THE CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTS OF JESUS AND MARY CONTINUES TO SERVE SAN DIMAS, LA VERNE, AND SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES. 2 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT WELCOME TO HOLY NAME OF MARY STAFFED BY THE CONGREGATION OF THE THE PARISH SACRED HEARTS OF JESUS AND MARY 724 E. Bonita Avenue • San Dimas, CA. 91773 www.hnmparish.org Phone (909) 599-1243 Fr. Rich Danyluk, SS.CC. Fr. Chris Santangelo, SS.CC. Fax (909) 599-4230 Bro. Daniel Estrada, SS.CC. Office Hours Sunday …………...9:00 am—2:30 pm DEACON COUPLES Monday-Friday ….9:00 am—7:00 pm Al & Rita Austin .................... x. 178 dnal @hnmparish.org Marv Estey ........................ x. 177 dnmarv @hnmparish.org Saturday………… 9:00 am —12:00 pm Jose & Maria Guadamuz .. x. 110 dnjose @hnmparish.org Mario & Irene Lopez ....... x. 110 dnmario @hnmparish.org Amante & Christina Pulido x.172 dnamante @hnmparish.org STAFF WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Pastor ............................. Fr. Rich Danyluk, SS.CC. Saturday at 5:00 Pm, and 1st Saturday at 8:30 am. [email protected] ....................................... x. 114 Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:30 pm (español) & 5:00 pm Associate Pastor ....... Fr. Chris Santangelo, SS.CC. [email protected] ...................................... x. 118 Secretary ......................................... Giselle Smith DAILY MASS SCHEDULE [email protected] ..................................... x. 110 Monday-Friday 8:30 am (English) Director of Administration ..................... Pat Joyce Saturday 8:30 am (communion service) [email protected] ........................................... x. 112 Director of Pastoral Ministry ....... Charlie Martinez SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION [email protected] .................................... x. 140 Saturday at 3:30 pm (English) Director of Music ......................... Trevor Thomson [email protected] ...................................... x. 135 Bereavement & Marriage ................. Brenda Luna ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT First Friday until 6:00 pm [email protected] .................................... x. 137 Staff Accountant ............................ Salah Bahouth [email protected] ....................................... x. 198 EARLY MORNING ADORATION Administrative Assistant .................. Michele Cote Weekday Mornings 6:00 am—8:30 am [email protected] ................................... x. 199 (Sign -up sheet in the narthex of the church) Volunteer Coordinator ....................... Lani Galvan [email protected] .......................................... x. 111 Communications Coordinator....... Gabby Pedrego LITURGY OF THE HOURS Monday-Saturday after Adoration Exposition [email protected] .................................... x. 136 Catechetical Programs Coord. ....... Melanie Bailey [email protected] ................................... x. 232 MISAS Y SERVICIOS EN ESPAÑOL Youth & Confirmation Coord. ....... Candice Brown Domingo 12:30 pm y Cada Miercoles a las 6:30 pm [email protected] .................................. x. 234 El Primer Miercoles hay Misa y la Uncion de los Enfermos. Rel. ED. Admin. Assistant ........ Erika Montenegro el Segundo Miercoles hay un Servicio de comunion. [email protected] ........................................ x. 280 El tercer miercoleS hay misa y confesiones. Youth Min. Admin. Assistant ........ Jamie Alarcon El Cuarto miercoles hay Servicio de Comunion [email protected] ....................................... x. 220 el Quinto miercoles hay servicio de comunion Receptionist .......................................Maria Triska [email protected] ............................ x. 110 Marriage Annulments .... MaryAnn Brewer-Nolan ................................................................ (626)484-1355 St. Vincent de Paul Society ......................... x. 138 Gathered with Mary Holy Name of Mary School as one family in the Eucharist, 124 S. San Dimas Canyon Road, San Dimas, CA 91773 Principal ..................................... Debbie Marquez We are called to live the love of Jesus. [email protected] ................................ x. 226 Holy Name of Mary Mission Statement www.holynamemaryschool.org Phone: (909) 542-0449 FROM THE PASTOR March 10, 2019 3 My dear sisters and brothers, Open your mind, memories and heart to Forgiveness is the release of others and the harm they remember the hurts, the wounds, where and when you have caused us. But forgiveness often follows deep have been let down, dishonored, abused, lied to, acceptance of and repentance for our own harmful cheated on; diminished in spirit and emotion. actions to others. Bring to your mind, to your memory and to your heart anyone who has hurt or wounded you. Be willing Am I willing to pray for the power: to decide to release them and yourself so that you can To ask for knowledge of the truth? be healed from those wounds. To ask for freedom from the bondage of my own history? To forgive is not to condone or excuse the behavior. To wish for the spiritual healing of those persons or What was done was wrong. institutions that have harmed me? To forgive is not to pardon –that’s not ours to give To forgive myself – to let go of self-condemnation, We don’t have the power of absolution. morbid reflection, remorse, our tempers, our To forgive is not to forget. We are saddened by the additions, our vanities, our arrogance, our memory and must grieve the event. smugness; to let go of our failures and to do what To forgive is to release from debt; to release from the we must and be who we are? demand for retribution or retaliation. To forgive is to surrender the right to get even. Father of forgiveness and compassion give us the The reality is that as long as we hold onto these hurts, courage, grace, humility to be vehicles of forgiveness they possess us; actually, they poison us emotionally that transforms and agents of compassion that heal and spiritually. and restore. Illumine our vision so we no longer see To forgive is to take responsibility for our part, which enemies but friends. Humble us so that we let go of may only be that we have been holding onto these our resentments and disappointments in order to memories, these feelings and have allowed them to recognize and honor each other. continue to devastate our emotional and spiritual life. Correcting my heart along the way, How long are we going to carry these wounds? How in love, long are we going to be shackled by the chain towing Fr. Rich, SS.CC. this garbage barge of hurt, anger and shame? 4 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT PRAYER AND MASS INTENTIONS Rob Mangano, Hector Esquivel, Venicia Sanchez, Budijanto Wi- SATURDAY, MARCH 9TH bowo, Joanne Susnar, Stephanie Susnar, Julian Ramirez, Tarzan 5:00 pm S Int. of people of the parish Honor, Amanola Caballero, Luz Lopez, Steve Measer, Arturo Coro- SUNDAY, MARCH 10TH na, Jr. Marlet Reyes, Sgt. Sergio Gutierrez, Emelia Espadas, Petra Avila, Maricela Robles, Lani Rigely 8:00 Am R Int. of people of the parish Pedrini, Davis Velarde, Jessica Albright, Sami Parker, Patricia Int. Marilyu Valverde & Family, Pete Kuzmickas, Carter, Maria Luisa Herrera, Gene melitona veloso, amnuel veloso, int. taylor, tara Oldham, Cameron Louie, Fran 10:00 Am S & faith bishop, ernesto cabibil, oloy bacabac, Lodado, Danielle Westerlund, fidela jimenez, Michael kerbage Nicoletta Briscoe, Pat Hauducoeur, Gloria Wagner, Cheroel Maple, The Guadalupana Society, juan y rosa gonzalez, Margines Cordova, Dan Tack, 12:30 pm CP lupe verin, jose Hernandez, reginaldo Sandoval, Emily Lopez, Jarod Wyly. maria de jesus lopes, int. luis Barragan Prayer is the best gift of love Peter marquez, Claudia sanchez, mary della you can give anyone you love. 5:00 pm Z Espinosa, jane de herrera, int. sawamura family, - St. Teresa of Kolkata int. tina jabara, int. Melinda zamora MONDAY, MARCH 11TH IN MEMORIAM David Rosales, int. adeline, Contreras, jose 8:30 Am WM tiopianco, int. luz mwjia, deon Watson, jerry Jack Doherty woltenm joe bucci Jose Tiopianco Helen Wai Ping Moy TUESDAY, MARCH 12TH Jose V. Vergara Int. soc galam, jow calderon, int. helen calderon, Lourdes McNeese 8:30 AM D john cafferty, Edward kloss, chariot ramon Wilfred Au rodriguez Elvira Jimenez Dolores Lopez WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13TH Gerald Ehmke Manuel Padilla Int. Glen and Margie Le Master, perry bascon, 8:30 am S dan oriente, oroz family, dennis garcia WEEKLY READINGS Week of March 10, 2019: THURSDAY, MARCH 14TH Sunday: Dt 26:4-10/Ps 91:1-2, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15 [cf. 15b]/Rom 10:8-13/ 8:30 AM S Int. Joanna Siasoco, Josephine Cardenas, teresa Lk 4:1-13 saribay, jay Vergara, Rosario Belmonte, zenaida dia Monday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15 [Jn 6:63b]/Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday: Is 55:10-11/Ps 34:4-5, 6-7, FRIDAY, MARCH 15TH 16-17, 18-19 [18b]/Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10/Ps 51:3-4, 12- Int. Jordan katherman, guillerma Natividad, maria 13, 18-19 [19b]/Lk 11:29-32 8:30 AM D guerrero, bill saunders, int. Kristy vena, mike Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25/Ps serrano, mike rodriguez 138:1-2ab, 2cde-3, 7c-8 [3a]/Mt 7:7- 12 NEXT WEEKEND: 2ND SUNDAY IN LENT Friday: Ez 18:21-28/Ps 130:1-2, 3-4, 5 UPCOMING SCHEDULE: SAT. , 5:00 PM—D, -7a, 7bc-8 [3]/Mt 5:20-26 SUN. 8:00 AM—S, 10:00 AM—Z, 12:30 PM—D, 5:00 PM—D Saturday: Dt 26:16-19/Ps 119:1-2, 4- 5, 7-8 [1b]/Mt 5:43-48 PRESIDER KEY * D=Rich Danyluk S=Chris santangelo WM =Bill Moore CP =Comboni Priest Z=Paul Zaccone R=John Roche STEWARDSHIP AND GIVING March 10, 2019 5 LEAVING A LEGACY TOGETHER IN MISSION A young man was surprised to find his sick and elderly grandfather If you have already submitted
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