From Tokyo, you can reach Utsunomiya, the Sendai center of Tochigi, with a short 50-minute Shinkansen ride. Nikko, a UNESCO world heritage site, is also easily accessible with a Niigata short trip from Utsunomiya. Mt.Nasu N Kinugawa Nasushiobara Mt.Nantai W E Karasuyama Nikko S Tochigi Utsunomiya Maebashi Mito Takasaki Oyama Ibaraki Airport Omiya Asakusa Tokyo Narita International Airport Nagoya Mt.Fuji Osaka Haneda International Kyoto Airport Airport Osaka Central Japan International Kansai Airport International Airport 225 minutes by 120 minutes by JR or Tobu Railway JR or Express Bus (Limited Express ‘Spacia’) Narita “Marronnier” Shinjuku Nikko Airport Nikko 160-170 minutes by 120 minutes by JR or Tobu Railway Express Bus (Limited Express ‘Spacia’) Narita “Marronnier” or “Salvia” Asakusa Airport Kinugawa 50 minutes by JR 45 minutes by Onsen 170 minutes by Tohoku JR Nikko Express Bus Shinkansen Line Haneda “Marronnier” Tokyo Utsunomiya Utsunomiya Airport 75 minutes by 90 minutes by Tohoku Shinkansen Ibaraki Car Tokyo Nasushiobara Airport 210 minutes by Express Bus ‘Nasushiobara Resort Express’ Nasu Onsen Shinjuku Shiobara Onsen Tochiotome holds the top share among strawberries grown in Japan. The most beloved strawberry in Japan is Tochiotome, which originated in Tochigi. Tochigi prefecture has had the number one straw- tural organizations and administrative organiza- berry yield in Japan since 1968 and is worthy of tions banding together to improve production, being called the Strawberry Kingdom. distribution and sales. Originally, the best season for strawberries in In recent years, strawberries can be picked Tochigi prefecture has rich nature with much and night, creating the best conditions for growing Japan was spring (May - June). However, Tochigi between June and October, enabling enjoying fertile land and streams of clear water from Nikko strawberries. prefecture effectively used technology to go strawberries throughout the year. and Nasu. In greenhouses making the most of the sunlight, beyond the traditional shipping schedule. Stable The climate features long sunshine hours in winter the maintained temperature enables slow ripening shipment of high-quality strawberries, mainly for and a large temperature difference between day to grow sweet and delicious strawberries. the Tokyo metropolitan area, now runs from November to May. These fruitful results come from growers, agricul- 1 2 Tochigi, the Strawberry Kingdom, is dedicated to strawberry research with Japan’ s one and only lab- oratory devoted to researching strawberries. The Strawberry Research Center develops many strawberry varieties and studies cultivation tech- niques to improve yields and quality. The following are the primary strawberry varieties: Newly developed in 2014. The biggest berry is around 60g and can exceed the size of a chicken egg. The size, shape, sweetness and mild taste make Sky Berry an exceptional sweet in itself. The name suggests that all of its largeness, beauty and deliciousness can reach the sky. Rich taste and well-balanced sweetness Tochihime is an exclusive variety for strawberry farms where you can visit and pick the strawberries. and sourness. Very sweet and juicy, its skin is soft and easy to eat, making it popular. Top share among strawberries grown in Since the skin is softer than other strawberries, this strawberry is not suited for shipping and is unavail- Japan and the most popular strawberry. able in markets. Thus this strawberry is called the phantom strawberry. 3 4 美味しいいちごの食べ方 いちご狩りのルール How to savor strawberries. STRAWBERRY PICKING PARK RULES 美味草莓的吃法 / 美味草莓的吃法 草莓的采摘规则 / 草莓的採摘規則 ġĮĒįĝīĔĕĝĪđĬēĤďĝħġłĶĔħĝłĝįķĤēħĝľħĜ ûĈĹēûĬĝĶûĽĔĤďĝħġłĶĔħĝłĝį 1 へたのところまで赤くなっているものを選ぶ。 1 入り口で立ち止まらない! うしろの人が入れません。 Choose berries that have turned red almost up to the calyces Do not stand in front of the entrance; let the people in line after you enter. (the green leafy part on the top of the berries). 䇋࣓䮼ষ偏⬭ʽӮᕅડҪҎ䗮㸠DŽ/ 䂟࣓䭔ষ侤⬭ʽ᳗ᕅ䷓ҪҎ䗮㸠DŽ 䞛ᨬᯊ䗝ᢽᵰᅲᏆ㒣㑶ࠄᵰ㩖ⱘ㤝㥧DŽ/ ᨬᰖ䙌ᵰᆺᏆ㍧㋙ࠄᵰ㩖ⱘ㤝㥧DŽ ĺěľĜıēûįĎüġĬāđĬāĶüĿĬħħû þēđįľħĜijľĎĿĬēĥğīāĂĪĶüĿĬĺěľĺĎĿ ĶğıħûğijûđįľĶĕĽēĤįķĎāĂēĐİāüīĿġ 2 ハウス内は走らない! 3 いちごの上を足でまたがない! 2 果実の付け根を指ではさんで、手首を手前に曲げるようにとる。 No running in the greenhouse! No walking over strawberry plants! Hold the top end of a berry near its stem and flip it toward you. 䇋࣓ುݙ䎥ࡼʽ/ 䂟࣓೦ܻ䎥ࢩʽ 䇋࣓䎼䍞㤝㥧ʽ/ 䂟࣓䎼䍞㤝㥧ʽ /ᡧԣᵰᅲᇚ݊ড䕀Փ㣢ᳱϟˈПৢݡ䕏ᶨഄᇚ㤝㥧ᨬϟDŽ⫼ ĺěľġĮľāĚĬĜĹēĶĝıħēĶĘĬĪĄĭ ĺěľĹĄĿĶđĿĬĶĥĜįĜĔğāĔēĤďĝħġłĶĔħĝłĝį ᡧԣᵰᆺᇛ݊ড䔝Փ㥪ᳱϟˈПᕠݡ䓩ᶨഄᇛ㤝㥧ᨬϟDŽ⫼ ĹĄĿēĮĿġĂīĔđįľûĿĬēüīĿġķğĿġĥīûüĿħěıħĶüĿĬĥĬďīġ 4 ハウス内は禁煙です。 5 ゴミは、ゴミ箱にすてる! 3 へたを先にとって、へたの付いていた方から食べる。 (喫煙場所をご利用ください) Place all litter in dustbins! Berries taste even better if you remove the calyces and eat them from the top. /No smoking in the greenhouse. ൗഒ䇋ᡩܹൗഒㆅݙʽ 亳⫼ᯊᡧԣ㤝㥧ⱘᇪッ䚼ˈҢᵰ㩖ⱘϔջᓔྟકᇱˈ䖭ḋᠡ㛑ৗࠄ᳔㕢ੇⱘ㤝㥧DŽ/ (Use the designated smoking area.) ൗഒ䂟ᡩܹൗഒㆅܻʽ 䭟ྟકˈ䗭ῷᠡ㛑ৗࠄ᳔㕢ੇⱘ㤝㥧DŽو亳⫼ᰖᡧԣ㤝㥧ⱘᇪッ䚼ˈᕲᵰ㩖ⱘϔ ುݙ⽕⚳ʽ˄⚳䇋ࠡᕔ⚳ऎ˅/ ûĝIJčĬđĮĿāüĜĪğāĹēĐīā ĎİāüīĿġħħûûľħēķğĿġĶĝĮľěĝīĔĕĝĪđĬēĂĬûĎĿĬēđįľěįüīĿġ ೦ܻ⽕✭ʽ˄✭䂟ࠡᕔ✭औ˅ ĥĿĬěĤijĔĔIJĥĝįľĚĬĜĹēĶĝıħēĶĘĬĪĄĭ 4 注意! いちごの果汁は衣服につくと落ちにくいので気をつける。 ûĝIJčĬĤijĔĔIJĥĝįľĹēđįľđįľĂīĎĺġĿĹĥĿ Caution: Be careful not to drip juice from the strawberries. Removing juice from clothes can be difficult. 6 ペットの入園禁止です。(介助犬等は除く) ⊼ᛣʽ㤝㥧ⱘᵰ∕⊒㸷᳡Ϟᕜϡᆍᯧ⋫ᑆޔˈ亳⫼ᯊ㽕ᇣᖗʽ/ ⊼ᛣʽ㤝㥧ⱘᵰ∕⊒㸷᳡Ϟᕜϡᆍᯧ⋫ђ⎼ˈ亳⫼ᰖ㽕ᇣᖗʽ No pets allowed in the park. (Service dogs are admitted.) ĝĪġīā ĥĬûēĿĭĚĬĜĹēĖğĤďĝħġłĶĔħĝłĝįďĮĎĶĤıĿħĖĿĬĂĪğĿĬāħħûĺĎĿĜĬû ĂİāþġĝĝīĔĕĝĪđĬēĎĿġĜþġĬěĝĪěīĎĝĪġīā ⽕ℶᅴ⠽ܹುʽ˄᳡ࡵ⢀ㄝ䰸˅/ ⽕ℶᇉ⠽ܹ೦ʽ˄᳡ࢭ⢀ㄝ䰸˅ ĥĿĬěēĭĤīďġłĶğįĿĜāĶüĿĬ ĜûĶġĿēĤIJēīüĄľġĜĶĥğıħþēĘĮûĬĝ 箱をさわったり、箱の近くであばれたりしない。 Do not touch beehives or make large noises near them. 䂟࣓㿌ᩌ㳖ㆅˈ䂟࣓㳖ㆅ䰘䖥ਉ僻DŽ/ 䇋࣓㾺ᩌ㳖ㆅˈ䇋࣓㳖ㆅ䰘䖥ਉ䯍DŽ 7 いちごの持ち出しは禁止です。(各いちご園のルールを守ってください) ĥĿĬěĂīĔûğľħāĥĝıħġĮľāĶğľēĹûğĿûğľħā All harvested strawberries must be eaten before leaving the park. (No strawberries can be taken out.) ハチが体に止まっても自然にはなれるまで、静かにしている。 ⽕ℶᇚ㤝㥧ᏺߎುDŽ˄䇋䙉ᅜϾ㤝㥧ುⱘ㾘߭˅/ ˅㤝㥧೦ⱘ㽣ࠛןIf bees land on you, stay calm until they fly away. ⽕ℶᇛ㤝㥧ᐊߎ೦DŽ˄䂟䙉ᅜ ⬭䑿Ϟᯊˈߛ࣓хࡼⳈࠄ㳰㳖㞾㸠亲䍄ЎℶDŽذ⬭䑿Ϟᰖˈߛ࣓іࢩⳈࠄ㳰㳖㞾㸠亯䍄⚎ℶDŽ/ 㳰㳖ذ㳰㳖 ĥĿĬěēĭĤďĝħġłĶĔħĝłĝįħħûēħûĶĝıħēĶĘĬĪĄĭ ĥĬûĖİĿāĔĮēěĬĶûĬĪďīġđľĬēĹĥĿħĜijľēĮľāļĂēûġľĬěīēĂĪĔĮēĂĬûĺĕĶħāďĬěĒĝĝěĄĬďĮ ûĝIJčĬĕĉĮĔīďĮďĬěûĈĝĪĶĔįĜĔüħāķďľğĪĤġēĤďĝħġłĶĔħĝłĝį 5 6 7 Cross country N EDO WONDERLAND Nikko Edomura W E NasuKogen Smart IC S Nasu Nasushiobara Nasu IC Kuroiso Station Kuroiso Itamuro IC Aizu Kinugawa Line Nasushiobara Nikko Toshogu Shrine Station Nishinasuno shiobara IC Otawara Shiba Sakura Park Shin-Fujiwara Station Yaita Nikko Tobu Kinugawa Line Yaita Station Tohoku Shinkansen Tobu-Nikko Station Shioya Nikko-Utsunomiya Yaita IC Road Nikko Train Station Nakagawa Kiyotaki IC Nikko IC Shimo-Imaichi Station Imaichi IC Sakura Dosawa IC Utsunomiya Gyoza Imaichi Station Kamikawati Smart IC Utsunomiya Line Tobu Nikko Osawa IC Nasukarasuyama Line Karasuyama Station Nikko Tokujiro IC Line Hoshakuji Station Utsunomiya IC Takanezawa Karasuyama Line Utsunomiya Kanuma Station Ichikai Tobu-Utsunomiya Utsunomiya Haga Motegi Shin- Station Station Sano Ramen Kanuma Kanuma Station Motegi Station ラーメン Kanuma IC Tobu Kita-Kanto Utsunomiya Line Expressway Tohoku Expressway Utsunomiya Mashiko Kaminokawa IC Mibu Mooka Mashiko Station Kaminokawa Tochigi Mibu IC Mo-Oka Station Mashiko-yaki Mooka IC Sano Tsuga IC Tochigi Tsuga JCT Tobu Sano Line Moka Railway Kita-Kanto Kuzuu Station Line Expressway Tochigi IC Tochigi Station Shimotsuke Ashikaga IC Sano Tanuma IC Ashikaga Station Iwafune JCT Ryomo Tobu-Sano Line Ashikagashi Station Station Oyama Station Sano Station Sano Smart IC Ashikaga Sano Fujioka IC Oyama Ashikaga Flower Park Steam locomotive Nogi 8 Strawberry picking spot Map QR code Strawberry picking spot Map QR code Strawberry farm name Strawberry farm name Open periods / Regular closed day Open periods / Regular closed day January 3 - Mid - May / None Mid - December - Early June / None Wi-Fi Wi-Fi Available Not available -Services other than strawberry picking -Services other than strawberry picking Credit cards Credit cards Not accepted Not accepted Parking Parking Normal vehicles: 30 Large buses: 3 Normal vehicles: 500 Large buses: 12 Minibuses: 10 Features/Promotions Features/Promotions Deainomori Strawberry Farm is barrier-free and has At the Nasu Kogen Strawberry Forest Farm, you can Address restrooms; everybody can enjoy strawberry picking Address enjoy picking two kinds of fully ripened strawberries: without worrying about anything. Tochiotome and Skyberry. You can pack the strawber- 29-1, Sakenoya, Kanuma-shi, Tochigi 4588-10, Takakukou, Nasumachi, Tochigi ries picked in a hothouse in a dedicated container and Phone number / Fax number Phone number / Fax number take them home. Strawberry picking is offer 0289-60-0175 / 0289-60-0176 0287-62-1800 / 0287-62-1805 Homepage address / E-mail Reservations (Individuals) Reservations (Groups) Homepage address / E-mail Reservations (Individuals) Reservations (Groups) http://www.kanuma.or.jp / [email protected] Required Required http://www.okashinoshiro.co.jp / - Required Required Cultivated varieties Wheelchairs available Reservations for wheelchair users Cultivated varieties Wheelchairs available Reservations for wheelchair users Tochiotome, Tochihime, Skyberry Yes Required Tochiotome, Tochihime, Skyberry Yes Required Strawberry picking spot Map QR code Strawberry picking spot Map QR code Strawberry farm name Strawberry farm name Open periods / Regular closed day Open periods / Regular closed day Late December - Early May / Monday (Open if a national holiday is on a Monday) Mid - December Mid - June / Tuesday (Open if a national holiday is on a Tuesday) Wi-Fi Wi-Fi Not available Not available Services other than strawberry picking Services other than strawberry picking - Souvenirs
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