Ptt. S^.IX62 — m — V dnm e I WSKS Thursday No 1 - i | 15 May, 1952 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES HOUSE OF THE PEOPLE OFFICIAL REPORT (Part II—Proceedings other than Questions and Answers) CONTENTS Members Sworn [CoIb. 2— 18]. , parliament secbetabiat NEW DELHI Price Six Annas (Inland) Price Two Shillings (Foreign) Gazettes & D®fe2tos S:;c(:'cn PartiamarK Ufcjwy Bui':, ng Room No. FB^025 Block *G' THE Acc. ____ _ PARLIAMENTARY DEBATfilted........ (Part II- -Procecdings other than Questions and Answers) OFFICIAL REPORT 19 20 HOUSE OF THE PEOPLE Shri Vishwambhar Dayal Tripathi [Unnao District cum Rae Bareli Thursday, 15th May, 1952 District (West) cum Hardoi District (South East)] Shri Ramananda Das [Barrackpore] The House met at a Quarter to Eleven of the Clock ^ Shri Anandchand [Bilaspur] [Shri G. V. M a v a la n k a r in the Chair] Shri Girraj Saran Singh [Bharatpur- Sawai Madhopur] QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS (No Questions: Part I not published) Shri Raj Chandra Sen [iCotah Bundl] Shri S. Nijalingappa [Chitaldrug] MEMBERS SWORN Kumari Annie Mascarene [Trivan­ drum] Shri Kailash Pati Sinha [Patna Central] Shri N. Sreekantan Nair [Quilon cum Mavelikara] Shri U. R. Bogawat [Ahmednagar South] Prof. C. P. Mathew [Kottayam] Shri Kherwar Jethan [Palamau cum Shri Saidullah Khan Razmi [Sehore] Hazaribagh cum Ranchi—Reserved— Shri Radha Raman [Delhi City] Sch. Tribes] Shri Gulabshankar Ainritlal Dholakia Shri Harindranath Chattopadhyaya [Kutch East] [Vijayavada] Sardar Baldev Singh [Nawan Shahr] Shri Muchaki Kosa [Bastar— Reserved—Sch. Tribes] Shri Rishang Keishing [Outer Mani­ pur—Reserved—Sch. Tribes] Dr. A. Krishnaswami [Kanchee- puram] Shri Mahavir Tyagi [Dehra Duh District cum Bijnor District (North Shri Lakshmidhar Jena [Jaipur- West) cum Saharanpur District (West)J Keonjhar—Reserved—Sch. Castes] Prof. Ram Saran [Moradabad [S h r i G. V. M a va la n k a r vacated the District (West)] Chair] Shri Kanhaiya Lai Balmiki [Buland- APPOINTMENT OF SHRI B. DAS TO shahr District—Reserved—Sch. Castes] PERFORM DUTIES OF SPEAKER Secretary: I will now read the Chowdhary Badan Singh [Budaun Order of the President: District (West)] “ Whereas the offices of Speaker and Shri Piare Lall Kureel ‘Talib’ [Banda Deputy-Speaker of the Houte of the District cum Fatehpur District- People are vacant; Reserved—Sch. Castes] In exercise of the powers conferred Shri M. Hifzur Rahman [Moradabad upon me by clause (1) of article 95 District (Central)] of the Constitution, I, Rajendra Prasad, President of India. h^ereby appoint Shri Krishna Chandra [Mathura Shri B. Das. a Member of the House District (W est)] of the People, to perform the duties 24 PSD. 21 Election of Speaker 15 MAT 1952 Election of Speaker 21 [Secretary] of the Speaker at the sitting of the Mr. Chairman: Motion moved: House of the People on the 15th May “ That Shri G. V. Mavalankar be 1952 till the election of the Speaker chosen as the Speaker of this by the said House on that day.” House.” Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava. (Gurgaon): I beg to move: [S h r i B. D as in the Chair] “ That Shri G. V. Mavalankar be ELECTION OF SPEAKER chosen as the Speaker of this House.” The Prime Minister (Shri Jawahar- The Deputy Minister of Works, lal Nehru): I beg to move: Housing and Supply (Shri Buragohain):. I beg to second the motion. “ That Shri G. V. Mavalankar be chosen as the Speaker of this Mr. Chairman: Motion moved: House. ’ “ That Shri G. V. Mavalankar be chosen as the Speaker of this Parliamentary ^Ufairs (Shri Satya Narayan Sinha): House.” I beg to second the motion. Dr. Lanka Sundaram: Sir, on a point Mr. Chairman: Motion moved: oi information. Is it not a fact that our Constitution and Rules of Proce­ “ That Shri G. V. Mavalankar be dure of this House are closely based chosen as the Speaker of this on the conventions and principles of House.” the Mother of Parliaments, the most hoary and exemplary of which is the ? ' ’• Sundaram (Visakha- ^ point of information, principle of unanimity of election of Mr. Chairman............... the presiding officers? Is it not also a fact, Sir, that the Chairman of the Mr. Chaiimaii: The hon. Member Ways and Means Committee of the may raise the point after the motions British House of Commons is usually are moved, drawn from the Opposition, that he performs the duties of the Deputy- Shri A. K. Gopalan (Cannanore): I Speaker and in certain contingencies beg to move: he assumes the functions of the Speaker? I believe. Sir. I will be voic­ “That Shri Shankar Shantaram ing the sentiments of everyone here More be chosen as the Speaker of this House. when I say that we of the First Parlia­ ment of the Republic of India (Hon. r ^ Chaudhuri (Berhampore): Members: No, no.) should do every­ r beg to second the motion. thing in our power to establish healtny Mr. Chairman: Motion moved: and enduring principles of orocedure May I. therefore, suggest to the Leaaei “That Shri Shankar Shantaram of the House, through you, and also to chosen as the Speaker the spokesmen of parties and groups of this House. of this House that there should be a Shri N. S. Nair (Quilon cum Maveli- brief adjournment of the House, so kkara): I beg to move: that they could consult together and “ That Shri Shankar Shantaram arrive at an agreed form. (Hon. Mem­ More be chosen as the Speaker bers: No. no.) This would mean that of this House. the motions from this side would be withdrawn, that if the name suggested Shmati Renu Chakravartty by the Opposition Benches for the (Basirhat): I beg to second the post of Deputy-Speaker would be motion. pcceotable to the Treasury Benches, there would be complete unanimity in Mr. Chairman: Motion moved: the election of both the Speaker and “ That Shri Shankar Shantaram Deputy-Speaker. More be chosen as the Speaker of this House. The Minister of Information and Broadcasting (Dr. Keskar): The II A.M. reverse is suggested. p r i S. N. Das (Darbhanga Central): Mr. Chairman: I suggest to the hon. I beg to move: Member that this matter ought to be raised when the hon. Speaker is elected “ That Shri G. V. Mavalankar be chosen as the Speaker of this and occupies this Chair. The matter House.” can be taken in the Privileges Com­ mittee of the House or something like Shri Chinaria (Mohindergarh): I that. Surely this is not a matter to be beg to second the motion. discussed at present. Election of Speaker 15 MAY 1952 Election of Speaker The question is; The House divided; Ayes, 394; Noes, “That Shri G. V. Mavalankar 55. be chosen as the Speaker of this House.” Diviiion Ho 1. AYES [ 1106 A IL ^bdaUahabal MuUaJ Chandrasekhar, Shrimatl Ghosh, Shri A. ^ bd us Sattar, Shri : Charak, Shri Ghulam Qadar, Shri JLchal Singh, Seth Chatterjee, Shri N. C.T Glri, Shri V. V. Achint Bam, Lala Chatterjee, Dr. Susilranjan | Qiridhari Bhoi, Shri Achuthan, Shri Chaturvedi, Shri Gohain, Shri Agam Dasjl, Shri Chaudhary, Shri G. L. Qopi Bam, Shri Aggarwal, Acharya Chaudhury, Shri a . K. Gounder, Shri K. P. Agarwal, Shri H. L. Chavda, Shri Oounder, Shri K. S. Chettlar, Shri Nagappa Agarawal, Shri M. L« Govlnd Das, Seth Chettiar, Shri T. S. A. Ajit Singh, Shri Guha, Shri A. C, Chlnaria, Shri ^ -AJit Siughji. General Gupta, Shri Badshah Chaudhri, Shri M. Shaffee Akarpuri, Sardar Hari Mohan, Dr. Alagesan, Shri i Dabhi. Shri Hazarika, Shri J. N. Heda, Shri -Altekar, Shri Damar, Shri Hem BaJ, Shri Alva, Shri Joachim Damodaran, Shri G. E. Hembrom, Shri Amin, Dr. Das, Dr. M. M. Hukam Singh, Shri Amrit Kaur, Bajkumari Das, Shri B. K. Anandchand, Shri Hyder Husein, Ch. Das, ShrlBeU Bam Ansari, Dr. Ibrahim, Shri Das. S h rlK .K . Anthony, Shri Frank Islamuddin, Shri N. Das, Shri Bam Dhanl, Aathana, Shri lyj'anj, Shri E. Das, Shri Bamananda Ayyangar, Shri M. A. lyyunnl, Shri C. B. Das, Shri S. N. Azad, Maulana Das, Shri N. T. Jagjivan Bam, Shri Badan Singh, Ch. Jain, Shri A. P. Datar, Shri Bahadur Singh, Shri Jain, Shri N. S. Deb, Shri S. C. Balasubramaniam, Shri Jaipal Singh, Shri Deo, Shri B. N .S. Baldev Singh, Sardar Jajware, Shri Deogam, Shri ‘ Balakrtshnan, Shri Desal, Shri K. N. Jangde, Shri Balmiki. Shri Deahmukh, Shri C. D. Jasani, Shri Banerjee, Shri Deehmukh, Shri K. G. Jatav-\ir, Shri Bacsal, Shri Deshmukh, Dr. P. S. Jayaahri, Shrimatl Barman, Shri Deshpande, Shri G. H.. Jena, Shri Lakahmldhar Barrow, Shri Deshpande. Shri V. G. Jena, Shri Nlranjan Barupal, Shri Dholakia, Shri Jethan, Shri Baaappa, Shri Dhulekar, Shri Jha, Shri Bhagwat Basu, Shri A. K. Dhusiya, Shri Bhagat, Shri B. B. Jhunjhunwala, Shri Bhakta Darshan, Shri Digambar Singh, Shri Jogendra Singh, Sardar Doraswamy, Shri Bhandari, Shri Joshl, Shri JethaUl Dube, Shri Mulchand Bharati, Shri G. S. Joshi, Shri ZrishnacharyB :Bharatiya, Shri S. B. Dube, Shri U. S. Joshi, Shri T.naHhnr Bhargava, Pandit M. B. Dubey, Shri B. G. Joshi, Shri M. D. Bhargava, Pandit Thakur Das Dutt, Shri A. K. Joshi, Shri N. L. Dutta, Shri S. K. Bhatkar, Shri Joshi, Shrimatl Subhadn Dwivedi, Shri D. P. Bhawani Singh, Shri Jawala Prasad, Shri Dwivedi, Shri M. L. Bheekha Bhai, Shri Kajrolkar, Shri Uhonslc, Major-General Ebenezer, Dr. Kakkan, Shri Bidari, Shri Elayapenimal, Shri Kale, ShrimaU A, Blrbal Singh, Shri Fotedar, Pandit KamaraJ, Shri Bogawat, Shri Gadgll, Shri Kamble, Shri • Borooah, Shri Gandhi, Shri Peroze Karmarkar, Shri Bose, Shri P. C. ' Gandhi, Shri M. M. Kami Singhjl, Shri Brajeahwar Prasad, Shri Gandhi, Shri V. B. Kasiiwal, Shri Brohmo-Choudhury, Shri Ganga Devi, Shrimati Katham, Shri Buragohain, Shri Ganpatl Bam, Shri Katju, Dr. Chacko, Shri Garg, Shri B.
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