GOVERNMENT OF GUJARAT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2003-2004 SECTORAL PROFILE GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION SACHIVALAYA, GANDHINAGAR. FEBRUARY, 2003 GOVERNMENT OF GUJARAT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2003-2004 SECTORAL PROFILE NIEPA DC D11841 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION SACHIVALAYA, GANDHINAGAR, MARCH, 2003 JIHARY & DUCyaMIAIMM bWhkMi Tastituit of Sii«cfttMQa) 4 m * H i >aol A d jB in iitr a tiM . 17-S, fci AuEobiudo M«rif New l>elbi-1190l6 h i DOC, No......... PREFACE This publication indicates tlie level of development likely to be achieved by the end of 2002-2003 and outlines the development programmes proposed to be undertaken during the year 2003-2004. It is hoped that this publi­ cation would be of interest to all those concerned with economic development of the State and especially to all those engaged in implementing various programmes of development outlined in this decument. DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2003-2004 CONTENTS Page No. 1 AGRICULTURE AND ALLIED SERVICES 1.1 Crop Husbandry 1 1.2 Soil & Water Conservation 15 1.3 Animal Husbandry 21 t.4 Dairy Development 26 1.5 Fisheries 29 1.6 Forests 36 1.7 Storage, Warehousing and Marketing 63 1.8 Agricultural Research and Education 67 1.9 Investment in Agricultural Financial Institutions 74 1.10 Do-operation 77 2 RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2.1 Rural Development Programme 86 I 2.2 Land Reforms 97 V 2.3 Community Development and Panchayats 104 3 IRRKS^TION AND FLOOD CONTROL Water Development (Irrigation) 111 rtM.2 Minor Irrigation 129 ; ::^; 3.3 Command Area Development Programme 136 4 WrnXGY 142 ^ #l|ajlTRIES AND MINERALS 162 t TJfOSPORT 6.1 Ports, light Houses and shipping 181 Roads And Bridges 187 Road Transport 193 Civil Aviation 195 I lilUNICATION I Modemisation of Equipment 196 __________________________________________________________________________ Page No. 8 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & ENVIRONMENT 8.1 Science and Technology 197 8.2 Environment And Pollution Control 205 9 GENERAL ECONOMIC SERVICES 9.1 Planning Machinery 210 9.2 Tourism 212 9.3 Statistics 220 9.4 Civil Supplies and ConsumerProtection 224 9.5 Weights And Measures 226 10 SOCIAL SERVICES 10.1 General Education 227 10.2 Technical Education 245 10.3 Medical and Public Health 248 10.4 Water Supply and Sanitation 270 10.5 Housing 294 10.6 Urban Development 306 10.7 Capital Project 317 10.8 Information and Publicity 321 10.9 Welfare of SC/ST & Other Backward Classes 328 10.10 Labour and Employment 362 10.11 Social Welfare 378 10.12 Nutrition 387 10.13 Mid-Day Meals Programme 388 11 GENERAL SERVICES 11.1 Training of Development Personnel 389 1.1 CROP HUSBANDRY Introduction 1.1.1 Agriculture will continue to be the most important promoter of economic growth and activity. Agriculture is the main source of employment in rural areas. The dawn of the new millenium imposed tough challenges to the farming community. Producing more food to feed the burgeoning population from shrinking land, less water, without eroding the ecological foundation will be an uphill task. The surest means to tide*over this challenge is through environmentally sustainable farming methods, which are economically rewarding, with adequate policy support, the several million farming families can be expected to provide the food and nutrition security. Our natural resources base of land, water and bio diversity is under severe stress and threat of erosion and depletion. Thus, some of which are formidable. Such challenges can be faced if specific developmental plans are meticulously drawn up and implemented. 1.1.2 Two third of population in Gujarat is engaged in agriculture and earn livelihood directly from this occupation. Besides, this occupation provides indirect employment to large portion of population in agro-base secondary and tertiary occupations. Thus prosperity and well being of people in Gujarat are closely linked with the agriculture. Hence the planning for successful and rapid development of agriculture has got direct implication on the well being of the population of the State. 1.1.3 Agriculture in Gujarat is characterised by natural disparities such as (1) drought prone areas and lowest annual rainfall amounting to only about 400 mm at the North West end of the states; and assured and highest annual rainfall amounting to about 2500 mm at the South East end of the States. (2) Well drained deep fertile soils of Central Gujarat and shallow & undulating soils with poor fertility in hilly rocky areas; (3) Moisture starved denuded areas and low-lying waterlogged and saline areas, (4) Areas prone to frequent scarcity and areas prone to frequent cyclone or floods or locusts. Strategy for Annual Plan 2003-2004 1.1.4 In Consonance with goal of providing increased income and better lilving to the farmers, the objectives of planned development in agriculture are to increase production & productivity and to ensure remunerative prices for the farm and to create the maximum employment in Agriculture and allied activities produced. Strategies propose to be adopted for the successes of these objectives are (i) The entire production programme has be designed according to natural resources available in various Agro climatic zones. (ii) To increase the coverage under quality seeds/planting material. (iii) To increase crop planting density with the help of latest technologies (iv) Bridging the gap between demonstrated yield and average yield. Encouraging the shift from high volume low value crop to low volume high value crop. (v) Judicious use of created irrigation potential. (vi) Saving of 30 % irrigation water by adopting drip and sprinkler irrigation system and thereby increasing the irrigated area. ADP-2/1 (vii) Easy availability of quality agricultural inputs especially in remote and tribal areas. (viii) Encouraging plant protection through integrated pest management. (ix) Promoting the use of biotechnology and organic farming for enhanced value addition. (x) Facilitating high tech agriculture with greenhouse, tissue culture, drip irrigation etc. (xi) To disseminate information of modem technology and related infrastructure through transmission of creative real time agricultural practices though mass media. (xii) Focussed special programmes for tribal area and for small and marginal farmers to raise their income level above poverty line. (xiii) Coordination with non-Govemment organization. 1.1.5 The approach in achieving the objectives through increased production of different crops and allied activities, the following approach have been provided to be adopted.: (i) To increase the area under hybrid/ HYV crops. (ii) To optimise the use and availability of main inputs including irrigation water and micronutrients in deficient soils. (iii) To encourage the use of micronutrient along with the major nutrient. (iv) To enhance the use of fertilisers and also biofertilizers in low consumption areas. (v) Special emphasis on adoption of production technology of cereal groundnut, pulses sugarcane and maize in non-traditional area of paddy. (vi) Extending the Broad based extension system beyond crop husbandry to include all land based Sc Allied activities for the benefit of farming community. (vii) Agro-climatic zonal approach in development of messages and propagating the technology in boosting up of production, and (viii) Propagation of IPM approach in plant protection to minimise the cost of plant protection and also to reduce the hazardous effect of pesticides on plant as well as animal kingdom. (ix) An integrated approach for large scale micro water management methods to make best use of available water/ resources in water deficit area such as Saurashtra, Kutch and north Gujarat by offering financial support to the farmer under taking a scientific extension cum experimentation adopting micro water management system for various crops. (x) In view of the frequent droughts, the measures for moisture conservation in situ, surface water, storage and recharging of ground water stock to be extended on high priority. (xi) To increase the income of farmers and make agriculture self-reliance more emphasis is given to agribusiness and promotional activities. Under agro industries policies. 1.1.6 Agricultural development is central to all socio-economic development of Gujarat. Since Agriculture is a state subject under the constitution, the State Government attaches top most priority and attention for the progress of Agriculture in a balanced manner in ill agroclimatic regions. Outlays 1.1.7 During the Tenth Five Year Plan 2002-2007, the number of schemes of agriculture department reduced from 72 to 21 with the help of merge of the schemes and dropping the number of schemes as per the recommendation of the state and central government. 1.1.8 An amount of Rs. 57891.97 lakh has been spent during Ninth Plan out of total actual annual plan provision Rs. 56000.00 lakh as against the ninth plan outlay Rs. 26500.00 lakh in crop husbandry sub sector. 1.1.9 An amount of Rs. 196250.00 lakh has been provided for the tenth plan (2002-03 to 2006-07). 1.1.10 An amount of Rs. 12200.70 lakh is likely to be spent during the year 2002-03 with an Earmarked outlay to TASP Rs. 660.00 lakh and Earmarked to IT Rs. 20.00 lakh. 1.1.11 An amount of Rs. 25400.70 lakh has provided for the annual plan 2003-04 with an Earmarked to TASP Rs. 660.00 lakh and Earmarked to IT Rs. 10.00 lakh. Programme of the Annual 2003-04 1.1.12 Programme-wise break up of the crop husbandry outlay is given below: (Rs.in lakh) Sr.No. Programme 2003-04 1 2 3 1 . Direction and Administration 76.50 2 . Multiplication and Distribution of seed. 80.00 3. Soil health and Organic fanning 195.00 4. IP M & Quality Control 50.00 5. Centrally Sponsored Schemes 602.75 6 . Agril. Extension 398.00 7. Farm mechanization &Water Management 5013.23 8 . Risk management in agril.sector 17557.22 9.
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