'I tl ~ ... i';~ \~ ~:rODAY:\ C 'OPs '"s-rA:R"'f NEW~Nt'I '·CRIME INITI:ATIV'E'. NANSO SPEL:L . • ". , c, _ ....... _....... .-. ... ,., _ ' . , - ,j. • "~ 'i ."1. ."'.~ ... Bringing Africa South Vol.3 No.489 N$1.S0 (GST Inc.) Tuesday:September061994 Hopes high fO.r key SADe, EU summit BERLIN: Co-operation between I , S.6.!i J. a. ,.6 .t, I southern Africa and western Europe is set to receive a major boost with an unprecedented joint session of the regions' foreign ministers which opened here yesterday. ABSALOM SHIGWEDHA Foreign Minister ------------------------, AT MARIEIlTAL Theo-Ben Gurirab is rep­ THE CONTRO­ resenting Namibia and VERSIAL land issue is accompanied by Trade and industry Minister ~! NA~:t7L~~~~~CT shot back into promi­ -I nence yesterday with Hidipo Hamutenya. the opening of a This first meeting at 1 " 1 'People's Land Con­ such a high level be­ ference ' at Mariental tween the 12 states of on the eve of the Land the European Union (EU) and the ll-mem­ ! '. ,.":~.~: .if· .·~~i";i';· i RefOJ;m B ill being ta­ bled in the National ber Southern Africa De­ Assembly today. velopment Community 1 More than 500 del­ (SADC) , of which Na­ egates from all cor­ mibia is a member, is the ners of Namibia ar­ initiative of Germany, rived in the southern the current EU president. town for the confer­ Germany also invited ence which is set to the four European states expected to join the EU run until Thursday. All our passengers are informed that the departure Opening the con­ in 1995 to attend the ference, deputy meeting. point of our buses will change from Katutura German Foreign Min­ speaker of the Na­ WAR REFUGEE ... Johannesburg, South Africa Single Quarters as from the 9th September 1994, ister Klaus Kinkel hopes tional Assembly, -Caracal, a small carnivorous cat found in the Berlin conference to Soweto Bus Terminal oppo,site BP Garage Zephania Kameeta, southern Africa, pictured in the Johannesburg will lay the framework (Katutura) Independence Avenue. said he hoped discus­ Zoo yesterday. The caracal was taken to South not only for co-opera­ sions on the land is­ Africa from Angola six months ago because of tion in economic devel- sue would continue heavy fighting around its former home at Luanda after the bill is tabled Zoo. Photo: Juda Ngwenya, Reuters via N cont. on page 2 today. Kameeta said it n was vital that Employers to push for d Namibians from dif­ e fe rent parts of the p country come to­ e gether to fi nd solu­ changes to Labour Act Abraham ~ Mashego S t r eet , tions to land prob­ e lems. Kalista van THE Namibian Employers' comings had come to light si ~ce the '.i Days of Departure: ~ BP Garage Rooyen, Mayor of Federation (NEF) is to propose Act was promulgated approxImately 11 Tuesdays & e Mariental, told del­ that the Namibian Labour Act t:-v0 years ago. 11 ' Wednesdays Avenue egates she believed b eamend e d . Louw stressed..' the Importance of 1 1 it was important to employers takmg thI s- opportumty to 1 discuss the issue NEFGeneralManagerJohanLouw propose changes to the legislation posi- 11 We ~ ~ ~ ~ t:aU4ea.. " thoroughly "to en­ said employers will meet today to tively as trade unions would undoubt- 1 I sure that no misun­ agree on a submission to Government edly be undertaking the same exercise. 11 -r. I 229871 I\AI. dh k) derstandings de- proposing a number of amendmel)ts "A united employers' approach 1 le : ,,,,,In oe to the Act. 1 L _______________ -:- ____-_-~_-.J.J cont. on pa2e 2 The union said a number of short- cont. on page 2 L - - - - - - -- ----------- 1THE. ' 'NAMIBIAN, \ ... ~ ~:'~!~IilE¥-~Bl,IC Of ~ 'l'."!./;. NAJJiIBIA ": Population blueprint close to birth ~' ., MINISTRY OFFINAN6E CAIRO: The more than 150 nations report·s· original lan· participating in the population TENDER BOARD UN guage was "not artfully TENDERS ARE INVITED FOR: conference are "very close" to agreeing on a done". 20-year blueprint for slowing the world's For example, he said, 1. TENDER NO; A21/94 popUlation boom, according to a top US some people feared 'the PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT THE State Department official. use of the phrase "repro­ CLOSING DATE OF TENDER HAS ductive rights" was cre- BEEN EXTENDED UNTIL In three preparatory tion and Development, . ating a new right as de­ meetings ahead of yes- said he shared Wirth's 13 SEPTEMBER 1994. fined by the United Na­ terday's conference optimism over the com- . tions. opening, delegates promise language. "I don't think that was (THE CATERING SERVICE FOR NlED HOSTEL AT agreed to more than 90 ' The head of the con­ anyone.'s intention," he OKAHANDJAFOR THE PERIOD 10 OCTOBER percent of thetext of the ference, Dr Nafis-8adik, added. "The intention 1994 TO 31 SEPTEM~ER 1995.) Programme of Action also expressed assurance was that reproductive setting population goals that the controversy health care be deliv- DEPOSIT: To obtain documents a deposit of N$5.00 is payable: Cheques are to be made for the world's nations. would be overcome. "In ered." p'ayable to the Ministry of Finance. Tender The remaining disa- my mind I have no doubt He also noted that aeposits are not refundable. greements have caused there will be agreement some language referring DOCUMENTS ARE AVAILABLE AT T~E OFFICE a furor. But Timothy 0!1 these outstanding is- to families was altered OF Wirth, US under-secre- sues," she told a news in the compromise to The Namibian Tender Board tary of state for global conference. deal with complaints that Fiscus Building (ground floor) affairs, said the Euro- The original confer- the wording referred to 10 John Meinert Street pean Union has come up ence draft report caused homosexual marriages. Windhoek with compromise lan- four Muslim-majority "Allegations have guage that should ease nations to pull out of the been made by some that TENDERS MUST BE FORWARDED TO The Secretary: Tender Board opposition. meeting, and the Vati- AT THE HELM ••• Dr Natis Sadik Director of this has been an attempt P.O. Box 3328 "I think we're very can has been conducting the UN Population Fund. ' by the United States and WINDHOEK close to having language a campaign to get all ref- . other countries 'to pro- Tel: 980 3369/3370 arrived at that will move erences to abortion re- has yet to be approved. more than 90 million Cl' mote homosexual unions Fax No.: (061) 36454 us from the 92 per cent moved. And in whatever form it year. or whatever," he said. OR DEPOSITED IN: threshold to close to a The Vatican has at- is accepted by delegates Wirth said the United "That couldn't be fur- The Tender Box: 100 per cent threshold," tacked the draft for its to the UN International States considers the Eu- ther from truth." Ground Floor: West Wing 10 John Meinert Street Wirth told a briefing. sections on abortion and Conference on Popula- ropean Union compro- Dr Sadik also ad- Windhoek Wirth praised Ger- birth control. Muslim tion and Development, mise language for the dressed the controversy many for chairing Euro- fundamentalists have it will not be binding on report "promising" and over abortion. SECRETARY: TENDER BOARD. 251707 pean Union talks on the charged that the confer- any of the world's na- urged other nations to She said there was no compromise, which ence will encourage pro- tions. consieJer adopting it. dispute' over the need to dealswithdisagreements miscuity and the break- Some 15 000 people Neither Wirth nor reduce the incidence of on four key unresolved down of the family. are attending the nine- Bohnet revealed all that abortion and added that areas - reproductive Some Muslims have day conference. It is to was in the compromise. the most effective means health and family serv- even complained the set guidelines for over- But Wirth said it would was by providing family ices, reproductive rights, meeting is intended to coming the population put abortion in the frame- planning services to all family issues and abor- encourage homosexual- explosion and encourag- work of national laws, women and men who tion. it;'. ing development in the allowing each country to need them. The confer- Dr Michael Bohnet, While the Vatican and Third World. treat the problem in its ence'sjob,shesaid,will deputy director-general Muslim 'clerics have The world's current own way. be deciding exactly how of Germany's Ministry criticized the report as if population of5,7 billion He said problems to provide that service.- I------NAMIBIA forEconomicCo-opera- it were in final form, it people is growing by arose because the draft Sapa-AP Mercedes crash a ~;:~ R~~~ .=~: [.j;it~ii'ii'i;im:sh;t~i- I----SOUTH AFRICA--~. W.. k~ R75 ' R140 FROM PAGE 1 TALKS .were held between the police and some I'diplomatic matter' Dal~ R300 R650 commumty members at OmillUru yesterday. Nampol velop between different was represented by Inspector lunius Shoopala, a . I-~_BOTSWANA, LESOTHO, interest groups who all source said. ' THE Namibian Police yesterday could not give MALAWI, ZIMBABWE have their expectations". The talks were called after police last week re- further details on a Mercedes Benz, belonging to the ~~k~ == R~~ Working groups at the fused to grant a group of residents permission to Zimbabwean High Commission, which collided ay . conference will look at hold a demonstration. According to town clerk. with a van belonging to Swanib Security services in 1-___ ZAMBIA ZAIRE issues such as land ad- 10hannes Xoagub the group wants to demand that the early hours of Sunday morning.
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