■W‘ Average Dally Net fh-esa Ran fW H m Wisek IttBdea The Weather April is, 1961 . Occarional shoarera tonigiil and part of tomorrow, low bO> f ,. Bight in 40a; clearing lata t«*. * 15,113 morrow, Mgh m 50b Manehe$ter^A City of ViUage (fkarm VOL. LXXXVL NO. 167 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONOAYi APRIL 17, 1967 (Olasaified Advertising oa Page 11) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Gets Surveyor 3 Off 2 to 7 Years " By ROBERT COLBY A two to seven year state’s prison sentence was im- To Dig on Moon Msed on Richard E. Turcotte Jr. today by Superior Judge Michael Radin for the Sept, 22 shotgun ■faying of Turcotte’s wife, Marie, in her parents’ home m aj 11 Orchard St. ------------------ ------------ ------- ^Timwtte^ co n v tc^ of man- the execution of any sentence *UgJ»ter March 17 by a Jury be suspended because "there Is AVCO Strike No Judges, or s e i ^ women and five men, no need, purpose, or logic in re- No Show , Scientists \ rv ®®"' quliriiing him (Ms chent) now No Title! twica He is eUgtble for parole to be ihoa/ncerated. Is Halted hy after serving 18 months in prte- piepler, in a 18-minute plea, KANSAS cm r. Mo. Call O rbit . ...... called his 29-year-old client the Court Order (AP)—After two hours of m a jto^ en ts by the prosecu- «■ victim of premeditated adult argument between organ­ ,tion . and. __ jdefense on the before part sentenc- of his wife, NEW HAVEN lAP) — A izers, contestants and par­ ‘Excellent’ ents, 17 beauty contestants and told the sparsely attended federal judge Issued a 10-day ^ paly Jr. a sk ^ Judge Radkn court that his client was "driv- folded up their formal CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. to Im pM an 8 to 16 year sen- en to do an act which was alien restraining order today to halt gowns and bathing suits and (AP)—Packing its own lit* ^ ^ . Timcottes counsel, San- and foreign” to Ws decency. a strike disrupting production went home yesterday. tie shovel to plow the 101x1 J. Piepler, recommended Atty. Daly, who cxmgratulat- of helicopter engines needed in Three other young women moon’s soil and crack open decided to stick with it. ed Atty. Piepler for his "extra­ Vietnam. lunar rocks, America’s ordinarily” well prepared case, Dorothy Lee, an organizer, U.S. District Court Judge Wil­ assured them they would be Surveyor 3 sailed through contended however, that the space today aiming to soft­ More Units alleged adultery did not Justify liam H- Timbers granted the entered in the M'ss Missouri the kiUing. government request for the ord­ and Miss Kansas finals at ly land Wednesday at a site St. Louis in July. er after hearing arguments in chosen for U.S. astronauts. Moved Near "Richard Turcotte must- be The contest here was to The 10-foot-taU spacecraft — punished, he took a life unlaw­ the dispute between the Ly­ have (diosen a Miss Kansas most complex robot ever tossed fully,” Atty. Daly argued. coming Diviadon of Avco Corp. City, a Miss Raytown-Inde- toward the moon by the United N oting from two letters from North Viet pendence and a Miss John­ States — blasted off at 2:06 a.m. Turcotte’s former Manchester ' ,1 s*. and the ABL-CIO United Auto Workers Union. son" County. Mrs. Lee said EBT today aboard an Atlas-Cen* .SAIGON (AP) — More Amerl- employers —The town of Man- taur rocket to begin a planned President Johnson directed she represented the Miss can troops have been shifted ch ests and Sear Roebuck and World and Miss Interna­ 65-hour, 237,000-mile trip. the Justice Department Sunday Into new positions in the north- Oo. —Atty. Piepler disclosed tional beauty pageants. The National Aeronautics and to seek an Injunction for ending aril part of South Vietnam to that both employare thought The contestants and 100 Space Administration said sen­ the strike. meet increasing Communist highly "ht his client, parents and relatives, who sors aboard the craft success­ pressure in crucial border ar- Ernest J. Tureck, highway da- An attorney for the govern­ had paid $2 each to see the fully locked onto the sun. Th# eas, the -U.S. command dis- partment, called Turcotte a ment presented an affidavit show, arrived, and waited sun and the star Canopus were closed today. "good, dependable wxirker” who today from Deputy Secretary for the ceremonies to start. to guide Surveyor 3 to the moon. Troops of the U.S. 1st Cavalry ^ superintendent “ would not of Defense Cyrus Vance that No judges appeared, the The hookup with Canopus was Airmobile Division have taken he reluctant to Wre” again, said the strike, if permitted to organist failed to show up, made on schedule, about nine over an operational area in R- W. Smith of Sears, Tur- continue, will “ Imperil the na­ there was no official pho- and one-half hours after laundi. <^ang Ngal Province about 360 code’s former immediate su- tional safety.” tog^rapher, and no maister of “It looks like we have an ex­ mlles north of Saigon, a spokes- pervlsor wrote that for five Avco's Lycoming plant In ceremonies. cellent bird,” a project spcrites- man said, and have killed 100 y®ara. he had had the “ good tor- Stratford, Conn., was struck at man said. enemy there In action that be- having Richard Turcotte 12:01 a.m. Sunday in the dis­ Plans called for the 2.28S-_____ gan April 8. as an employe.” Smith praised pute over wages, a cost of The move took the air caval- *he father of four for his “ high Attempted Coup to nre a braWng - living clause, supplemental un­ ^ A mT rocket about 7 p.m. Wednesday-*- tymen farther north than they cahber” work and exemplary employment benefits and pen­ Fails in Ghana gemiy set its tripod legs on have been since their arrival in conduct. sions. the lunar surface, ready to Vietnam. It was expected to Atty. Piepler argued that the Timbers set April 26 for a AFIjAO, Crhana, (AP) — A jspend at least two weeks taking free U.S. Marines there for duty execution of his client's sentence hearing on a preUanlnary in- group of young army officers pl®tores and digging into the closer to the 17th Parallel dlvid- should be suspended so that ^ (Herald photo by Ofiara) ^miction for invoking the Taft- . :r attempted a coup d’etat in A c-, * Ihg South and North Vietnam. Turcotte can care for his chii- Lightning Caused 'This Hole in the Side of the Kelly House Hartley Act, bringing about an cana today, radio Ghana said, but Except for the shovel and two '1^0 major fighting was report- dren, who for the past six 80-day cooUng off period in the ^he attempt apparently fell additionalmirrors to expand the ed across the country today, but months have been in the custody dispute. ^ apart. caipafa’a Bald o f ,\dow, Survey- the Viet Cong appeared t6 be of his maternal grandparents, The 10-day restraining order ' Travelers interviewed at tUe * wa6 alihoet identical to the stepping up terror tacUca aimed Two of the children now ore was to be effective im- village near the Togo frontier Surveyor' 1 whicdi achieved this at disrupting local elections and being ■ taken care of by TUr- Lightning Rips House; mediately, and a company told of beeriitg shots fired in nation’s first soft Ian<fing on the intimldatlng local officials. cotte's sister. The other two are spokesman said. Accra early this, morning at moon lost June 2 and returned In the a i^ w a r,. U,S. B Jn foster homes, Atty. Piepler 52 the plant would' resiune 'wtih^ ahriaitianiborg Cia^e, residence H.lBO photographs, bombera made four raids inside said. the second i*ift starting at of Gen. Joseph Ankrah. Ankrab Surveyxw 3 xvas aimed for B- South Vietnam and American During the past month while 3 p.m. today. bex»me president after a coup *P®t in the moon’s .Ocean' ei fUera punched through a cloud Turcotte has been free on | ,- 8 in February 1966, which ousted Storms, located on tbs ri^ t sids oover for 96 missions against 000 bond, the children "have Picketing was peepceAil end President Kwame Nkrumah. the dkkxi’s ■visible face and North Vietnam Sunday.. welcomed and savored the time A bolt of lightning struck the and tending his daughter, who A s soon es Kelly feJt the orderiy today, but more than Two armored vehix»lee were slightly below the equator, The disclosure that elements wdth their father,'' he said. Richard Kelly home at 76 Flor- asleep in an upstairs bed- West, whdxA shattered bulbs in 3,000 production workers did not room Just above the point where the living txxxm table lamps, he report on the 7 a.m. shift, reported, by travelers to ba'va The target zone, about 300 of the 1st Caxralry had moved Atty. Pleper, outlining the ence St. Saturday, knocking farther, north came with the dn- purposes for imprisonment, said u 1 1 the comer of the building blew ran upstairs to get Theresa who About a dozen pickets maix*- (See Page Four) (See Page Four) nouncement that a mulUbattal- his client does not need to be hole in one comer, out. was crying and shakdng. He ed at each, of eight gates at ion force had begun Operation rehabilitated, nor does society sn™ashing windws, burnmg out Neither KeUy nor his daugh- brought her to the street where the plant, and oiiiy salaried Lejeune in Quang Ngai Prov- need to be protected from him.
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