US 2017.0156345A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2017/0156345 A1 HERNANDEZ ROMERO et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jun. 8, 2017 (54) METHOD FOR A PESTICDE HAVING AN (30) Foreign Application Priority Data INSECTICIDE, ACARICIDE AND NEMATICIDE ACTION BASED ON Sep. 23, 2011 (MX) ................... MXFAf2O11/O1 OO32 ISOQUINOLINE ALKALOIDS AND FLAVONOIDS Publication Classification (51) Int. Cl. (71) Applicant: PROMOTORATECNICA AOIN 65/12 (2006.01) INDUSTRIAL, S.A. DE C.V., Jiutepec AOIN 65/08 (2006.01) (MX) (52) U.S. Cl. (72) Inventors: Yanet Micahela HERNANDEZ CPC ............. A0IN 65/12 (2013.01); A0IN 65/08 ROMERO, Jiutepec, Estado de Mexico (2013.01) (MX); Cristina Margarita (57) ABSTRACT RODRIGUEZ NARVAEZ, Jiutepec, Estado de Mexico (MX); Mario The method for a pesticide having an insecticide, acaricide SAAVEDRA AGUILAR, Jiutepec, and nematicide action is obtained from plant extracts that Estado de Mexico (MX) have important synergic interactions in pesticide activity. The characteristics of the pesticide are efficient control of insects, mites and nematodes, low toxicity for mammals and (21) Appl. No.: 15/014,817 low persistence in the environment. This pesticide is a composition based on plant extracts containing isoquinoline (22) Filed: Feb. 3, 2016 alkaloids and their derivatives (0.1-20%) and flavonoids and their glycosylated derivatives (0.001-10%). Therefore, the field of the invention is generally organic pesticides and in Related U.S. Application Data particular to obtaining an organic pesticide which contains, (63) Continuation of application No. 13/636,330, filed on as an active ingredient, a mixture of isoquinoline alkaloids Sep. 5, 2013, now abandoned. and flavonoids to be used to control agricultural pests. US 2017/0156345 A1 Jun. 8, 2017 METHOD FOR A PESTCIDE HAVING AN 0010 Pyrethrum is extracted from the chrysanthemum INSECTICIDE, ACARICIDE AND flowers (Tanacetum cinerarifolium, Asteraceae) and it is a NEMATICIDE ACTION BASED ON mixture of 6 secondary metabolites: pyrethrins I and II, ISOQUINOLINE ALKALOIDS AND cinerin I and II and jasmolins I and II. Pyrethrum is a FLAVONOIDS neurotoxin that causes immediate paralysis in insects because it blocks Voltage sodium channels that depend on BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION axons. This action mechanism is similar to that of the 0001 1. Field of the Invention organochlorate pesticide DDT, but as opposed to this, pyre 0002 The present invention relates to a pesticide having thrins show moderate toxicity for mammals. In spite of its an insecticide, acaricide and nematicide action which at least immediate action, most of the insects recover, unless pyre includes an isoquinoline alkaloid and at least a flavonoid, thrum is formulated with a synergic agent. Pyrethrum con same produce important synergic interactions in their bio stitutes approximately 80% of the total of commercial logical activity, said invention is efficient to control plagues botanical pesticides in the world. and its main characteristics are: high specificity on target 0011 Essential oils are the main volatile aromatic prin plagues, low toxicity for mammals, low persistence in the ciples of plants, of a complex chemical nature that mainly environment and in which the active ingredients could include terpenoids, where monoterpenes are the biggest come, although not exclusively, from plant extracts. group and the sesquiterpenes appear in a smaller proportion 0003. Likewise, the present invention relates to a manu (these contain 10 and 15 carbon atoms, respectively) and facturing process, consisting of two stages, where the first more rarely diterpenes (20 carbon atoms). Essential oils, stage refers to obtaining and standardizing the active prin mainly monoterpenes are specifically toxic against pest ciples of the pesticide: isoquinoline alkaloids and fla insects due to their neurotoxic mechanism which acts on the vonoids, as well as a second stage related to its commercial octopaminergic receptors in the system which transmits formula. nervous impulses in invertebrates. Essential oils due to their 0004 2. Description of Related Art Including Informa volatile nature probably enter the insect through the respi tion Disclosed Under 37 CFR 1.97 and 37 CFR 1.98. ratory system and at present are mainly used to protect 0005. Historically, the first generation of botanical pes domestic animals and clothes (against moths), and also as ticides dates back to the XIX Century, when some com wood preservatives. pounds of a botanical origin Such as alkaloids, rotenone and 0012 Phytosanitary products of a plant origin in this first rotenoid compounds, pyrethrins and essential oils were generation were substituted by pesticides product of chemi identified. cal synthesis as organochlorate compounds, organophospho 0006 Alkaloids are nitrogenous secondary metabolites, rus and carbamates, which caused severe environmental generally of a basic character and most of these compounds contamination problems and resistance in insects, in addi are biosynthetized from amino acids. Nicotine is an alkaloid tion to harmful effects in non-target organisms. As an answer isolated from the tobacco plant, mainly form Nicotiana to all of these problems a strictly chemical strategy arose tabacum and Nicotiana rustica (Solanaceae), and it is con where the modification of the structure of natural products sidered as a toxic and dangerous pesticide for humans. It is was sought for to obtain compounds that would have better a neurotoxin that specifically acts on the nicotinic cholin pesticide activity and less toxicity for mammals, these ergic receptors by delaying the closing of the Sodium chan search originated pyrethroids. The interest to develop prod nels, this causes paralysis before death. ucts of a plant origin was also importantly renewed, and 0007 Sabadilla is a pesticide obtained from the Schoe chemical ecology emerged where chemists, biochemists, nocaulon officinale seeds. Its active principles are mainly the toxicologists and specialists in plant protection joined efforts cevadine, Veratridine alkaloids, which are esters of a steroi in the research of natural products of a botanical origin to dal alkaloid called Veracevine which are toxic for mammals control pest with a minimum of environmental problems. (DLso 13 mg/kg), but in commercial preparations that This established the rules for the second generation of include it as an active ingredient its concentration is less than botanical pesticides. 1%. The mechanism action of this type of alkaloids is similar 0013 The more detailed study of the relationship to that of pyrethrins. between plants and insects, allowed researches to know that 0008 Ryania is a powder obtained from the Ryania evolution has given plants chemical mediators implied in the speciosa Wood and its activity is attributed to the ryanodine communication between species, same that are known as (<1%), a pyrrole-2-carboxylic ester of a complex diterpene semiochemical compounds which are regarded as non (ryanodol). Ryanodine acts as a pesticide interfering with nutritious compounds produced by an organism that affect calcium release in the muscular tissue causing a sharp behavior or the biology of individuals of the same species muscular contraction which can be followed by paralysis. (pheromones) or of different species (allelochemical mol 0009 Rotenone is an isoflavonoid and the main pesticide ecules). The latter have a series of effects before harmful component of the roots or rhizomes of the tropical legumi insects and are classified according to their mode of action nous Derris, Lonchocarpus and Tephrosia. Most of the as defensive, toxic, repellent or discouraging, antiphago rotenone used at present comes from Lonchocarpus, also stimulant or digestive inhibitors, and attracting Substances, known as cube root. About 44% of rotenone and 22% of among others, and depending on their chemical composition deguelin, another rotenoid is extracted from this root. Rote and intensity they reveal information in respect to the none is a mitochondrial poison which blocks electron trans physiological status of the plant and the stress in which it is portation and prevents the production of energy. Rotenone is and modify behavior or the biology of an organism of toxic for humans (DLso 132 mg/kg) and although commer another species. These molecules generally act at a low dose cial formulations use less toxic levels than those of lethal and have a specific action and their toxicity for mammals is doses, this pesticide has a limited use in agriculture. low. US 2017/0156345 A1 Jun. 8, 2017 0014. This second generation of botanical pesticides acaricide and nematicide action, new and efficient for inte allowed western researches to rediscover neem used in India grated pest management which attack plants, fruits and/or since ancestral times. From the neem tree seeds animals, based on a new mixture of isoquinoline alkaloids (Azadirachta indica, Meliaceae) two kinds of pesticides can and flavonoids from, although not exclusively, plant extracts be obtained: Neem oil (essential oil) and azadirachtin (10 that show important synergic interactions in their pesticide 25%), a limonoid of the meliacine type. Limonoids have activity. mainly been isolated from the Meliaceae (meliacines) and 0021. The isoquinoline alkaloids of the present invention Rutacea (limonoids of citric plants) families. Limonoides may come from, although not exclusively, the Papaveraceae are modified triterpenes or tetranortriterpenoids, highly
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