JULY 2020 TIME TABLE 7 2020.7.1 ▶ 7.31 J SPORTS 1 ★ First On Air Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4.00 Blank 4.30 Blank 5.00 Blank 4.00 WWE SMACK DOWN 4.00 Badminton Program J 4.00 Blank 4.00 Blank 6.00 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #61 6.00 Badminton Program J 6.00 J SPORTS HOOP! #7 #1088 HL SPORTS Badwork! #2 6.00 FIA Formula E Top 6.00 FIA Formula E The Story 6.30 Information SPORTS Badwork! #2◇Info 6.30 Information 5.00 JUDO Grand Slam 4.30 WWE RAW #1413 HL 100 Moments #1 of Formula E #2◇Info 7.00 WWE RAW #1413 HL 7.00 IFSC Climbing World 7.00 IFSC Climbing World 2018 #1 5.30 GTV -SUPER GT Talk Variety- #3 6.30 Information 7.00 GTV -SUPER GT Talk Variety- #3 8.00 WRC Magazine #1 Championships 2019 Championships 2019 「Dusseldolf」 6.25 Documentary -The REAL- 7.00 Dance! 8.00 Mr.Tsuka's Infinity Talk for 8.30 JUDO World Masters Women Combined Final HL Men Combined Final HL 7.30 Super Rugby Navi #2 「Training Days: Rolling 8.00 J SPORTS HOOP! #7 Basketball Spring Special 2017 #2 8.00 WRC Magazine #2 8.00 WRC Magazine #3 7.55 J SPORTS Selection with the Tide Episode3」 8.30 JUDO Grand Slam 8.30 JUDO Grand Slam 「Saint Petersburg」 8.30 JUDO Grand Slam 8.30 JUDO Grand Slam 10.25 J SPORTS STADIUM 7.25 J SPORTS Selection 2018 #2「Dusseldolf」 2018 #3「Dusseldolf」 11.00★Par Golf #1075 2018 #1「Paris」 2018 #2「Paris」 「Carp vs. Tigers 9.55 J SPORTS STADIUM 11.00★Par Golf #1078◇Info 11.00 Par Golf #1075◇Info 11.30 Information 11.00★Par Golf #1076◇Info 11.00★Par Golf #1077◇Info (07/03)」 「Carp vs. Tigers(07/04)」 0.00 KUWATA Golf S1 #8◇Info 0.00 KUWATA Golf S1 #9 0.00 KUWATA Golf S1 #5 0.00 KUWATA Golf S1 #6 0.00 KUWATA Golf S1 #7 (MAZDA Zoom-Zoom Stadium) (MAZDA Zoom-Zoom Stadium) 1.00 Rugby World Cup 0.30 Super Rugby Navi #2 0.30 Rugby World Cup Japan #1 0.30 Super Rugby Navi #2 0.30 Information 2.55★J SPORTS STADIUM 1.25★J SPORTS STADIUM Japan #8 Pool D 0.55 Rugby World Cup Opening Ceremony & 1.00 Information 0.45 Interesting play of SUPER RUGBY 「Carp vs. Tigers 「Carp vs. Tigers(07/05)」 「WALES vs. GEORGIA」 Japan #10 Pool D Pool A 1.30 The REAL Rugby World Cup 0.55 Rugby World Cup (07/04)」 (MAZDA Zoom-Zoom Stadium) ▽3.30 #9 Pool A 「FIJI vs. URUGUAY」 「JAPAN vs. RUSSIA」 Special「Luke Thompson」 Japan #6 Pool A (MAZDA Zoom-Zoom Stadium) 5.30 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN#61 「RUSSIA vs. SAMOA」 ▽3.25 #11 Pool B 4.30 J SPORTS Selection 2.30 Rugby World Cup 「IRELAND vs. SCOTLAND」 6.00 J SPORTS Selection 6.00 J SPORTS STADIUM 「ITALY vs. CANADA」 Japan #3 Pool C ▽3.25 #7 Pool C 「Carp vs. Tigers(07/05)」 5.55 J SPORTS Selection 5.55★J SPORTS STADIUM 「FRANCE vs. ARGENTINA」 「ENGLAND vs. TONGA」 8.30 Super Rugby (MAZDA Zoom-Zoom Stadium) 「Carp vs. Baystars(07/07)」 5.00 J SPORTS Selection 5.55★J SPORTS STADIUM AOTEAROA Week4-1 9.30 Super Rugby (MAZDA Zoom-Zoom Stadium) 「Carp vs. Tigers(07/03)」 「Highlanders vs. Crusaders」 AOTEAROA Week4-2 0.30 Super Rugby 0.30 Super Rugby (MAZDA Zoom-Zoom Stadium) 10.30 J SPORTS Selection 「Chiefs vs. Hurricanes」 0.30 2018 Super Rugby 10.00 MLB AOTEAROA Week3-1 AOTEAROA Week3-2 11.30 J SPORTS Selection Week14-2「Sunwolves (07/06) 「Blues vs. Highlanders」 「Crusaders vs. Chiefs」 10.00★MLB Digest◇Info 1.00 2018 Super Rugby vs. Stormers」 1.30 2018 Super Rugby 2.30 2016 Super Rugby 2.30 2017 Super Rugby 11.00 J SPORTS Selection Week13-2 2.00 Super Rugby 2.45 WWE SMACK DOWN Week17-2 Week9-2「Sunwolves Week7-2 1.30 2017 Super Rugby 「Sunwolves vs. Reds」 AOTEAROA Week4-1 #1088 HL 「Sunwolves vs. Bulls」 vs. Jaguares」 「Sunwolves vs. Bulls」 Week17-1「Sunwolves vs. Blues」 3.30 Super Rugby Navi #2 「Highlanders vs. Crusaders」 3.45 MLB Music #14 3.45 Collection of Haka 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 4.00 Blank 4.00 Blank 4.00 Blank 4.15 WWE SMACK DOWN #1089 HL 4.00 WWE RAW #1414 HL 4.00 Blank 4.00 Blank◇6.00 Dance! 6.00 FIA Formula E The Story 6.00 FIA Formula E The Story 6.00 FIA Formula E How to 5.15 Documentary -The REAL- 5.00 Dance! 6.00 FIA Formula E Top 100 Moments #1 7.00 J SPORTS HOOP! #7 of Formula E #3◇Info of Formula E #4◇Info Build a Formula E Car 「Deion's Double Play」 6.00 WRC History Rally Italy 6.30 FIA Formula E The Story 7.30 IFSC Climbing World Championships 7.00 WWE RAW #1414 HL 7.00 MOTOR GAMES #327 6.30 J SPORTS HOOP! #7 6.15 WRC History 7.00 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #61 of Formula E #2◇Info 2019 Men Combined Final HL 8.00 REAL FIFA WOMENS WORLD 7.30 REAL「Training Days: Rolling 7.00 WRC Magazine #1〜3 Rally Argentina 7.30 Rugby World Cup Japan #13 7.30 IFSC Climbing World 8.30 JUDO Grand Prix CUP「A Nation's Story」 with the Tide Episode3」 8.30 JUDO Grand Prix ▽7.15 Rally Portugal Pool C「ARGENTINA vs. TONGA」 Championships 2019 2018 Digest「Zagreb」 8.30 JUDO Grand Slam 2018 8.30 JUDO Grand Slam 2018 2018 #1「Hohhot」 8.15 Interesting play of SUPER RUGBY 10.00 J SPORTS Selection Women Combined Final HL 10.30 Information #1「Ekateringburg」 #2「Ekateringburg」 8.30 Rugby World Cup Japan #12 8.30 JUDO Grand Prix 11.00 Par Golf #1076◇Info 11.00 Par Golf #1076◇Info 11.00 Par Golf #1077◇Info 11.00 Par Golf #1078◇Info Pool C「ENGLAND vs. USA」 2018 #2「Hohhot」 0.00 KUWATA Golf S1 #14◇Info 0.00 KUWATA Golf S1 #10◇Info 0.00 KUWATA Golf S1 #11◇Info 0.00 KUWATA Golf S1 #12◇Info 11.00 J SPORTS Selection 11.00 Par Golf #1075◇Info 1.00 REAL「Training Days: Rolling 1.00 J SPORTS RUGBY ALL TIME BEST 1.00 J SPORTS HOOP! #7 1.00 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #61 0.00 KUWATA Golf S1 #13◇Info with the Tide Episode3」 1.30 Next Japan National 1.30 Super Rugby Navi #2 1.30 Drone Champions League 7.00 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #61 1.00 Documentary -The REAL- 2.00 Information Rugby Players 1.55 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #61 「Draft selection」 7.30★Hitoshi Ohno Special 2.00 Rugby World Cup Japan #15 2.30 Rugby World Cup Japan #16 2.25 J SPORTS STADIUM 2.25 J SPORTS STADIUM 2.00 J SPORTS STADIUM 8.30 Super Rugby 8.30 Super Rugby Pool B「SOUTH AFRICA vs. NAMIBIA」 Pool D「GEORGIA vs. URUGUAY」 「Carp vs. Baystars(07/07)」 「Carp vs. Baystars(07/08)」 「Carp vs. Baystars(07/09)」 AOTEAROA Week5-1 AOTEAROA Week5-2 ▽4.30 #14 5.00 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN#61 (MAZDA Zoom-Zoom Stadium) (MAZDA Zoom-Zoom Stadium) (MAZDA Zoom-Zoom Stadium) 「Crusaders vs. Blues」 「Hurricanes vs. Highlanders」 Pool A「JAPAN vs. IRELAND」 5.30★J SPORTS STADIUM 5.55★J SPORTS STADIUM 5.55★J SPORTS STADIUM 5.30 J SPORTS Selection 10.30 J SPORTS Selection 10.30 MLB Digest◇Info 8.00 Super Rugby 「Eagles vs. Lions 「Carp vs. Baystars(07/08)」 「Carp vs. Baystars(07/09)」 11.30 Hitoshi Ohno Special AOTEAROA Week5-1 (07/14)」(Miyagi) (MAZDA Zoom-Zoom Stadium) (MAZDA Zoom-Zoom Stadium) 0.30 Rugby British & Irish Lions 2009 「Crusaders vs. Blues」 10.00 Super Rugby 10.00 MLB 10.00 MLB 10.00★MLB Digest◇Info South Africa Tour Game2 10.00 J SPORTS Selection AOTEAROA Week5-2 (07/07) (07/08) 11.00★MLB Music #15 「South Africa vs. 0.30 Rugby British & Irish Lions 2009 「Hurricanes vs. Highlanders」 11.10★MLB Players #2 1.00 Rugby British & Irish Lions 2009 British & Irish Lions」 South Africa Tour Game3 0.00 Rugby British & Irish Lions 2013 1.30 2019 Super Rugby 1.30 2019 Super Rugby 11.20 J SPORTS Selection South Africa Tour Game1 2.30 REAL Rugby World Cup 「South Africa vs. Australia Tour Game1 Week3-2「Chiefs vs. Week7-2「Waratahs vs. 「South Africa vs. Special「Luke Thompson」 British & Irish Lions」 「Australia vs. Lions」 Sunwolves」 Sunwolves」 1.50 Super Rugby Week1-2 British & Irish Lions」 3.30 Drone Champions League 2.30 WWE SMACK DOWN #1089 HL 2.00 Next Japan National Rugby Players 3.30 Kessoku SAMURAI JAPAN #61 3.30 J SPORTS HOOP! #7 「Sunwolves vs. Rebels」 3.00 Next Japan National Rugby Players 「Draft selection」 3.30 J SPORTS RUGBY ALL TIME BEST 3.00 WRC History Rally Italy 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 4.00 Blank 4.00 Blank 4.00 Blank 4.00 WWE SMACK DOWN 4.30 WWE RAW #1415 HL 4.00 Blank 4.00 Blank 6.00 WWE RAW #1415 HL 6.00 WRC History Rally Argentina 6.00 WRC History #1090 HL 5.30 The Deliberation Committee 6.00 Drone Champions League 6.00 Badminton Program J 7.00 Information 7.00 Badminton Program J Rally Portugal 5.00 SUPER GT Analyze #6 5.35 Badminton Program J 「Draft selection」◇Info SPORTS Badwork! #2◇Info 7.30 Next Japan National Rugby Players SPORTS Badwork! #2 7.00 Information 7.30 J SPORTS RUGBY ALL TIME BEST SPORTS Badwork! #2 7.00 The REAL「Deion's Double Play」 7.00 The REAL「Training Days: 8.30 JUDO Grand Prix 2018 7.30 The REAL「Training Days: 7.30 Documentary -The REAL- 7.55 JUDO Masters 2018 #2 6.05 GTV -SUPER GT Talk Variety- #4 8.00 2013 World Darts Rolling with the Tide Episode3」 Digest「Budapest」 Rolling with the Tide Episode3」 8.30 JUDO Masters 2018 「Guangzhou」 7.00 WRC History Rally Italy Championship Final 8.00 Next Japan National Rugby Players 10.30 MOTOR GAMES #328 8.30 JUDO Grand Slam 2018 #1「Guangzhou」 10.25 J SPORTS STADIUM 8.00 MLB Music #15 10.00 Info◇Super Rugby Navi #2 9.00 J SPORTS RUGBY 11.00 Par Golf #1077◇Info Digest「Abu Dhabi」 11.00★Par Golf #1079◇Info 「Carp vs.
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