tHE 'DIAPASO N AN INTERNATIONAL MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE ORGAN AND THE INTERESTS OF ORG,ISlSTS Sixty.third rear. Nu. I - Whole No. 745 DECEMIIER, 19i1 Subscriptions $4.0U a )'t.'iIT - ·10 cents a cop), AEolian-Skinner Builds New von Beckerath Organ for Ohio State University Dedicated at Yale AEolian-Skinner Organ Com pan, is The lIew J-I. I:runk Uozy:m Memorial building a new 3-m,Ulual and peda or· Org:m in Dwight Chapel, Yale Univ,"'r. g:ut for the music school at Ohio State sit}, ~ew l-Ia\'CII, COIlII ., was dedicatctl Unh·crsity. Columbus, Ohio. and instal­ :-\0\ . 3. A 42,sl!)p lIIechanical action 01' Iillion is untidpalccJ to begin carly in g.m built bt Rudolf mil Heckemth 01 1972. The organ will be located in H iI :nhurg, Germany, the instnllllent is HughL'S 1-lal1. :l slIlall recital hOi!!. The d l."Signed to phi}' the c1:ISSic works of the instrument will be encased, and it will pcriod o[ Bach and hC£ore, and scrves h:1\'C a movable consulI.'. Thc action will IherC£ore as :t complement to Ihe lar~e he c1cctru.pncum:llic with slider dU.'SIS, :\'ewbl·tI"}· Org:1Il in Wuolsey I-Iall. Char· and the combination action will be solid It s Krigh:ltlt11 , "ide Uni\'ersity ofbr-anist, slate capture type. Robert L. SipI.' He thc headed (he colllmittee which sdected the AEoliall·Skinner £inn designed thc ill organ maker and stlpcni$l.'(1 the dct:lils strumcnt in collahor;Jtioli wilh \\TilbuT o( its illslall:llion. Mr. Krigbaum is I-!chl and Gordon Wilson or the or<~:111 playing a series or fh'e recitals de\'uled f"culty and I.ee Rigby. dean of fine nrts. In the music o[ J.S. 1I:lch during t'lis, the nl"Jtilll'S; first sl'aSOIl of tlsc. GREAT Quintade 16 ft. 61 Ilille!! I'rincillal 8 fl . 61 !liJIClI GREAT SpitlnBte 8 ft. 61 pipes Ulltthm 16 ft. Octa\'e .. rt. 61 pille!! I'rinciral 8 fl . Blodr.flOle 2 ft. 61 Ilipes Rllhrflule 8 ft. fl. Sr!Sqlliahera II 122 pil~ Octave" Mixture IV 244 Ililies Spiclflule .. ft. Nasal 2 7S h . l'OSITI" Octll\'e 2 ft, lIulzgedc:ckt 8 ft . 61 pillt.. F11lchllute 2 h. SllillnBle .. ft. 61 pipcs Tierce 1 3/5 II . Ilrincilial :! fl. 61 pilH'5 l\lixlure V Qllinle I ~ rt. 61 Ilipes TnIIllIN'1 8 ft. Cymbel II 122 !liliCS Knllnmhorn 8 h. 61 pipl'S I'OSITIV Gc:.Iackt 8 h. SWELL QllinladclIll 8 ft. Rohrnole 8 ft. 61 Ilipes l'rillcilJaI ... ft. Gamhe 8 h. 61 PilleS Rllhrrute ... ft. Gambe Celeste 8 ft. 61 IlillCl OClavc 2 ft. SJlitlprincillllo1 .. ft . 61 pilles Qllinle I ~ £t. Scharf IV 244 Ilille!l St'S(luiallclOl II Trompdte 8 £t o 61 pipcs &harf IV Tremulant Rankett 16 h. Crnlllornl~ H It. l'EDAL Trl'lIlUllI Su~ 16 h. 32 pipes Rohrbass 16 ft. 12 pipc::!l (Swell) 1'C'i ncilml 8 It. 32 Ilipes SWELL Choralbass .. ft. 32 Ilipes Gcdackl 8 ft. M UE tut'e III 96 JlillCS I'rincillal .. h. Fagott 16 fl. 32 pillcs WalcUlUt" 2 It. Rohrschalmci .. ft. 32 pillCS New Fisk Organ in Boston's Old West Church Sirniile I It. from the church. Most of the casework Tcnian II The Old Wl.ost Church in Boston, a CymllCl III handsoUle brick mc..: ting housc designed and woodcarving, although in an an· tique style, is new, new cal'\'ings being Trichlcrrt'/o!lIl R ft. AMERICAN STANDARD ADOPTED by Ashel' Bcnjamin alld built in 1806. Trrmolo has; had .111 inleresting history. The ori· the work or Jamcs McClcllan o[ Ipswich, FOR CARILLON CONSOLES Mass. gin:!1 congregation was Unitarian; their PEDAl. first instrument was an English cham· The second storey of the main case Principal 16 h. An American standard for carillon ber organ 1U00·ed from their pre\'ious houses the Great anti Pedal divisiolls. 511bbau 16 ft . cOllsoles was adopted by the Guild of building. This was succeeded by larger The Swell is enclosed at £loor le\·eI ill Octa\'e 8 ft. Carillonneurs in North America at its org:ms, tJleir last being a a·manual the lower portioll uf the main case. The Gcdackt 8 ft . 19; I Congress in Springfield, llIinois. built by E. 8.: G . G . Hook or Hoston in Choir dh'isioll is 011 the gallery railing. Ocb\'e .. h . The adopted standard is similar to the the 1860·s. which stood in the rear g'.Il· with the detached console directh' be· IlohUlote .. It, codes used by carillon manufacturers in hind it, ami separated by £h'e ft'et . from Nachtlmrn 2 h. lery. Latc in the 19th celltury this con­ Mixture V Europe, the only place where carillons greg-.1tion Ulerged with the First Church the mllill case to allow roum ror singers. arc made. The American code was I'"sallne 16 h . and the building was closed. In 1896 it rhe specification \\".15 drawn lip hl' Trullll)cI 8 It. adopted after six years of intensive becaUle the propel"ly of the City o[ Bos' Charles Fisk, in collaburation with Schahnl"i ... ft • study, consultation, ami deliberation. tOil , at which time the I-look organ dis· .I:UIlt'S nn ~ by, organist and choir director T~molo GCNA president, Mil£ord Myhre, :tppeared. Th\! city cmployed the old of the chnrch. The stop action is me­ carillonneur at the fiok Singing Tower, building as a branch or the Boston Pub· chankal. the stop :!ction electrical. and Lake Wales, Florida, stated, "The mO\'e there is :I rt'gister ctesl"endo. TilE JURY OF TilE INTERNATIONAL lic Library until 1960, when a new CiAUDEAMUS COl\I1'OSERS' COMPETI­ to standardization will insure uniformit\· branch libraf')' was builtllearby. In 1962 of future carillon consoles in this conu· GREAT TION 1971, comJlOSed of: Frant:ois Ba)-Ie ownership o[ the building passed from Hourdon 16 ft . 61 flillCS (Frante), S),/t'arro BUllolli (ltnl)'), IJnJ Josi/l nent regardless of the size of the instru· the city tn the Methodist Confcrence l'n'slanl 8 ft. 61 pilles (bllrnislu.'tl lin) "',ojanovit: (Yufollatlia } has awanJed the prires ment, and parallels the crforts of the lind the Old West Church was rc·opcnl.'ti Sllire Flute 8 ft. 61 )lilICS a.\ follows : hi prize of 400 8l1ildt!n 10: john AGO to standardize organ console di· as a Methodist Church in 196·1 with a Oct.we ... It. 61 piJ1C"1 McGuire ( .S.A. ] for his colIIPosition "Decay mensions earHer in thc century." conb"Tegation made up of members from Duublet 2 ft. 61 fllPes for dghl French horns"; 2nd prize of 2000 Drawings and specirications pertain· the merged Joirst l\ft.-thodist and Copley Scsquiaher II, 122 lIil'" Kuilden to: Maurice Weddington (U.S.A.) for ing to the baton·typc console are avail· Methodist churchcs, Mixture IV.VI, 275 pJlles his CORlllOsition " Nina I..arker op. 25, Tina Tnampet 8 h. 61 pipt!s S .. rlov 011. 21i , Susanne Rudjodillg op. 28"; 3rd able rrom the corresponding secretary: The first organ acqUired for lhc newly Ilrile of 1000 guilders tO I Tholllas Marcu Mrs. Margo Halsted, 6231 Monero Drh·e, Clarioll .. ft. 61 tl:lles reopened edifice was a small second· ,!,\\,ELL {Spain} for his cOIDJIOSition " Mysteria", en' Palos Verdes Peninsula, Calif. 902;4. A couragemenl prize of 750 guilden to ~ jorge hand electro· pneumatic by James Cole. Violin Diall:lSun 8 It. 61 I,ill" study of proper tower design and COli· r\ntnm:s ( Brasil) for his composition " Music Soon it hCc:lme e\'ident that a lIew or· Swppcd DmllaulII 8 fl. Iii Ilipes struction has now been inaugurated to gall would hc needed, howe\'er, and a Flute .. ft. 61 pipes for ciRhl IICOOIIS playing things." aid architects, builders, and donors of contract was subsequently signed with Cornet III, 183 Ilil'~'5 carillons. c. n. I'isk, Inc., of Gloucester, MUOi. FUllrnitllre III, 183 pipes A NEW WORK BY SAMUEL ADLER, The new Otgilll was huill in 1970 alld Contra lIaudmy 16 h. 61 pil,es "Cclllcerto for Organ and Orchestra". was NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY has made dedicated un Easter of 1971. In May of Trullipet 8 ft. hi p:pcs /o!i\'en ils I)rt:miere IlCtfonnance Nov. 12 at Ihe initial acquisition of selections from one CIIOIR f..u lman School of Music as IllIort of the of Ihe world's must important music collec· 1971 :! dedicator), recital of music by nach, Widor, Pepping, Reger and carl)' ChimnL'Y Hille II h . 61 pillt's school's 50Ih anniversary festival. TIle work lions, tbe archive of Ham Moldenlmuer. Mr. I'resL... nt .. h. hi 11 ' lle~ (lltItlli. hnl 1;01 ) was IlerfllnnL-ti by David Craighead and the Spanish composers was gil'en hy Dr. Max Moldenhauer, musicologist, archivist and Sight Hurn ... h . 61 (lipes l::a.stllJaIi l'hilharlllunLa under the di~clion of Kholar, has meticulously COlllililed his out. Miller or noslOIi Unh·cl·sity. Fiheenth :! ft, 61 Ilillt'S Waltcr IIcndl. Pislon's " Concerlo for Organ standing collcr:lion over many yean, and it is The casework of tJle organ, of San Na.ord II, 95 pilles and Orchestra" and Saint·Sai!ns' "Symphony one of Ihe most \"aluable and cOlllllrchemive Domingo and Hondur.ts mahogany, was Sharp IV, 2+1 Iii pes Nil. 3" were also Jletfonllt!d on Ihe program. coll«tions of original music autograllh manu­ Clelliona 8 h.
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