Tel. : +91-11-28742357 GENESIS DEVELOPERS AND HOLDINGS MobL. I: +M91I-9T89E10D95 232 Regd. Off. : R-815, (B-11), New Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi - 110060 E-mail : [email protected], CIN : LG7190DL1995PLC069768 Web-site > www.genesisdevelopersholdings.com Date: -12-08-2021 To, The Head-Listing & Compliances Metropolitan Stock Exchange of India Limited Vibgyor Towers, 4th floor, Plot No C 62, G - Block, Opp. Trident Hotel, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 098 Sub: Filin : oe fo : ing Obligations ure R ‘ements) Regulations, 2015 (SYMBOL: GDHL}) Dear Sir, In terms of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, please find attached herewith copies of Hindi Daily Open Search (Hindi News Paper) and English Daily Open Search (English News Paper) dated 12-08-2021 in which Unaudited Financial Results of the company has been published for the quarter ended 30.06.2021, as approved by the Board of Directors of the company in their me eting held on 11.08.2021. You are requested to take on your records and acknowledge the same, For and on behalf on GENESIS DEVELOPERS AND HOLDINGS LIMITED Deepak Tyagi (Managing Director) DIN: 02760361 Encl: a/a Belee fe. 12-08-2021 — feecit ee. a. f€.30-17/33 {t.5 -17/37 ainda oeaidl aUdict aUdici 11.1° “fede a ial E-mail | [email protected] Fi Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/opensearch.co.in Be Website | www.opensearch.co.in I MRC me ag : 06 3m : 132 ae facet, Weare 12 sAA-2021 Sao ROC eeA CCCMC HC FST02 :SA Ts: 0 8 10 citoll AMaaa F f im 22%, wl ald, 13 col dale ov os ota 4 HA, ad € Vase GH Ga WA GE Aleci TOR Si Ae FR el S1 ASH Uelsl Ae Hers cht ade A Waa A Ulva aid a ant Feet FRA & RT VASA feraa yea & fret fa 4 RT VB GA Hf SH ITS BI TATE SH Ter aifera ener ot at TAS Ser Hl Htc TL USA ch faa ae ff 34 Ua Ae FrpF waela rUSeF tast WK Ta4 2 4 IB WAR ef | Heist 460 FT Tea Slehe B act SMAl AMS 7h Het Tal Se art stat & ser Aa TI Wels RA A BT ae F 10 SP ae ed oF FAS He AH Ta a SNUB CT Set TAC ST TSE FerNae Alre 4 Fat aie ERT Sa BaF Hd B & St BAG 13 fr Bea & ae Herat gat é1 facacee Ft ear ed Tea Ht Het 17 Saat FAA 21 amt a oq fern wars) aac 8H Ae & oR 4 He SH Aa CHD SIA SIA RCT SHA LeRCH ot SRA SR A ote ae fees we 14 fHe ah Hw a a GEAR ct 17a cice AAT ch OS AST cb Tl AaaTARA he TA TA ait SIFcARt tt &1 thes Ft A Zl erat sera aa A Wea A ate freA TAT AST TAS Saleh Ue HK SAT sod ako fe fran Fw WANT UF CET teh SH A A aor CT Fae ShFa aaa Aes Se wal fH Sa F TS SN a We eRe ate aT SA hl SIRfSea 21 Bee a waz) fread Tea art RU dah mh faw Fad 96 Fe CBA CIA IGG GB STYPU OAT TET | TE Zl Talal G Sh HAS Ht AE Hat afate a7 H et ae fat was, Ha me 74 we 46 fare TH RA MRIL BR SH AI 4 Gor Bt F Ganka a at wer ae it oa aE aed & ae sad&a Si t ade, derien at a er Fa at aa at Sa Zl TAT SH VIZ Fa F 24 at Wa % a aA zl wr BT 17 Goe4 oA r2 1 UC 14 Pore Te Hod Ht fa ae ded a sah SRO so aA Hae CBI At Cbrel Wana (EBC Te | FAR 1 Aes F 60 B salen aT aaa Hel F Ye TE a Trt ahh ton orien apr FMATA 22S Bast a TT 9 I TATHL I Te Fat 7 PeaSlRT fa cen eT ti GerAt a e St fact A hel fe Va AR fal WIR aa aI BS XTa TH ZI at ora fee caste ye Fat sata Fa& ORe AW w ee 3 ane FRR oe a aE oft feu TU Ga & ea, Galera afer ae ® wa wm We A GA AM AM Se A 19 Yes Al ee Al WIT Ue Fret F 66 aalend Veal ara Afra Skt 1243 Ta aT Weer Sa deme o Ba Wes HE HT STATA fea et aa & che we i ap Tisfax faax T E! 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