5233 June 21, 2021 The Board of Commissioners of Franklin County, North Carolina, met for its Regular Meeting at 7:00 P.M. in the Hamilton Hobgood Courthouse Annex with the following Commissioners present: Chairman Michael Schriver, Vice-Chairman David Bunn, Commissioners Harry L. Foy, Jr., Cedric K. Jones, Sr., Kelli London, Mark Speed and Danny Pearce. Chairman Schriver called the meeting to order and asked the Board to consider amending the agenda to include the following: • Remove American Rescue Plan (ARP) Special Revenue Fund Budget Ordinance 2020/2021 (Item 1-M) from the consent agenda. • Add to the agenda (Item 7) Accept the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Grant Funds and Approve the Grant Project Budget Ordinance Commissioner Speed made the motion to amend the agenda, seconded by Commissioner Pearce. The motion duly carried approval with all present voting “AYE.” Chairman Schriver then asked the Board to consider approval of the consent agenda. Commissioner Bunn made a motion to approve the consent agenda. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Speed. The motion duly carried approval with all present voting “AYE.” The items approved are as follows: 1. CONSENT AGENDA A. May 26, 2021 Minutes B. June 7, 2021 Minutes C. Stepping Up Resolution and Amendment to Interlocal Agreement D. Home Care Community Block Grant (HCCBG) Funding Plan E. Audit Contract for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2021 F. TDA Audit Contract for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2021 G. Budget Ordinance Amendment #15 (Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 159- 15, the County Finance Officer is requesting a budget ordinance amendment in the amount of $4,588,298 for the General Fund; $197,890 for the Fire Service Districts; $275,000 for the Special Revenue Insurance Fund; and $2,971,648 for the Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund.) H. Amendment #1 to 2019 WWTP Rehabilitation Project Budget Ordinance I. Amendment #1 to Franklin County Representative Payee Fund (DSS) Special Revenue Fund 2020/2021 J. Wall Road Water Supply Pump Station Project Budget Ordinance K. Amendment #1 to Franklin County Fines and Forfeitures Fee Special Revenue Fund 2020/2021 L. Amendment #1 to Franklin County Deed of Trust Feeds Special Revenue Fund 2020/2021 M. American Rescue Plan (ARP) Special Revenue Fund Budget Ordinance 2020/2021 Item 1-C RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR THE REGIONAL STEPPING UP INITIATIVE IN FRANKLIN, GRANVILLE, HALIFAX, VANCE AND WARREN COUNTIES WHEREAS, each of the Participating Counties previously entered into a Interlocal Agreement (Agreement) for the establishment and operation of a Regional Stepping up Initiative Program; and WHEREAS, the term of the original Agreement, unless terminated earlier, was through June 30, 2021; and June 21, 2021 Minutes 5234 WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms of paragraph 7, the Agreement may be amended by mutual agreement adopted in the same manner prescribed for the adoption of the Agreement under Article 20, Chapter 160A of the N.C. General Statutes; and WHEREAS, the original Agreement was never terminated and the Participating Counties desire to amend, renew and extend the term of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, in furtherance of that effort, the Participating Counties propose to amend that certain “Interlocal Agreement - Regional Stepping Up Initiative Program”, a copy of which has been presented to the Board and is attached hereto; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Franklin County Board of Commissioners does hereby authorize the execution of the aforementioned amendment to interlocal agreement by the Chairman of the Board and any other county official or staff deemed necessary, in the form substantially as submitted, but with such minor or clerical amendments prior to execution as may be deemed necessary without further approval of the Board. (please see next page) June 21, 2021 Minutes 5235 Item 1-G June 21, 2021 Minutes 5236 June 21, 2021 Minutes 5237 (please see next page) June 21, 2021 Minutes 5238 Item 1-H June 21, 2021 Minutes 5239 Item 1-I June 21, 2021 Minutes 5240 Item 1-J June 21, 2021 Minutes 5241 Item 1-K June 21, 2021 Minutes 5242 Item 1-L 2. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC This was the time set aside by the Board of Commissioners to allow individuals five minutes to address the Board on issues concerning the county. Scott Strickland, 40 Sheila’s Lane, Louisburg, NC • Mr. Strickland offered comments relative to emergency radio communications and a denied position for the Sheriff’s Office. 3. CAPTIVE-AIRE SYSTEMS, INC. HANGAR LEASE AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT Triangle North Executive Airport Director, Bo Carson, presented a hangar lease and construction agreement for Captive-Aire Systems, Inc. to construct a hangar in the north corporate area on the airfield at Triangle North Executive Airport (LHZ). The Board was asked to approve the hangar lease and construction agreement. June 21, 2021 Minutes 5243 Mr. Carson offered the following presentation. June 21, 2021 Minutes 5244 Commissioner Speed made a motion to approve the hangar lease and construction agreement for Captive-Aire Systems, Inc. at Triangle North Executive Airport. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bunn and duly carried approval with all present voting “AYE.” Mr. Carson also read aloud a letter from Brandon Hafner, VP Construction/Facilities, Captive-Aire/Thales Academy/Thales College. In the letter, Mr. Hafner expressed gratitude and stated he appreciated the opportunity to build the new hangar and looks forward to the advancements it will bring to North Carolina and to the other states in which they operate. 4. TRIANGLE NORTH EXECUTIVE AIRPORT RULES AND REGULATIONS Triangle North Executive Airport Director, Bo Carson, requested approval of the updated Airport’s Rules and Regulations for the airfield. The airport’s last rules and regulations change was approved on November 19, 2018 by the Franklin County Board of Commissioners. The update addressed updated language to the document as well as needed changes to airport security and safety on the airfield. Mr. Carson requested the Board’s approval of the updated changes to the Triangle North Executive Airport’s Rules and Regulations. June 21, 2021 Minutes 5245 Mr. Carson offered the following presentation. June 21, 2021 Minutes 5246 June 21, 2021 Minutes 5247 June 21, 2021 Minutes 5248 Commissioner Bunn made a motion to approve the updated Airport Rules and Regulations. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Speed and duly carried approval with all present voting “AYE.” 5. WALL ROAD WATER SUPPLY PUMP STATION BID AWARD Jamie Holtzman, Finance Director presented the recommendation for contract award for the Wall Road Water Supply Pump Station. At the July 6, 2020 County Commissioners meeting, the Board approved an emergency water purchase agreement with the City of Raleigh. MBD Engineering LLC designed and permitted the interconnection. At the November 16, 2020 County Commissioners meeting, the Board agreed to fund the Wall Road Supply Pump Station for $235,000 for the emergency supply capacity. At the April 5, 2021 County Commissioners meeting, the Board approved a short-term water purchase agreement with the City of Raleigh, expanding the capacity to 400,000 gallons per day. MBD Engineering LLC amended the design and a Request for Proposals was published on May 7, 2021 with the bid opening on June 10, 2021 at 2:00 PM. Five bids were received. Charles R. Underwood, Inc. was the lowest bidder at $788,999. There is a total of $670,000 allocated for the project at this time ($235,000 plus $450,000 included in the FY22 Budget). It is the recommendation from staff for the Commissioners to award the project to Charles R. Underwood, Inc. in the amount of $788,999 and allocate the remaining $118,999 from the Public Utilities fund balance for the project. Commissioner Speed made a motion to award the bid to Charles R. Underwood, Inc. and allocate the remaining $118,999 from the Public Utilities fund balance for the project. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bunn and duly carried approval with all present voting “AYE.” 6. HIGH HAZARD POTENTIAL DAM REHABILITATION GRANT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT Christopher Doherty, Public Utilities Director and Jamie Holtzman, Finance Director, requested the Board of Commissioners accept the Phase II of the High Hazard Potential Dam Rehabilitation Grant for the Franklinton Reservoir 2 Dam that Franklin County has been awarded by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (NCDEQ-DEMLR). In October 2019 Franklin County received a grant from NCCDEQ-DEMLR in the amount of $50,000 with a $17,500 County match to perform analysis, prepare hazard maps, develop work plans and to update the Hazard Mitigation Plan for the Franklin Reservoir 2 Dam. In Phase II the County has been awarded a grant in the amount of $89,000 with a required County match of $47,923.08 for a total project cost of $136,923.08. The grant scope is to finalize the analysis and design to get the project ready to bid with plans and specifications. It is the recommendation of staff that the Board of Commissioners accept the grant, approve the Financial Assistance Agreement and authorize the County Manager to sign the agreement. Commissioner Jones made a motion to accept grant acceptance and authorize the County Manager to sign the agreement and approve funding. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bunn and duly carried approval with all present voting “AYE.” 7. AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN (ARP) GRANT FUNDS AND APPROVE THE GRANT PROJECT BUDGET ORDINANCE Due to updated guidance received from the U.S. Treasury on June 17, 2021, Jamie Holtzman, Finance Director, requested the Board of Commissioners accept the $13,535,494 funded by the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds of H.R.
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