15:45 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tped18 I. List of Lichens collected in Otago, New Zealand W. Lauder Lindsay M.D. F.R.S.E. c. Published online: 01 Dec 2010. To cite this article: W. Lauder Lindsay M.D. F.R.S.E. c. (1866) I. List of Lichens collected in Otago, New Zealand , Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, 8:1-4, 349-359, DOI: 10.1080/03746606609468593 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03746606609468593 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http://www.tandfonline.com/page/terms-and- conditions Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] 15:45 29 January 2015 List of Lichens collected in Otago, New Zealand. 349 I. List of Lichens collected in Otago, New Zealand.* By W . LAUDER LINDSAY, M.D., F.R.S.E., &c. The Lichens enumerated below were collected, towards the close of the year 1861, chiefly in the Greenisland dis- trict of the province of Otago, New Zealand—a district about five miles southwards of its capital, Dunedin. A few, however, were also collected- 1. In the immediate vicinity of Dunedin itself. 2. In the Tuapeka (Goldfield) district, about 37 miles north- west of Dunedin, and towards the interior of the province (eleva- vation above sea, 1000 to 1500 feet : Geological basis, gneiss— tertiary auriferous drifts) ; and 3. In the district at the mouth of the Clutha, about 60 miles south of Dunedin, including the vicinity of Finegand station, and the headland known as the Nuggets. Saxicolous species were collected chiefly on- 1. The Chain Hills (1100-1280 feet : mica slate and gneiss). 2. Saddlehill, including Scroggs Hill (1100-1565 feet : Apex- basalts and trap tuffs ;1 . Base—tertiary crag, made up mostly of Ostrea fragments (Woodburn) : tertiary, coarse, quartzose con- glomerates, grits and sandstones : talcose slates (Otokia). 3. Stoneyhill (1000 feet : columnar basalt). 4. Kaikorai Hill (1092 feet : basalts). 5. Greenisland Hills and Cliffs (500-600 feet : porphyries and basalts ; tertiary, fossiliferous, marine, calcareous sandstones). 6. Ferry Hill, Clutha Ferry (250 feet : slaty basalts and trap conglomerates). 7. Finegand Ranges (250 feet : slaty basalts). 8. The Nuggets (270 feet : slaty basalts and trap conglom- erates, associated with fossiliferous strata, apparently of meso- zoic age. 9. Anderson's Bay (200 feet : trachytes). Corticolous species were gathered mostly in various rem- Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] 15:45 29 January 2015 nants of the primitive forest that once apparently covered * My friend Dr Nylander, of Paris, did me the favour to examine the bulk of my Otago Lichens (all those regarding which there was any doubt as to whether they might be new or were already known) ; and to him I am indebted (in the case of those Lichens) for the determination of the species, as well as the nomenclature and classification, in the following list. t The traps of Otago arc in great measure, if not entirely, of tertiary age. 350 List of Lichens collected in Otago, New Zealand. the whole surface of the country:—which remnants are now extremely limited—and are colonially known as patches of " bush"— 1. Saddlehill Bush. 2. Stoneyhill Bush. 3. East Taeri Bush—in the flat and rich alluvial plain or carse of the Taeri. 4. Greenisland Bush. 5. Various patches of bush in the ravines of the Chain Hills. 6. Water of Leith, about Pelichet Bay, Dunedin. 7. Signal Hill, North-east Valley, Dunedin (1200-1300 feet : basalts). 8. Mount Cargill (2297 feet : trachytes and breccias, &c.) The forest trees on which they grew were chiefly " Goai" (Sophora tetraptera, Afton) and " Totara" (Podocarpus Totara, A. Cunn.), and the trunks affected were more gene- rally decaying or dead than living. Lignicolous species—affecting fabricated timber, generally more or less aged,—were found chiefly on the fences of stockyards on or near the farm of Fairfield, Saddlehill,-- my headquarters for four months. Muscico/ous and Terricolous species were collected on the soil (or its decayed vegetation—exposed, dried and withered roots of grasses, mosses, &c.) of the hills, cliffs, ravines, or forests above referred to. My collection makes no pretension to be considered repre- sentative or complete. On the contrary, it is avowedly and necessarily incomplete and limited ; it comes from a very small area of the east coast, and from elevations under 1500 feet ; and it was made casually in the course of excursions undertaken with very different objects in view. Nevertheless, the field was so new, and comparatively so rich, that it has yielded to casual or superficial collection, as will immediately be seen, as much as 19 per cent. of species Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] 15:45 29 January 2015 or varieties new to science ; while in addition — small though the collection be in itself, its total reaching only 122 species—it has also extended our knowledge of the geographical diffusion of Lichen-species in the southern hemisphere. List of Lichens collected in Otago, New Zealand. 351 Enumeration of Species and chief Varieties* (collected in a condition suitable for their determination). Tribe I. COLLEMEI. Genus 1. Collema. Species 1. (Bi-) C. leucocarpum, Tayl. Tribe II. SPIL/EROPHOREL Genus 1. Sphwrophoron. Species 1. S. tenerum, Laur. Tribe III. CLADONIEI. Genus 1. Cladonia. Species 1. (n) C. pyxidata, L. 2. (n) C. fimbriata, 3. (B) C. degenerans, Flk., and (B) var. euphorea, Ach. (a) — haplotea, Ach. — lepidota, Ach. — erratica, Lind& 4. (n) C. rangiferina, var. pumila, Ach. 5. C. aggregata, Sw. Tribe IV. STEREOCAULEI. Genus 1. Stereocaulon. Species 1. S. mixtum, Nyl. 2. S. ramulosum, Nyl. 3. S. corticatulum, Nyl. Tribe V. UsNnt. Genus 1. Usnea. Species 1. (3) U. barbata, Fr., and (B) var. florida, L. (B) — plicata, Fr. (B) — hirta, Fr. (n) — articulata, Fr. Tribe VI. RAMALINEI. Genus 1. Ramalina. Species 1. (B) R. calicaris, Ach., and Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] 15:45 29 January 2015 (B) var. fastigiata, Fr. — Eckloni, Spr. — linearis, Sw. — geniculata, Bab. 2. (B) R. scopulorum, Ach. * Only those varieties which are well marked and somewhat constant are here introduced. t (B) indicates species or varieties, which are British. 352 List of Lichens collected in Otago, New Zealand. Tribe VII. PELTIGEREL Genus 1. Pelt igera . Species 1. (B) P. rufescens, Him. Genus 2. Nep hroma. Species 1. N. antarcticum, Jacq. var. tenue, Nyl. Tribe VIII. PARM ELM. Genus 1. Stic tina. Species 1. S. dissimilis, Nyl. 2. (B) S. crocata, L. 3. (B) S. fuliginosa, Dicks. Genus 2. Stic ta. Species 1. S. latifrons, Rich. 2. S. filix, HAL 3. (B) S. damcornis, Ach. (N*) var. subcaperata, Nyl. 4. (N) S. subcoriacea, 5. S. Urvillei, Del., and var. flavicans, Hook. - Colensoi, Bab. 6. S. orygmasa, Ach. 7. S. rubella, Hook, and Tayl. 8 S. granulata, Bab. 9. S. dissimulata, Nyl. var. multifida, Laur. 10. S. fossulata, Dui., and var. Richardi, 11Int. 11. S. physciospora, Nyl. 12. S. Freycinetii, Da. 13. (N) S. episticta, Nyl. Genus 3. Ricasolia. Species 1. R. coriacea, Hook. and Tayl. 2. (B) R. herbacea, DN. (N) var. adscripta, Nyl. 3. R. Montagnei, Bab. Genus 4. Parmelia. Downloaded by [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] 15:45 29 January 2015 Species 1. (n) P. perlata, Ach., and (B) var. ciliata, Schcer. 2. (B) P. perforata, Ach. 3. (B) P. physodes, Ach. var. enterornorpha, Ach. 4. (B) P. pertusa, Schrank. (N) indicates species and varieties new to science. List of 'Lichens collected in Otago, New Zealand. 353 Genus 4. Parmelia-continued. Species 5. (B) P. saxatilis, Ach., and (B) var. omphalodes, Fr. - panniformis, Schor. 6. (B) P. lwvigata, Ach., and (B) var. sinuosa, Sm. 7. (B) P. olivacea, Ach. 8. (B) P. caperata, Ach. 9. (n) P. conspersa, Ach. 10 (n) Mougeotii, Scheer. Genus 5. Physcia. Species 1. (B) P. ebrysophthalma, L. 2. (B) P. parietina, L. 3. (B) P. stellaris, Fr., and var. radiata, Nyl. 4. (B) P. cwsia, Fr. 5. (N) P. plinthiza, Nyl. Tribe IX. Gynortionni. Genus 1. Umbilicaria. Species 1. (B) U. polyphylla, Hint. Tribe X. LECANOREI. Genus 1. Pannaria . Species 1. (N) P. immixta, Nyl. 2. P. leucosticta, Tuck. 3. (N) P. gymnocheila, Nyl. 4. (B) P. nigra, Huds. Genus 2. Psororna. Species 1.
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