![The Diapason an International Monthly Devoted to the Organ, the Harpsichord and Church Music](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
THE DIAPASON AN INTERNATIONAL MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE ORGAN, THE HARPSICHORD AND CHURCH MUSIC Sixty.Sixth Year, No.5 - Whole No. 785 APRIL, 1975 Historic Marklove Organ Cited by OoHoSo In a special program January 21, 1975, thus recognized will be the subJect of a Saint Mark's Episcopal Church of Candor. comprehensive article describing It with full New Yorle, was the recipient of a citation technical details and with biographical recognizing its hi~Ofic orgon built in 1867 material about its builder to be published by John Markleve of Utica, New York. the in the Organ Historical Society magazine, citation was the first to be awarded by The Trcu:ker. the Historic Organs Commitlee of the Or­ The Marklove organ in Saint Mark's was gon Historical Society. Committee chairman, originally built for Trinity Church In Elmira, George Bouman. Jr., made the presenta­ New Yo,Ie, and was moved to Candor in tion, 1922. Except for some trimming of the sides the program was opened with welcoming of the case made necessary by the size of remarks by the Reverend Culver l. tIiowers, the opening. the organ remains essentially pastor of Saint Mark's. after which organ· in its original condition. It possesses are· builder A. Richard Strauss of Ithaca, New marktlbly rich, eliciting tone, with dis­ YOlk, goYe a demonstration of the fooal tingUished voicing throughout, and is a features of the argon iIIvstrated by 0 col· fine memorial to John Marklove's skill as ledion of representative pipes on view for an orgonbuilder. It is by far the largest rhe audience. Following each sedion of his of same 30 surviving Morklove instruments. eJCplanatlons Donald R. M. Paterson, unlver' sity organist of Cornell University improvised GREAT (C. .... ) on the stops iust discussed. After presenta. Op~n Diaposon B' sa pipes tion of the citation plaque by Mr. Bozeman, Stopped Diapason Ball B' 12 pipes Melodia TC B' 046 pipes the Organ Histrical Society tape-slide pro­ Viol de Gamba TC 8' 46 pipes gram was presented, illustrating in sight Octave 4' 58 pipes and sound the history of Amerkan organ· Boehm Flute te 4' 4' pipes building. A capacity crowd lOng thr" hymns Nazerd l' sa pip~s to Professor Pa~er$On's spirited accompani· Super Dcteve 2' 58 pipes ment. Sesquieitera III 1.1/S' 170f pipe. The purpose of the Organ Historical Trumpet 8' 58 pipes Clarinet TC 8' of6 pipal Society citations is to recognize American SWELL (Coil"·) organs of unusual hislorkol significance and Bourdon Te 1&' '" pipes to ellCouroge appreciation, proper core, Open Diaposon Te a' -46 pipes and preservation of such organs. An ini­ Stopped Diapason Ball 8' 12 pipes tial roster of 19 organs, located in all ports Stopped Diapason treble B' 46 pipes of the United States, has been selected for Dulciana te B' 46 pipes Princip.1 4' 58 pi~s the first .series of awards, and eoch organ Cornet TC 2 2/3' 1)8 pipes Hautbois lC 8' 46 pipes Clarion 4' 58 pipes PEDAL (Ce) Double Open Diapason 16' 29 pipes Left: Console af the 1867 MOfklove Ofgan Bourdon I"~ 29 pipes 01 CCHMlor, N.Y. Phota by C. L Mowefs, Principal 8' 29 pipes The internationally known competition has Bruce Bengtson Wins been a part of the Music Series of First Presbyterian Church In Foci Wayne for the past 16 years and is partially underwritten by a grant from the Fint Presbyterian Church Fort Wayne Competition foundation. Members of the music staff In­ clude lloyd Pinkerton. minister of mu sic; Jack Ruh l. organist; and Paul Cochran. in· te rim orgon1.t. The Rev. George R. Malher 8ruce A. Bengt!WJn, 21 . a notive of Salem. College in Peter, Minnesota uncler St. David Is senior pallor of the church. Oregon. was named winner of the Sixteenth Fienen; James Higdon, a doctor of musical Notional Organ Playing Competition in the arts student at Eastman School of Music finals held March ht at First Presbyterian under Dovld Craighead; James Jones of Ann Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Mr. Bengtson Arbor, Michigan, working towards a master competed ogolnst soYen others in the finals, ot music degree in argon under Robert wMch hod been redlJCed from on original Glasgow; Joan Rollins, a teaching assistant field of 60 conlellonls. He was awarded working towards a malter's degree in organ a cash prize of $500 and will give a recital at Wichita Slate University. Kan~s, under Below: Conte.tont. (Front row) Jame. Hig. Above: Judge. kim Kosllng, Roberta Gory, at First Presbyterian Church in Fort Wayne Robert Town; Dnd Martha Stiehl, a student cion, John Hook.r, Thomo. Froelich, Robert ond Garth Peacock. on May 6 os on~ of the artish in the Church of Wolfgang Riibsam at Northwestern Uni· Churchill; (bade row) Jame. Jones, Joan Music Series. Mr. Bengtson is presently Q venity. Rallifts. 8ntce augtsoR (winner), CIIn" musk $ludent at Southern Methodiu Univer­ Judging the conlest finals were Roberto Mortho Stl.hl. sity in Oollos. Texas, studying towards a Gary. professor of organ and head of the bachelor of music degree In organ under keyboard divj, ion at the College-Conserva­ Robert Andenon. His early organ study was tory of Music, University of Cincinnati; Kim with William Fawk of Solem. A senior at Kasling, auociate professor of music and SMU. he is alsa organist and choir director university organist at Weslern Michigan Uni· of Oak Cliff lutheron Church in Dallas. In versity. Kalamazoo. Mkhigan; and Garth recent years Bengtson has concertized ex· Peacock ,auociate professor of music 01 the tenslvely in capital cities in North America Conservatory of Mvslc, Oberlin College, and Europe. Ohio. Runner-up In the competition was John The contestants WIIre chosen from entries Hooker of ChaHanoogo, tenneuee. Mr. covering 30 states and Canada. Each con­ Hooker was 0 finalist in the same competi­ teslant was required to perform a composi­ tion in 1973. third place wa~ awarded to tion of the Baroque or pre·Baroque ero, a Thomas Froelich of Appleton, Wisconsin, composition from the Romantic era. and a currently a leaching assbtont in the organ work by a contempOrary composer. Bengt. department of Northwesteln Univenlfy. son's winning se~ions were the Vivace whele he studies wllh WoHgang Rvbsam. from Trio Sanola No.2 by Bach; the Fugue Other f i na ~ sls in the competition Induded from the Choralphanlasle No.3, "Hallelujah, Robert Churchill of Huron. South Dakota, Gatt" by Reger; and "Drap, Drop Slow currently a student of Gustavus Adolphus Teors" by Persichelfi. A Checklist of THE DIAPASON EsttJblished in 1909 Summer Activities An International Monthly DnJOted to the Or,an, the Harpsichord and Chureh Mwie Summer Danc. Fe.tiyal National festival APRIL. 1975 fclltor North Texos Stote University Hymn Society of America ROBERT SCHUNEMAN Denton, T.xos Wittenberg University June 2-20 Springfield, Ohio FEAl'1IRES au';" ... Manoge, May 2'" 50ma hrlonacm.c» PraeUH DOROtHY RORR "Music Dnd Donce at the Court of louis Sugg.. Uous lor Iba Orqcm WorD 01 Geocy Mutfa' A,,'''an' XIV" is the title of a summer festi val to For the first time in its 5Q..year existence Etlllor (I.53-17G4'1 Pl. 1 WESlEY vas be held at the North Texas Stote University the Hymn Society of America will hold its br Georve Dazap ... in Denton under th,,' direction of Michael annual meeting outside the New York aly Contributing EtIIton Collins and Wendy Hilton. Th. various ac­ a rea. Pastors, choir directors, organists, loy REVIEWS LARRY PALM.. tivities planned will be of inter.,t to both leoders in worship. leac:hers, students, semi. Harpllc"fH'rI musklons and dancen. Claues will be of. narlans and people who loVe hymns regard­ H.w Dt9aa Muale 2 fered doily in the technique and style of less of denominalional bod:gro und or. in­ VICTotl W.... court dancing during Ihe reign of Louis XIV. vi ted 10 the fest ival to held at the be NEWS Chorol Mu. In addition, there will be lectures cnd work­ Springfield campus of Wittenberg University. Historic Ma:r1d0ft Orgcm shops in the history of donee types Dnd their Hymn sings, ledures, seminars, organ re· Cited hr CAS. " artltulation in music for Instruments, key· citals, concerts, massed choirs. display of Bruc:tt BeDvt-u WiDlI Fort Wcrr». CompetlUDIl "rlca.: board. and voice. in interpretation and im­ ra re hymnals, a rt axhibits. displays from I y,.-$7.50 provisation of French Baroque ornamenta­ publishers, and much more wi ll be offered A Ch.cldbt of Summer Aetlritl.. 2 Hare & neN 2 ",• .-$J3.oo tion, and in lhe reolizoliQ n 01 continuo in 01 the festival. Or. Erik Routley will be the •• • the franch style. A series of evening events kaynete speaker, and olher leaders will in­ Appolntmea", Competltl-... • s.."r. Copy-$I.OO will include lectures Dnd films on paintings clude Jon Bender. Eugene Brand, Theodore Retl,.meu" Badr NllmlHr-$J.15 Nunc Dlmlttb • and arch it eduu~, drama. and the aesthetic DeLoney, J. Vincent Higginson, Paul Manz, • 1m.,. ,ltan 2 old' philosophy of the era of Louis XIV. and Frederick Reiss, James A. Rogers, Stanley Manaqemeuls 8. 11, 13 "n. concerts of yocal. harpsichord. and argon Yoder, Groce Brame, V. Earle Copes, Wilbur Harpsichord Hew. 12·13 music of the perioo. Held, Frederick Jockisch, Ellen Jane Porter, Dr. Mk hoel Collins is a spedalist in the William Reynolds, and Bli ll Wianl. NEW ORGANS I, ID, 14-15, 1.. 17 performance proctices of Baroque music and Subjeds for lectures and discussions will CALEHDAll II-II THE DlAPilSON he has lectured and pUblished Widely on include "John Wesley, Where Are You Now ORGAN RECITAL PROGRAMS 20.21 434 South Wnb4J/1 Avenue, such aspects of French music as arnamenta· Thai We Need You?" , "The Persiste nce of CLASSlnED ADVERTISEMENTS 22.23 Cllico,o, 111.
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