Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 11 DECEMBER 1979 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Health, &c., Bill [11 DECEMBER 1979] Ministerial Expenses 2415 TUESDAY, 11 DECEMBER 1979 Mr. S~EAKER (Hon. S. J. Muller, Fassi­ fern) read prayers and took the chair at 11 a.m. REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS, DEATHS AND MARRIAGES ACT AMENDMENT BILL Assent reported by Mr. Speaker. MINISTERIAL EXPENSES RETURN TO ORDER The following paper was laid on the table:- Return to an Order made by the House on 28 August last, an the motion of Mr. Gunn, of expenses of Ministers for the period 1 July 1978 to 30 June 1979, inolusive, showing each separately and in detail. 2416 Ministerial Statement [11 DECEMBER 1979] Ministerial Statement PAJPBRS As part of the ini>tial proposal, the The following papers were laid on the apphlcant had offered to develop a commun­ table, and ordered to be printed:- ity centre on five acres of ~and forming Reports- part of the site referred to in the rezoning application and to lease the land baok to the Commissioner for Consumer Affairs, for council over a 99 year period at a token 1978-79. rental. Commissioner for Railways, for 1978-79. Ail its meeting on the 30 November, the Minister for Education, for 1978. Gold Coast City Council resolved that it The following papers were laid on the would proceed with the cultural centre table:- develo!Pffient at the Evandale site, and that Orders in Council under­ the community centre proposal advanced by the applicant was unaaceptable jn wncept Electricity Act 1976-1979. and would not be required. The Supreme Court Act of 1921. It should be under&tood by all that the The Harbours Act 1955-1979. applicant had, in making appliaation for the Regulations under- rezoning of the land in question, applied Tones Strait Islanders Act 1971-1979. for the wlhole of tlhe area to be included Aborigines Act 1971-1979. in a zone which would permit retail shop­ ping and ccmunercial offices to estabLish as Statutes under the Griffith University Act of right. 1971-1977. The decision of council to not require the community centre did, in fact, confer a substantial financial benefit to the applicant MINISTERIAL STATEMENT on the basis that he could have a sub­ stantial increased floor area in his proposed GOLD CoAST CITY COUNCIL's PROPOSED development if the applica,tion was ultimately RszoNING OF SoUTHPORT LAND approved by the Governor in Council. Hon. R. J. HINZE (South Coast-Minister It is said bv the council that having for Local Government and Main Roads) regard to the economic benefit which \VOuld (11.8 a.m.): I rise to clarify, for the benefit accrue to the applicant as a result of council's of this How,e and the people of Queensl-and, decision in relation to the community centre, an rssue that has caused a degree of concern and the saving in expenditure to the applicant through sections of the communitv and the through not constructing a community media in recent days. I refer to 'a decision centre on lands the subject of the rezoning made by the Gold Co,ast City Council last application, the offer of $1,000,000 to Friday, which granted initia'l approval for council for cultural centre activities was the rezoning of certain land in the vicinity made. of The Southport School, subject to a number of conditions. The council argues that in actual fact the value of this contribution would be The effect of the decision was to indicate substantiallv less than the proposal as to the applicant that council is prepared to or,iginally offered by the applicant. From support a rezoning of the land, which has the information supplied to me, it would an approximate area of 18 acres, for develop­ appear that both the applicant and the ment for shopping centre purposes. One of council have acted in good faith and in a the conditions of approval was that the lawful manner in relation to this matter. applicant lodge with the council a contribu­ It must be recognised by all that this tion of the order of $1,000,000 to be expended Government supports private enterprise and towards the development of council's cultural the free, 'lawful, negotiation system wh:ich centre on land that forms part of the Evan­ should apply between developers and local dale administration centre. I am advised that authorities concerned. this condition relating to the contribution arose from an offer made by the applicant Mr. K. J. Hooper interjected. company to the council, and that at no time was any coercion used by council to obtain Mr. HINZE: Under normal circumstances, such a contribution. I would not be making a statement such as this today but, as the House rises towards As a result of an agreement being reached the end of this week, it is not my intention, between the Town Planning Committee of or that of the Government, to allow ~the the council and the applicant on this matter, matter to be the subject of misguided specula­ the $1,000,000 offer was embodied in con­ tion, particularly by the member for ditions proposed to be imposed with the Archerfield, in relation to coercion or black­ approva'l, which was granted at the meeting mail bv councils or devdopers; nor is it referred to. It should be pointed out that the int;ntion of this Government to have this at the time the application was made, the matter drawn out over the recess period future of the cultural centre on land at the by members of the Opposition for their own Evandale site was subject to doubt, and has political ends or by the media for their been subject to doubt for some considerable purposes in what is traditionally a quiet time. news period. Petitions [11 DECEMBER 1979] Questions Upon Notice 2417 As Minister for Local Government, I that the obnoxious smell which emanates am more ·llhan a litt·le distunbed at continuing from the tannery operated by Wm. Gibson ;,uggestions that local authorities are obtain­ & Sons Pty Ltd in Stafford Road, Stafford, is ing contributions towards wonks and/or pro­ unacceptable in a residential area and praying jects wihich have no relation whatsoever to that the Parliament of Queensland will insti­ the actual development appLications proposed. tute procedures or processes which will elimin. I am having this matter examined and, ate the release of these odours or require this if considered neces;,ar;y, wi11 make recom­ company to relocate its business away from mendat-ions for amendments to the relevant residential areas. parts of the Act to prevent any such offers Petition read and received. bcing made or accepted in the future. 11he Government wi11 not tolerate this situation, nor will it stand by and allow SEX EDUCATION, CONTRACEPTION ADVICE AND lorcal feelings and coocerns to be divided REPEAL OF ABORTION LAWS w·hile the matter cannot be debated in this Mr. GYGAR (Stafford) presented a petit­ House. ion from 1,745 citizens of Queensland, praying I haYe had lengthy discussions with the that the Parliament of Queensland will intro­ mayor of the Gold Coast, Alderman Keiuh duce personal and social development courses, Hunt, on this matter this morning and he including sex education in schools, remove advised that a notice of motion to rescind restrictions on advertising contraceptives and the decision of council on this application make contraceptive advice and services avail­ has been served upon the council, and that able to all communities throughout Queens­ aHer the reqn.isite time as required by the land and repeal all abortion laws and treat Local Government Act has expired, a abortion as a normal medical procedure. specially convened meeting of the council Petition read and received. will be held to further consider this maDter. It should be remembered that the Gold Coast ratepayers now have an opportunity DOCUMENTATION OF ABORTION PROCEDURES to demonstrate their feelings by representa­ tion to their local aldermen and the lodging Mr. V AUGHAN (Nudgee) presented a of objections to the proposaL As part of petition from 218 electors of Queensland, the normal procedure fol:lowing the expira­ praying that the Parliament of Queensland tion of the time available for objections, will provide that full documentation for the council will then consider further the every abortion performed concerning the future of this application prior to recom­ patient's state at the time and all the cir­ mendation, one way or the other, to me. cumstances of the case (as in clause 282 It should not be construed that the Gov­ of the Queensland Criminal Code) be ernment in any way encourages the actions included in any proposed legislation, that an of the Gold Coast City Council in relation Abortion Review Committee be established to this proposaL to examine, analyse and assess the medical documentation of every case of abortion per­ formed in this State, that the Parliament of PETITIONS Queensland will demand adequate documen­ tation to establish the reasonable nature PROTECI'lON OF UNBORN QUEENSLANDERS of every abortion operation and that a KILLED BY ABORTION Committee be set up to monitor such docu­ Hon. F. A. CAMPBELL (Aspley) mentation. presented a petition from 387 electors of Petition read and received. Queensland, praying that the Parliament of [A similar petition was presented by Dr. Queensland will take all necessary measures Lockwood (115 signatories), and this petition to protect the lives of unborn Queenslanders was read and received.] being killed by abortion. Petition read and received. [Similar petitions were presented by Mr.
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