.I n g / = f I 0 | e , 2 8 9 T R A D E W I T H C U B A govern men 1___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Storage H E A R IN G S BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON INT ERSTA TE AND FOR EIGN COMMERCE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIV ES EIGH TY -SE VE NT H CONGRESS F IR S T SESS IO N ON H.R. 8465 A B IL L TO PR O H IB IT T II E SH IP M EN T IN IN TERSTA TE OR FO REIG N CO MM ER CE OF A RTIC LES IM PORTED IN TO TH E U NIT ED ST ATES FR OM CUBA, AN D FOR OTHER PURPO SE S (A ND ID ENTIC AL B IL LS) KSU LIBRARIES H.R. 8866 A B IL L TO P R O H IB IT T H E SH IP M EN T IN IN TERSTATE OR FOREIG N CO MME RC E O F A RTIC LES IM PO RTED INTO TH E U NIT ED ST ATES FR OM CUBA, TO PR OVID E PENA LTIE S FO R SU CH SH IP M ENT, AN D FOR OTHER PU RPO SE S AU GU ST 29 AN D SEPTEM BER 1, 1961 P ri n te d fo r th e use of th e Com mitt ee on In te rs ta te an d For ei gn Co mm erc e TJ.S. GOVERNMENT PR INTING OFFIC E 75553 WASHINGT ON : 1961 COMMITTEE ON IN TE RS TA TE AND FORE IGN COMMERCE OR EN HA RR IS, Arkansas, Chairman JO HN BE LL WI LLIAM S, Mississippi JO HN B. BE NNETT , Michigan PETER F. MA CK, J r., Illinois WI LLIAM L. SP RI NGER , Illinois KENNET H A. RO BE RT S, Alabama PA UL F. SC HE NC K, Ohio MO RGAN M. MOU LD ER , Missouri J. AR TH UR YO UN GE R, California HA RLE Y O. STAGQERS, West Virginia HA RO LD R. CO LL IER, Illinois WAL TE R ROGERS, Texas MIL TO N W. GL EN N, New Jersey SA MU EL N. FR IE DEL , Ma ryla nd SAMU EL L. DEV IN E, Ohio JOHN J. FL YN T, J r., Georgia AN CHER NE LS EN , Minn esota TORBERT H. MA CD ON AL D, Massachusetts HA STINGS KEIT H, Massachusetts GE OR GE M. RH OD ES, Pennsylvania WILLA RD S. CU RT IN , Pen nsylvania JO HN JA RM AN , Oklahoma AB NE R W. SIB AL, Connecticut LEO W. O’BR IE N, New York VE RN ON W. TH OM SO N, Wisconsin JO HN E. MOSS, California PETER H. DO MIN IC K, Colorado JO HN D. DI NG EL L, Michigan JO E M. KI LG OR E, Texas PA UL O. RO GE RS, Florida RO BER T W. HEM PH IL L, South Carolina DA N RO ST EN KO WSK I, Illinois JA MES C. HE AL EY , New York W. E. W illiamson, Clerk K enneth J. P ainter, Assis tan t Clerk Professional Staff Andrew S tevenson Sam G. S pal Kurt B orchardt M artin W. C unningham II A lia o b 1T0723 C O N T E N T S Text of — Page H.R. 8465 _________________________________ ________________ _ 1 H.R. 8866 _________________________________________________ _ 2 Report on H.R. 8465 from — Bureau of the Budget _________________________________________ 4 Central Intelligence Agency ___________________________________ 3 Commerce De partm ent _______________________________________ 3 Defense De partm ent _________________________________________ 4 Justice De partm ent __________________________________________ 5 Sta te Departm ent ________________ ___________________________ 2 Treasury De partm ent ________________________________________ 4 Sta tem ent of — Behrman, Jack N., Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, De partment of Comm erce ____________________________ 55 Brown, Norm an S., attorn ey, Cigar Manufacturers Association of Tamp a ___________________________________________________ 65 Burnstan, Rowland, Assistant Secretary for Inte rnational Affairs, Department of Com merce ___________________________________ 55 Casey, Hon. Bob, a Representative in Congress from the Sta te of Texas ____________________________________________________ 14 Edmondson, Hon. Ed, a Representative in Congress from the State of O klahoma ______________________________________________ 52 Fascell, Hon. Dante B., a Representative in Congress from the State of Florida _________________________________________________ 15 Halpern, Hon. Seymour, a Representative in Congress from the State of New York ______________________________________________ 51 Hemphill, Hon. Robert W., a Representative in Congress from the State of South Carolina _____________________________________ 14 Mears, John S., legislative represen tative, national legislative com­ mission, American Legion ___________________________________ 63 Rogers, Hon. Paul G., a Representative in Congress from the State of Florida ___________________________________________________ 6 Smathers, Hon. George A., a U.S. Senator from the State of F lorid a.. 41 Woodward, Rob ert Forbes, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Inter- American Affairs, Department of State ________________________ 25 Additional inform ation submitted for the record by — American Legion, resolution of national executive com mittee _______ 64 Cigar Manufacturers Association of Tampa, letter from Norm an S. Brown, attorney ___________________________________________ 76 Commerce Departme nt, letter from Jack N. Behrman, Acting Assist­ ant Secretary for Inte rnational Affairs ________________________ 57 Fascell, Hon. Dante B.: House Memorial No. 1693, Legislature of Florida _____________ 19 Resolution of — Key West Junior Chamber of Comm erce ________________ 20 Miami-Dade County Cham ber of Comm erce _____________ 20 Fritze, Louis, letter from ______________________________________ 77 National Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc., letter from Agnes S. Merritt, national legislation ch airm an.. 78 Rogers, Hon. Paul G.: June 1961 traffic thro ugh port of Palm Beach ________________ 10 U.S. exports to Cuba: October thro ugh December 1960 _______________________ 9 Jan uary thro ugh March 1961 __________________________ 9 July 1 to August 19, 1961 _____________________________ 11 U.S. imports from Cuba: October through December 1960 __________________ ____ 7 Jan uary thro ugh March 1961 __________________________ 8 July 1 to August 19, 1961 _____________________________ 11 Smathers, Hon. George A.: Letter from a correspondent in Europe ______________________ 50 Letter from, to Hon. Christian A. Herte r, Jan . 7, 1961 ________ 42 h i TRADE WITH CUBA TU ESD AY , AUGUST 29 , 19 61 H ouse of R epresentatives, Committee on I nterstate and F oreign Commerce, Washington, D.C. The committee met at 10 a.m., in room 1334, House Office Building, Hon. Oren H arris (chairman) presiding. The Chairman. The committee will come to order. The Committee on Inte rsta te and Foreign Commerce is meeting this morning for hearings on H.R. 8465 and related bills to prohibit the shipment in interstate or foreign commerce of articles imported into the United States from Cuba, or intended for export to Cuba. This bill was introduced by our colleague on the committee, Mr. Rogers of Florida. With out objection, the text of H.R. 8465 will be included in the record at this point. (H.R. 8465 follows:) [H.R. 8465, 87th Cong., 1st sess.] A BILL To proh ibit the shipment in interst ate or foreign commerce of articles imported into the United Sta tes from Cuba, and for other purposes Be it enacted by the Senate and, House of Rep resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Th at (a) no person shall intJwduce or deliver for introdu ctio n into interst ate or foreign commerce any article imported into the United States from Cuba on or af ter the date of enactment of this Ac t (b) From and after the date of enactm ent of this Act, no person shall intro­ duce or deliver for intro duction into interstate or foreign commerce any article intended for ex port to Cuba. (c) The provisions of this section shall not apply with respect to artic les imported from Cuba, or intended for exp ort to Cuba, by or on behalf of the United States in connection with the operation of any military or naval base of the United Sta tes situ ated in Cuba. Sec. 2. As used in this Act, the term “in terstate or foreign commerce” means commerce between a point in any Sta te or possession of the United States (in­ cluding the District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of Pue rto Rico) and any point outside thereof, or between points in the same Sta te or possession of the United States (including the District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of P uerto Rico) thro ugh any point outside thereof. The Chairman. Related bills, upon which we are also holding hear­ ings, are as follows: H.R. 8503 by Mr. Casey; H.R. 8546 by Mr. Fascell; H.R. 8644 by Mr. Slack; H.R. 8645 by Mr. Teague of Cali­ forn ia; H.R. 8689 by Mr. Hal pern; H.R. 8T9i by Mr. Glenn; H.R. 8794 by Mr. H emphill; H.R. 8801 by Mr. Staggers; H.R. 8827 by Mr. Roberts; II.R. 8828 by Mr. Williams; II.R. 8848 by Mr. Devine; H.R. 8896 by Mr. Flynt; H.R. 8903 by Mr. Hu ll; and H.R. 8917 by Mrs. Norrell. 1 2 TRADE W IT H CUBA H.R. 8866 by Mr. Edmondson and H.R. 8986 by Mr. Dominick are similar bills, but provide penalties. H.R. 8866 will be included in the record at this point. (H.R. 8866 follows:) [H .R. 8866, 87 tli Cong., 1st sess.) A B IL L To pro hib it th e sh ip m en t in in te rs ta te or fo re ig n commerce of art ic le s im po rted in to th e U ni te d S ta te s from Cuba, to prov ide pe na ltie s fo r su ch sh ip m en t, an d fo r oth er pu rp os es Be it en ac ted by the Sen at e an d Hou se of R ep re se nta tive s of th e United Sta te s of Amer ica in Co ngr ess assemb led , T h at (a ) no pe rson sh al l in trodu ce or de live r fo r in troduct io n in to in te rs ta te or fo re ig n co mm erc e an y art ic le im po rted into th e United Sta te s fro m Cu ba on or a fte r th e date of en ac tm en t of th is Act.
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