LONGTOWN GROUP PARISH COUNCIL Craswall, Llanveynoe, Longtown and Walterstone DATE OF PUBLICATION: Thursday 14th January 2021 TO: ALL MEMBERS OF LONGTOWN GROUP PARISH COUNCIL: Councillors Cecil (Chair), Hardy (Vice-Chair), Guy, Hope, Palmer, Powell, Probert, Stinchcombe, Tribe, G Watkins and L Watkins. (3 Vacancies) NOTICE OF MEETING You are hereby summoned to attend the remote Parish Council Meeting of the Longtown Group Parish Council to be held on Wednesday 20th January 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom. Please click this link to join or follow the link at the end of the agenda. Paul Russell Clerk to the Council [email protected] AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3. ADOPT MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 18th November 2020. Copy attached. 4. OPEN FORUM – For local residents to raise local matters. 5. POLICE – To receive a report from the Police, if available. 6. WARD COUNCILLOR – To receive a report from the Ward Councillor, if available. 7. LONGTOWN COMMUNITY NETWORK (a) Update and next steps (b) Herefordshire Talk Community Hub Opportunity 8. PLANNING APPLICATIONS (a) To consider the following applications received: NUMBER SITE DESCRIPTION 201396 Little Blackhill Farm, Longtown Proposed sand horse arena in paddock on Hereford HR2 0NN farm for exercise of own horses. 203746 Bulls Head, Craswall, Hereford Proposed car parking area, erection of a Herefordshire HR2 0PN permanent cover to garden seating area, single storey extensions to pub and siting of 5 holiday huts in field to rear of pub. 203942 Llandraw Farm, Craswall, Hereford Application for removal or variation of a Herefordshire HR2 0PW condition following grant of planning permission. (132727/M)- to allow to extend the life by a further 7 years. 1 | P a g e 204092 Llandraw Farm, Craswall, Hereford Variation of Condition 2 of permission 181564 - Herefordshire HR2 0PW To establish the domestic curtilage of the site at Llandraw Farm and the proposed refurbishment of and extension of the existing farmhouse - to relate to revised schedule of proposed drawings. 204144 Black Hill Farm Flat, Blackhill Farm Proposed new glazed bay to the East Craswall, Hereford, Herefordshire elevation, a new external door and corner HR2 0PH window along with internal alterations. 204184 Lower House Farm, Longtown Proposed extension of agricultural building to Hereford HR2 0NT cover existing open yard for mixed use for livestock and in connection with existing wedding and function venue. 204310 Agricultural building at Meadow Application to determine if prior approval is Bank Farm Longtown Hereford required for a proposed change of use of HR2 0NA agricultural building to 3 dwellinghouses (two smaller & one larger) (Class C3), and for building operations reasonably necessary for the conversion 204306 Little Trewern Farm, Longtown Application for prior notification for the erection Hereford Herefordshire HR2 0LW of a new agricultural building. 9. GRANTS, REFUSALS & APPEALS NUMBER SITE DESCRIPTION DECISION P203343 Middle Wern Ddu Prior approval for change of use of Prior approval not Farm, Rowlestone, agricultural building to 2 dwelling required. Hereford, HR2 0ED houses (Class C3) and for building operations reasonably necessary for the conversion. P202972 Lily Cottage, Two storey rear extension. Approved with Walterstone, HR2 0DT Conditions 10. LICENCING MATTERS (a) Environmental Health Matters – To note any further updates if available. 11. FINANCES & POLICY (a) Accounts Outstanding and Financial Statement – A list of accounts for approval relating to December 2020 and January 2021 will be presented at the meeting. (b) Budget Setting 2021/22 – To consider adopting the draft budget attached. (c) Precept Request – To consider formally requesting a precept of £17,300 from Herefordshire Council. (d) Clerk to the Council – To formally consider the appointment of a new Parish Clerk. 12. CLIMATE CHANGE (a) Climate Change Priorities – At the previous meeting it was agreed to consider the Parish Council’s Climate Change priorities as an agenda item. 13. LENGTHSMAN & HIGHWAYS (a) Parish Footpath Report – Please see the attached report for consideration and discussion. 2 | P a g e (b) Lengthsman Scheme Support – To receive an update on the support scheme Council has adopted. (c) Lengthsman Works – To receive an update regarding the Lengthsman works. Works have been carried out in Craswall and Longtown. Council is requested to consider the recommendation for works to be undertaken from D C Gardening Services. (d) Black Hill – To consider the recent concerns regarding damage in this area, the police response, possible signage and repairs required. (e) Road Closure – To note that the Michaelchurch Road will be close between 8th and 19th February 2021. (f) 30mph Wheelie Bin Stickers – To consider whether to obtain some 30mph speed limit stickers. (g) Unclassified Roads – This matter was deferred at the previous meeting. A response has been received from Herefordshire Council regarding the process. 14. NOTE THE CORRESPONDENCE SHEET The following correspondence has been received: Locality Steward Weekly Briefings – January 2021 HALC Information Corner/Training – January 2021 Herefordshire Council, Road Closures – Update to programme Herefordshire Rural Hub – January 2021 Police Newsletter – January 2021 Talk Community Covid weekly updates 15. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – To note that the next meeting will be held on Wednesday 17th February 2021 at 7:30pm via the Zoom platform. Topic: Longtown Group Parish Council Meeting Time: Jan 20, 2021 03:00 PM London Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85987744378?pwd=QktYdDViV3EzQlc2cWFJTVFHcm1CQT09 Meeting ID: 859 8774 4378 Passcode: 381176 3 | P a g e LONGTOWN GROUP PARISH COUNCIL Craswall, Llanveynoe, Longtown and Walterstone Minutes of the Longtown Group Parish Council Meeting held remotely via the Zoom platform on Wednesday 18th November 2020 commencing at 7:30pm. MEMBERS PRESENT: Councillors Cecil (Chair), Hardy (Vice-Chair), Guy, Hope, Palmer, Probert, Stinchcombe, Tribe and G Watkins. ALSO PRESENT: Ward Cllr Jinman and the Clerk to the Council. 223/20 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Probert and L Watkins 224/20 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AND APPLICATIONS FOR DISPENSATION There were no Declarations of Interest made and no requests for dispensation received. 225/20 ADOPT MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Council RESOLVED that the minutes of the Longtown Group Parish Council meeting held on 21st October 2020 be agreed and signed as a correct record. 226/20 OPEN FORUM – No members of the public were present. No matters were raised. 227/20 POLICE – Council noted that the Police were unable to attend. The monthly newsletter was noted. 228/20 WARD COUNCILLOR – The following Ward Councillor report presented by Cllr Jinman: Cllr Jinman was currently liaising with the Locality Steward to try to sort out the responsibilities of landowners under Riparian Rights; £2 million was being spent on C and U roads throughout the County out of the current Herefordshire Council budget; Hereford Hospital had now closed for routine operations. Covid cases were on the rise and residents were encouraged to continue to observe the latest Covid advice; There were concerns regarding potential flooding in the area over the next few months; The Ewyas Lacey Group were liaising regularly with Herefordshire Talk Communities support. There were a number of lonely residents with some facing a real risk of depression; Herefordshire Council would closely monitor the Wild Camping sites and would visit the area again next year. The change in legislation had created the issues experienced in 2020. The MP had been contacted highlighting the consequences experienced due to the legislative changes; It was confirmed that more funding was normally allocated to classified rather than unclassified roads. Herefordshire Council was trying to focus on addressing drainage issues and the damage caused by large vehicles; It was noted that the ditches cleared in Craswall were now filling up with leaves. Some lengths of ditching would benefit from being piped. 229/20 CORONAVIRUS UPDATE – The following update was received: The website links to the Community Support Group had been uploaded onto the Council’s website. The link to the Walterstone Facebook page would be added; The information about the availability of the food boxes would be added to the website; New Covid posters would be requested. 230/20 PLANNING APPLICATIONS (a) Planning applications – Council agreed to submit the following comments to Herefordshire Council: 4 | P a g e NUMBER SITE DESCRIPTION COMMENT P203504 Penyrhoel Farm, Proposed livestock buildings and No objection Walterstone HR2 0DZ covered manure store. P203377 Methodist Chapel, Lower Application for approval of No objection Maescoed, Herefordshire reserved matters following outline approval.194054/O (Change of use from place of worship to residential dwelling, including 3 No standard car parking spaces) P203587 Little Cwm, Dulas LBS: Installation of heat pump No comment Hereford, Herefordshire against the north wall of the HR2 0HL house. This does not require any alteration, extension or demolition of the listed building. P202957 Bramley House, Dulas Proposed widening of existing See below: Hereford, Herefordshire field entrance and relocation of HR2 0HW hedgerow to accommodate extended splays to make it safer for entering and exiting field. The Parish Council expressed concern
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