INDEXES INDEX OF NAMES Abaris 344 320,471 Abel 70, 104, 248, 447, 450 Alcinous (pseudo-), see Albinus of Smyrna Abelard, Peter 244, 375, 402, 405, 424, 425, Alcmaeon of Croton 189, 269 431 Alcuin of York 402 Abraham 70, 78, 96, 104, 105, 108, III, Il3, Alderotti, Taddeo (physician) 80 Il4, Il8, 121, 126 217, 227, 242, 249, 305, Aldo di Asolo (printer) 86 n 310, 447, 455 Aldobrandini, Pietro (Cardinal) 156, 157 Aceti, G. 442 Aldobrandini, Tommaso 156, 157, 158 Adam (Adamus), Melchior 70, 74, 97, 113, Alessandro di Sangro, Bishop of Bene- 128 vento 46 Adam xxiii, 52, 69, 70, 77, 91, 96, 100, 101, Alexander of Aphrodisias 43, 102, Il7, 216, 104, 107, 114, 115, 126, 215, 217, 238, 247, 230, 443, 467 251, 307, 310, 349, 446, 454, 466 Alexander of Hales 56, 456 Adrian VI, Pope (Adrian of Utrecht) 385 Alexander the Great 109, 131, 139, 166 Aegidius Romanus 27, 80, 102 Alexandre de Villedieu (Alexander de Aelian (Claudius Aelianus) 150 Villa Dei) 80 Aeschines Socraticus 180 Alfarabi, see al-Farabi Aeschylus 172, 173 Alfonso X (the Wise), King of Castile and Aesculapius 105, 109, 110 Leon 75,80 Aesop 73, 105 Algasel, see al-Ghazzali Aetius of Antioch 458 Allacci (Allatius), Leone 17B, 194 Agenor, King of the Phoenicians 108, Il2 Allen, M.]. B. 61 Aglaophemus 16, 24, Il2, Il7, 297 Allut, P. 63 Agricola, Rudolph 143, 242, 385 Amabile, L. xviii Agrippa von Nettesheim, Heinrich Cor- Amalric (Amaury) of Bene, 432 nelius 49, 51 n, 64, 447 Ammonius Alexandrinus (Eclectic philo- Aguzzi Barbagli, D. 24 sopher, teacher of Plutarch) 230 Alberti, A. 146 Ammonius Hermiae Il7 Alberti, Leon Battista 39, 40 Ammonius Saccas 18, 43, 191, 305, 320 Albertus Magnus 27, 56, 80, 94, 102, 216, Amphion 105, 346 244, 400, 402, 402, 425, 443, 456 Anacharsis (Scythian philosopher) 94, Albinus of Smyrna 152, 187, 193, 194, 305, 130, 179,344 Index ifNames Anacreon (lyric poet) 172 xxxiii, 4, 6, 7, 10, II, 13, 19, 21, 22, 23, Anaxagoras II, 26 n, 43, 73, 92, 94, 97, 99, 26-37, 40, 43, 44, 45, 47, 53, 56, 57, 62, 127, 130, 133, 140, 149, 185, 186, 215, 227, 68, 71, 73, 90, 92, 94-8, 101, 102, IIO, 234, 26 9, 276, 305, 340, 354, 365, 443 II6, II7, 121, 122, 125, 129, 130, 132, 135, Anaxarchus of Abdera 73, 127, 130, 131, 138, 139, 140, 142, 144, 148, 149, 151, 154, 180, 191, 196, 269 166,167,180,188,192,193,195,213,216, Anaximander II, 43, 73, 92, 97, 99, 127, 149, 218-21, 228, 230, 233, 243, 247, 250, 251, 179, 186, 192, 196, 227, 250, 269, 305, 261-70, 274, 275, 285, 299,3°1,317,318, 443 319, 323, 356, 364, 376, 377, 380, 383, Anaximenes II, 26 n, 43, 73, 97, 98, 127, 175, 384, 390-94, 400, 406, 412-14, 416, 179, 227, 269, 305, 443 417, 422 , 426 , 428, 429, 43 2-4, 43 6, Anderson, F. H. 170 438, 439, 443, 444, 447, 448, 457, 459, Anderson, P. R. 291 463, 467, 472 Andrea di Asolo (printer) 86 n Arius 34 Andreae, Samuel 289 Arnobius 448 Andreae, Tobias see d'Andre, Tobie Arrian (Flavius Arrianus) 150 Andronicus of Rhodes 102, 444, 448 Ashworth, E. J. 103 Anicetus, Pope 431 Aspelin, G 290 Anniceris the Cyrenaic 180, 227 Athenodorus of Soloi 128 Annius of Viterbo 100 Atlas 94 Antiochus of Ascalon 43, 180, 228, 457 Atticus, Titus Pomponius 87 Antipater of Sidon (mte of Tarsus) 128 Attilius Regolus, Marcus 131 Antipater of Tarsus 180,228 Augustine, St 7, 9, 16, 29, 38, 47, 52, 57, 68, Antisthenes (founder of the Cynics) 92, 70, 93, 101, 104, II4, II8, 126, 127, 220, 127, 130, 180, 227, 230, 447 243, 260, 305, 316, 317, 323, 401, 406, Antonaci, A. 62 450, 459, 471 Apollinaris, Bishop of Laodicea 458 Aulotte, R. 5In Apollo 217, 248, 300 Aulus Gellius 7, 127, 456 Apollonius ofTyana 244 Ausonius, Decimus Magnus 172 Apuleius of Madaura 16, 127, 230,305, 422, Austin, W. H. 291, 292 456 Aventinus, see Thurmair, Johannes Aquinas, see Thomas Aquinas Averroes 26 n, 94, 139, 140, 216, 219, 228, Arcesilaus (founder of the middle Acad­ 230, 244, 382, 444, 448, 467 emy) 10, 18, 43, 49, 93, 130, 180, 227, Avicebron, see Ibn Gabirol 230, 262 Avicenna 16, 26 n, 102, 444, 448 Archedemus of Tarsus (Stoic) 128 Ayers, M. R. xxiii Archelaus of Miletus (physicist) II, 127, 140, 179, 186, 468 Bacchus 300 Archimedes 381 Bacon, Francis xvii, xxxii, 3, 66, 84, 143, Archytas of Tarentum 189, 243, 250, 269 144, 163-71, 173, 205, 206, 221, 239, 286, Aristaeus 147 294, 335, 373, 407, 410, 425, 438, 459, Aristarchus of Samos 135, 381 456,459 Aristippus ofCyrene 73,127,13°,180,187, Bacon, Roger 80 190, 194, 468 Badaloni, N. 99, 146, 369 Aristo (Ariston) of Chios (Stoic philoso- Bai:f, Jean-Antoine de 36 n pher) 128 Balbi, Giovanni (da Genova), see Balbus, Aristophanes of Byzantium 187 Johannes (of Genoa) Aristophanes 105, 178 Baldini, U. 137, 149 Aristotle xv, xvi, xxviii, xxix, xxx, XXXl, Baldo, 1. F. xx Index of Names 479 Balbus (or Baldus), Johannes (of Genoa) Bertelli, S. 169 80 Berti, E. 62, 387, 442 Baldwin, J. M. 20I Bessarion, Ioannes (Cardinal) 16, 26, 29, Balsamo, L. 74, 82, 85 47, 97, 385, 456 BaM, A. xxii, 201, 202, 289 Bias (one of the Seven Wise Men of Barbaro, Daniele, Bishop of Aquileia 89 Greece) 130, 179, 269 Barbaro, Ermolao 26, 385 Biel, Gabriel 56, 216, 239, 244, 384 Barbaro, Marco 90 Binder (Binderus), C. 424n Barbieri, F. 75 Bini, V. !O3 Barnes, A. 2II Bion the Borysthenite 130, 180 Baron, H. 7, 59 Blackwell, C. W. T. xvii, xxiv, 203 Baronius, Cardinal 58, 407 Bloch, Olivier 146 Barotti, Giannandrea !O3 Blount, Charles 367 Basil of Caesarea 448 Blum, P. R. 387 Basilides (Gnostic) 431 Bochart, Samuel 296 Basnage,Jacques 329,33°,367 Boder (Boederus), Johann Henirich II3 Basso, Girolamo !O7 n Bodin, Jean 425 Basson (Bassonius), Sebastien 132-3 Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus 16, Battafarano, I. M. 85 29, !O2, 443, 456 Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb 435 Boethus of Sidon (Stoic) 94, 99 Baxter, William 158 Bohatec, J. 2II Bay,J. C 74 Bohme, Jakob 461 Bayle, Pierre xvi, 103, 199, 202, 208, 234, Boileau, Gilles 158 235, 430, 439, 441 Bolduan (Bolduanus), Paulus 77-8 Beatus Rhenanus, see Rhenanus, Beatus Bonanate, U. 370 Beauregard, see Berigard, Claude Guiller- Bonaventure, St (Giovanni Fidanza) 80, met de 4°2 Bede (the Venerable) 401 Bonilla y San Martin 60 Bekker, Balthasar 263 Boninsegna, Giovanni Battista 60 Bellarmine, Robert (Cardinal) 403 Bor (Borrius), Salomon 177 Bellucci, M. 49 Borromeo, Carlo 24 Belus 184 Bottin, Francesco xx, xxxiii, xxix Ben, H. 146 Bouillier, F. 221 Benedetti, L. 288 Boureau -Deslandes, Andre-F ranc;:ois Beni, Paolo 35 xxxiii, 368 Beniveni, Gerolamo, 172, 187, 320 Bourguet, Louis 439 Benouis, M. K. 36 n Bowen, B. C. 64 Bentley, Richard 169, 194 Boxhorn, Marcus Suerius van 4II Beonio Brocchieri, V. 129 Boyle, Robert 164 Berengarius of Tours 402, 424 Braccio, Marcello, see Marcello, Braccio Berigard, Claude Guillermet de xxxi, 71, Bracciolini, Poggio, see Poggio Bracciolini 120, 147-9 Bradwardine, Thomas 325 Bernal, M. xxiv Brahe, Tycho 135, 175 Bernardi, Giovanni Battista, 36, 37, 64, Braun, L. xiii, xiv, xv, xvi, xvii, xxii, xxiii, 169 xxix, xxxiv, 9 n, 59, 64, 74, 76, 78, 80, Bernardini, A. 85, 235 85, 88, 90, 96, II3, II8, 124, 129, 133, 159, Beroaldo the Elder, Filippo 39, 40 160, 169, 176, 206, 209, 2II, 235, 252, Berossus (Chaldean priest and historian) 289, 290, 303, 330, 335, 343, 370, 387, 91, II4, 184, 217 398, 409, 442 Index of Names Brehier, E. xiii, xiv, xv, xvii, xxii, 289 Calvin, John 316-17, 324 Bricot, Thomas 403 Camerarius, Joachim 385 Brognolo, Benedetto 157 Campanella, Tommaso xvi, xvii, 61, 135, Brown, C. C. 291 240, 298, 407, 425 Brown, S. 291, 387 Campo, M. 442 Brucker, Johann Jakob xiii, xiv, xvii, xviii, Camutius, Andreas 63 xx, xxii, xxiv, xxxiii, 76, 80, 87, 90, II3, Canigiani, Antonio 15 129, 154, 169, 200, 202, 234, 235, 246, Cano, Melchior 403 258, 259, 277, 278, 329, 330, 335, 368 , Cantimori, Delio 57, 65 370, 397, 406, 408, 436, 438, 439, 440, Carboni (Carbo), Ludovico (da Costac- 441, 442, 460 ciaro) 69, 82, 99-103, Breen, Q 62 Cardano, Girolamo xvii, 85, 143, 324, 425 Brues, Guy. de, see De Brues, Guy Cario, Johannes 238, 407 Brugger, W. 133 Carmides (middle Platonist) 43 Bruni, Leonardo xv, xxix, 6, 9, 59, 244, Carneades 8, 10, 18, 43, 73, 123, 180, 181, 385 227, 230, 263, 264, 468, 469 Bruningius, Christianus (Christian Van Carpocrates of Alexandria (Gnostic) 431, Bruyn) I07n 461, 461 Bruno, Giordano xvii, 66, 314 Carpzov, J. 412 n, 421 Brush, C. B. 64 Casaubon, Isaac 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 173, Brydges, S. E. 172 183, 198, 240, 321, 351, 431 Bucher (Bucherus), Caspar II3-I4 Casaubon, Meric 158 Budde (Buddeus), Johann Franz xxvii, 45, Casimir, Henrik, Prince of Nassau 268 199, 202, 234, 328, 329, 362, 368 , 370, Casini, P. 369 389, 396, 438 Cassirer, E. xviii, 290 Buhle, Johann Gotdieb 124, 129, 154, 409, Castellani di Faenza, Giulio 36, 63 441 Casula, M. 103 Bullough, G. 171 Cato, Marcus Porcius (the Censor) 455 Buonafede, Appiano (Agatopisto Croma­ Cato, Marcus Porcius (Uticensis) 131,455, ziano) 76, 85, 89, 90, 129, 200, 202, 468 132, 330, 370, 397, 409 Cavini, W. 42 n, 64 Buoninsegni, Giovanni Battista 9 n Cebes of Thebes (disciple of Socrates and Burley (Burlaeus), Walter xv, 7, II, 60, Philolaus) 180 232,443 Cecchini Degan, A.
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