Council Meeting Tuesday, July 6, 2021 City Council Chamber 6:30 p.m. AGENDA Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance WINDOM Swear in New Police Officer - Jacob Samdal 1. Consent Agenda • Minutes • Council Minutes - June 15 , 2021 • EDA- June 14, 2021 • Library Board - June 22, 2021 • Utility Commission -June 23 , 2021 • Telecom Commission -June 28, 2021 • Licenses • Exempt Gambling Permit • American Legion Auxiliary • Amplification Permits • Windom Chamber - "Music on the Square" • July 15, 2021 • August 19, 2021 • Regular Bills 2. Department Heads 3. Street Department- John Caldwell Drive - Cross Walk Installation 4. Des Moines River Flood Prediction Gage Improvement 5. Tax-Forfeited Property - 2021 Resolution 6. Mayor Appointments • Hospital Board • EDA Commission 7. New Business 8. Old Business 9. Contractor Payment • Mineral Service Plus LLC - Municipal Well No. 11 - #3 - $60,117.90 10. Council Comments 11 . Adjourn P.O. Box 38 • 444 Ninth Street • Windom, MN 56101 • Phone 507-831-6129 • FAX 507-831-6127 Page 1 of 1 Preliminary Regular Council Meeting City Hall, Council Chamber June 15, 2021 6:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jones. 2. Roll Call: Council Present: Mayor Dominic Jones, Jenny Quade, James Nelson, Jayesun Sherman and Lisa Farag (Council-Appointment) Council Absent: Marv Grunig City Staff Present: Steve Nasby, City Administrator; Ben Derickson, Fire Chief; Tim Hogan, Arena/Park & Recreation Director; Scott Peterson, Police Chief; Jason Sykora, Electric Superintendent and Spencer Winzenried, Community Center Director 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Appointment of Ward II Council Position: Jones said that after reviewing the letters of interest, he is recommending the Council appoint Lisa Farag to the Ward II Council vacancy. Lisa Farag introduced herself to the Council. She was born and raised in Windom and moved back to the community in 2008 and is locally employed. Motion by Sherman second by Nelson to approve the appointment of Lisa Farag to the City Council, Ward II vacancy. Motion carried 3 - 0. Oath of Office - Jones administered the Oath of Office to Farag and welcomed her to the City Council. 5. Consent Agenda: • Minutes • Council Minutes - June 1, 2021 • HRA - May 12, 2021 • Community Center Commission - June 8, 2021 • Licenses • Amplification Permits • Gordon Baumgard - Tegels Park/Cottonwood Lake • Windom Fire Department - Dance at Windom Community Center • Dance License - Windom Fire Department • Regular Bills 1 Preliminary Motion by Quade second by Sherman approving the Consent Agenda. Motion carried 4-0. 6. Public Hearing: Residential Tax Abatement - 1958 Bud Road: Steve Nasby, City Administrator, reviewed the residential tax abatement request for 1958 Bud Road. The request is for a single-family home to be built. If granted, the real estate tax abated by the City of Windom for the five-year period is $5 ,350. Jones opened the Public Hearing at 6:38 PM. No comments were received. Jones closed the Public Hearing at 6:39 PM. Council Member Sherman introduced the Resolution No. 2021-63, entitled "RESOLUTION APPROVING TAX ABATEMENT FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY PURSUANT TO MINN. STAT. §469.1813" for 1958 Bud Road and moved its adoption. The Resolution was seconded by Quade and on roll call vote: Aye: Sherman, Farag, Nelson and Quade. Nay: None. Absent: Grunig. Abstain: None. Resolution passed 4 - 0. Proposed Police Body Camera Program: Scott Peterson, Police Chief, explained the City's Police Body Camera Program addresses State Statutes and requirements. Staff has received very few comments outside of the Facebook survey that was conducted. The public hearing is an additional opportunity for public input. Jones opened the Public Hearing at 6:41 PM. No comments were received. Jones closed the Public Hearing at 6:42 PM. Motion by Sherman second by Nelson to approve the Police Department Body Camera Program as presented. Motion carried 4 - 0. 7. Department Heads: Spencer Winzenried, Community Center Director, reported the concert went well on June 12th_ They are chip sealing the parking lot on Wednesday, June 16th_ Winzenried said the rooftop AC unit replacement will be commencing soon along with the roofing project. He ended by stating that on Saturday, June 19t\ the circus will be at the Center with two performances. 8. Mayor Appointments: Jones would like to appoint Wade Pfeiffer to the Library Board. Motion by Sherman second by Quade to approve the appointment of Wade Pfeiffer to the Library Board. Motion carried 4 - 0. Jones is still seeking interested parties to fill vacancies on the EDA and Hospital Boards. 2 Preliminary 9. Personnel Hiring Recommendation: Electric Line Crew Foreman: Jason Sykora, Electric Superintendent, said that he has an upcoming retirement in his department and has backfilled a lineman position. After an internal posting, Preston Rossow was chosen to fill the Electric Line Foreman roll effective July 1, 2021 , at Grade 17, Step 12 of the IBEW pay scale. The current Electric Line Foreman's last working day is planned to be June 30th. The position is budgeted. Motion by Sherman second by Quade to approve hiring Preston Rossow as the Electric Line Foreman effective July 1, 2021 at Grade 17, Step 12 of the IBEW pay scale. Motion carried 4 - 0. Pool: Tim Hogan, Arena/Park & Recreation Director, presented three additional hires for the Windom Pool. Motion by Sherman second by Quade to approve hiring the additional pool employees for the 2021 season. Motion carried 4 - 0. Hogan updated the status of the Arena Roofing Project. The project started the fust week in June and the north side is approximately 75% complete. Heat and wind were factors in the progress as well as a several week delay in getting in the steel. 10. New Business: Nelson voiced concerns over the Riverfest pop can bin. A neighbor would like a fence placed. 11. Old Business: None. 12. Contractor Payment: Hogan said Pay Request # 1 for the Arena roof is included in the packet. This payment is for approximately 50% of the project as materials are stored on site and has been approved by the project engineer. Motion by Sherman second by Nelson to approve Pay Request #1 in the amount of $106,516.08 for Tri-State General Contracting for the Arena Re-Roofing Project. Motion carried 4 - 0. 13. Council Comments: Quade was pleased with the Riverfest tum out. She also wished a Happy Father's Day and a Happy Fourth of July. Nelson would like to see more bands in the parade. Sherman thanked the pool staff. He added the improvements at the Arena and Plaza Jalisco II are looking great. 3 Preliminary Nasby acknowledged all the Riverfest volunteers. Farag said the Hairball concert went well and was pleased with the organization. She reiterated the Riverfest activity attendance. Farag wished a Happy Father's Day and Fourth of July. Jones additionally wished a Happy Father's Day and Happy Fourth to all. He also mentioned thanks to the Riverfest participants and helpers. 14. Adjournment: Mayor Jones adjourned the meeting by unanimous consent at 7:06 p.m. Dominic Jones, Mayor Attest: - --------------- Steve Nasby, City Administrator 4 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF WINDOM MINUTES JUNE 14, 2021 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Clerc at 12:01 p.m. 2. Roll Call & Guest Introductions: EDA Commissioners: Rick Clerc, Nancy Wepplo, and James Nelson. One vacant Commissioner position. Absent: Marv Grunig. Also Present: EDA Staff - Drew Hage, EDA Executive Director, and Mary Hensen, Admin. Asst.; Mayor Dominic Jones; City Administrator Steve Nasby; Cottonwood County Liaison Kevin Stevens; and Rahn Larson (Citizen). 3. Approval of Minutes: May 10, 2021: Motion by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Wepplo, to approve the Minutes of the EDA Meeting held on May 10, 2021. Motion carried 3-0. 4. EDA Spec Building A. Apartment Project Update: Director Hage advised that Troy Hoekstra, the developer for the proposed 84-unit market-rate apartment building on the EDA Spec Building Property, is not able to move forward on the project. EDA Staff is discussing the project with the development group for the Lakeside Apartment who previously submitted a proposal for the EDA Spec Building Property. Director Hage briefly updated the Board regarding the lack of housing in Windom. HyLife Foods Windom's preferred timeline for a completed market-rate apartment building on the EDA Spec Building Property is Spring 2023. There was a brief discussion concerning construction costs and options regarding the project. B. Short-Term Lease: Director Hage updated the Board concerning a potential short-term lease of a portion of the Spec Building. He related that the east side of the Variety Building (located at the corner of Third Avenue and Tenth Street) was formerly a coffee shop. There is a business interested in the "coffee shop" space. This space is currently being used by the property owner of the Variety Building for storage. To provide a space for a new business on the Downtown Square, the EDA is proposing a short-term lease of 1,400 square feet in the EDA Spec Building for the property owner of the Variety Building to store his inventory offsite. The EDA does not want to be in the private storage unit business. The EDA is working with a private business to free up space that will be rented by another private business. This would help to attract a new retail business to the Downtown Square. The timeline for the new business to move into the Variety Building space is in July to August. The private lease for the Variety Building will be signed before the EDA Spec Building lease is signed. The proposed lease rate for the space in the Spec Building is $300 a month for 1,400 square feet and the proposed term of the lease is through March 2022.
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