University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln U.S. Army Field Manuals U.S. Department of Defense 11-11-1940 FM 11-20. Signal Corps Field Manual: Organization and Operations in Corps, Army Theater of Operations, and GHQ Robert Bolin , depositor University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/usarmyfieldmanuals Part of the Organizational Communication Commons Bolin, Robert , depositor, "FM 11-20. Signal Corps Field Manual: Organization and Operations in Corps, Army Theater of Operations, and GHQ" (1940). U.S. Army Field Manuals. 1. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/usarmyfieldmanuals/1 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the U.S. Department of Defense at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in U.S. Army Field Manuals by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. FM 11-20 - :»wt.... W AR DBPARTMBNT -- -·< -==-·~ -·v: - I • t I·--- I SIGNAL CORPS - Fi Ei ,n MANUAL - - .,. ORGANIZATIONS AND OPERATIONS IN THE CORPS, ARMY, THEATER OF OPERATIONS, AND GHQ ~~ 'l.&CH:r-.;u .. .:AL COLLEGE LIBRAIY ....,. 7~ • \S VJ//. 33 : //-20 FM 11-20 SIGNAL CORPS FIELD MANUAL ORGANIZATIONS AND OPERATIONS IN THE CORPS, ARMY, THEATER OF OPERATIONS, AND GHQ Prepared under direction of the Chief Signal Officer UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE W ASBINGTON : 1940 For saJe by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. - Price 20 cents WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, November 11, 1940. FM 11-20, Signal Corps Field Manual, Organizations and Operations in the Corps, Army, Theater of Operations, and GHQ, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned. [A.G. 062.11 (5-1-40) .J BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. OFFICIAL: E.S.ADAMS, Major General, The Adjutant General. II TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraphs Page CHAPTER 1. GENERAL -------------------------- 1-5 1 CHAPTER 2. CORPS. Section I. Corps organizations and employ- ment_________________________ 6-7 3 II. Signal section__________________ 8--9 3 III. Signal battalion________________ 10-16 4 IV. Signalcorps ________________________ communication in the _ 17-36 17 CHAPTER 3. ARMY. Section I. Organization __________________ _ 37-38 29 II. Headquarters, army signal service_ 39--47 30 Ill. Signal company, photographic __ _ 48--56 35 IV. Pigeon company ________ _______ _ 57-63 39 V. Radio intell1gence company____ _ 64-86 43 VI. Depot signal company __________ _ 87-94 65 VII. Signalarmy ___________ communication______________ in the 95-108 72 CHAPTER 4. THEATER OF OPERATIONS AND GHQ. Section I. Organization------------------- 109-110 81 II. Headquarters, GHQ signal service_ 111-120 84 III. Construction battalion_________ _ 121-127 87 IV. SignM laboratory, photographic __ 128--134 91 V. GHQ aviation signal service _____ _ 135-146 98 VI. Aircraft warning service ________ _ 147 108 VII. Signal communication in theater of operations _________________ 148-152 109 INDEX------------------------------------------------ 115 m ·FM 11-20 SIGNAL CORPS FIELD MANUAL ORGANIZATIONS AND OPERATIONS IN THE CORPS, ARMY, THEATER OF OPERATIONS, AND GHQ (This manual supersedes ch. 8; ch. 4; and secs. IV and V. ch, 5, SCFM, vol. I, November 20, 1931.) CHAPTERl GENERAL • L PURP0SE.-The purpose of this manual is to outline briefly the organization and employment of the corps, army, theater of operations. and GHQ, to cover more fUlly the or­ ganization and operations of signal corps units assigned thereto, and to indicate the application of signal communica­ tion to tactical operations thereof. It is based upon Field Service Regulations, and is supplementary to FM 24-5 and FM 11-5. • 2. ORGANIZATI0N.-To provide a guide in the organization. training, and operation of units, the number, comPQsition, and equipment of operating teams have been outlined herein. Exact conformity with current Tables of Organization and Tables of Basic Allowances has been avoided to obviate the necessity for frequent revision. The organization of units and teams is shown wherever practicable by charts. These charts should be used as guides only. In operations. the available personnel and equipment should be so organized into teams as to meet the needs of the situation. Charts for cer­ tain teams indicate specialists required to provide a balanced team; otherwise, strengths are not indicated. • 3. EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIEs.-T/BA 11 (Tables of Basic Allowances for Signal Corps) prescribe different allowances for peace and for mobilization (AR 310-60). Proper opera­ tion of units and teams described in this manual depends upon the availability at the time of mobilization of the au­ thorized allowance of their equipment and supplies. The 1 3-5 SIGNAL CORPS equipment and supplies peculiar to each unit are mentioned only to the extent considered necessary to indicate the oper­ ations of that unit. • 4. FORMATIONS, DRILLS, AND CEREMONIES.-The formations, drills, and ceremonies of all Signal Corps units covered in this manual are conducted in accordance with FM 22-5. • 5. COMMAND OF ATTACHED ORGANIZATIONS.-Portions of any Signal Corps organization of a larger unit may be attached to lower units. Attached units are under the command of the signal officer of the unit to which attached. (See FM 11-5.) 2 Type Corps Headquarters (T/0 100--1) (Incl. Sig. Sec. See sec. II and FM 11-5) Headquarters Antitank Company, Battalion Army Corps (T/0 7-115) (T/0 100--2) Observation Squadron I Headquarters and ~ (T/0 1-255) Headquarters Battery 1._________. ,________. Corps Observation Squadron Regiment, 155-mm ~ --f __.I - Aviation (T/0 1-255) Howitzer _________ (T/0 6-241)____. _ Observation Squadron I Truck Company Regiment, 155-mm ~ Field .____ <T_1_0_1_-2_s_s) __ .... rl __. Howitzer .... Artillery (T/0 10--57) Military _________ (T/0 6-241) Brigade Police '----~ Company --------1 (T/0 7-7) Truck Company Regiment, 155-mm (T/0 10--57)___, Guns H (T/0 _ 6-51) Corps Light Maintenance Quarter­ Company (T/0 10--27) Battalion Observation I Signal master (T/06-75) Battalion r (T/01H5) See sec. III Headquarters Gasoline Supply Detachment - Company - (T/0 9-75) (T/0 10--77) Corps Antiaircraft Regiment ~ Anti­ Medium Maintenance Service Company (T/0 4-ll) aircraft Company (T/0 lo--67) '--_____. (T/0 9-7) 4i...-----J I Corps Regiment, Combat Ordnance (T/0 5-171) 37-mm Gun Battalion Medium Maintenance r (Separate) (T/0 4-155) Company (T/0 9-'i) Regiment, Combat I Corps (T/0 5-171) Engineers J I Medium Maintenance Company (T/0 9-7) ,_:omP9llY, Topographic Cavalry .- {'r/O 5-167) Medical l Regiment, Battalion Horse­ I Collecting Company Mechanized 7...___ ___......I (T/0 2-51) -1,__c_o_n_ec_t_in_~_c_o_m_p_an_Y_... I Attached Attached Chaplain - Medical - 1... __c_o_ne_c_t_in_~_c_·o_m_pa_n_Y __ I I -1-----1· [ 7 -1.__c_.i_e_ann_·_g_~_c_o_rn_p_a_n_Y__ I .____ D_ivis_i_o_n _ __.l I Division I Division FIGURE 1.-0rganization of a tJpe corps. 270114°-40 (Face p. 3) CHAPTER 2 CORPS Paragraphs SEcrioN I. Corps organization and employment____________ 6-7 Signal section--------------------------------- 8-9 Ill.n. Signal battalion________________________________ 10-16 IV. Signal commrmication in the corps______________ 17--36 SECTION I CORPS ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYMENT • 6. ORGANIZATI0N.-The corps consists of a corps head­ quarters (T/0 100-1). corps troops, and two or more divi­ sions. For training purposes, a type corps is used. (See fig. 1.) All the units shown in the figure except corps head­ quarters and divisions are corps troops. • 7. EMPL0YMENT.-a. The corps is primarily a tactical unit of execution and maneuver. It has an organization so flexi­ ble that it can absorb and utilize reinforcing units, or form part of a higher unit. It can engage on an extended frontJ and can carry on a battle until a decision is reached. In actions of long duration the divisions are relieved by fresh divisions, but the corps remains until a decision is reached or the strategical plan is changed. b. Except when the corps is acting alone, or when admin­ istrative and supply functions have been delegated to it by the army" the corps has administrative and supply functions for the corps troops only. The general principles for the army apply to the corps when the corps is acting alone. c. For further details, see section IV of this chapter, and FM 100-15. SECTION II SIGNAL SECT.ION • 8. ORGANIZATI0N.-The signal section, corps headquarters (T/0 100-1) , consists of the corps signal officer, his executive officer, and enlisted clerical and drafting assistants. 3 9-12 SIGNAL CORPS • 9. OPERATI0Ns.-As indicated in FM 11-5, the corps signal officer commands, insofar as relates to training and employ­ ment, all Signal Corps units assigned or attached to the corps. The corps signal officer maintains close contact with G-2 and G-3 of the corps, with division signal officers, and with the army signal officer. All transportation required by this section is obtained from the corps headquarters company and the corps quartermaster service. SECTION ill SIGNAL BATTALION • 10. CoMMA:t1.'1>.-a. A signal battalion, commanded by a lieu­ tenant colonel or a major, is assigned to the corps. b. The battalion commander is responsible for the admin­ istration, discipline, training, and operations of the battalion and, in addition, usually acts as assistant to the corps signal officer. • 11. DuTIEs.-The duties of the signal battalion assigned to the corps are to install, operate, and maintain the corps sig­ nal systems. Signal systems, their agencies, the tactical con­ siderations entering into their establishment, and the responsibilities for their installation, operation, and mainte­ nance are discussed in FM 11-5. • 12. EQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES, AND TRANSP0RTATI0N.-The follow­ ing principal items in sufficient quantities to permit effective operation are authorized for the signal battalion by Table of Basic Allowances for Signal Corps: a.
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