Whole Number 201 Solar Cells and Fuel Cells The technology has arrived. Biogas fuel cells convert raw refuse into energy to provide electrical power generation. Raw refuse or other organic waste is fermented to release Mechanism of the fuel cell power generation system methane, and this methane gas is used as fuel for the fuel cells in a for converting raw refuse into biogas Biogas for biogas power generating system. Fuel cells generate electrical and Raw Desulfurization/ Gas purification refuse Water fuel cell holder thermal energy by chemically reacting hydrogen, which has been Produced biogas extracted from the methane gas, Hot Crusher Mixing Methane water Elec- with oxygen in the atmosphere. & tank fermenta- Fuel cell tricity sorter tion This promising technology is expected to lead to reduced CO2 Waste water Sewer discharge processing Dehydrated sludge emissions and to the effective 100 kW utilization of natural resources. Phosphoric-acid fuel cell Biogas Fuel Cell Power Generation System Solar Cells and Fuel Cells CONTENTS Present Status and Prospects for New Energy 34 New Energy Generation System 40 for Fuji Electric Human Resources Development Center Solar Cell Development Trends and Future Prospects 45 Cover photo: The production of solar cells worldwide is supported by various national governments and is grow- Studies on the Outdoor Performance of Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells 49 ing by nearly 40 % annually, and expectations for photovoltaic gen- eration are increasing. The future promotion and popularization of this technology requires the devel- opment of techniques capable of re- Application of Solar Cell Integrated Roofing Material 55 alizing broad based cost reductions. at Railway Stations Fuji Electric is engaged in the development of amorphous solar cells, which are fabricated on a low- cost substrate of plastic film, are lightweight and well suited for mass Fuel Cell Development Trends and Future Prospects 60 production. The cover photo shows the Health Promotion Center at Fuji Electric Corporate Research and Development Ltd. Film-substrate amorphous solar cells have been Development of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells 64 mounted on the roof of this build- ing and are undergoing verification testing. The solar cells on the left half of the roof are conventional cells encapsulated by a glass sub- strate, and the cells on the right half Present Status and Future Prospects 68 are integrated with building mate- of Biogas Powered Fuel Cell Power Units rial and are attached to tiles. The solar cells complement the design of the building and create a subdued atmosphere. Head Office : No.11-2, Osaki 1-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0032, Japan Present Status and Prospects for New Energy Norio Kanie Noriyuki Nakajima 1. Introduction the production, creation and utilization of alternative energy, which are not yet in widespread use due to The situation regarding energy in Japan is chang- economic reasons, but are expected to contribute ing dramatically. This change stems from efforts to significantly to accelerating the adoption of alternative protect the global environment beginning with the 3rd energy.” The resources specifically mentioned include session of the Conference of the Parties to the United photovoltaic generation, wind power, utilization of Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change solar heat, ocean thermal energy conversion, waste (COP3), held in 1997 in Kyoto, Japan, and is also due power generation, thermal utilization of waste, waste- to the liberalization of the electric power market in derived fuel production, electric (and hybrid) powered Japan. vehicles, natural gas-fueled vehicles, methanol-fueled Ever since the first and second oil crises, the vehicles, natural gas cogeneration, and fuel cells. research and use of alternative energy has been Figure 1 shows the technical levels of these new types promoted in Japan. Examples of alternative energies of energy. include coal liquefaction, photovoltaic generation, utili- zation of solar heat, and geothermal power generation. 2.2 Present status A typical household had a solar-powered water heater In December 1999, a New Energy Subcommittee installed on the house roof to supply hot water for a was formed within the Ministry of International Trade bathtub, for example. At one time, 800 thousand of and Industry’s (presently the Ministry of Economy, these solar-powered water heaters were installed an- Trade and Industry) Advisory Committee for Energy, nually, contributing to a reduction in demand for crude and this subcommittee began studying the future oil. However, as the supply of crude oil stabilized, course of Japan’s energy policy. After a total of 18 solar-powered water heaters gradually slipped from meetings, the subcommittee released a written report public awareness. in June 2001, the contents of which specified the The subsequent deterioration of the global environ- quantity of new energy presently in use, the expected ment due to global warming, acid rain, ozone deple- adoption and target levels for new energy by 2010 (see tion, reduction of tropical forests, etc. has become Table 1). New energy accounted for 1.2 % of the total critical issue for the international community. Sulfur supply of primary energy (equivalent to 6,930 ML of oxides (SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions are crude oil) in 1999, and 3 % of the total supply regulated, and statutory regulations have mandated (equivalent to 19,100 ML of crude oil) is targeted by the discontinuation of carbofluorocarbon gas produc- 2010. tion. In order to combat global warming, we must The widespread adoption of new energy hinges reduce those substances that contribute to the warm- upon the ability to achieve economic efficiency. Table 2 ing problem. Carbon dioxide (CO2), one of the sub- lists examples of estimated unit prices for power stances contributing to global warming, is generated generation by various types of new energy resources. mainly by the combustion of fossil fuels, and therefore Sufficient technical capability for practical applica- the usage of fossil fuels must be curtailed. The tion of new energy resources has been achieved and introduction of new alternative energy sources will ongoing technical development is concentrating on lead to a reduction in CO2 usage. finding ways to lower costs. Various measures are being studied in order to achieve the targets for 2010. 2. Present Status and Issues of New Energy One such measure under consideration is a bill requiring electric companies to provide a certain 2.1 Definition minimum quantity of power from new energy sources. New energy is prescribed under the Special Law for Promoting New Energy Utilization as “resources for 34 Vol. 49 No. 2 FUJI ELECTRIC REVIEW Fig.1 Technical level of new energy resources Technical level Demand side energy Supply side energy and renewable energy Resources already in practical Petroleum applications and in widespread use, due to attainment of suitable Fossil fuel alternative energy technical and economical levels Renewable (natural) energy Recyclable energy Hydropower Geothermal energy Wind power generation Waste power generation Resources at a technical level Clean energy vehicles Photovoltaic power Biomass Thermal utilization of suitable for practical application, Natural gas cogeneration generation waste but due to economic considera- Fuel cells Utilization of solar heat (Black liquor) Waste-derived fuel tions have not been sufficiently Unutilized energy (Waste wood) production deployed (Thermal utilization of (Biogas) Water source heat ice and snow) pumps Wave power generation (New energy Ocean thermal energy crops) conversion generation Resources that have not yet reached a technical or economic level suitable for practical appli- cation The targeted adoption for all types of new energy is 2.3 Targeted adoption levels at the same level as approximately 3 % of the primary Table 1 shows the targeted levels of new energy energy supply. Policy emphasizes solar power genera- adoption by 2010, as set forth by the New Energy tion, power generation from waste, wind power genera- Subcommittee. The table shows both the case of tion and utilization of solar heat. continuation of the current policy and the target case, which implements additional measures. Policies 2.4 Issues aimed at the target cases were considered. New Issues concerning the adoption of new energy energy can be classified according to the supply-side resources include economic efficiency, output stability and the demand-side. The supply-side includes photo- and utilization factor. The resolution of these issues voltaic generation, wind power generation and waste will accelerate the adoption of new energy. generation, and has a target value of the equivalent of (1) Economic efficiency 19.1 billion liters of crude oil. The demand-side For each type of new energy resource, technical includes clean energy vehicles, natural gas cogenera- development is vigorously pursuing various techniques tion, and fuel cells. to reduce equipment cost. For example, wind power Renewable energy resources include new energy, generation aims to reduce costs by increasing equip- hydropower (general waterpower) and geothermal en- ment capacity, and a 2,500 kW capacity windmill has ergy, and as shown in Table 1 (b), the 2010 estimate been developed. Sixty percent of the cost of a and target is 40 billion liters, or approximately 7 % of photovoltaic power generation system is attributed to the primary energy supply. This target value is 10 the expense
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