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Index Aborigines Protection Society, 161–2, 175–9, 181–2, 200, 207, 163–4, 167 209, 213, 226 Adams, Alicia Melamed, 136 bombing, 3, 9 Adams, Derek, 124 liberation, 1, 8, 22–3, 79, 93, 113, Adams, Jenni, 110 171–2, 178, 181, 219 Adorno, Theodor W., 125, 204 place in western memory, 93 The Advocate, 49 personnel, 81, 119, 143 Aegis Trust, 221 trial, 94 Afghanistan, 184 see also E715; prisoners of war Ainsworth, Edgar, 129, 135, 139 Australia, 154, 160, 162, 165, 167 Ainsztein, Reuben, 78, 87 see also Tasmania Akhtar, Shabbir, 183 Austria, 2, 93 Alexander, David, 19, 29 Auxiliary Territorial Service, 133 Alexander, Jeffrey C., 228 Avey, Denis, 20–1, 22, 29–30, 53, 57–8, 63, 66 Alexander, Philip S., 156 All Parliamentary War Crimes Group, 174 Bailey (née Baseden), Yvonne, 97 Ball, Ian, 73, 85 see also War Criminals Bankier, David, 206 Allen, Christopher, 85 Banks-Smith, Nancy, 76, 83, 85–7 Allies, 33, 37, 45, 130, 173, 181 Barbican Art Gallery, London, 140 Almond, Darren, 137, 140 Bardgett, Suzanne, 64, 111, 129, 134, Altman, Wilfred, 108 137, 139, 140, 143, 147–8, 155–8, Andrews, Eamonn, 97–104, 106, 113 186, 207 Anglo-Jewry, 6, 94, 195, 207 Barfe, Louis, 96–7, 112 anti-racism, 5, 215 Barnett, Clive, 208 anti-semitism, 4, 18, 35–7, 59, 76, 94, Baron, Lawrence, 65, 206 117, 192, 210, 214 Baruch Stier, Oren, 157 Association of Jewish Refugees Battle of Britain, 40, 52 (AJR), 37 feature film, 173, 186 AJR information, 48, 65, 113 Bauer, Yehuda, 4, 9 Arendt, Hannah, 213, 226 Baum, Rainer, 52, 64 Argentina, 49, 154 BBC, 7, 173, 177, 179, 187–8, 201 Armenia, 149, 162 audience reaction, 92, 102, 108 Art, David, 208 BBC Programming Attlee, Clement, 25 Comedy: Allo Allo!, 115; Dad’s Ascherson, Neal, 187 Army 115; Fawlty Towers, 115; Assmann, Aleida, 206, 208 The Office, 115; The Vicar of Auschwitz/Oswi˛´ ecim (Town), 17, 137 Dibley, 203 Auschwitz (Camp), 7, 13–27, 53–5, Current Affairs: 24 Hours, 114; After 57–8, 62, 95, 101, 103, 105, 107, the Battle, 93–4; Brains Trust, 120, 121, 123, 135–6, 146, 157, 111; Europa, 94, 110; European 232 Index 233 Journal, 111; Horizon, 94, 111; Bergen-Belsen (Camp), 55, 77, 93–4, Late Night Final, 111; Midlands 101, 104, 132, 143, 145, 187, 207 Today, 114; Midweek, 111; Commemorations, 171–2, 176–9, Monitor, 93, 110, 113; 181–3 Newsnight, 2, 8; Panorama, Liberation, 2, 52, 55, 63, 103, 93–4, 111, 113; Portraits of 116–17, 129, 200 Power, 111; Spotlight, 113; Symbol of the Holocaust, 23, 32, Tonight, 94, 110, 111, 113; 93, 105 Victory in Europe: Twenty Years Trials, 49, 60, 67, 103 After, 93 see also Kramer, Josef Documentaries: According to the Berman, Judith E., 226 Rules: A Doctor in Auschwitz, Bermuda Conference, 61 111; America on Trial, 95; The Bernfes, Alexander, 92 Ascent of Man, 111; If Britain Betts, Paul, 225, 229 Had Fallen, 95; Israel: A Billington, Michael, 212 Promised Land, 95–96; It Billmann-Mahecha, Elfriede, 207 Happened to Me, 112; One Pair Bindenagel, J.D., 209, 227 of Eyes: ‘Who Are The Birkin (née Hoffmann), Edith, Cockneys Now?’, 111; Selected 136, 140 to Live, 114; The Great Bishop, Brian, 14–17, 20, 21–2, 26, Unwanted, 112; The State of 28–9, 65 the Jews, 95; Valiant Years, 111; Blair, Tony, 152, 175, 199, 201–2, Warsaw Ghetto, 91–92; Who 209–10, 216 Raised His Voice Against It?, 94 Blechhammer (Camp), 135 Drama: Address Unknown, 92, 107; The Blitz, 24, 40, 52, 55, 173, 186–7 An Englishman’s Castle, 95; The Bloxham, Donald, 4, 6, 9, 10, 28, 32, Bullet, 92; Cold Light, 92; Dr. 47–8, 59, 66–7, 144, 156, 159, Korczak and the Children, 92; 185–6, 203, 206, 211, 224, 227 Echo from Afar, 92; Iron Bluecoat Gallery Liverpool, 131, 140 Curtain, 93; QBVII, 95, 107; The Blumenthal, David, 64 Seekers, 93; Siding, 93; The Joel Board of Deputies of British Jews, 6, Brand Story, 92; Thirty Minute 81, 174–5 Theatre, 95, 114; Thirty Pieces Bond, Doug, 15, 18, 20, 21–2, 27, 65 of Silver, 92; Uncertain Mercy, Bone, Muirhead, 131 93; The Unplayed Part, 93 Booker, Christopher, 76, 86 Science Fiction: Quatermass and the Boothroyd, Betty, 175 Pit, 92 Bormann, Martin, 47 see also Holocaust (TV Series); This is Bosnia, 149, 151, 155, 181–3, 188–9, Your Life 197, 201 see also Yugoslavia BBC Written Archives (WAC), 84–9, Boswell, David, 227 105, 106, 110–14 The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, Belgium, 164, 175 (Book/Feature Film), 118–24, Belzec (Camp), 214 215, 226 Benigni, Roberto, 120 Boyne, John, 119, 124, 226 Benjamin, Walter, 223 Britain Benton, Wilbourn E., 48 as Bystander, 52, 144 Berenbaum, Michael, 9, 139 domestication of the Holocaust, Bergem, Wolfgang, 228 60, 192 234 Index Britain – continued Cesarani, David, 2–4, 6, 9, 10, 29, 54, good war paradigm, 173–5, 64–5, 111, 139, 155, 166, 179, 177–8, 184 180, 185–6, 192, 206–8, 210, heroic narratives, 3, 18, 21–2, 25–6, 215, 226 55, 58, 100, 105, 107, 109, 218 Chadwick, William R., 64 humanitarian tradition, 43, 165 Channel 4, 182, 186 knowledge of atrocities, 3, 15 Channel Islands, 116 moral identity, 52 Chapman Brothers, Jake and Dinos national identity, 60, 213, 215, (Artists), 222–3, 229 222, 224 Chapman, James, 124 postwar conditions, 23–5, 43 Chapman, Lt. Col. F. Spencer, 57 remoteness from the Holocaust, 2–3 Charles, H.R.H. Prince of Wales, as rescuer, 56, 100, 106 202–3, 218 silence on the Holocaust, 4–6, 22–7, Charmley, John, 187 52–4, 191–3, 205 Chechnya, 181 British Army, 129, 132 Chicken Run (Feature Film), 66 British Empire, 8, 153, 160–8, 178, Churchill, Winston, 33, 181, 187, 217 193, 205, 224 Cigelj, Jadranka, 151 Brooks, Xan, 124 Claims Conference, 221 Broomby, Rob, 29, 53, 65 Clarke, Alan, 187 Brown, Gordon, 53, 62, 67 Clinton, Bill, 152 Bruchfeld, Stéphane, 221, 227 Cold War, 4, 22–3, 196, 219, Brunstein, Esther, 186 223–4, 227 Bubis, Ignatz, 176 Cole, Leslie, 127, 131–2, 134–5, 139 Buchenwald (Camp), 32, 39, 77–8, Cole, Tim, 7, 84, 89–90, 96, 109, 92, 101 115–16, 118, 207 Colonialism, 193 Bulgaria, 164 see also British Empire Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM), 119 Confino, Alon, 173, 178, 187–8, 211 Bunting, Aimee, 60, 67 Congo, 164, 167 Buntman, Barbara, 226 Connelly, Mark, 52, 64, 186, 188 Burchard, Christoph, 48 Connerton, Paul, 210 Conrad, Sebastian, 206 Calder, Angus, 52, 64, 173, 186, 187 Cook, Ida, 97–100, 102, 104–5, 107, Calvocoressi, Peter, 37 109, 112 Cambodia, 149, 151–3, 201 Cook, Louise, 97–9 see also Khmer Rouge Cook, Robin, 199, 217 Cameron, David, 1, 3, 6, 8 Cooke, Steven, 5, 6, 9–10, 187, 207 Campbell, Beatrix, 179 Cormack, Sir Patrick, 183, 227 Campbell, David, 188 Council of Europe, 197 Campus, James, 140 see also European Union (EU) Canada, 172 Coward, Charles (Charlie), 15, 17–22, Capet, Antoine, 7–8, 129, 139, 29–30, 56–8, 63, 105–7, 109 157, 160 Craig, Daniel, 220 Caplan, Jane, 50 Cripps, Stafford, 37 Cartier, Rudolph, 92

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