October 2018 We Are Our Mental Health Giving psychological wellbeing the attention it deserves THEME: ROMAN HOLIDAY Oct 13-14, Sat & Sun, 11am-8pm Venue: Zhongguancun Software Park International Conference Service Centre Scan the QR code via WeChat to buy tickets WOMEN OF CHINA English Monthly Deputy Director General & Deputy Editor-in- Legal Adviser 法律顾问 《中国妇女》英文月刊 Chief 副主任·副总编辑 HUANG XIANYONG 黄显勇 A RONG 阿榕 Sponsored and administrated by International Distribution 国外发行 ALL-CHINA WOMEN'S FEDERATION China International Book Trading Corporation 中华全国妇女联合会主管/主办 Chief Editor 主编 中国国际图书贸易总公司 Published by YUAN KANG 袁康 ACWF INTERNET INFORMATION AND Editors 编辑 COMMUNICATION CENTER (WOMEN’S Address 本刊地址 FOREIGN LANGUAGE PUBLICATIONS GU WENTONG 顾文同 WOMEN OF CHINA English Monthly OF CHINA) YE SHAN 叶珊 《中国妇女》英文月刊 全国妇联网络信息传播中心(中国妇女外文期刊 WEI XUANYI 魏萱亦 15 Jianguomennei Dajie, Dongcheng District, 社)出版 Editorial Consultant 编辑顾问 Beijing 100730, China Publishing Date: October 15, 2018 ROBERT MILLER(Canada) 中国北京东城区建国门内大街15号 本期出版时间:2018年10月15日 罗伯特·米勒(加拿大) 邮编:100730 Tel电话/Fax传真:(86)10-85112105 Director of Website Department 网络部主任 E-mail 电子邮箱:[email protected] Advisers 顾问 ZHU HONG 朱鸿 Website 网址 http://www.womenofchina.cn PENG PEIYUN 彭珮云 Former Vice-Chairperson of the NPC Standing Director of New Media Department Printing 印刷 Committee 全国人大常委会前副委员长 新媒体部主任 Toppan Leefung Changcheng Printing (Beijing) GU XIULIAN 顾秀莲 HUANG JUAN 黄娟 Co., Ltd. Former Vice-Chairperson of the NPC Standing 北京利丰雅高长城印刷有限公司 Committee 全国人大常委会前副委员长 Director of Distribution Department 发行与对外联络部主任 国际标准刊号:ISSN1000 9388 Director General 主任·社长 XIA WEI 夏巍 国内统一刊号:CN11-1704/C ZHANG HUI 张慧 国外发行代号:1580 Advertising Agency 广告代理 Beijing Agenda Advertising Co., Limited 国内邮发代号:2-713 广告经营许可证: Deputy Director General & Deputy Editor-in- 北京爱见达广告有限公司 京东工商广字第0121号 Chief 副主任·副总编辑·副社长 Telephone/电话: 5779 8877 WEI LIANG 位亮 Advertising Hotlines/广告热线: 5941 0368/69/72/77/78/79 Follow us on: Sina Weibo WeChat 《中国妇女》英文月刊 2018年10月 COPYRIGHT ACWF INTERNET INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION CENTER (WOMEN’S FOREIGN LANGUAGE PUBLICATIONS OF CHINA). ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE PUBLISHER. 本刊版权为全国妇联网络信息传播中心(中国妇女外文期刊社)所有(包括但不限于电子版信息网络传播权、数字发行权、无线增值业务权),未经 书面许可,不得转载。本刊同时进行数字发行,作者如无特殊声明,即视作同意授予我刊及我刊合作网站信息网络传播权;本刊支付的稿酬已包括此 项授权的收入。 A NOTE TO OUR READERS We All Have Mental Health For me, mental health has always been something I knew unfortunate, especially when you discover just how common we all had, but didn’t really consider it to be something that life challenges like depression, anxiety, or debilitating stress needed to be maintained in the same way as physical health. actually are. Even physical health is a thing that I tend to neglect at times, One important thing we have learned from making this especially when looming deadlines murk up the horizon, and issue is that mental health should be treated no differently weird diets and lost sleep become the norm. from physical health. We should ideally have checkups, as I often wonder how much our parents considered these frequently as physical checkups. Thinking about our overall things. I’m sure the tendency was more to pack things away psychological well-being shouldn’t be reserved for when times until the metaphorical suitcase finally burst, spewing out dirty are at their worst, and should ideally work in a preventative laundry all over the interior and passengers of an MPV during way. a stressful road trip to visit the grandparents. Sadly, though, in Beijing resources for both expats and Life has changed considerably from when baby boomers locals aren’t readily available for that level of care. But then first entered the workplace. There were definitely no work- there are other ways that you or a loved one can find sup- related WeChat groups demanding your attention at all hours port. The most important is through friends and family. These of the day, or never-ending streams of news on social media people are your first line of defense against mental illness, platforms that you feel like you need to sift through to remain as they know you best and can tell when you are struggling. current. Don’t you miss those days of just writing emails, and Also, group meetings held by organizations like CandleX and having a 24-hour timeframe to respond? Beijing Mindfulness Centre have proved to be an invaluable Modernity is stressful. We are always connected, and it resource for many expats in the city. takes a lot of effort to block out the noise and focus on the While we understand that we are only scratching the sur- things that truly matter, and which give you happiness. In face on the topic of mental health, these pages may at least addition to that, the environment here in Beijing can have be useful in helping you figure out when and why support is its own triggers. needed, and where to find it if you do. This is an area that Though I love this city and all of the learning experiences requires more development and discussion in order to keep it it has given me, it is becoming more expensive, and the in the public view and reduce stigma, and ultimately we hope quality of life isn’t entirely keeping up with the costs of living, this magazine can be read as a step in that important direction. especially if things like international schools or multiple visits to the hospital are taken into consideration. This can easily add to a parent’s anxiety. Support for your mental health is no exception. Help in this city is costly, and likely unavailable for many families. This is Follow us on: Sina Weibo WeChat Kipp Whittaker Chief Content Manager PHOTO: UNI YOU PHOTO: CONTENTS 34 October 2018 22 4928 LIVING PARENTING 14 Indulge 38 West Meets East Catherine de France outlaws the headband from mom’s wardrobe Parenting perspectives on mental health 16 Green Pages 40 Echo Chamber Sustainable lifestyle news in the capital Parenting with emotional literacy and control 18 Tech Roundup Using tech to ease stress instead of creating it FEATURES 44 Survival Story Alice Liu Ezzell tells us about her journey with bipolar disorder 20 Natural Path Homeopathic remedies and traditional psychological care work 46 Mental Health Guide together Profiles of Beijing’s most notable mental health professionals 21 Feature 49 Moving Experiences We talk to TCM practitioner, Shelly Ochs Conquering past trauma through yoga therapy 52 Reaching Out DINING What to do when someone is considering self-harm 22 Dining Out Ramo conquers family friendly cuisine with pizza and style 53 Culture Awe Tips to make your time in Beijing less stressful 24 Food for Thought When life gives you lemons… make lemon curd ESSENTIALS 3 Editor’s Note PLAYING 6 What’s New? 26 Maker’s Corner 8 Events Making cute Halloween décor at The SLab 13 New Arrivals 57 School News 28 Get Out 58 The Circuit Beijing’s most relaxing places, spaces, and services 64 Family Favorites LEARNING 31 Schooled ON THE COVER: Exploring how BCIS and WAB develop mindful awareness on Western Academy of Beijing (WAB) Grade campus 4 student Monty Lindner comes from Mel- bourne, Australia, and has been in Beijing UNI YOU PHOTOS: 34 When I Grow Up for over six years now. He’s an old soul Kuanghan Li explains architectural preservation to ISB kids that loves playing the trombone, travelling, stage acting, and a variety of international 36 Blank Canvas cuisines. Photos were taken by Fang Yifei. Huijia students illustrate their most memorable trips The beijingkids Board Chief Content Manager Kipp Whittaker AJ Warner Deputy Content Manager Andy Peñafuerte III When AJ Warner is not with his two sons, he’s coaching Associate Content Planner Pauline van Hasselt Chinese students on how to get admitted to the top 30 Digital Content Planner Huang Chenkuang US universities. He also guides Chinese families through Contributors Andrew Killeen, Jolie Wu, the process of sending their child to the US for high Rebecca Archer, Pamela Djima, school and related homestays. Contact him at ajwarner@ Siana Braganza, Patrick Fkanary, touchdown.org.cn. Mia Livingston, Ember Swift, Melissa Rodriguez Mike Signorelli Mike Signorelli arrived in Beijing in 1994 as a student and has called China home ever since. He has held several senior management roles over the past 20+ years, including his last corporate job with NBA China. Mike is the founder Advertising Agency of Signature Wine, China’s first independent subscription Beijing Agenda Advertising wine club. Contact him at [email protected]. Co., Limited Marianne Daquet 广告代理 In Beijing for 12 years, Marianne Daquet has always been passionate about art and education. She founded Atelier 北京爱见达广告有限公司 Art School 6 years ago with the mission to pass on her Telephone/电话: 5779 8877 strong belief that creativity can change the world. She and her French husband have two daughters. You can Advertising Hotlines/广告热线: reach her at [email protected]. 5941 0368 Dominika Mejia CEO and Founder Michael Wester Dominika is career diplomat with a foothold in three Owner and Co-Founder Toni Ma continents. She shares a taste for food with a passion Marketing Director Lareina Yang for books and travel. She is the author of the bilingual culinary blog D-constructed. While she is full of hope Marketing Team Echo Wang, Arissi Liu, to master Chinese while writing her PhD, she’s also the Kris Wei, Pablo Vidal mother of a two-year-old daughter. Art Director Susu Luo Production Manager Joey Guo Graphic Designer Helen He Caroline Nath Caroline Nath moved to Beijing as a teenager after having Photographer Uni You grown up in the US, Canada, France, and India. She is Sales Director Irene Yan a filmmaker, radio host, Parent Effectiveness Training Sales Team Gladys Tang, Veronica Wu, teacher, founder of Bonne Nani Jams, and an organic Olesya Sedysheva, Ceinwen food promoter.
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