UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 68 Date 08/06/2006 Time 11:11:53 AM S-0864-0008-09-00001 Expanded Number S-0864-0008-09-00001 |tems-in-Public relations files - United Nations Day - 24 October 1963 Date Created 10/07/1963 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0864-0008: Public Relations Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit AJ EF/ROB 16th U United Nat i fee ion, N©w York, On behalf of the Directors aii London Syrapfeossy Oroheeira I should like to ih&Suk yo<a ai.->st siaeersly for yemr invitatioa to tiie Orchestra to gs.^^ ta Halted Nations D&y Concert on October 34S t9f»4» Ttrs in tiora is a great Isonotar for the Orchestra ae-d indeed f's-? u ffiusiciaaSj aad we naturally be.ire the utmost pleaauif is- ^ it. Ycrar® sincerely, THE LONDCN SYMPHONY OKXSESTM LTD, Eroest Secretasry, WS^fpTiJTi*" ^ • r- ft. "nrtuwwiipnjagj:;- - ..Jii**'"- , "% • •-** ^» •*• YORK 84, sw.ir. LUL? u A; j,,;i ' < . ;... - '•'•;?$ --K-' ,-* 1. •*'-^!.*,1 v^'^&S CS/Jc 3,9 BOTwnber 1963 Dear Mr. f On behalf of the Seejretarj -CeiiOJ.'al> I would like feo acknowledge rse&Ipt of your letter of 25 October 1963 conveying th© good wishes of the people of Nova Lima oa the osession of United Katicns Day. The Sesr^tarj-G-^neral is laoefe gratified "ta-y this gsattsre and wishes to eoBvey his appreatiation to you and to the people of Kovs Deputy Chef de Cabinet Mr. Ertta&i CEi&jxio Pessoa President Kiaiisipal Oou&sll , State of H oos Mr. (with original letter) Unofficial translation from French ' -JU INCOMING CLEAR CABLE p,-. /' ./ TO: BUNCHE FROM: DORSHWILLE NUMBER: D-662 DATE: 26 OCTOBER 1963 Mr. Bolamba, Minister of Information and Tourism, made following statement on U.K. day which was broadcast over Radio Nationals Confolaise: "The Congo has a duty fcs solemnly to observe the Day of the United Nations which, as everyone knows,hag played such an important role in our country. "The success which has crowned its efforts, both in the Congo and everywhere else in the world, clearly shows that in spite of all the obstacles xiihich may stand in the way of our organization, it is progressing steadily towards its essential goali a world freed from the horrors of war, in which freedom, equality among men and prosperity prevail* "There is still a long road ahead, but it is clearly mapped out, and the results are encouraging. "To be certain of this, it will suffice to recall how a world conflict was recently averted through the intervention of the United Nations and the efforts of its Secretary-General. "The number of nations that have attained independence since the founding of the United Nations if a further proof of its effectiveness and explains the hopes which the nations still struggling foe their freedom place in it. "The contribution that the international Organization and its Specialized Agencies are making to progress in all parts of the world also testifies to the extent and diversity of its work. "On the occasion of United Nations Day the Congp is happy once again to reaffirm its loyalty to the Organization and to the principles enshrined in its Charter. "We also reaffirm our determination to do all in our power to help it to accomplish its task in the best possible way. "I am happy to see that our people, who are continually showing evidence of -2- t^elr maturity, are conscious of th« importance of that task. The spontaneous demonstrations that have beer, organised ar© proof of this and testify to their feelings towards the international Organisation." CY42S> F LEOPOLBVJLU: 3§7/335 26 0724Z ETAT UNATIONS NEWV08K * B-6^ BUMGHE FROK H. SOLAMBA, MJNISTSE DE L* INFORMATION ET BU TOURISME, HADE FOLLOWING STATEMENT ON U.N, BAY TOCH WAS BROADCAST OVER RADIO NATIONAL! CON GO LAIS 8 QUOTE LE CONGO SE DOIT DE CELEBRER AVEC ECLAT LA J0URNEE DES NATIONS-UNIES DONT ON C0NNAIT LE * P2 = ROLE PRECIEUX DANS NQTBE PAYS. PARA LES RESULTATS AUXQUELS ONT ABOUTI SES EFFORTS, AUSSI BIEN AU CONGO QUE PARTOUT AILLEURS DANS LE MONDE s DE HO NT RE NT CLAIREMEWT QUE MALGRE TOUS LES OBSTACLES AUXQUELS ELLE PEUT SE HEURTER NOTRE ORGANISATION \ PROSRESSE SUREMENT VERS SON OBJECTIF ESSENTIEL5 UN MONDE BELIVRE « P3/S4/SO * DES AFFRES DE LA GUERRE OH REENENT LA LIBERTE* L*EGALITE ENTRE LES HOMMES ET LA PROSPERITE. PARA LE CHEMIN EST ENCORE LONG ^AIS LA VOIE EST TRACEE ET LES RES0LTATS ENCOURAGEANTS. PARA IL SUFFIT POUR S*EN GONVAlNCRE BE SE HEffiMORER LES CONDITIONS DANS LESdUELLES UN CONFLIT MONDIAL A * m ETRE RECEMHENT EVITE GRACE A L* INTERVENTION DES NATIONS UNIES ET AUX EFFORTS DE SON SECRETAIRE GENERAL* PARA EE BB8HES QUI ONT ACCEDE A L* IN BEPEN DANCE SEPUIS LA CREATION DE L*ONU EST UNE AUTRE PREUVE^DE SON EFFICACITE ET EXPLIQUE LES ESPOIRS QUE FONDENT SUR ELLE LES NATIONS * P5 * OUI LUTTENT ENCORE POUR LEUR LIBERTE. PARA LA PARTICIPATION DE L' ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE ET DE SES AGENCES SPECIALISEES A0X f-ACKES DE PROGRES PARTOUT DANS LE MONDE SOULIGNE PAS AILLEURS L'A^PLEUR ET LA BIVERSITI BE SON OEUVRE. PARA A L1 OCCASION DE LA JOURNEE DES NATIONS UNIES, LE CONGO EST"HEUREUX * BE REAFFIRHER UNE FOIS DE PLUS SON ATTACHMENT A V ORGANISATION ET AUX PRINCIPES BEFINIS DANS SA CHARTS. PARA NOUS REAFFIR- MONS EGALEHENT NOTRE VOLONTE DE m RIEN NEGLIGER POUS QU'ELLE PUISSE ACCOMPLIR SA MISSION DANS LES MEILLEUHES C0^5DITIONS. PARA JE ME EEJOUIS DE VOIR NOTRE PEUPLE, ®I BONNE » PT/41/35 * CHAOUE JOUR tA PREUVE BE SA HAtURITE, CO«SCIENT SE L* IMPOR- TANCE SE CETTE MISSION SEMICU3 l£S MANIFESTATIONS QU'IL A SPCNTANEMENT OR6ANISEES EN FOI^T FOI ET TEMOIGNENT BESSES SENTIMENTS A L'EGARD DE L' ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE. UNQUOTE 2 f^ «• j GOL 5* €62 •+ RERUN OF PAGE PU ETRE RECED9MENT EVITE GRACE A I* INTERVENTION BES NATIONS UfJIES ET AUX EFFORTS DE SON SECRETAIRE GENERAL* PARA LE NOMBRE BES PEUPLES GUI ONT ACCEDE A L' INDEPENDANCE DEPUIS LA CREATION DE L'ONU EST UNE AUTRE PREUVE 0E SOW EFFICACITE ET EXPLIQUE Ss ESPOIRS auE FOKDENT SUR ELLE LES NATIONS » \ *» * UNITED NATIONS Press Services Office of [Public Information United Nations, N.Y. (FOR USE OF INFORMATION MEDIA -- NOT AN OFFICIAL Press Release UND/687/Add.2 28 October 1963 UNITED NATIONS DAY MESSAGES RECEIVED AT UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS The following additional messages on the occasion of United Nations Day have been received at Headquarters. Other messages will be issued in addenda to this release, as received. Ahmed Ben Bella,, President of the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria. "On behalf of the Algerian people and Government, and on my own personal behalf, I wish you all success in the accomplishment of your noble task. I assure you of our wholehearted support in your endeavours to achieve the objectives of the United Nations Charter for promoting the well-being of mankind safeguarding international peace and strengthening fruitful co-operation among nations, with equality and mutual respect," Ahmadou Ahidjo, President of Cameroon ™In connexion with the celebration of the eighteenth anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, I am happy to express, on behalf of the Cameroonian people and on my own personal behalf, the feelings of hope and great confidence which we entertain towards this great institution. We are more than ever convinced that the United Nations efforts to promote peace, conciliation and mutual understanding are destined to bring greater well-being and brotherhood to the peoples of the world. Our best wishes for the continued success of the United Nations endeavours." Halyard Lange, Foreign Minister of Norway "On United Nations Day 19&3 *be world 0rganization can look back at another good working year in its development. As a dynamic instrument of co-operation across national frontiers, the United Nations has again shown its capacity of growing with its tasks and functioning effectively under changing circumstances. "From the Norwegian side, it is hoped that the tendencies for relaxation of tensions between East and West will contribute to increased support of joint efforts .through the Organisation, For the United Nations' further growth, it is of importance that all Member States, large and small, in accordance with their obligations, make available to the Organization the funds it needs in order to be able to fulfill its teysks. (more) - 2 - Press Release UND/687/Add. 2 •' 33 October 1963 "f "It would be a serious set-back for the work to create international peace and prosperity if the United Nations would have to limit its activity for lack of support to carry through.the tasks which the Organization has been given by the Member States. "We in Norway, for our part,will also in future do what we can to further the United Nations continued growth, A special tribute should on this day be paid to the officials of the United Nations organs who are engaged in the everyday toil of international co-operation. Through their efforts at Headquarters and in the field in the five parts of the world they demonstrate, on the quiet, the great practical value of international co-operation and its great possibilities for development." Alfonso Ortega Urbina> Minister for Forr'gn Affairs of Nicaragua "On this happy occasion I have the honour to convey, through Your Excellency, hearty congratulations on behalf of the Nicaraguan people and Government and on my own behalf, to your lofty Organization, wishing it continued success in its important work," Alberto Herrarte, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Guatemala "On the occasion of United Nations Day I have the honour, on behalf of the people and Government of Guatemala,
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