www.ukrweekly.com INSIDE:• New wave of migration: challenges, opportunities — page 8. • Budget for 2005 is adopted in Ukraine — page 10. • Messages from the Orange Revolution — centerfold. Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXXIII HE KRAINIANNo. 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JANUARY 9, 2005 EEKLY$1/$2 in Ukraine YanukovychT resignsU Yushchenko discusses prioritiesW of his administration as PM, continues by Andrew Nynka Kyiv Press Bureau to appeal election Kyiv – Ukrainian President-elect Viktor Yushchenko announced that his by Andrew Nynka first priority after the inauguration will be Kyiv Press Bureau to form a government with a new prime minister at its head and noted that guiding KYIV – Prime Minister Viktor Ukraine toward membership in European Yanukovych, speaking five days after the institutions would be a major focus. conclusion of a long, contentious campaign “Society should see new faces. This is a for the Ukrainian presidency, announced he basic rule. Especially in this case, when was resigning from his government post, top positions are at stake,” Mr. but maintained defiantly that he had not lost Yushchenko said during a 50-minute inter- the presidential race and said he would con- view with the Channel 5 television station. tinue his legal fight for the nation’s top seat. Many of Mr. Yushchenko’s comments “There is no sense in my holding the to the press since the December 26 elec- post of prime minister. I have made a deci- tion have focused on describing his sion and I am formally submitting my res- administration’s first 100 days in office ignation. In the current conditions I find it and the policies on which he will focus impossible to occupy any post in a govern- during that time. ment headed by these authorities,” Mr. Talks have begun with allies about Yanukovych said in an address televised forming a new government and a quarter throughout the country on New Year’s Eve. of the government posts would go to the President Leonid Kuchma accepted Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc, Mr. Mr. Yanukovych’s resignation five days Yushchenko said on December 29. later, the presidential press service report- “The Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc will ed on January 5, announcing that Mr. have a 25 percent share in forming min- Kuchma has appointed Mykola Azarov as istries, agencies, committees and heads the interim prime minister. Mr. Azarov, of regional administrations,” Mr. who had been the first vice-prime minis- Yushchenko said, adding that he would AP/Efrem Lukatsky ter and finance minister under Mr. nominate Ms. Tymoshenko for the post Ukraine’s President-elect Viktor Yushchenko and visiting Georgian President Yanukovych, has been performing the of prime minister. Mikhail Saakashvili greet the crowd on Independence Square on the occasion of duties of prime minister since Mr. (Continued on page 11) the New Year celebration on January 1. Yanukovych announced his resignation. Earlier, the Ukrainian Parliament approved a resolution that expressed no confidence in Mr. Yanukovych and his Cabinet. But Mr. Yanukovych refused to Diaspora participation makes election monitoring mission unique recognize the December 1, 2004, vote by by Marta Kolomayets Central Election Commission, numbering way and were responsible for making their the Verkhovna Rada and said he would Special to The Ukrainian Weekly 2,408 monitors,” noted Tamara Gallo- own arrangements for travel and accommo- not resign out of principle. Olexy, the executive director of the dations in Ukraine. To be sure, the UCCA As he announced his resignation on KYIV – More than 12,500 international UCCA office in New York. helped out with logistics as much as possi- December 31, however, Mr. Yanukovych, observers converged upon Ukraine for the “And about 40 percent of those we had ble, including negotiating with the Ministry who served as prime minister under December 26 repeat run-off of the presi- registered had been observers before, so of Foreign Affairs for free visas to travelers dential election, setting world records for President Kuchma for two years, said he they understood the process and came to going to Ukraine who have been accredited the size of an official foreign observer mis- would not be chased from politics. Ukraine to make their contribution to by the CEC as observers. But, operating on sion, whose monitors represented close to “I will remain in politics as an inde- democracy in this country,” she added. a shoestring budget made it difficult to offer 50 countries from the global community. pendent politician and a winner in the Perhaps there were more seasoned substantial financial assistance. legitimate elections of November 21. My “This has never happened in history “They came on their own initiative before – ever,” remarked Jack observers in the delegations representing team and I will act using only legal such organizations as the Organization for and with boundless enthusiasm and ideal- methods both on the political level and McDonald, a former congressman from ism, ready to roll up their sleeves and do Michigan, who traveled to Ukraine’s Security and Cooperation in Europe on the level of direct civil action,” said a (OSCE), the International Republican the best job they could offer Ukraine,” somber looking Mr. Yanukovych, sitting eastern oblasts with the U.S.-Ukraine said Ms. Gallo-Olexy. Foundation to ensure that the election Institute (IRI), the National Democratic behind a large wooden office desk. Institute (NDI) or the European Network of “They took this challenge seriously, “As far as the election results, we are was free and fair in that contested region. attending observer trainings in the United But what made this mission unique is Election Monitoring Organizations keeping up the fight, but I don’t have (ENEMO), but there were none as commit- States and/or Canada, and attending much hope for a fair decision from the the fact that some 2,000 observers were the briefings in Kyiv, before being deployed sons and daughters of Ukraine, members ted to this assignment as members of the Central Election Commission and the Ukrainian diaspora, noted Viktoria Hubska, to 17 different oblasts,” said Michael Supreme Court,” he said. of the diaspora community which, through Sawkiw, the president of the UCCA, scores of years, fate had scattered through- the director of the UCCA’s office in Kyiv. During his New Year’s Eve address to “They are some of the unsung heroes based in Washington, during the group’s the nation, which was carried by only out the world. First-, second-, third- and debriefing on December 28. even fourth-generation Ukrainians from of this Orange Revolution, joining their two major television stations (other sta- Ukrainian brothers and sisters on the “And they were very effective as tions carried President-elect Viktor the United States, Canada, Australia, observers, because many knew the lan- maidan [Independence Square] after the Yushchenko’s appearance with Georgian Belgium, England, France, Germany, Italy, guage, many bonded with their country- December 26 vote,” said Ms. Hubska, President Mikhail Saakashvili), Mr. Poland and Romania (among other coun- men, and many showed our Ukrainians who has been registering observers with Kuchma called on the nation to “accept tries), ranging in age from 18 to 80, came that they are important in the world and the CEC since early August. this democratic choice” made in the to witness history being made in their the world is watching them,” said Ms. Unlike observers from international presidential poll of December 26, appar- ancestral homeland, to serve as guardians Hubska, who has worked with the CEC ently alluding to Mr. Yushchenko. of democracy at this critical time. organizations, who had their airfare, accom- on elections since 1994. But in the face of dwindling support – “The delegation from the Ukrainian modations, meals and per diem footed by “It was, honestly, the first time in my Congress Committee of America was the the sponsoring organization, the observers (Continued on page 14) largest delegation registered by the accredited by the UCCA paid their own (Continued on page 11) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JANUARY 9, 2005 No. 2 ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFSNEWSBRIEFS The EU’s response to turmoil in Ukraine Ukrainian prime minister resigns ... us relive the moments of joy that we sensed during our own, Georgian, revo- by Kataryna Wolczuk diplomat, was appointed to the post of KYIV – Prime Minister Viktor lution.” (RFE/RL Newsline) and Roman Wolczuk foreign affairs minister to boost Yanukovych stepped down on December Ukraine’s membership prospects. 31, announcing that he will remain in pol- Kuchma: new president needs support As Ukraine became embroiled in the However, any illusions Kyiv had Orange Revolution, the European Union itics as “an independent politician who about its chances of joining were dis- legitimately won the elections on KYIV – Outgoing President Leonid once again denied the prospect of EU pelled at the 1999 EU summit in Kuchma said in a televised New Year’s membership to Ukraine. November 21,” Ukrainian and internation- Helsinki, when no offer of the much- al news agencies reported. “Dear compa- address to the nation on December 31 This is hardly surprising. Since out- vaunted “prospect” was forthcoming that Ukraine “has gone through extraor- going President Leonid Kuchma first triots and friends, in light of everything from EU leaders. Instead, the EU’s rela- that has happened, it would be senseless dinarily difficult times and really has proclaimed his desire for EU member- tions with Ukraine were to be strength- become different,” the UT-1 channel ship for Ukraine in 1996, the EU has for me to stay on as prime minister,” Mr. ened by the “Common Strategy,” a sym- Yanukovych said in a televised address to reported. “There will be a new president shown little inclination to examine this bolic document that failed to add a new in Ukraine in 2005,” Mr.
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