![Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 117 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 117 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 167 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021 No. 86 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was the bottom of our hearts for his service abortion on the fabric of our country called to order by the Speaker. and contributions to Lubbock and to by voting to become a sanctuary city f west Texas. for the unborn. Now, whether or not We wish the very best for you and this ordinance is upheld in the courts, MORNING-HOUR DEBATE your wife, Debbie; your children, Chel- I am immensely proud that my home- The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the sea and Patrick; and the entire town has made a statement, not only order of the House of January 4, 2021, McBride family. to Texas, but to the whole country, the Chair will now recognize Members God bless you. And go west Texas. that as for us, the people of west Texas, from lists submitted by the majority RECOGNIZING SERGEANT JERROD BURTNETT we stand for life. and minority leaders for morning-hour Mr. ARRINGTON. Madam Speaker, I Mr. Speaker, west Texans firmly be- debate. rise today to recognize Sergeant Jerrod lieve, as I do, that we ought to promote The Chair will alternate recognition Burtnett, a true west Texas hero. a culture of life and that life at every between the parties, with time equally On December 27, 2019, vast fog sur- stage is equally valuable, equally pre- allocated between the parties and each rounded Sergeant Burtnett as he inves- cious, not only in light of the Constitu- Member other than the majority and tigated a series of crashes due to zero tion, but in the eyes of God. minority leaders and the minority visibility in Lubbock County. After Like the citizens of Lubbock, I will whip limited to 5 minutes, but in no checking on a bystander along the side continue to fight for the voiceless, vul- event shall debate continue beyond of the road, a fast-moving tractor-trail- nerable, unborn Americans and their 11:50 a.m. er lost control, hitting a number of ve- constitutionally protected right to life. hicles, as well as Sergeant Burtnett, f God bless America. God bless the un- causing him serious injury. HONORING EDDIE MCBRIDE Sergeant Burtnett won the Purple born. And go west Texas. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes Heart for his actions that day, and his f the gentleman from Texas (Mr. experience is a reminder to us all how ARRINGTON) for 5 minutes. dangerous the job of being in law en- OUR BORDERLESS COUNTRY Mr. ARRINGTON. Madam Speaker, it forcement is. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. is an honor to congratulate my friend, It is an honor to recognize Sergeant YARMUTH). The Chair recognizes the Eddie McBride, on 23 outstanding years Burtnett for his bravery and his stead- gentleman from California (Mr. at the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce. fastness to enter a dangerous situation MCCLINTOCK) for 5 minutes. Eddie has served as the president and to help the people of Texas. CEO of the Lubbock Chamber since On that cold, foggy day, Sergeant Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, last 1999. Under his leadership, the Lubbock Burtnett exerted the valor, courage, year, we had achieved operational con- Chamber has received countless and selflessness that epitomized the trol of our southern border for the first awards, including the best chamber in men and women in blue. time in generations. Trespassers knew the Nation and numerous star accredi- May God bless Sergeant Burtnett and they would be turned back, so they tations. his family, and all those in uniform never started the perilous journey. Again, my dear friend is an excep- who risk their lives to protect ours. On his first day in office, Joe Biden tional leader, even though he attended SANCTUARY CITY FOR THE UNBORN canceled the border wall, ordered ICE Texas A&M University. Then he served Mr. ARRINGTON. Mr. Speaker, I be- not to faithfully execute the laws, and his Nation in the United States Air lieve life is a gift from God, begins at canceled the remain-in-Mexico policy Force for 20 years. conception, and that unborn children for asylum claims. This sent a powerful Upon moving to Lubbock in 1976, have the same right to life, liberty, and message throughout the world that Eddie immersed himself into our com- the pursuit of happiness as you and I America’s borders are wide open. So munity, served on numerous boards, in- do. now we are 4 months into an experi- cluding the Texas Association of Busi- Nothing gives me more joy or sense ment that will test how long a country ness, Workforce Solutions South of purpose than being a champion for without borders can survive. Plains, and Covenant Health for dec- the unborn. I know the vast majority The numbers speak for themselves. ades. Eddie has served with excellence of west Texans believe, as I do, that all The week of the 2020 election, scarcely and integrity, always putting our com- life is sacred, God-given, and should be 100 family units illegally crossed our munity’s interests above his own. protected at all stages. border. By the week of the inaugura- I congratulate Eddie on an out- The Lubbock community recently tion, 1,100 did. By the last week of standing career, and I thank him from stood together against the stain of March, it was over 14,000 in a week. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2425 ® Pdnted on recycled papfil. VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:09 May 19, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18MY7.000 H18MYPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H2426 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 18, 2021 In February, the Border Patrol en- munity in America is about to become Katie, along with their spouses, countered roughly 100,000 aliens ille- a border town. Every American will Desiree and Michael; their beloved gally crossing our border. That is feel it as classrooms are filled with grandchildren; and their extended fam- about the size of South Bend, Indiana. non-English speaking students; as ily. By March, that number had grown to gangs proliferate; as criminal illegal Additionally, I extend my condo- over 170,000. That is about the size of aliens are released in our communities; lences to Dr. Magee’s many patients Salem, Oregon. Last month, the num- as hospital emergency rooms are and to the veteran community that he ber reached nearly 180,000, the popu- packed with illegals demanding basic served with such dedication. This is a lation of Providence, Rhode Island, a medical care; and as a desperate labor profound loss for our medical commu- 900 percent increase over April of last market is flooded with low-wage illegal nity, our veteran community, and our year. labor, meaning lower wages and fewer community at large. Thirty-eight percent are being re- opportunities for working Americans. f leased into our country. In April, ICE This is not accidental. This adminis- deportations fell to their lowest num- tration is pursuing a deliberate policy HONORING THE INCREDIBLE LIFE ber in history. Felons that the law re- to fundamentally change the culture, OF ARNOLD E. PERL quires to be deported are instead delib- electorate, and founding principles of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The erately being released into our neigh- our Nation. It is working, and it will Chair recognizes the gentleman from borhoods. continue as long as the people respon- Tennessee (Mr. KUSTOFF) for 5 minutes. In the last 2 months, I joined delega- sible for it remain in public office. Mr. KUSTOFF. Mr. Speaker, today, I tions led by Congressmen JORDAN and History is littered with the ruins of rise in the memory of my friend and a BIGGS across the southern border. In nations that fail to control their bor- great Memphian, Arnold Perl. the Rio Grande Valley sector, we ders. Whether ours soon joins them de- Arnold was known as a devoted hus- watched one night as hundreds of pends on Americans taking back their band, father, grandfather, friend, and aliens from Central America illegally government before it is too late. strong advocate. While Arnold Perl was crossed our border with impunity and f born in Texas and raised in Chicago, entered a Disneyland-style queue. Memphis was Arnold’s true home. He After a brief interview, groups in the REMEMBERING THE LIFE OF DR. earned his undergraduate and law de- company of small children were SAMUEL MAGEE grees from the University of Illinois dropped off at transportation hubs to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and, in 1968, moved to Tennessee. Mem- be taken anywhere in the United Chair recognizes the gentleman from phis remained his adopted city until States they wanted to go without even Pennsylvania (Mr. JOYCE) for 5 min- his passing on May 4 of this year. being given a notice to appear in court. utes. After he came to Memphis, Arnold Unaccompanied minors were taken to Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. Mr. founded his own law firm, Young & a holding facility where they were Speaker, I rise today with great sad- Perl, a law firm focusing on labor law placed in cattle pens.
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