11.3.2010 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 60/15 OTHER ACTS EUROPEAN COMMISSION Publication of an amendment application pursuant to Article 6(2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 510/2006 on the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs (2010/C 60/07) This publication confers the right to object to the amendment application pursuant to Article 7 of Council Regulation (EC) No 510/2006 ( 1). Statements of objection must reach the Commission within six months of the date of this publication. AMENDMENT APPLICATION COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 510/2006 Amendment application according to Article 9 ‘CASTAGNA DEL MONTE AMIATA’ EC No: IT-PGI-0117-0084-10.07.2001 PGI ( X ) PDO ( ) 1. Heading in the product specification affected by the amendment: — Name of product — Description of product — Geographical area — Proof of origin — Method of production — Link — Labelling — National requirements — Other (to be specified) 2. Type of amendment(s): — Amendment to single document or summary sheet ( 1 ) OJ L 93, 31.3.2006, p. 12. C 60/16 EN Official Journal of the European Union 11.3.2010 — Amendment to specification of registered PDO or PGI for which neither the single document nor summary has been published — Amendment to specification that requires no amendment to the published single document (Article 9(3) of Regulation (EC) No 510/2006) — Temporary amendment to specification resulting from imposition of obligatory sanitary or phytosanitary measures by public authorities (Article 9(4) of Regulation (EC) No 510/2006) 3. Amendment(s): 3.1. Geographical area: In the second paragraph of Article 4: ‘Chestnut groves for nut production … growing exclusively on soils resulting from the decomposition of trachyte, are therefore considered to be suitable’, has been replaced by: ‘Chestnut groves for nut production … growing on soils mostly resulting from volcanic and are- naceous rocks, and in any case predominantly or to a considerable extent composed of silica, are therefore considered to be suitable.’ This amendment concerning the soils on which the trees grow is needed because the existing product specification for which the PGI was registered in Regulation (EC) No 1904/2000 does not give a scientifically accurate geological description of the soils on which the Monte Amiata chestnut groves grow. Recently, a more accurate and detailed geological study of the area in which the PGI is grown has revealed that the rocks classified as ‘Trachite del Monte Amiata’ (Monte Amiata trachyte) are found in only two small districts and that, in fact, the soils suitable for cultivation of the crop mostly result from volcanic and arenaceous rocks, and are consequently predominantly or to a considerable extent composed of silica, as stated in the proposed amendment to the second paragraph of Article 4 of the specification. The amendment is therefore required to prevent a significant part of the land in the production area being excluded. SUMMARY COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 510/2006 ‘CASTAGNA DEL MONTE AMIATA’ EC No: IT-PGI-0117-0084-10.07.2001 PDO ( ) PGI ( X ) This summary sets out the main elements of the product specification for information purposes. 1. Responsible department in the Member State: Name: Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali Address: Via XX Settembre 20 00187 Roma RM ITALIA Tel. +39 0646655106 Fax +39 0646655202 E-mail: [email protected] 11.3.2010 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 60/17 2. Group: Name: Consorzio forestale dell'Amiata Address: Loc. Colonia 19 58031 Arcidosso GR ITALIA Tel +39 0564967248 Fax +39 0564967248 E-mail: — Composition: Producers/processors ( X ) Other ( ) 3. Type of product: Class 1.6 — Fruit, vegetables and cereals 4. Specification: (summary of requirements under Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 510/2006) 4.1. Name: ‘Castagna del Monte Amiata’ 4.2. Description: The Protected Geographical Indication ‘Castagna del Monte Amiata’ covers chestnuts grown in the region indicated below of the varieties known as Marrone, Bastarda Rossa and Cecio. The fruit should have the following properties: minimum size of 80 fruits per net kilogram when fresh; in years of particularly adverse weather conditions, a 10 % tolerance is allowed, size of fruit: large, shape of fruit: obovate or oval, with somewhat flat apex, colour of fruit: reddish, streaked with bands of deeper colour, hilum: hazel colour, regular shape, seed covering: easily removed, colour tawny, seed: pale creamy colour, flavour: sweet and delicate. 4.3. Geographical area: The production area of ‘Castagna del Monte Amiata’ covers the Municipalities of Arcidosso, Castel­ delpiano, Santa Fiora, Seggiano, Cinigiano and Roccalbegna in the Province of Grosseto and the Municipalities of Castiglione d'Orcia, Abbadia S. Salvatore and Piancastagnaio in the Province of Siena. Chestnut groves for nut production in the ‘Castanetum’ phytoclimatic zone of Monte Amiata at altitudes of between 350 and 1 000 metres above sea-level growing on soils mostly deriving from volcanic and arenaceous rocks, and in any case predominantly or to a considerable extent composed of silica, are therefore considered to be suitable. 4.4. Proof of origin: Each stage in the production process is monitored, with all inputs and outputs recorded. Together with the compilation of specific registers, managed by the inspection body, of producers and packers, and timely notification to the inspection body of the quantities produced, this ensures product traceability. All operators, whether legal or natural persons, registered in the relevant lists are subject to checks by the inspection body. C 60/18 EN Official Journal of the European Union 11.3.2010 4.5. Method of production: The planting layouts, types of cultivation and periodic and multi-annual pruning must be those traditionally used throughout the Amiata area, or at least of a kind not likely to change the specifically local features of the fruit. Planting density is from 60 to 150 trees per hectare. The use of artificial fertilisers or plant protection products is prohibited during the productive stage. Harvesting may be by hand or by mechanical means, using methods that will not damage the product. The output of PGI Monte Amiata chestnuts may not exceed 12 kg per tree and 1 800 kg per hectare. All grading, sizing, processing and preservation operations must be carried out in the production area as defined under point 4.3. Preservation of the product must be by cold water curing for no more than seven days, without any additives, or by hot water sterilisation followed by plunging in cold water without additives and in accordance with the appropriate local technique. Preservation by deep freezing is allowed in accordance with the arrangements laid down for frozen products. 4.6. Link: Chestnuts have always been grown as fruit in the Amiata area, because of the particularly favourable soil and climate. Chestnut plantations cover a total of 2 078 hectares, mainly concentrated in the western and south-western section of the volcanic cone of the Amiata, and especially the Municipalities of Arcidosso, Castel del Piano, Cinigiano, Roccalbegna, Santa Fiora, Seggiano and Castiglione d'Orcia. As early as the fourteenth century, the statutes of the communities of Amiata laid down detailed rules for maintaining and exploiting chestnut resources, as regards both harvesting the fruit and gathering wood for building or fuel. The statutes forbade the damaging and cutting of both live and dead trees without a special authorisation from the authorities, and imposed very heavy fines for that time. There was also a precise calendar for harvesting chestnuts, with details of the period reserved for the owner and the period when harvesting was open to all. The open period could last until carnival time of the following year, to ensure that even the poorest members of society had the means of survival. Here again, failure to comply was penalised with fines. The reason for these rules was that for a long time, chestnuts were the main, if not the only, food available for mountain populations at certain times of year. This has meant that chestnuts have over the centuries become deeply rooted in tradition in this area. Over time, the practice of selecting local chestnut varieties suited to the climate and with a good yield has become established and conservation and preparation techniques have spread. Moreover, the geographical situation of the Amiata area results in special conditions that enable quality chestnuts to be obtained earlier than in more northern parts of the region. 4.7. Inspection body: Name: IMC Istituto Mediterraneo di Certificazione Address: Via Carlo Pisacane 32 60019 Senigallia AN ITALIA Tel. +39 0717928725 Fax +39 0717910043 E-mail: [email protected] 11.3.2010 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 60/19 4.8. Labelling: In addition to the guarantee stamp of the inspection body, the seal includes an irremovable label bearing the following: (a) the words ‘Castagna del Monte Amiata’ and immediately below the words ‘Indicazione geografica protetta’ (IGP), as shown in the attached logo, which is an integral part of this specification; (b) the name of the variety of chestnut in the package (Marrone, Bastarda Rossa or Cecio) in letters half the size of those used for ‘Castagna del Monte Amiata’; (c) the name and surname or company name of the grower and the name and head office of the packaging undertaking (whether the grower or a third party); (d) the quantity of product originally contained in the package, expressed in accordance with the relevant measuring standards..
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