Burma / Myanmar Bibliographical Project Siegfried M. Schwertner Bibliographical description MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM First publ. in Burmese as: Thway by Saydana Sarpay in M’ 1973. – ISBN 1930734018. Mac GB: SOAS(GB830 /906805) M., S. C. La mal-aimée / Journal-Gyaw Ma Ma Lay ; traduit du bir- The orchid of Fo man par Jean-Claude Augé et Khin Lay Myint. – Paris: Éd. l’Harmattan, c1994. 237 p., couv. illus., map. – (Lettres asia- M.A., M.B.A. and M.S. theses relating to East, Southeast and tiques, ISSN 0299-2868 : Birmanie) – Trad. de: Muin'"r ma South Asia accepted by the Univ. of Maryland, College Park hū. – ISBN 2-7384-2132-6 through December 1980 F: BNF BIULO(COL.10623(8)) BNUS Lille1-BU University of Maryland < College Park > US: CU(Echols PL3988.M11 M9 1994) HU(Widener Harv.Depos. x) & NNC(Butler g) : PL3988.M127 M & [ and ] R : a regimental history of the Sikh Light Infantry M814 1994 YU(SML) 1941-1947 / ed. by J. D. Hookway. − Bath: [J. D. Hook- way?], 1999. XIV, 121 p., [27] p. of plates, illus., maps, Not out of hate : a novel of Burma / Ma Ma Lay ; tranl. by ports. – ISBN 0953465608 Margaret Aung-Thwin ; introduced by Anna Allott ; after- GB: BL(YC.1999.a.3305) word by Robert E. Vore ; ed. by William H. Frederick. – BL-DSS(m01/16798) Athens, Ohio: Ohio Univ. Center for International Studies, CUL(2001.8.2734) OUL(IND 28 A 91) 1991. XXVIII, 222 p., illus., map, bibliogr. p. 221-222. – IRL:TCD(PB-174-690) (Monographs in international studies : Southeast Asia series US: HU(Widener) ; 88) – Transl. of: Muin'" r ma h ū. – ISBN 0-89680-167-5 Herbert 658 M.B.K. AU:ANU(Menzies PL3986.5.E5M3 1991) Ba Kyaw < Maung > NLA(YY 895.833 M111no) D: B-SBB(1 A 98927 1a) HD-SAI(nsp 2.26 C 93/291) M.I.T. F: BIULO(COL.10493(88)) Massachusetts Institute of Technology GB: BL-DSS(5915.4691 no.88) BL-APAC(ORW.1991. a.1506) CUL(9002.c.3821) OUL(BOD L Floor M.J.R. M93.F03744) SAS((591):82) SOAS(GB830/641.368 , Die Burmanen oder Nachrichten über ihre Geschichte, Reli- 614.736* ; 705700 ; 810294 ; 819703-819705) gion, Sitten und Gebräuche : mit 1 Kupfertafel und die Ursa- NL: KITLV(M ss 263 N) chen des gegenwärtigen Krieges mit der englisch- SG: ISEAS(PL3986.5 E5M11) NUS(DS501 Op 88) ostindischen Compagnie ; zum Teil aus authentischen Quel- US: CU(Kroch +DS501 .O37 no.88) len / von M. J. R. – Berlin ; Posen: Mittler, 1826. VI, 146 S. HU(Widener Ind 8300. 105 no. 88) D: B-SBB(Up 4712 Potsd. Str.) LC & NIU(SEA) & NNC(Butler) & OAU(Alden) & GÖ-SUB(8 H As II, 3305) UCB(Main & S-S/EAsia Ref.) & UCD(Shields) & UCI(Main) & UCR(Rivera) & UCSC(McHenry) & M.O.A. UCSD(SSH) & WU(Memorial Lib.) : PL3986.5.E5 M3 Meteorological Organization for Airmen 1991 UCLA(YRL PL3988.M112 M8E 1991) UCSB(Library DS503.4 .P35 no.88) Ma , Wendy Yu YU(SML PL3986.5 E5 M313 1991) Travel in Asia Edgar , Neal L. Ma Ma Pu A manual of house keeping / by Ma Ma Pu (Mrs. Ngwe Ka- Ma Ma ing) ... – Rangoon : Myan-Ma Aw-ba Kalat, 1912. 250 p., Interests of the Burmese middle school children / by Ma Ma. [1] l. of plates. – Added title and text in Burmese – Rangoon : Fac. of Education, Univ. of Rangoon, 1953. 45 GB: OUL(BOD A Floor Bodl. Burm. e.649) l., tab., bibliogr. – Rangoon, Univ., B.Ed. thesis 1953 SOAS(GPC331.43 /496599 ; GPC 640/231.844*) D: HD-SAI(reg 60 L 11)* US: CU(Echols TX311.M12 ; Annex Film N10336 Reel 166 no.4) Ma Ma Khin The Burma year book and directory ditto. Microform. – Bethlehem, Pa.: Mid-Atlantic Preserva- tion Service, 1990. On 1 microfilm reel with other items ; 35 Ma Ma Lay <1917-1982> mm. – (Great Collections Microfilming Project. Phase I: Blood bond / by Ma Ma Lay, transl. by Than Than Win. − John M. Echols Collection) Hawai'i: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, 2004. 204 p . − US: CRL(MF-10289 SEAM reel 165 item 4) M 1 Burma Bibliographical Project Siegfried M. Schwertner Ma Pyu : an Arakanese love story / by an Arakanese. – Ran- MacAulay, Fannie Caldwell <b. 1863> goon : Hanthawaddy Pr., 1898. 129 p. The lady and Sada San : a sequel to The lady of the decora- GB: BL(012627 e 88)* tion / by Frances Little [pseud.]. – New York : The Century Co., 1912. 225 p., col. front. Ma Thanegi US: CU(Wason PS3525 A16L2) LC(PZ3M12La) Thanegi Macaulay, R. H. Ma Tin Yee History of the Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation, Ltd. Tin Yee 1864-1910 / by R. H. Macaulay. – London : Spottiswood, Ballantyne, 1934. VIII, 160 p., plates, fold. maps. – Title on Mabie , Henry Clay <1847-1918> spine: B. B. T. C. L. 1864-1910 Soo Thah US: LC(HF3786.5 .M34 1934) UCD Bunker , Alonzo McCabe , Robert Karr <b. 1929> Mabuce , Ethel Lindy <b. 1886> Storm over Asia : China and Southeast Asia ; thrust and re- I always wore my topi : the Burma letters of Ethel Mabuce, sponse / Robert Karr McCabe. – New York : The New 1916-1921 / ed. and with pref. and introd. by Lucille Grif- American Library, 1967. VIII, 225 p., index, bibliogr. p. fith. – University, Ala.: Univ. of Alabama Pr., 1974. XIV, 209-216. 336 p., ports., index. – Ethel Mabuce was later Mrs. E. Soel- p. 123-146: The hermetic hermit : Burma berg. − Letters chiefly from Pegu. – ISBN 0-8173-5861-7 D: HD-SAI(300 bez 87/1359)* Herbert 344 US: CU(Uris & Kroch : DS518.1.M12) Contents: Pref.-1916: to Rangoon.-1917: joy & expectancy- 1918: speak Burmese & feel like missionary-1919: evi- McCaffrey, Anne dence God is working-1920: physical & spiritual-1921: The girl who heard dragons / Anne McCaffrey ; illus. By farewell - After Burma. - Appendix: Mabuce family 1916- Judy King-Rieniets. Limited ed. – New Castle, Va.: Cheap 1921; vernacular courses for missionaries; Methodist Stree, c1985. 91 p., illus. – ISBN 0941826163 Church, Burma, 1879-1921. Contains: The Mandalay cure AU:ANU(Chifley BV3271.M23A4) US: LC(PZ7.M122834 Gi 1985 FT Meade) D: B-SBB(349 624 Potsdamer Str.) GB: BL(X 800/12739 ; X 800/27478) ditto . / Anne McCaffrey ; interior illustrations by Michael. CUL(632:1.c.95.11) BL-APAC(V 19440) Whelan. 1st ed. − New York : TOR, 1994. 352 p., illus. – (A SOAS(GB860/324.663* ; MMSL IN-BU5) Tom Doherty Associates book) – ISBN 0312931735 NL: KITLV(M ss 109 N) Note: A collection of 15 stories. In one, the Earth plunges SG: ISEAS(BV3271 M11) back in time to different historical periods, in another, a TH: CU(ISIS 915.91 Ill) girl communicates by telepathy with dragons. By the au- US: CU(Annex BV3271.M11 A4) thor of All the Weyrs of Pern. LC & NIU(SEA) & NNC(Butler) & NNUT(Burke) & US: LC(PS3563.A255 A6 1994) OAU(Alden SE Asia) & WU(Memorial Lib.) & YU(DIV) : BV3271.M23 A4 1974 ditto . 1st mass market ed.. − New York : TOR, 1995, 1994. NYPL(Research JFE 75-1342) 402 p., illus. – (A Tom Doherty Associates book) - Includes UC(NRLF BV3271.M23 A41 1974 ; SRLF) UCB 25 works of art by Michael Whelan - Cover. ISBN 0812510992 (pbk.) Macaire, Pierre Ref.: OCLC 33092221 Stupas d'or et moiteur de cocon : Thailande, Birmanie (Myanmar), Malaisie, Singapour ; suivi de Malaisie malefi- McCagg, Louis Butler <1861-1929> que. − Notre-Dame de Londres: Le Plein de Sens, 1999. 220 Journal of tourround the world 1885-1886 / by Louis Butler p. − (Journal de voyage d'un globe-trotter ; (3)) (Collection McCagg. − Newport, R.I.: Privately printed, 1938. 126 p., Monde intime) [1] l. of plates, port. ISBN 87-90493-30-8 US: Redwood Libr & Athenaeum, RI (RNR) F: BNF US: CU(Kroch DS522.6 .M33 1999) McCall , Anthony Gilchrist Ref.: OCLC 53259567 Lushai chrysalis / by Anthony Gilchrist McCall. With a forew. by Sir Keith Cantlie. – London : Luzac, 1949. 320 p., McAlister, John T. app., 54 tab., 1 map. Southeast Asia : the politics of national integration D: HD-SAI(reg 60 S 18 ; eth 63 C 109 ; 222 ldk 77/901)* GB: BL(010058 f 29) Macallister , John MY: RH Myanmar marionettes (Burmese puppets) : a list of refer- ences in the English language / compiled by John Macallis- McCallum , James Leslie ter. − Glenbrook, N.S.W.: J. Macallister, 1996. [23] l. Report on local allowances and special rates of travelling al- AU:NLA(Nq 016.7915309591 M114) lowances in Burma / by L. J. MacCallum. – Rangoon : Govt. Print., Burma (for R. Secy.), 1920. II, 42, XXVI p. McAndrew , David GB: BL(I.S.Bu.7/2)* Orwell and documentary. – 1991. 337 p. York, Ph.D. (in English) thesis 1991 Report on the third settlement of the Tharrawaddy District, ASLIB 41.2, no. 41-2281. – DDOA 16, 1993, no.1853 season 1913-15 M 2 Bibliographical description M Settlement < Tharrawaddy > 1913-15 Social Capital Theory: A New Paradigm? McCann , John <b. 1917> Conclusion Echoes of Kohima / by John McCann. 1st ed. – Oldham: 3 The political science of tyranny p.41 McCann, 1989. 416 p., illus., ports. – ISBN 0-9512939-1-5 Tyranny, Ancient and Modern D: TU-UB(29 A 16432) Aristotle on the Preservation of Tyranny GB: BL(Yc 1989 a 5428) Machiavelli on the Preservation of Tyranny SOAS(JA915.4 /850025 ; E Coll 3 E /22) Stability and Justice in a Regime The Rhetoric of Tyranny Kohima, an historic village and other short stories / by John Commonly Held Opinions (Endoxa) and Mass Political McCann. – Chadderton: J. McCann, 1988. 401 p., [29] l. of Culture plates, illus., 2 facsims., ports, graphs.
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