Monday, April 20, 2020 Volume 54, Issue 08 www.tridentnewspaper.com Ships depart Halifax after hotel quarantine HMC ships Moncton and Ville de Québec both departed Halifax on Thursday, April 16 to prepare for potential deploy- ment as part of Operation LASER, the CAF response to the COVID-19 pandemic. To ensure the safety of the crew and the capability of the ships, all sailors were isolated in a Halifax hotel for 14 days prior to boarding. The ships will now remain at sea in Nova Scotian waters as they stay ready to assist Canadians if called upon. MARLANT PA 2 TRIDENTTRIDENT NEWS NEWS APRIL April 20, 6, 2020 PromotionCOVID-19 : Informations, ceremonies lignes continue directrices despite et socialressources distancing accessibles au public à l’intention Bydes Ryan Melanson, membres de l’Équipe de la Défense locale Trident Staff Nous sommes conscients du fait book à l’adresse www.facebook.com/ pourraient intéresser nos membres. MapleSeaLeaf queThe les Royal membres Canadian de notre Navy’s person ongo- - CANFLTLANTBaseHalifax. Cette HQ, note the ceremonycomprend was Suivez-nous! • BFC Halifax : @CFBHalifax ingnel effort n’ont topas recognize tous accès the au significant RED ou à aégalement necessary des step informations, as he prepared des for di -his • Commandant de la BFC Halifax : promotionl’intranet defrom l’Équipe the rank de ofla MasterDéfense. newrectives posting et des with ressources HMCS Toronto provinciales. Facebook @WardenNAtlantic SeamanPour cette to Petty raison, Officer, une grande 2nd Class partie is et“So fédérales we decided concernant to sort laof COVID-19.roll with • Forces maritimes de l’Atlantique : beginningdes informations to look asur little la COVID-19bit different. theLes punches informations and hold sont the ajoutées/modi promotion - @MaritimeForcesAtlantic Instagram dontA ceremony nos membres for the pourraient newest crop avoir of overfiées video et horodatées chat,” he chaquesaid. He jour was de la • BFC Halifax : @BaseHalifax • Forces maritimes de l’Atlantique : PO2sbesoin was se originally trouvent sur to be des held pages in lateweb joinedsemaine on àthe 14 Zoomh (HNA). call by Cmdre @rcnatlantic, @mrcatlantique March,accessibles but was au publiccancelled et sur as thedes Forsites- RichardLes comptes Feltham de andmédias Fleet sociaux Chief CPO1 Twitter • BFC Halifax : @cfbhalifax_bfchali- mationde médias reverted sociaux. to core and critical Tomdes FAC Lizotte, et du as MDN well restentas CPO2 égale Donald- • Forces maritimes de l’Atlantique : fax servicesLa liste only des in mises an effort à jour to dehelp la BFCslow Perriement actifs and LCdr au niveau Jackie local, Simpson. car nous @RCN_MARLANT, @MRC_FMA- • Commandant de la BFC Halifax : theHalifax spread concernant of COVID-19 la COVID-19and maintain font Aftertenons his absolument command teamà communiquer and super- RA @halifax_base_comd44 thel’objet capability d’une note of the épinglée force. Now, sur Face as vir- - visorsles informations shared a few sur nice la COVID-19 words, they qui • Contre-amiral Craig Baines : @ tual software becomes the new norm instructed PO2 Alegre’s fiancée on for meetings and planning sessions, how to make it official. command teams are also using those “Since they couldn’t actually be platforms to properly acknowledge present, the Fleet Chief and the Com- their newly promoted sailors. modore asked her to help, and kind “For the new POs, it’s the only pro- of walked her through the process of motionCOVID-19: that comes with entry to a newPublicly taking off my old rank of Master Sea- mess, and it’s big deal for someone’s man and placing the new rank on my career,” said PO1 Conrad Johnson, the shoulders.” Coxnaccessible of HMCS Goose Bay. The ship information,Though he’s mainly working from recently held a virtual ceremony to home for the time being, PO2 Alegre is promote MS Simon Kouhry, an NCI now set to assume his new watch su- Op,guidelines to his new rank of PO2, with PO1 and pervisor role with Toronto as the ship Johnson, Goose Bay CO LCdr Daniel prepares for an Op REASSURANCE Rice, and others joining in on the vid- deployment later this year. eoconference. While holding proper, in-person resourcesOther aspects of the promotion, forsuch promotion local ceremonies would obvious- as medical clearance, were also done ly be ideal, connecting with sailors differently due to the posture of the at home and getting their loved ones base,Defence with email traffic temporarily Team involved members also has its positives, PO1 replacing the official paperwork. Johnson added. By“Once CFB that Halifax was all set, it was just a impact“I thought our members. it was actually Follow kind us! of matter of coordinating everybody at nice. He was at home with his family, theWe same understand time to get that together not all and members do it heFacebook: has a little 4-month old, and his onof Zoom,” our local PO1 Defence Johnson community added. have wife• Maritime and baby Forces might Atlantic:not have been@Mari - accessFor newly to DWAN promoted or the PO2 Defence Cruz Team abletimeForcesAtlantic to attend the ceremony if it was Alegre,Intranet. a naval For this communicator reason, much who of the held• CFB in person.” Halifax: @BaseHalifax Newly promoted PO2 Cruz Alegre with his fiancée Evonne and daughter Luna. spentinformation the last ourthree members years as might staff with be SUBMITTED looking for regarding COVID-19 can Twitter: be found on publicly accessible web- • Maritime Forces Atlantic: @RCN_ pages and social media sites. MARLANT, @MRC_FMARA You can find a list of CFB Halifax- • Rear-Admiral Craig Baines: @ specific COVID-19 updates on the MapleSeaLeaf pinned Facebook note available at • CFB Halifax: @CFBHalifax www.facebook.com/BaseHalifax. • CFB Halifax Base Commander: @ This note also includes provincial WardenNAtlantic and federal information, guidelines and resources regarding COVID-19. Instagram: Information is added/amended and • Maritime Forces Atlantic: @rcnat- time stamped each weekday at 2:00 pm lantic and @mrcatlantic ADT. • CFB Halifax: @cfbhalifax_bfchali- Local CAF/DND social media ac- fax counts also remain active, as we strive • CFB Halifax Base Commander: to share COVID-19 content that may @halifax_base_comd44 PO2 Cruz Alegre and his fiancee Evonne were joined on the videoconference by Cmdre PO2 Simon Kouhry got some help from his family as he was promoted during a virtual Richard Feltham and Fleet Chief CPO1 Tom Lizotte, as well as LCdr Jackie Simpson ceremony. His command team and others from HMCS Goose Bay joined in on the call. and CPO2 Donald Perrie. SUBMITTED SUBMITTED 182886 TRIDENT2 NEWS APRIL 20, 2020 TRIDENTTRIDENT NEWS NEWS APRIL April 20, 6, 20203 CFBCOVID-19 Halifax Base: Informations, Commander Letterlignes of directrices Thanks et To the CFB Halifax Defence family: munities safer by staying home. this difficult time. You are on the frontlines for us, While the majority of our Defence Team is work- and we thank you. Thankressources you. accessiblesing from home, let’s not au forget the public Defence Team àAs al’intention military and naval base, our mission is to stay members and service providers who are working ready while maintaining our mental and physical We are living in an unprecedented time, navigat- across the Base in order to maintain the delivery of fitness. As the CAF team must be ready at all times ingdes a turbulent membres collective experience in the face ofde core l’Équipe and critical services and activities. de A strongla andDéfense to conduct military operations, locale at home and abroad, the rapidly evolving novel coronavirus (COVID-19) dedicated group of friends and colleagues across our and in dealing with COVID-19, our goal is to maintain pandemic. Across Canada, people and institutions Base branches, lodger units and the larger Formation operational effectiveness and preserve our capacity areNous taking sommes extraordinary conscients measures du fait to preventbook the à l’adressecontinue www.facebook.com/ reporting to work inpourraient order to support intéresser core nos membres.to carry out missionsMapleSeaLeaf in support of the Government spreadque les of membres COVID-19, de with notre many person employees- BaseHalifax.working Cettebusiness note and comprend operations. TheseSuivez-nous! members include of Canada. I want• BFC to thank Halifax everyone : @CFBHalifax who is carving fromnel n’ont home pas and tous others accès working au RED in ou essential à également services deshealth informations, services professionalsdes di- at Canadian Forces out time in their• Commandantnew routines tode stay la BFC fit in Halifax both mind : onl’intranet the frontlines. de l’Équipe de la Défense. rectives et desHealth ressources Services provinciales Centre (Atlantic), Facebook along with emer- and body. Whether@WardenNAtlantic you partake in our daily live- Pour Our cette CFB raison,Halifax uneleadership grande team, partie in alignmentet fédérales concernantgency services la COVID-19. personnel at the• Forcesfire hall maritimes and military de l’Atlantique streamed : PSP fitness classes; utilize resources such withdes informationsthe entire Canadian sur la COVID-19Armed Forces (CAF)Les informationsand police sont unit. ajoutées/modi Furthermore,- core HQ@MaritimeForcesAtlantic staff, Ship duty as the EmployeeInstagram Assistance Program and Canadian Departmentdont nos membres of National pourraient Defence avoir (DND) community,fiées et horodatées watches, chaque members jour fromde la Base Administration,• BFC Halifax : @BaseHalifax
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