ABA-Regulated Genes, 4 Acacia, 38 Acanthamoeba, 44 Actin, 44-51,130-132 Actin-Binding Protein (ABP), 51 Advanced Stages of Flowe

ABA-Regulated Genes, 4 Acacia, 38 Acanthamoeba, 44 Actin, 44-51,130-132 Actin-Binding Protein (ABP), 51 Advanced Stages of Flowe

Index ABA-regulated genes, 4 Arabideae, genus, 333 Acacia, 38 Arabidopsis thaliana, 57, 98 Acanthamoeba, 44 Arabinoglactan proteins (AGPs), 19 Actin, 44-51,130-132 Arachis hypogaea, 40 Actin-binding protein (ABP), 51 Arizona Arid Environment Maize, Advanced stages of flower development 356 (ASFD), 17-18 A rtemia , 178 Agave parryi, 39-40 Aspergillus nidulans, 142 Agrobacterium, 4, 68, 261-268, 270- Aspergillus oryzae, 78 271 Asteraceae, 420 Agrobacterium tumejaciens, 262-264, Asthma, 10 269, 344-345 ATPase, 135 Agrostis alba, 8 ATPase activity, 219-222 Albicans rubens, 397 Australian wheatgrass, 150 Alfalfa, 248-251, 325-326, 340-341 Avena, 411 AI/amanda neriijolia, 233-234, 236 Alleles, mutant, 403-405 Allergens, 7-8 Barbarea intermedia, 332 Allergic disease, 7 Barbarea vulgariS, 332-334 Alliaria ojjicinalis, 332-333 Barley, 208, 408; see also, Hordeum Almond cultivars, pollen of, 441-444 vulgare Alocasia macrorrhiza, 234 Bee visitation, patterns of, 441 Alopecurus pratensis, 180 B-glucuronidase (GUS) gene, 3-4 Amyloplast, 8, 36-40 Biotechnology, in reproductive biology, Angiosperm reproduction cells, 36-40 340-345 Anion exchange high pressure liquid Brassica, 55-56, 60, 63-64, 94-96, 98- chromatography (AE-HPLC), 99, 155, 159 219 Brassicaceae, 331, 333, 342, 408, 411, Anther box, 23-24, 26 445 Anthers, 32-34 Brassica campestris, 62, 77, 155-156, Anthoxanthum odoratum, 8 158-159 Antirrhinum, genus, 104-105 Brassica carcinata, 408 Antirrhinum majus, 104-105, 107 Brassica cretica, 332-334 Antirrhinum hispanicum, 105, 107 Brassicajuncea, 408, 429-430, 432 Antisense RNA, 22 Brassica napus, 59-60, 62, 120-121, Apomixis, 149,342 128-130,332-334,408 458 Index Brassica oleracea, 55, 57, 60, 62, 77, 96, Confocal laser scanning microscope 332,334 (CLSM), 140, 219 vaT. sabellica, 333 Constitutive genes, 125, 129-132 Brassiea rapa, 156-159 Coomassic blue staining, 44, 49, 126, Bread wheat, see Triticum aestivum 134-137,171-172 Broad bean, 452; see also Vicia jaba Corn,44,291,336,408 Buckwheat, 429 Cotton, 160-161,336 Cross-incompatibility, in maize, 110- 113 Callose Cross incompatible male (cim) gene, biosynthesis, 162 112-114 plug deposition, 162-164, 166 Cross incompatible female (elf) gene, Campanula, 163 111,113-114 Campanula rapuneuloides, 117, 119- Cross pollination, 120 120 Crueijerae, 38,55,59,94,411 Campanulaeeae, 117 Cucumis melo, 375 Canal exudate, 213-214, 217 Cueumis sativus, 142 Carrot somatic cells, 245-246 Cucurbita, 353 Cassava, 340 Cueurbita maxima, 187-189 Cassia, 353 Cucurbita pepo, 432 Cassia oecidentalis, 152 Cytogenetics, 395 Cauliflower mosaic virus 35S (CaMV Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS), 35S) promoter, 4-5, 22 133 Cellular membrane stability (CMS), 192, 194 Ceratophyllales, 144-145 Daetylorhiza maculata, 341 Ceratophyllum demersum, 144-145, Dehydration, 177-179, 184 148 Desiccation, 177-179, 180-181, 184- Cereals, 408, 4,1 1 185 Certation, 382-383 Diamidinophenyl-indole (DAPI), 165, Chalcone synthase (chs) gene, 22 322 Chloroplast, 8, 36-38, 40 staining, 224-225 Chromoplast, 36-38, 40 Diaminobenzidine (DAB), 119 Chromosome reducing events, 245-246 Dianthus, 353 Cis-elements, 3, 5 Dibutyl phthalate, 150-153 Citrus, 163 Dietyostallium diseoideum, 49, 221 Clearing techniques for ovule study, Didodecyl-PE (DDPE), 184 149-152 Digitalis purpurea, 140 Coating superficial layer (CSL), 56-57, Dipalrnitoylphosphatidylcholine 95 (DPPC),I77-179 Colchicine, 236 Diploid progeny generation, 405 Cold tolerance, correlation between Diploid stage, 402-404 gametophytic and sporophytic, Diploidy, 426 359-360 Disaccarides, 179-180 Competition, 388 Domestication locus, 415-416 Concanavalin A (Con A), 102 Domestication process, dynamic of, -peroxidase, 107 417 -sepharose affinity chromatography, Drosophila, 221 86 Durum wheat, see T. durum Index 459 Early stages of flower development Fluorescence microscopy, 102, 118 (ESFD), 17-18 Fluorochromatic reaction (FCR) test, Egg-mother cells (EMCs), competition 349 among,283-284 Forage, 336 Elaioplast, 36-38, 40 Fourier Transform IR-spectroscopic Elymus, 150 method,177 Embryogenesis, 144,279-280,282-283, Free fatty acids (FFAs), 185 331,333,342,345,427 Fructose-l,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase), Embryogenic competence, 245 130-131 Embryoids, 32, 34 Fusarium oxsporium, 337 Embryo sac transformation, 343-345 Embryo stability, 411 Endoplasmic reticulum (ER), 160-161 G-actin, 46, 48-49 Endosperm, 152,427,455 Gametes, 2n, 274-276, 278 Endosperm stability, 411 frequency of in hybrid diploid clones, Epipactis palustris, 341 275 EPTC, see S-ethyl dipropil selection of clones producing, 274- thiocarbamate 275 Eranthis hiemalis, 40 Gamete selection, 355-358 Erysimum, 332-333 versus non-selected progeny, 357-358 Erysimum crepidijolium, 332 via in vitro pollination-fertilization, Erysimum pallidif/orum, 332 356-357 Erysimum pulchellum, 332 Gametophytically controlled SI (GSI), Erysimum virgatum, 332 66-72,104,163 Eugenol, 151 Gametophytic competition, 382, 384, Evolutionary biology, 451 386,419 Exploitation competition, 435 under stress conditions, 385 Extensin, 19-20 Gametophytic development, 399 Extracellular matrix (ECM), 239-241, Gametophytic growth rates, 388 243 Gametophytic incompatibility, 397 Exudate, 315-316, 319 Gametophytic reduction, 377-379 antiserum, 213 Gametophytic selection, 370-371, 374- 375,377,382,386,388,401,429, 432 i-actin, 43, 46 conditional, 384-385 Fagopyrum esculentum, 429 in rice, 382-386 Fatty acid unsaturation, 178-181, 185 post-mating factors in, 384 Female choice, 389, 429 pre-mating factors in, 382-384 Fesel,8 Gametophytic sterility, 382 Festuca elatior, 8 Gametophytogenesis, 144 Fibrinogen, 134, 239 Gasteria verrucosa, 166, 170, 172,227 Fibronectin (FN), 239-240, 243 Gene expression, 3, 34, 125, 129,280- Filliform apparatus, 170-171 281,321,408,429,435 First division restitution (FDR), 274- at protein level, 125-129 276 Gene flow, 441 Flavens haplo-Hookeri, 398 Generation cells, 233 Flavonoids, 22-23 isolation from pollen tubes in Lilium, Fluorescein deacetate (FDA), 322 321-324 Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC), 225 Generative nucleus division, 162 460 Index Genetic load, 401-404 Humidity, stresses on tobacco pollen, Genetic variance, 406, 432 349-354 Gene transfer, pollen mediated, 261 Hybrid embryos, 331 Genic sterility, 382 Hybridization, 15,29-30, 32-34, 125, Gentiana cruciata, 144-145, 148 140-142,414,426 Gentianales, 144 wide, 408-411 Germination, 181-184,388,435 Hybrids, in the grasses, 408-412 Gladiolus, 102 Hybrid sterility, 382 Glutathione, high (GSH), 364, 366-367 Hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins Glutathione transferase (GST), 364, (HRGPs),19 366-367 Hyoscyamus niger (henbane), 32-34 Glycine max, 39-40, 243 Glycoproteins, 102 Gossypium hirstum, 160 [lex opaca, 152-153 Gramineae, 44, 180-181, 185,409 Imbibitional injury, 181-185 Grass pollen, 3, 10 Immunofluorescence staining, 213-214, Group 1 allergen, 7-8 219,224-225,227,236 Gymnadenia conopsea, 341 Immunoglubulin E (IgE), 7, 10 Gymnosperms, 420, 451, 453, 455 Impatiens glandulifera, 39, 180, 183 Gynoecium, 238-239, 242-243, 410, Impatiens walleriana, 39 433 Inbreeding depression, 401-404 Incompatibility, 110,325,329,399,411 Incompatible matings, 379 Haploid cells, 321 Integrins, 239 Haploid embryos, 279, 342 Interaction product (IP), 61 Haploid generation, 397, 399 Interapertural exine, 253, 257-258 Haploid genomes, 395, 401-403 Interfamiliar hybrids, 331 Haploid induction, 291-293 Interference Haploid phase, 414, 428 competition, 435-436, 438-439 Haploid pollen, 359 potential for in wild radish pollen, Heat shock proteins (HSPs), 191-194 435-439 Heat shock treatment, 342 Intergeneric hybrids, 331-333, 408 Heat stress tolerance, in maize, 355- Interspecific hybrids, 325-329, 331, 333, 358 341,408 Helyanthus annuus, 245 Intraspecific polyploids, 340-341 Hemerocallisf/ava, 240-241 Isoelectric focusing (IEF), 105-107, 197 Henbane, see Hyoscyamus niger Herr Clearing techniques, 149, 155-156 Hesperideneae, genus, 333 Juglans, genus, 201-203 Hesperis matronalis, 332-333 Juglans nigra, 202-203, 205 Heterosis, 125,426-428 Juglans regia, 201-205 Heterozygosity, 395-399 Heterozygotes, 111, 415 Hibiscus moscheutos, 388-389, 392 Kentucky bluegrass, 8 Homogonylocus, 416-417 Kinesin, 218-222, 283 Homozygosity, 396-398 Homozygotes, 402 Hordeum bulbosum, 410-411 Laminin, 239 Hordeum vulgare, 145, 408, 411 Leaf mustard, see Brassica juncea Index 461 Leguminoseae, 163 Medicago scutellata, 325, 327 Liliaceae, 163 Megagametogenesis, 155-158 Lilium, genus, 163, 341 Megagametophyte, 155 Lilium, 490 Megaspore mother cell (MMC), 156 Lilium longif/orum, 39,140-141,196, Megasporogenesis, 152, 156,158 213-214,242,243,315,319, Melandrium album, 30 321-322, 324 Mendelian inheritance, 395 Lilium regale, 315 Microfilament cytoskeleton, 43, 49-51 Linum grandif/orum, 253-254, 257 Microgametophyte, 117, 142 Linum pubescens, 257 competition, 438 Lolium perenne, 8, 39 Micropylar exudate, 170-172 Lol pi, 7-10 Microsporogenesis, 3, ,22, 131, 224-227, Lol plb, 7-10 245,274,281 Lolpll,7-8 Microtubular cytoskeleton, 218, 224- Lol plll, 7-8 228,240 Lotus corniculatus, 432 Microtubular motors, 218, 222 Lotus, genus, 38,163,353 Microtubule organization, 233-235 Ludwigia hexapetala, 152-153 Microtubules, Ludwigia uruguayensis, 152 in isolated cells, 235-236 Lycopersicon esculentum, 28-29, 71, of generative cells in pollen tubes, 242-243,245,356,370 233-234,236 Lycopersicon hirsutum, 356 Molecular genetic marker analysis, 441 Lycopersicum peruvianum, 38-39, Molecular genetics, 66 66-67, 70-71, 86 Monensin (nM), 207-211 Lynchnis alba, 30 Morphogenesis,

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