iàeYòKûiàeYòKû _ZâòõgZc ^òLòk C}k gâú@eaò¦ _ûVPKâ i¹òk^ú G_âòf 4, 5, 6 I 7 2005 cûZéba^ gâú@eaò¦ cûMð, KUK - 753 013 ù`û^ : (0671) 2344338 _ZâòõgZc ^òLòk C}k gâú@eaò¦ _ûVPKâ i¹òk^ú ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONTENT w PRAYER 3 w Dada writes..... 4 w Message from the Managing Trustee 5 w Sharmajee remembers 6 w Message from Sri Amal Kiran 7 w Message from the Personal Physician of The Mother 8 w i^ûZ^ ]cðe @û\gð 9 w ZîUò _â\gð^ 11 w Cc ißûiÚý -fûbe C_ûd 12 w ùa÷mû^òKe bMaû^ 14 w aûaûRú cjûeûRu PòVò.... 17 w \êaðûiûu ùKû_ 23 w THE WORK BEFORE US 29 w QûZâ Rúa^e iß_Ü 31 w gZû±úe _â[c \gKùe gâú@eaò¦ 35 w @Zòcû^i iZý ùPZ^ûe GK aòbûa 37 w lcûKe, bêfò~û@ 40 w ORGANISATION IN ORISSA 44 w ibû icòZò I i¹òk^ú (74ciòjû gâú@eaò¦ _ûVPKâ i¹òk^ú) 45 w hWÿ Hgß~ðýe icûùag - _û^^ cjû«ò 48 w _û^^ cjû«òu ià éZòPûeY.... Zßeû^ßòZ ùjC _ê^eûMc^ 50 w MEMORY OF SRI PANCHANAN BHAI 52 w gâ¡û, i\òzû I ijé\dZûe ZâòùaYú iwc - _û^^ bûA 53 w Kcðù~ûMú ùcû aû_û 55 w iáZò GK @^^ý aýqòZße 57 w IWÿògûùe _ìðûw gòlûe aògßKcðû 59 w @ûaRð^ûeê iµ\ 61 w _êYò iwV^ 66 w gâú@eaò¦u aûYú 68 w DOORS TO ENTER 69 w RELICS CENTRES (OUTSIDE ORISSA) 72 w INFORMATION OF SRI AUROBINDO INTEGRAL SCHOOLS, ORISSA 77 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 iàeYòKû 2005 123456789012345678902 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ZâòõgZc ^òLòk C}k gâú@eaò¦ _ûVPKâ i¹òk^ú OM SRI AUROBINDOMIRA PRAYER Sweet Mother, Pranams at Thy Lotus Feet. By Thy infinite Grace, the 35th All Orissa Sri Aurobindo Study Circle Conference is going to be held at Matrubhaban on 4th, 5th, 6th & 7th April 2004. Pray Thy most concrete Presence, Blessings, Guidance, Protection, Force, Help and Grace to make this gathering of Thy Children useful for Thy will to be done and Thy intention to be fulfilled as purely and faithfully as possible. We offer ourselves at Thy Feet, please use us as Thou willest. Offering all at Thy Feet in loving gratefulness. Thy Children of Matrubhaban Cuttack 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 iàeYòKû 2005 12345678901234567890 123456789012345678903 _ZâòõgZc ^òLòk C}k gâú@eaò¦ _ûVPKâ i¹òk^ú ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dada writes..... 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 iàeYòKû 2005 123456789012345678904 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ZâòõgZc ^òLòk C}k gâú@eaò¦ _ûVPKâ i¹òk^ú Message from the Managing Trustee, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry Dear Gadadhar, My warmest good wishes to the All Orissa Sri Aurobindo Study Circle on the occasion of their 35th Conference that is to be held at Matrubhaban from April 4 to 7, 2005. You may print extracts from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as well as a photograph of the Mother in the Souvenir that you intend to publish for the occasion. Kindly make sure that the photograph figures inside the souvenir and not on the cover and also ensure the quality of the print. Proper reference notes should be given and due acknowledgement made to the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust for the above permission. Sincerely, Manoj Das Gupta 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 iàeYòKû 2005 12345678901234567890 123456789012345678905 _ZâòõgZc ^òLòk C}k gâú@eaò¦ _ûVPKâ i¹òk^ú ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sharmajee remembers Dear Gadadhar Bhai, It is always gratifying to learn that Orissa celebrates occasions connected with the work of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo in a collective way. It is just in keeping with the very nature of the work. The individual fulfills himself as a part of the collectivity. But it is through the individual that collectivity discovers its forward pace, its true direction ensuring the evolutionary march, its progression towards the Divine will and its fulfillment in the world. The work going on in Orissa is very significant. It suggests a true pattern. Our life is too much marked by separatist tendencies and exclusive emphasis on individual formations often assume violent aspects. The tendency of cooperation and love which fulfils and not cancels the participants – is in keeping with the Divine Intention and has been in so many ways spoken of by the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. And it gives me great pleasure that in Orissa the forward movement of the work is going on a line which fulfils a basic condition. I pray to the Divine Mother for bestowing on your endeavour a glorious success. With warm regards, C. N Sharma (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry) 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 iàeYòKû 2005 123456789012345678906 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ZâòõgZc ^òLòk C}k gâú@eaò¦ _ûVPKâ i¹òk^ú Message from Sri Amal Kiran Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 iàeYòKû 2005 12345678901234567890 123456789012345678907 _ZâòõgZc ^òLòk C}k gâú@eaò¦ _ûVPKâ i¹òk^ú ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Message from the Personal Physician of The Mother Dr. D. B. Bisht Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry Friends at THE MATRUBHABAN, Read your mail and went through the programme. Happy to note that Sradhaluji is going to be with you, He is a wonderful person besides being so learned. I always admire him. Your programme is very heavy. But all the young and energetic folks that all of you are, it is nothing too busy for you ! Please accept my best and humble wishes for the successful accomplishment. Are you planning to record it in a disc? I may not be physically with you but some where in a corner of the house imagine me to be with you. May the Divine bless you all. Dr. D. B. Bisht 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 iàeYòKû 2005 123456789012345678908 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ZâòõgZc ^òLòk C}k gâú@eaò¦ _ûVPKâ i¹òk^ú i^ûZ^ ]cðe @û\gð gâú@eaò¦ @ûù¸cûù^ @]ôKûõg icdùe jò¦ê]cð K[û, i^ûZ^ ]cð aùeû\ûùe cñê ù~ùZùaùk bMaû^u @ûWÿKê @Mâie K[û Kjê - Kò«ê @û¸cû^u c¤eê Lêaþ Kcþ ùfûK RûY«ò ùjfò, ùiùZùaùk Zûu _âZò ùcûe Rúa« aògßûi ^ [ôfûö ùijò ]cðe ccð KYö @^ýû^ý ]cð icìj _â]û^Zü ißúKéZò KûeY ùi icdùe ùcû c¤ùe @ùmdaû\ú, iõgdaû\ú C_ùe _âZòÂòZ, Kò«ê i^ûZ^ ]cð Kjòùf Rúa^Kêjó aêSûGö I ^ûÉòKaû\úe bûa [ôfû Gaõ bMaû^ ù~ @Q«ò cñê ùi Gjû G_eò ùMûUòG aÉê ~ûjûKê ùKak cû^òù^ùf Pkòa i´§ùe i¦òjû^ [ôfòö cñê Zûu iû^Üò¤ @^êba Keê ^ [ôfòö ^ûjó, ~ûjûKê Rúa^ùe iû[ðK KeòaûKê ùjaö Gjû ùijò Z[û_ò ùcûùZ ùKjò RùY ùa\e iZý, MúZûe iZý Gaõ ]cð ~ûjû cû^a RûZòe cêqò iKûùg _êeûKûkeê Gjò jò¦ê]cðe iZý _âZò UûYê[ôùfö cñê G_eò @^êba Keê[ôfò ù~ C_\ßú_ùe fûkòZ_ûkòZ ùjûA@ûiòQòö Gjò ]cðKê _â\û^ Gjò ù~ûM c¤ùe, ùa\û« C_ùe _âZòÂòZ Gjò ]cðùe Keòaû iKûùgjó bûeZe @ûRò CZþ[û^ ùjûAQòö bûeZahð ùKCñVûùe ùjùf GK aòeûU iZý ^òjòZ @Qòö @^ý ù\g Zêfý ^òR iKûùg RûMâZ ùjûA ^ûjó aû akgûkú www ùjûA ^ûjó, \êaðkKê ùMûWÿùe \kòù\aûKê CVò^ûjóö Zûjû ù~ûM~êq @aiÚûùe cêñ \êAUò aûYò _ûAfòö _â[c _ûLùe ^ýÉ [ôaû gûgßZ ùRýûZòKê RMZùe aòKúð Keòa aûYú ùjfû, @ûù¸ ùZûùZ ùMûUòG Kû~ðý ù\C@Qêö ùi ùaûfò Zûjûe Cû^ ùjûA@Qòö bûeZ Pòe\ò^ aôejòQò Kû~ðý G RûZòKê CVûAaûùe iûjû~ý Keòaö @Ì icd c¤ùe aògß-cû^au iKûùg, ^òR iKûùg ^êùjñ, @ûC @ûRò ZûKê ùZûùZ Gjò ùRfe aûjûeKê ~òaûKê ùjaö @Ì icd c¤ùe aW ùjaûKê ùja, Zûjû c¤ aògß-cû^aicûR _ûAñ, ^òR ùZûùZ Gjò ùRfe aûjûeKê ~òaûKê ùjaö KûeY @û¸e _ûAñ ^êùjñö Azû ^êùjñ ù~ Gjò[e Zê ù\ûhú iûaýÉ ùjaê Kò´û @^ýKê www ù~_eò \êüLKÁùe \ò^ KUûAaûKê jêG, ùZûùZ ùijò_eò _ìùað ùcû c^ùe ajêZ iõgd [ôfûö cñê Aõfùe \ò^ KUûAaûKê ùjaö @ûù¸ ùZûùZ Kû~ðý Keòaû iKûùg aòù\gú aûZûaeY I aòù\gú bûa]ûeû c¤ùe _âZò_ûkòZ WûKò@Qê Gaõ Zê ù~Cñ @ûù\g Pûjêñ@Qê Zûjû Gjò : cêñ ùZûùZ ùjûA[ôfòö GK icdùe ùcûe cù^ ùjC[ôfû ù~ jò¦ê]cðe @ûù\g ù\C@Qò, ~û@ @û¸e Kû~ðý Keö Zû_ùe Gjò @ù^K aòhd ùKak KûÌ^òKö cñê bûaê[ôfò Zûjû c¤ùe \ßòZúd aûYú @ûiòfû, ùZûùZ Gjò GK ahð ^òRð^ Kûeûaûi G_eò @ù^K Rò^òh @Qò ~ûjû ùKak iß_Ü, @ù^K aÉê @Qò c¤ùe KòQò ù\LûA \ò@ûùjûAQò - G_eò ù~Cñ aòhdùe ~ûjû ùKak aòbâc I cûdûö Kò«ê aðcû^ \ò^ _ùe \ò^ ùZûe iù¦j [ôfû, ùi Rò^òh ùjCQò jò¦ê ]cðe iZýZûö ù\j, c^, jé\dùe jò¦ê]cðe iZýMêWòK C_f²ò KeòaûKê Gjò ]cðKê @ûù¸ RMZþ i¹êLùe CVûCQêö Gjò ]cðKê @ûù¸ fûMòfòö ùijò iZýicìj ùcû _ûLùe Rúa« @bòmZûe aòhd cê^ò Ehò @aZûecû^u \ßûeû _ìð I iaðûwiê¦e Keò ^òcðûY ùjûACVòfûö G_eò aòhd ùcû i¹êLùe ùLûfòMfû ~ûjû KeòQê Gaõ aðcû^ Gjò ]cð @^ýû^ý RûZò c¤ùe @û¸e RWÿ-aòmû^ c¤ aêSûAaûKê @lcö ù~ùZùaùk _â[ùc cñê Kû~ðý iû]^ KeòaûKê ~ûCQòö @û¸e aûYú _âPûe Keòaû bMaû^u @ûWÿKê @Mâie ùjfò, ùiùZùaùk _ìðeìù_ bq iKûùg jó @ûù¸ Gjò ]cð CVûAQêö Gjûjó ùijò gûgßZ aû _ìðeìù_ mû^ú bûaùe @Mâie ùjûA ^ûjñòö ißù\gú i^ûZ^ ]cð ~ûjûKê Zê _ìùað ~[û[ð bûùa jé\dwc Keò @ûù¦ûk^ @ûe¸ùe ajê\ò^ _ìùað ù~ùZùaùk cñê _ûeò ^ [ôfê, Kò«ê ZûjûKê aðcû^ @ûù¸ ùZû _ûLùe _âKûg aùeû\ûùe [ôfò, ùi icdùe cñê bMaû^u i¹êLiÚ Kfêö ùZû bòZùe ù~Cñ @aògßûi I ^ûÉòK bûa [ôfû, Zûjû ùjûA[ôfò Gaõ Zû _ùe ù\ge Kû~ðýùe _âùag Kfòö \ìeúbìZ ùjûAQòö KûeY @ûù¸ ùZûùZ bòZùe I aûjûùe, iÚ ìk bûaùe I iìlà bûaùe G_eò _âcûY ù\AQê ~ûjû 12345678901234567890 12345678901234567890 iàeYòKû 2005 12345678901234567890 123456789012345678909 _ZâòõgZc ^òLòk C}k gâú@eaò¦ _ûVPKâ i¹òk^ú ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ßûeû Zê ZêÁ ùjûAQêö Zê ù~ùZùaùk aûjûeKê ~òaê ]cð KY? 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