INDEX Abbas the Great, Shah of Persia, 289 Afriea, British Central, heart of Boa eatea Abbot of Unreason, 586 to make eater brave in, 495 Abchases of the Caucasus, 534 --, East, sec1usion and purificatioa of Abduetion of souls by demons, 186 man-slayers in, 214; infanticide in, Absence and reeall of the soul, 180 293; propitiation of dead lions in, 5:1:1 Abstinenee, 136, 138 --, Nortb, charms to render bridegroom Abydos, 366; speeially associated with impotent in, 241; Midsummer ftres in, Osiris, 367 631 Abeokuta, the Alake of, 295 --, Soutb, rat's hair as a charm in, 31 ; Abipones of Paraguay, 254 continence in war in, :In; sec1usion of Abonsam, an evil spiIit, 55$ man-slayers in, 214; disposal of eut Abruzzl, the Camival in the, 303 hair and nails in, 235; magic use of Abscesses, eure for, 539 spittle in, 237; personal names tabooed Abyssinia, rain-making in, 66; rain- in, 247; rites of initiation in, 497; making priests on the borders of, 107 seelusion of gilIs at puberty in, 595; Acagchemem tribe of Califomia, 499 dread of menstruous women in, 604; Acaill, Book of, 273 story of the extemal soul in, 677 Acosta, J. de, 587 --, West, magica1 funetions of chiefs in, Acts, tabooed, 194-202 85; reverence for silk-cotton trees in, Adam of Bremen, 160 1 I2; kings forced to accept office in, Adon, a Semitie title, 325 176; fetish kings in, 177; traps set for Adonis, and Aphrodite (Venus), 7, 8, 328 ; souls in, 187; puriftcation after a the myth of, 324-7; in Syria, 327-9; joumey in, 197; eustom as to biood in Cyprus, 329-35; ritual of, 335-41; shed on tbe ground, 229; rain-charms, the gardens of, 341-7; in relation to 234; negroes of, 236; human sacriftces the pig, 471 in, 433, 570; propitiation of dead Adonis, tbe river, 328, 336 leopard in, 523; the extemal soul in, Adoption, pretence of birtb at, 14 684; ritual of death and resurreetion Adultery of wife tbougbt to spoil the luek in, 697 of absent busband, 23, 24 Afterbirth, contagious magie of, 39-41 Aegira, priestess of Earth at, 94 Agar Dinka, the, 270 Aegis, Atbena and tbe, 477 Agarie, superstitions as to, 6IS Aeneas, and tbe Golden Bough, 3, 163, 703, Agdestis, a man-monster, 349 706, 707; his vision of tbe glories of Age of magie, 55, 56 Rome, 149 Agni, Indian ftre-god, 708 Aeolus, King of tbe Winds, 81 Agrieultural year, expulsion of demons Aeseulapius, 5, Ul, 301 timed to coineide with seasons of the, Afgbanistan, ceremony at the reception of 575 strangers in, 196 Agrionia, festival at Orcbomenus, 291 Africa, magieians, especially rain-makers, ACU, Mount, in Togo, wind-fetish on, SI; as chiefs and kings in, 84-6; human fetish priest on, 169 gods in, 98; ruIes of life or taboos ob­ Ague, eure for, 545, 546 served by kings in, 169-72; reluetance Abt or Nootka Indians, 599 of peopIe to tell their OWU names in, Ainos, 481, 496, 515, 528, 530, 532; 01 :147; seelusion of girls at puberty in, Japan, 252, 505,506,660; ofSaghalien, 595; dread and seclusioa of menstruous 20,509 women in, 604; birth-trees in, 6S1 Akikuyu of Britlsh East Afrlca, 145. 604 INDEX Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp, Roman Ammon, the god, 142,477,500 version 0 f, 67 I Amoy, spirits who draw away the souls of Alake, the, of Abeokuta, 295 ehildren at, 186 Alaska, respect of hunters for dead sables Amphictyon, king of Athens, 155 and bears in, 525; expulsion of evils in, Amulets, 109, 242, 243, 679, 680 55 I; seclusion of girls at puberty in, Amulius Silvius, 149 600 Anabis, human god at, 96 Alba Longa, 148; kings of, 149 Anaitis, Persian goddess, 331 Alban dynasty, 149; hills, 148; lake, Anatomie 0/ Abtlscs, 123 149; mountain, 149, ISO, 167 Ancestor, wooden image of, 679 Albania, milk-stones in, 34; mock lamen­ Ancestors, prayers to, 71; sacrifices to, tations for locusts and beetles in, 531 ; 72; souls of, in trees, 11 5; names of, expulsion of Kore on Easter Eve in, 560 ; bestowed on their reinearnations, 256 the Yule log in, 638 Ancus lIIarcius, Roman king, 158 Albanians of the Caucasus, 251, 571 Andaman Islanders, 192 Albigenscs worshipped each other, 101 Anderida, forest of, 109 Alchemy leads up to chemistry, 92 Andes, the Peruvian, 79; the Colombian, Aleuts of Alaska, 221 104 Alexandria, festival of Adonis at, 335 Anemone, the searlet, 336 Alexandrian calendar, 374; year,373 Angamis, Eastern, of Manipur, 64 Alfai, rain-making priest, 107 Angola, the Matiamvo of, 271 Alfoors, of the island of Buru, 250; of Angoni, the, 73, 214 CentralCeIebes,181, 690; ofHalmahera, Angoniland, rain-making in, 63 548; of Minahassa, 94, 95, 186, 482, Angoy, king of, 273 492; of Poso, 248 Anhouri, Egyptian god, 265 Algeria, Midsummer fires in, 631 AnimaI, killing the divine, 499-518; and Algidus, Mount, 150, 164 man, sympathetic relation between, 700 Algonquins, 144- Animals, homoeopathic magie of, 31; All-heaIcr, name applied to mistletoe, assoeiation of ideas common to the, 54 ; 659-61 rain-making by means of, 72; injured All Saints' Day, 634, 636 through theirshadows, 190; propitiation AU Souls, feast of, 360 of tbe spirits of slain, 217, 220; tom to Allan, lohn Hay, on the Hays of Errol, 702 pieces and devoured in religious rites, Allatu, Babylonian goddess, 326, 327 390, 391; so-called unclean, origina11y All-Ha11ows (All Saints' Day), 173 sacred, 472; belief in the descent of Almond, causes virgin to conccive, 347; men from, 473; resurrection of, 516, the father of a11 things, 347 528, 529; wild, propitiation of, 518-32 ; Alpheus, the sacred, 110 two forms of the worship of, 532; pro­ Alqamar, tribe of nomads, 64 cessions with sacred, 535; transferenee AIsace, May-trees in, 121; the Little May of evil to, 540-42; as scapegoats, 540, Rose in, 125; stuffed goat or fox at 565, 568, 570, 576; burnt at festivals, threshing in, 457; cats burnt in Easter 655,656; perhaps deemed embodiments bonfires in, 656 of witches, 657. 658; externaI soul in, Altmark, the May Bride at Whitsuntide 683-9 1 in the, 135; Easter bonfires in thc, 615, Animism, the Buddhist, not a philosophica1 616 theory, 112; passing into polytheism, Alvarado, Pedro de, Spanish general, 687 II7 Amaxosa Cafires, 52z Anjea, mythieaI being, 39 Amazon, Indians at the mouth of the, 581 Anna Kuari, an Oraon goddess, 434 Amboyna, rice in bloom treated like a Annam, ceremonies observed when a whale pregnant woman, 115; ceremony to is washed ashore in, 223 fertilise clove-trees in, 137; fear to lose Anointing stones, in order to avert bullets the shadow at noon in, 191; siek people from absent warriors, 26; in a rain­ sprinkled with pungent spices in, 196; charm, 76 superstition regarding hair in, 680 Anointment, of weapon whieh eaused America, power of medicine men in North, wound, 41 ; of priest at installation, 174 87; continence in Central, 138; the Anthropomorphism of the spirits of nature, Corn Mother in, 412; personification of 423 maize in North, 419; first-fruit cere­ Antigonus, King, 97 monies in, 486, 487 Antioch, festival of Adonis at, 336, 346 American Indians, 29, 63, 82, 87, III, 136, Antrim, harvest customs in, 404 138, 214, 244, 246, 252, 253, 256, 264, An ts, bites of, used in purificatory eere­ 522_ See also North Ameriean Indians monies, 195, 601; for lethargie patients, Amethysts as charms, 34, 85 496 INDEX ADubls, the jaekal-headed god, 366, 367, Artemis, 120, 140, 141; ud Hippolytns, 374 4-7; and Apollo, 120; 01 Ephesus, 141, Anula tribe of Northem Australia, 64, 72, 349; at Perga, 330; the Hanged, 355 693 Aru Islands, eustom 01 not sleeping after Apaehes, the, 76, zu a death in the, 182; dog's lIesh eaten to Apalai Indians, 195 make eater brave, 496 Ape, a Batak totem, 6g1 Arunta 01 Central Australla, 17, 603 Aphrodite, 4; and Adonis, 7, 327, 335; Arval Brothers, 224, 578 the mouming, of the Lebanon, 329; Aryan god of thunder, 638 sanetuary of, 330; and Cinyras and Aryans, magical powers ascribed to kings. Pygmalion, 332; her blood dyes white 89; in Europe, 1I0, 159, 161, 163, 656, roses red, 336 665 ; descent 01 kingship through Apis, sacred Egyptian bull, 335, 365, 476, women, 155; 01 ancient India, 490; 501 their use of the saered oak-wood, 666; Apollo, prophetess of, 95; image of, in stories of the extemal soul, 668; rever­ sacred cave at Hylae, 95; and Artemis, ence for the oak, 709 120; at Delphi, 265; his musical con­ Ascension Day, 312, 702 test with Marsyas, 354; identified with Ascetie idealism of the East, 139 the Celtie Grannus, 6u Ash-tree in popular eures, 546, 682 Apollo Diradiotes, inspired priestess at Ash VVednesday, 302, 304, 305, 461, 614 temple of, 94 Ashantees, 497 Apologies offered to trees, u3, u5, u6; Ashes, in magie, 30-32, 72, 76; of human by savages to the animals they kill, 520, victims seattered on fields, 378-80, 433, 52 3 436-8,442, 443; of bonfires, use of, 6n, Apoyaos, head-hunters, 433 615, 621, 635, 645, 646; of Midsummer Apple-tree, barren women roll under, to fires, 626, 629, 631, 632; of the Yule log, obtain ofIspring, 120; straw man placed 637; of the need-fire, 640 on oldf'.5t, 467; torehes thrown at, 610 ; Asia Minor, pontiffs in, 9; human seape­ as life-index of boy, 682 goats in, 579 Arabeharms, 31, 242; name for the scarlet Asongtata, annual ceremony performed by anemone, 336 the Garos of Assam, 568 Arabia, belief as to shadows in aneient, Asopus, the river, 143 190; camel as seapegoat in, 540 Aspalis, a form 01 Artemis, 355 Arabian Nights, story of the extemal soul Ass, in eure for scorpion's bite, 544 in the, 674 Assam, the hill tribes of, taboos observed Arabs, of Moab, 32, 378; of North Africa, by the headman and his wife, 173, and 70 by warriors, 212; parents named after Araueanians of South
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