The original documents are located in Box 7, folder “Daily Summaries of Press Office and Presidential Activities, 9/76” of the Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Ron Nessen donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. ... n~ r~~:,w.t;NT'S SCHEDULE -Wednesday- September 1. 1. 8:30 Mr. Richard B. Cheney - The Oval Office. 9:00 Mr. Ron Nessen, Mr •. Max L. Friedersdorf, Mr. Robert T. Hartmann. Mr. John O. Marsh, Jr., and Mr. Richard B. Cheney - The Oval Office. 10:50 Depart South Grounds via Motorcade en route the Washington Hilton Hotel• . 11:00 Drop-By National Guard Association 98th General Conference. 11:35 Return to the White House. 11:45 Senator John 0. Pastore et al. (Mr. Max L. Friedersdor! and General Brent Scowcroft) - The Oval Office• . 12:3o· Video Tape I.a.bor Day Message - Oval Office Colonnade. l:OQ Congressmen John J. Rhodes and Albert H. Quie. The Oval Office• ' •• ·. • • ~:30 Mr. Richard B. Cheney - The Oval Office. I . I : 7:00 Working Dinner with the Steering Committee for President Ford's Election Campaign. · ·The State Floor. Digitized from Box 7 of The Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library 9/2/H) .1. n.t!. 1:-' J~l'....;blDENT'S SCHEDULE l:OOI?.M. e Thursday-September 2, 197. 8:00 Meeting with Congressional Group. (6 0 min.) (Mr. Max L. Friedersdorf) - The Cabinet Room. 9:30 Mr. Richard B. Cheney - The Oval Office. 10:00 Secretary Donald Rumsfeld - The Oval Office. 11:00 Mr. Ron Nessen, Mr. Max L. Friedersdorf, Mr. Robert T. Hartmann, Mr. John 0. Marsh, Jr. and Mr. Richard B. Cheney - The Oval Office. 12:30 Miss Mildred Leonard - 'The Oval Office. 2:00 (IS min.) Mr. Gena F. Paulucci. (Mt-. Richard B. Cheney); The }Jrivate Office. 2:30 Filming Session - The Oval Office and Colonnade. 4:15 (15 min.) Secretary David Mathews and Dr. Theodore Cooper. (Mr. James Cannon) - The Private Office. 4:30 Mr. Richard B .• Cheney - .The Oval Office. 5:00 Secretary Henry A. Kissinger and Gt:-neral Brent Scowc raft - The Oval Office. - Office of the White House Press Secretary NOTICE. TO THE PRESS THE PRESIDENT'S SCHEDULE Thursday, September z. 1976 8:00 a.m. Meeting with Congressional Group Tne Cabinet Room 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. · Meetings with Staff # # # ., :: PRESTDENT'S SCHEDULE - Thursday-September Z, 1976 H:OO Meeting with Congressional Group. (60. min.) (Mr. Max L. F ricdersdorf) - The Cabinet Room. 9:30 Mr. Richard B. Cheney - The Oval Office. ) 0:00 Secretary Donald Rumsfeld - The Oval Office. l 1 :00 Mr. Ron Nessen, Mr. Max L. Friedersdorf, Mr. Robert T. Hartmann, Mr. John 0. Marsh, Jr. and Mr. Richard B. Cheney - The Oval Office. 32.:30 Miss Mildred Leonard - The Oval Office. 2:00 Mr. Geno F. Paulucci. (Mr. Richard B. Cheney). ( 15 min.) The Private Office. 2:30 Filming Session - The. Oval Office and Colonnade. 4;30 Mr. Richard B. Cheney - The Oval Office. 5:00 Secrt"tary Henry A. Kissinger and General Brent Scow croft - The Qval Office. - Friday- September 3; l976 e 8 : 3 0 Mr. Richard B. Cheney - The Oval .Office. 12:00 Mr. William P. Rogers, National Commander, ('.0 min.) American Legion. (Mr. Milton E. Mitler). The Oval Office. 12:15 Farewell Calls for Secret Service Agents (5 min.) George C. McDavid and David M. Crisp. (Special Agent in Charge Richard Keiser)-Oval Office. 12:30 Mr. Joseph J. Palaia, National Commander, Catholic (10 min.) War Veterans. (Mr. Milton E. Mitler) - The Oval Office. 1 :00 Lunch with Former Congress\.voman Edith Green. (Mr. John 0. Marsh, Jr. and Mr. Max L. Friedersdorf). 4:00 Mr. Richard B. Cheney - The Oval Office. 4:30 Mr. Russell W. Peterson, Chairman, Counc il on (5 min. l Envir o nmt~nta! Ouallty. ~ ~!r. Jamt~s Cannon\. The C'val Offic£'. ~·; :: I ::': ·~· ... ·· .. .,,1 --;..... -· : r . : ·. THE PRESIDENT'S SCHEDULE Revised: 9/4/76 .urday -September 4, 1976 e Jl:30 a.m. 9:30 Mr. Richard B. Cheney - The C'val Office. J 0:30 Meeting with Mr. James Lynn et al Concerning (60 min.) the 1978 Budget - The Oval Office. J 2:00 Meeting with Attorney General Edward H. Levi et al Concerning Anti-Trust Legislation. The Oval Office. 2:00 Meeting with Mr. John 0. ·Marsh, Jr. et al. The Oval Office. r·-s PRESIDENT'S SCHEDULE ""-"' Saturday - September 4, 1976 9:30 Mr·. Richard B. Cheney - The Oval Office. 10:30 Meeting with Mr. James Lynn et al Concerning (60 min.) the 1978 Budget - The Oval Office. 12:00 Meeting with Attorney General Edward H. Levi et al Concerning Anti-Trust Legislation. The Oval Office. • Revised: THE-ESIDENT'S SCHEDULE . 9/6/76 10:45 a.m. Monday - September 6, 1976 8:30 Mr. Richard B. Cheney - The Oval Office. 8:45 Ambassador Thomas · s~ Gates. (Mr. ·William Hyland) - The Oval Office. 10:00 Interview with Mr. Harry Reasoner. (Mr. Ron Nessen)." (2 hrs.) The Oval Office Colonnade end Private Study. 1:00 · Secretary William T. Coleman, Mr. James Lynn, (30 min.) Mr. James Cannon, and Mr. Richard B. Cheney. The Oval Office. 2:00 FAMILY PHOTOGRAPH. THE PRESIDENT'S SCHEDULE "-"ionday - September 6, 1976 8:30 Mr. Richard B. Chenf:y · Tht· Ova} Office. 8:45 Ambassador Thomas S. Gatc.s. fMr. William Hyland) -· The Oval Office. 10:00 Interview \•Jith Mr. Harry Reasoner. (Mr. Ron Nessen): (2 hrs.) The Oval Office Colonnade md Private Study. 12:30 Secretary William T. Coleman, Mr. James Lynn, (30 min.) Mr. James Cannon, and Mr. Richard B. Cheney. The Oval Office. 2:00 FAMILY PHOTOGRAPH. T - PIU~Sfl'r·:NT'S SCHF.DULE e Tuesday ~-~September 7, 1976 8:30 Mr. Hichard B. ~hcncy - The Oval Office. 9:) ~i Secretary Donald Rumsfeld - The Ova) Office. J 0: 1 s Mr. Ron Nessen, Mr. Max L . Fr-iedersdorf, Jvfr. Robert T. Hartmann, Mr. John 0. Marsh, Jr. Mr. Rogers C. B. Morton and Mr. Richard B. Cheney. Th~ ('va.l Office. J l :00 Signing .Ceremony for S. 3542 - Tetotl Dam Disaster {J 0 min.) Assistance. (Mr. James Cannon) - The Rose Garden. 12:00 Signing Ceremony for H. R. 12455, Child Day Care Bill. (1 0 1nin. ) The Rose Garden. i \ 2:00 Mr. Robert T. Hartmann, Mr. Robert Orben, and Mr. Douglas Smith - The Oval Office. ·1 :30 Mr. Richard B. Cheney - The Oval Office. 5:00 Mr. Rich~rd B. Cht"'ney ct al - The Oval Office'. rr.o min.) RON NESSEN BRIEFING. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, ''~76 ANNOUNCEMENTS: "---'UN Day-- Proclamation, 1976 -- Message to Congress on proposed rescissions and fact sheet Fact sheet on Teton Dam Disaster Assistance Bill Statement by the President on Child Day Care Center bill POSTINGS: Bill signing of H. R. 12455, Child Day Care and Social Services Amendments Bill signing of 3542, Teton Dam disaster assistance. SCHEDULE ITEMS: Essentially no change. The President will speak to the B'nai B'rith thursday morning. He will speak to the Catholic Bishops Friday morning. No date or time for the Ann Arbor trip, as of now it looks just like an out and back. This is the only trip for next \veek, no trips planned for this week. PRESS CONFERENCE: No plans this week. PILOT: If the Russian pilot requests asylum from the US, he will be welcomed. The Japanese have the aircraft in their custody, and what becomes of the plane is up to them. :MIA'S: Our position hasn't changed, in that we adhere to the Paris accords which say that the Vietnamese have to make an accounting of all the missing. This is no change in policy. nor is it a preview of how the US will vote in the UN Security Council Session. DOLE: Discussion ad nauseum of the alleged contributions. Ron referred everyone to Bill Roberts 1 statements of Sunday last. THANK GOD FOR SHORT BRIEFINGS! ! ! ! LID TIL 3:00 p.m. WARNING ! ! ! ! ! Beware the plumed pecuniary, it has been sighted in these parts lately! ! ! ! em -- September 7. 1976 O~ficf: of the 'White H01.1se Prc:>s Secretary NOTICE TO THE PRESS THE PRESIDENT'S SCHEDULE Tuesday, September 7, 1976 8:30 to 11:00 a.m. Meetings with Staff. 11:00 a.m. Signing Ceremony for S. 3542 -Teton Dam Disaster Assistance. The Rose Garden 12:00 p.m. Signing Ceremony for H. R. 12455, Child Day Care Bill. The Rose Garden 2:00 to 6:00p.m. Meetings with Staff. # # # · ·~· ("·(1 0 •1::::; r 1~ .-t. y -.s <! p t 1'111 b t·r o'-', l 4)·,·r)9A : .i !) l'hc: Ova] O f fic<. ': J . 5 e ct·ctary H•mry A. Kissing,·r an,• '\lr. William Hyland. f h (• Oval Offic e. J /j: :w ' lC• min. ) C;tl>inet M ,-.£.. f.ing. (Dr. Jam(:s Connon , The Cabinet Room. 2:00 (30 min.) Meeting with .Polish-American Leaders. (Mr. William J. Baroody, Jr.
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